SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: DSP Dead Dog Story SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Dead Dog Story Number of utterances: 46 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 200 End frame: 1180 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 010 main gloss "hey" 500 560 FUNNY 700 840 HAPPEN 1000 1100 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 260 260 slightly raised 280 300 start 320 420 slightly lowered 440 540 start 560 560 raised 580 600 end 620 660 start 1040 1120 further raised 1140 1180 eye aperture start 300 340 squint 360 380 blink 400 420 start 440 480 squint 500 520 start 540 560 lowered lid 580 660 start 1060 1080 blink 1100 1140 lowered lid 1160 1180 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 280 300 slightly back 320 380 end 400 480 start 580 760 slightly front 780 900 front 920 1060 start 1080 1180 head pos: turn start 300 440 right 460 1080 end 1100 1180 nose start 240 320 wrinkle 340 540 end 560 580 cheeks start 280 300 tensed 320 540 end 560 580 POS Adjective 700 840 Verb 1000 1100 English translation A funny thing happened. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 1180 End frame: 4140 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss POSS-1p 1320 1340 FRIEND 1500 1600 DECIDE 1720 1840 a:SCL:I-L-Y"airplane flying":b 1940 2300 ns-NEW-YORK 2500 2620 (2h)STAY:b 2760 2860 ONE-WEEK 3140 3600 (2h)alt.VISIT++:b 3700 4080 non-dominant hand gloss SCL:S"airport base" 1940 2300 eye brows further raised 1180 1240 end 1260 1400 start 1520 1560 raised 1580 1600 end 1620 1700 start 1840 1840 slightly raised 1860 1880 end 1900 1940 start 2280 2280 slightly raised 2300 2360 end 2380 2400 start 4020 4080 raised 4100 4140 eye aperture lowered lid 1180 1520 start 1540 1540 blink 1560 1600 end 1620 1700 start 1840 1860 blink 1880 1900 lowered lid 1920 1960 start 1980 2000 blink 2020 2040 start 2060 2060 squint 2080 2260 start 2280 2280 blink 2300 2320 slightly squinted 2340 2580 start 2600 2600 further lowered 2620 2700 blink 2720 2760 further lowered 2780 4020 blink 4040 4060 end 4080 4120 eye gaze right 2060 2300 right 2660 2740 right 3700 3860 right 4140 4140 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 1180 1260 back 1280 1300 start 1320 1660 slightly front 1680 1840 end 1860 1860 start 2580 2680 slightly back 2700 3400 end 3580 3580 start 4020 4060 slightly front 4080 4120 start 4140 4140 head pos: turn end 1180 1240 start 1360 1540 left 1560 1820 start 1840 2120 further right 2140 2240 end 2260 2500 start 2620 2660 right 2680 2720 end 2740 2880 start 3580 3780 further right 3800 3840 end 3860 4000 start 4080 4140 head pos:jut start 3620 3720 forward 3740 3860 end 3880 3980 head mvmt: nod single 4000 4100 nose start 2380 2440 slightly tensed 2460 2580 start 2600 2640 tensed 2660 3960 end 3980 4080 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 1680 2300 raised upper lip 2640 3200 open 4140 4140 shoulders start 1880 2240 right 2260 4140 POS Possessive 1320 1340 Noun 1500 1600 Verb 1720 1840 Classifier 1940 2300 Proper Noun 2500 2620 Verb 2760 2860 Adverb 3140 3600 Verb 3700 4080 English translation My friend decided to fly to New York for a week's visit. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 4140 End frame: 7000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss FINISH 4360 4580 b:AIRPLANE 4740 4880 b:GO:c 4980 5200 AIRPORT 5340 5640 (2h)SUITCASE 5840 6080 TWO 6200 6240 ICL:S"hold suitcases" 6420 6580 ICL:S"set suitcase down" 6600 6940 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 5340 5680 SUITCASE 5840 6080 |> 6280 ICL:S"set suitcase down" 6420 6580 |> 6940 topic/focus top2 5340 5640 focus/top1 5840 6080 role shift friend 6420 6940 eye brows raised 4140 4680 end 4700 4780 start 5180 5300 raised 5320 5580 slightly raised 5600 5780 raised 5800 6080 end 6100 6220 start 6340 6400 lowered 6420 6880 start 6900 7000 eye aperture start 4600 4600 blink 4620 4660 further lowered 4680 5020 end 5040 5140 start 5300 5320 wide 5340 5600 start 5620 5640 blink 5660 5680 end 5700 5720 start 6260 6280 further lowered 6300 6960 end 6980 6980 eye gaze right 4140 4580 down 6280 6960 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 4140 4280 slightly back 4300 4360 end 4380 4500 start 4600 4720 back 4740 4840 start 4860 5060 slightly front 5080 5340 start 5360 5480 front 5500 5660 end 5680 5720 start 6080 6160 slightly front 6180 6260 start 6280 6300 front 6320 6920 start 6940 7000 head pos: turn start 4140 4360 further right 4380 4580 start 4600 4860 slightly left 4880 5640 end 5660 5740 head pos: tilt side start 5300 5340 slightly right 5360 5660 start 5680 5900 right 5920 6260 end 6280 6380 start 6940 7000 head mvmt: nod single 4360 4600 single 4900 5260 single 5400 5680 mouth open 4140 4320 lips spread & crnrs down 4780 5140 lips spread 6420 6900 shoulders right 4140 4920 end 4940 5200 POS Discourse Marker 4360 4580 Noun 4740 4880 Verb 4980 5200 Noun 5340 5640 Noun 5840 6080 Number 6200 6240 Classifier 6420 6580 Classifier 6600 6940 Non-dominant POS Noun 5840 6080 Classifier 6420 6580 English translation When the trip was over, she went to the airport with two suitcases. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 7000 End frame: 11500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 020 main gloss PLUS 7140 7340 DCL:"pet carrier" 7520 7740 DOOR 7920 8220 #DOG 8400 8520 THROW-IN 8600 8740 CLOSE-DOOR 8840 9020 ICL:S"place carrier" 9200 9520 GET-IN 9740 9900 AIRPLANE 10000 10080 b:SCL:I-L-Y"airplane flying":a 10360 10880 ARRIVE 11100 11420 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 7520 7740 |> 9060 LCL:B-L"platform" 10280 10860 conditional/when when 11100 11420 role shift friend 9200 9520 eye brows start 7000 7060 raised 7080 7320 end 7340 7440 start 8040 8080 slightly raised 8100 8240 raised 8260 8340 start 8360 8380 slightly raised 8400 8560 end 8580 8580 start 9020 9040 raised 9060 9100 start 9120 9120 slightly raised 9140 9200 end 9220 9240 start 9480 9500 raised 9520 9620 end 9640 9700 start 10080 10120 raised 10140 10220 start 10240 10400 slightly lowered 10420 10820 start 10840 10880 raised 10900 11080 end 11100 11200 start 11380 11400 raised 11420 11480 end 11500 11500 eye aperture start 7020 7020 wide 7040 7320 start 7340 7360 further lowered 7380 7460 end 7480 7520 start 9040 9040 further lowered 9060 9160 end 9180 9240 start 9460 9480 lowered lid 9500 9520 start 9540 9620 slightly lowered 9640 10060 further lowered 10080 10900 end 10920 10980 start 11380 11400 blink 11420 11420 end 11440 11480 eye gaze watch hands 7380 8160 watch hands 9060 9500 down 10120 10900 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 7000 7440 front 7460 8240 end 8260 8340 slightly back 8760 9000 start 9020 9200 further front 9220 9480 start 9500 9700 back 9720 10060 slightly back 10080 10900 back 10920 11080 start 11100 11400 front 11420 11480 end 11500 11500 head pos: turn start 7040 7080 slightly left 7100 7320 end 7340 7460 start 10120 10180 right 10200 10380 start 10400 10560 slightly left 10580 10880 start 10900 11140 right 11160 11500 head pos: tilt side start 7000 7060 right 7080 7320 end 7340 7440 start 11100 11200 slightly left 11220 11440 end 11460 11500 head pos:jut start 7720 7960 back 7980 8240 end 8260 8380 head mvmt: nod slight rapid head nod 8220 8280 single 11140 11420 head mvmt: jut start 7000 7060 forward 7080 7340 end 7360 7420 nose start 8220 8240 wrinkle 8260 8360 end 8380 8420 start 8600 8740 wrinkle 8760 9040 end 9060 9100 mouth lips spread & crnrs up 7520 8240 raised upper lip 8260 8340 lips pursed: mm 8780 9140 lips spread & crnrs down 9740 10020 open 10400 10920 body lean start 8000 8060 right 8080 8100 end 8120 8240 start 10200 10280 right 10300 10380 end 10400 10840 body mvmt down 11040 11460 POS Conjunction 7140 7340 Classifier 7520 7740 Noun 7920 8220 Noun 8400 8520 Verb 8600 8740 Verb 8840 9020 Classifier 9200 9520 Verb 9740 9900 Noun 10000 10080 Classifier 10360 10880 Verb 11100 11420 Non-dominant POS Classifier 7520 7740 Classifier 10280 10860 English translation She also had a pet carrier for her dog. So she flew from New York to here. When she arrived... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 11500 End frame: 14820 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss d:(1h)GO:e 11780 12040 (2h)SUITCASE 12200 12420 (2h)PCL:4"many suitcases on carousel"++ 12600 13300 LCL:1"path of suitcases" 13460 13580 TWO 13800 13960 SUITCASE 14160 14200 (2h)ICL:"pick up and place suitcases" 14280 14780 non-dominant hand gloss role shift friend 13360 14820 eye brows end 11500 11620 start 12080 12180 lowered 12200 12420 end 12440 12480 start 13300 13440 raised 13460 13800 slightly raised 13820 14160 start 14180 14200 raised 14220 14280 end 14300 14340 raised 14740 14820 eye aperture start 11540 11540 lowered lid 11560 12040 start 12060 12080 squint 12100 12400 start 12420 12420 further lowered 12440 12600 lowered lid 12620 13000 end 13020 13080 start 13300 13300 further lowered 13320 13500 start 13520 13560 wide 13580 14140 start 14160 14180 further lowered 14200 14820 eye gaze down 11560 12020 down 12480 13000 down 13320 13580 down 14260 14820 head pos: tilt fr/bk end 11500 11540 start 11640 11840 further front 11860 11960 start 11980 12180 slightly back 12200 12420 start 12440 12540 further front 12560 13000 end 13020 13120 start 13340 13400 further front 13420 13540 end 13560 13680 start 14160 14260 front 14280 14820 head pos: turn right 11500 11580 start 11600 11820 slightly left 11840 11940 end 11960 12040 start 12560 12740 left 12760 12980 end 13000 13120 start 13360 13480 left 13500 13540 end 13560 13640 start 14440 14620 right 14640 14720 start 14740 14820 head pos: tilt side end 11500 11600 start 12120 12240 slightly right 12260 12420 end 12440 12520 nose start 12020 12140 wrinkle 12160 12420 end 12440 12560 cheeks puff right 12660 13140 puff right 13260 13300 body lean start 11560 11780 right 11800 11840 end 11860 12040 POS Verb 11780 12040 Noun 12200 12420 Classifier 12600 13300 Classifier 13460 13580 Number 13800 13960 Noun 14160 14200 Classifier 14280 14780 English translation ...she went to the baggage carousel and picked up the two suitcases. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 14820 End frame: 17760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 013 main gloss LCL:1"path of suitcases" 14920 15460 (B-L)NOTHING 15640 15940 DCL:"pet carrier" 16100 16340 DOOR 16480 16640 #DOG 16680 16820 PUT 16860 17000 CLOSE-DOOR 17140 17300 (B-L)NOTHING 17440 17740 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 16100 16340 |> 17300 role shift friend 14820 15460 friend 17760 17760 eye brows raised 14820 14840 start 14860 15080 lowered 15100 17760 eye aperture further lowered 14820 14920 start 14940 15060 slightly squinted 15080 16020 start 16040 16040 slightly lowered 16060 16540 start 16560 16560 slightly squinted 16580 16640 start 16660 16680 squint 16700 17240 end 17260 17360 eye gaze down 14820 15400 watch hands 16060 16540 down 17680 17760 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 14820 15400 end 15420 15540 start 16060 16120 slightly front 16140 16560 start 16580 16740 slightly back 16760 17280 start 17300 17760 head pos: turn start 14820 14900 left 14920 14960 start 14980 15160 slightly right 15180 15400 end 15420 15540 nose start 16560 16660 slightly tensed 16680 17240 end 17260 17320 mouth blow 15640 15940 raised upper lip 16380 16620 raised upper lip 16940 17300 blow 17440 17700 POS Classifier 14920 15460 Quantifier 15640 15940 Classifier 16100 16340 Noun 16480 16640 Noun 16680 16820 Verb 16860 17000 Verb 17140 17300 Quantifier 17440 17740 Non-dominant POS Classifier 16100 16340 English translation But the pet carrier with the dog in it wasn't on the carousel. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 17760 End frame: 19700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss (2h)alt.SEARCH 18140 18420 "palms up" 18500 18660 |> 18800 SUMMON 19200 19380 HELP 19560 19620 non-dominant hand gloss role shift friend 17760 19640 eye brows lowered 17760 18660 start 18680 18720 raised 18740 18800 start 18820 18900 slightly lowered 18920 19020 start 19040 19060 raised 19080 19140 start 19160 19240 slightly lowered 19260 19640 start 19660 19700 eye aperture start 18680 18700 wide 18720 18800 end 18820 18860 eye gaze down 17760 18660 right 18900 19700 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 17760 17760 further front 17780 18660 start 18680 18880 slightly back 18900 19140 end 19160 19260 start 19660 19680 back 19700 19700 head pos: turn start 18840 18980 further right 19000 19700 head mvmt: shake slow 17880 18600 mouth open 17780 18740 lips spread 18820 19000 lips spread 19160 19360 shoulders start 18960 19060 right 19080 19700 POS Verb 18140 18420 Verb 19200 19380 Noun 19560 19620 Non-dominant POS English translation She looked for it, and then called for help. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 19700 End frame: 21700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:f 19820 19880 DCL:G"bill of cap" 20180 20340 "wave" 20500 20820 DCL:G"bill of cap" 20980 21080 f:SCL:1"person approaching hurriedly":g 21280 21640 non-dominant hand gloss HELP 19700 19700 |> 19880 role shift friend 19700 19700 friend 20400 20820 skycap 20980 21520 eye brows start 19700 19720 raised 19740 19820 end 19840 19960 start 20400 20420 slightly raised 20440 20780 start 20800 20860 raised 20880 20940 end 20960 21060 start 21180 21220 lowered 21240 21640 start 21660 21700 eye aperture start 19860 19860 slightly lowered 19880 20080 end 20100 20100 start 20340 20400 further squinted 20420 20800 end 20820 20860 start 21080 21080 blink 21100 21140 start 21160 21220 squint 21240 21700 eye gaze right 19700 19720 right 20380 20800 left 20900 21080 right 21440 21700 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 19700 19760 end 19780 19860 start 20340 20460 back 20480 20820 end 20840 20920 head pos: turn further right 19700 19720 end 19740 19880 start 20340 20420 further right 20440 20800 start 20820 21020 further left 21040 21080 end 21100 21180 start 21340 21460 further right 21480 21700 head pos:jut start 20920 21020 forward 21040 21100 start 21120 21220 back 21240 21580 end 21600 21680 mouth open 19780 19880 lips pursed: mm 20060 20200 intense 20400 20820 open & round 20880 20960 lips pursed: mm 21000 21060 open 21120 21140 lips spread 21220 21640 start 21680 21700 shoulders right 19700 19860 end 19880 20100 start 20280 20560 right 20580 20800 slightly right 20820 21700 POS Pronoun 19820 19880 Classifier 20180 20340 Classifier 20980 21080 Classifier 21280 21640 Non-dominant POS Noun 19700 19700 English translation She spotted the skycap and waved to him for help so he came over. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 21700 End frame: 24020 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss POSS-1p+ 21980 22080 DCL:"pet carrier" 22300 22440 OPEN-DOOR 22520 22580 #DOG 22620 22780 PUT 22840 22960 CLOSE-DOOR 23060 23180 ICL:"pick up carrier" 23300 23380 |> 23420 GONE 23540 23680 "palms up" 23800 23940 |> 24000 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 22300 22440 |> 23200 role shift friend 21740 23940 eye brows start 21700 21740 raised 21760 23380 slightly raised 23400 23920 start 23940 23980 raised 24000 24020 eye aperture squint 21700 21920 start 21940 21940 blink 21960 21980 end 22000 22020 start 22080 22080 slightly lowered 22100 22420 start 22440 22440 lowered lid 22460 22580 squint 22600 23340 end 23360 23380 start 23960 23980 further lowered 24000 24020 eye gaze right 21700 22060 watch hands 22160 22580 right 22600 23960 down 23980 24020 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 22140 22560 head pos: tilt side start 21840 22020 left 22040 22520 end 22540 22640 head pos: turn further right 21700 22080 start 22100 22240 slightly right 22260 22520 start 22540 22640 further right 22660 23940 end 23960 24020 head mvmt: nod slight rapid head nod 22660 23060 head mvmt: shake rapid 23560 23960 nose start 22800 22940 wrinkle 22960 23320 end 23340 23380 mouth start 21700 21720 open 21740 21900 end 21920 22000 start 22900 22960 raised upper lip 22980 23320 open & round 23340 23420 open 23700 24020 shoulders slightly right 21700 21740 start 21760 21860 right 21880 21960 slightly right 21980 22120 end 22140 22240 start 22640 22740 slightly right 22760 23380 right 23400 24000 start 24020 24020 POS Possessive 21980 22080 Classifier 22300 22440 Verb 22520 22580 Noun 22620 22780 Verb 22840 22960 Verb 23060 23180 Classifier 23300 23380 Adjective 23540 23680 Non-dominant POS Classifier 22320 22440 English translation She said, "My pet carrier with my dog in it is missing!" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 24020 End frame: 25680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss MAN 24320 24500 (1h)CALM-DOWN 24560 24640 WORRY 24860 25280 CALM-DOWN 25400 25640 non-dominant hand gloss "palm up" 24020 24020 |> 24620 negative negation 24780 25300 end 25320 25540 role shift friend 24020 24040 skycap 24540 25680 eye brows raised 24020 24020 end 24040 24120 start 24720 24740 raised 24760 24820 end 24840 24960 start 25600 25680 eye aperture further lowered 24020 24080 lowered lid 24100 24600 start 24620 24640 blink 24660 24720 start 24740 24740 lowered lid 24760 24960 further lowered 24980 25640 blink 25660 25680 eye gaze down 24020 24320 down/left 24340 24680 down/left 25080 25640 down 25660 25680 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 24620 24680 back 24700 24840 end 24860 24940 start 25480 25520 slightly front 25540 25640 end 25660 25680 head pos: turn end 24020 24160 start 24260 24380 left 24400 24640 end 24660 24780 left 25280 25640 end 25660 25680 head pos:jut start 25480 25520 back 25540 25680 head mvmt: shake rapid 24780 25620 mouth open 24020 24340 open 24560 24640 open & corners down 24860 25020 lips spread & crnrs down 25040 25600 open & corners down 25660 25680 shoulders start 24020 24540 slightly left 24560 24640 end 24660 24780 POS Noun 24320 24500 Verb 24560 24640 Verb 24860 25280 Verb 25400 25640 Non-dominant POS Discourse Marker 24020 24040 English translation The skycap told her to calm down and not to worry. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 25680 End frame: 27540 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss NEXT 25980 26180 |> 26240 AIRPLANE 26420 26540 IX-loc:h 26620 26700 h:SCL:I-L-Y"airplane lands":i 26900 27120 AFTERNOON 27280 27440 non-dominant hand gloss NEXT 25980 26180 |> 26720 LCL:B-L"platform" 26900 27120 topic/focus focus/top1 26420 26900 role shift skycap 25680 27540 eye brows start 25680 25700 raised 25720 25800 start 25820 25960 slightly raised 25980 26040 start 26060 26060 raised 26100 26140 slightly raised 26160 26220 start 26240 26280 raised 26300 26320 start 26360 26360 slightly raised 26380 26500 start 26520 26540 raised 26560 26620 start 26640 26640 slightly raised 26660 26700 start 26720 26720 raised 26760 26880 end 26900 26980 slightly lowered 27420 27540 eye aperture blink 25680 25700 further lowered 25720 25780 blink 25800 25840 further lowered 25860 25980 blink 26000 26040 start 26060 26080 lowered lid 26100 26180 start 26200 26220 further lowered 26240 27540 eye gaze down 25680 26060 right 26080 26200 down 26240 27040 watch hands 27060 27420 left 27540 27540 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 26980 27420 head pos: turn end 25680 25760 start 27420 27540 head pos:jut back 25680 25680 end 25700 25900 nose start 27380 27420 tensed 27440 27540 mouth open & corners down 25680 25720 open 26620 26900 shoulders start 25860 26040 right 26060 27380 end 27400 27540 POS Adjective 25980 26180 Noun 26420 26540 Determiner 26620 26700 Classifier 26900 27120 Adverb 27280 27440 Non-dominant POS Adjective 25980 26180 Classifier 26900 27120 English translation "The next flight from New York comes in this afternoon." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 27540 End frame: 29720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 019 main gloss HOME 28100 28360 g:SCL:I-L-Y"airplane lands":h 28600 28740 IX-1p 28820 28820 SEARCH 28900 29040 FIND 29160 29260 |> 29720 non-dominant hand gloss IX-2p:i 27580 27620 GO-ON 27740 27920 |> 28400 LCL:B-L"platform" 28600 28740 |> 28800 SEARCH 28900 29040 |> 29220 IX-1p 29380 29400 1p:TELEPHONE:i 29560 29680 conditional/when when 28600 29260 role shift skycap 27540 29720 eye brows slightly lowered 27540 28340 start 28360 28420 raised 28440 29360 start 29380 29420 slightly raised 29440 29620 start 29640 29660 raised 29680 29680 eye aperture further lowered 27540 28380 start 28400 28520 wide 28540 29380 eye gaze left 27540 28360 right 28420 28640 watch hands 28660 28720 down 28740 29240 left 29340 29720 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 28600 28820 front 28840 29240 slightly front 29260 29700 head pos: turn start 27540 27540 further left 27560 28340 start 28360 28520 right 28540 28680 end 28700 28860 start 29260 29420 further left 29440 29720 head pos: tilt side start 28420 28520 left 28540 28680 end 28700 28860 head pos:jut start 29620 29640 slightly back 29660 29680 end 29700 29720 head mvmt: nod rapid 27600 28360 nose tensed 27540 28360 end 28380 28420 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 28900 29020 shoulders end 27540 27620 right 28740 29280 left 29560 29720 body lean start 27640 27800 right 27820 28420 start 28440 28660 left 28680 29240 start 29260 29580 back/right 29600 29720 POS Noun 28100 28360 Classifier 28600 28740 Proper Noun 28820 28820 Verb 28900 29040 Verb 29160 29260 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 27580 27620 Verb 27740 27920 Classifier 28600 28740 Verb 28900 29040 Pronoun 29380 29400 Verb 29560 29680 English translation "You go on home. When the flight arrives, I'll look for the carrier and then call you when I find it." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 29720 End frame: 30620 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss FIND 29720 29720 |> 30220 "palms up" 30380 30460 |> 30520 non-dominant hand gloss i:COME:h 29800 29980 PICK-UP 30120 30220 yes-no question yes-no question 29740 30460 role shift skycap 29720 30460 eye brows raised 29720 30560 slightly raised 30580 30620 eye aperture start 29900 29920 blink 29940 29960 end 29980 30000 further lowered 30480 30560 end 30580 30620 eye gaze left 29720 30460 right 30620 30620 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 29720 29880 slightly front 30020 30120 slightly front 30280 30380 start 30520 30620 head pos: turn further left 29720 30460 start 30480 30620 head mvmt: nod single 29880 30020 single 30380 30460 mouth open & corners down 29820 29940 lips spread & crnrs down 30340 30440 open 30520 30620 shoulders left 29720 29940 end 29960 30000 start 30280 30360 left 30380 30460 start 30480 30620 body lean back/right 29720 30460 end 30480 30620 POS Verb 29720 29740 Non-dominant POS Verb 29800 29980 Verb 30120 30220 English translation "You can come pick it up, ok?" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 30620 End frame: 31600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss WOMAN 30780 30880 !ALL-RIGHT! 30980 31100 non-dominant hand gloss (1h)LEAVE 31340 31540 role shift friend 30880 31100 eye brows slightly raised 30620 30840 end 30860 30880 start 30920 30980 slightly lowered 31000 31080 start 31100 31120 raised 31140 31180 end 31200 31300 start 31500 31540 raised 31560 31600 eye aperture start 31100 31100 further lowered 31120 31260 lowered lid 31280 31500 start 31520 31520 blink 31540 31540 end 31560 31600 eye gaze right 30620 31080 down 31260 31560 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 30620 30740 back 30760 30860 end 30880 30980 start 31140 31240 front 31260 31560 start 31580 31600 head pos: turn start 30620 30760 further right 30780 31060 start 31080 31260 slightly left 31280 31520 end 31540 31600 head pos:jut start 31140 31240 slightly back 31260 31540 end 31560 31600 mouth open 30620 30880 lips spread & crnrs up 30920 31540 shoulders start 30620 30800 right 30820 31100 end 31120 31360 POS Noun 30780 30880 Adverb 30980 31100 Non-dominant POS Verb 31340 31540 English translation The woman replied, "All right," and left. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 31600 End frame: 33780 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss CONTACT 31940 32020 AFTERNOON 32240 32420 |> 32460 AIRPLANE 32660 32740 g:SCL:I-L-Y"plane landing":h 33100 33620 |> 33700 non-dominant hand gloss AFTERNOON 32240 32420 |> 32740 LCL:B-L"platform" 33100 33620 |> 33700 topic/focus sentence-initial adverb 32400 32500 eye brows raised 31600 31660 start 31680 31920 lowered 31940 32300 start 32320 32380 raised 32400 32500 end 32520 32620 start 33600 33620 raised 33640 33780 eye aperture slightly lowered 31640 31920 start 31940 31940 squint 31960 32060 start 32080 32080 further lowered 32100 32340 start 32360 32380 wide 32400 32460 start 32480 32520 further squinted 32540 32720 start 32740 32780 further lowered 32800 33320 lowered lid 33340 33580 further lowered 33600 33620 end 33640 33660 eye gaze down 32120 32340 down 32840 33320 watch hands 33340 33620 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 31600 31720 slightly back 31740 32060 end 32080 32180 start 32400 32520 further back 32540 32640 start 32660 33100 further front 33120 33640 start 33660 33780 head pos: tilt side start 32740 32920 left 32940 33640 end 33660 33780 head pos: turn end 31600 31680 start 32700 32760 right 32780 32920 end 32940 33120 head pos:jut end 31600 31620 start 32460 32520 forward 32540 32640 end 32660 32720 nose start 32460 32520 wrinkle 32540 32620 end 32640 32760 mouth open & round 31700 31800 lips spread & crnrs down 31960 32340 open 32420 32460 raised upper lip 32540 32560 lips spread & crnrs down 32640 33600 open 33660 33680 body lean start 33640 33680 left 33700 33780 POS Verb 31940 32020 Adverb 32240 32420 Noun 32660 32740 Classifier 33100 33620 Non-dominant POS Adverb 32240 32420 Classifier 33100 33620 English translation That afternoon, the plane came in. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 33780 End frame: 36960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss SUITCASE+ 33940 34160 (2h)PCL:4"many suitcases on carousel"++ 34360 35060 LCL:1"path of carousel"++++++ 35160 36920 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 35360 36100 "hand on hip" 36480 36920 topic/focus focus/top1 33940 34160 role shift skycap 35160 36920 eye brows raised 33780 34300 end 34320 34480 start 35080 35180 raised 35200 35260 start 35280 35440 lowered 35460 36640 end 36660 36700 eye aperture start 34160 34200 lowered lid 34220 35040 blink 35060 35080 lowered lid 35100 35160 end 35180 35200 squint 35320 36620 start 36640 36640 blink 36660 36680 end 36700 36860 eye gaze down 34220 35140 watch hands 35160 36640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 33780 33860 slightly back 33880 34160 start 34180 34280 further front 34300 36640 end 36660 36880 head pos: tilt side end 33780 33940 head mvmt: shake slow 35160 36640 mouth raised upper lip 33800 33840 puh 34360 34540 puh 34660 34820 puh 34920 35060 lips spread 35300 35880 open 36560 36960 body lean left 33780 33780 end 33800 33980 POS Noun 33940 34160 Classifier 34360 35060 Classifier 35160 36920 English translation The luggage from the afternoon flight showed up on the carousel, and the skycap went to check. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 36960 End frame: 39360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 37200 37380 DOOR 37420 37900 #DOG 37980 38140 PUT 38160 38280 (2h)(B-L)NOTHING 38440 38720 |> 38820 "hands on face" 38960 39220 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 37200 37380 |> 38280 topic/focus focus/top1 37200 38280 role shift skycap 38920 39340 eye brows start 36980 37040 raised 37060 38300 end 38320 38420 start 39140 39160 slightly raised 39180 39320 end 39340 39340 eye aperture start 36980 36980 slightly squinted 37000 37240 start 37260 37280 further lowered 37300 37320 start 37340 37340 lowered lid 37360 37600 end 37620 37660 start 37900 37900 squint 37920 38240 start 38260 38260 blink 38280 38300 end 38320 38340 start 39140 39140 further lowered 39160 39180 end 39200 39240 eye gaze watch hands 37360 37600 head pos: tilt side start 37040 37180 right 37200 38280 end 38300 38400 nose start 37900 37940 tensed 37960 38200 end 38220 38340 cheeks start 37920 37960 tensed 37980 38260 end 38280 38340 mouth open 36960 36960 start 36980 37020 smile mouth open 37040 37900 blow 38420 38820 open & round 38920 39340 POS Classifier 37200 37380 Noun 37420 37900 Noun 37980 38140 Verb 38160 38280 Quantifier 38440 38720 Non-dominant POS Classifier 37200 37380 English translation But the pet carrier with the dog was not there! Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 39360 End frame: 41500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 015 main gloss DCL:G"bill of cap" 39460 39660 SUMMON 39980 40100 SUMMON 40140 40200 HELP+ 40380 40480 SPREAD-OUT 40640 40820 (2h)alt.SEARCH+ 40880 41040 (2h)alt.SEARCH++++ 41140 41420 non-dominant hand gloss "hand on face" 39360 39360 |> 39600 role shift skycap 39360 39360 skycap 39860 40480 eye brows start 40400 40420 slightly lowered 40440 40720 start 40740 40780 raised 40800 40840 start 40860 40900 lowered 40920 40960 end 40980 41020 start 41060 41060 slightly lowered 41080 41500 eye aperture start 39620 39640 lowered lid 39660 39800 start 39820 39860 squint 39880 39960 slightly squinted 39980 40180 squint 40200 40240 end 40260 40280 start 40420 40420 slightly squinted 40440 40520 squint 40540 40740 end 40760 40760 start 40880 40880 squint 40900 41040 further squinted 41060 41500 eye gaze down 39640 39800 left 39920 40040 left 40240 40340 left 40520 40640 right 40700 40740 down 41060 41500 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 40800 40820 slightly front 40840 41060 front 41080 41500 head pos: turn start 39880 39960 left 39980 40060 end 40080 40100 start 40220 40280 left 40300 40380 end 40400 40420 start 40480 40580 left 40600 40640 start 40660 40700 slightly right 40720 40740 end 40760 40800 start 41060 41120 left 41140 41180 start 41200 41260 slightly right 41280 41320 start 41340 41500 head pos:jut start 40540 40620 slightly back 40640 41200 end 41220 41280 head mvmt: shake rapid 41040 41480 nose start 39840 39860 wrinkle 39880 40240 end 40260 40340 start 40440 40460 wrinkle 40480 40740 end 40760 40820 start 40900 40920 wrinkle 40940 40980 end 41000 41020 start 41060 41060 wrinkle 41080 41420 start 41440 41460 tensed 41480 41500 cheeks start 39840 39880 tensed 39900 40240 end 40260 40300 start 40420 40520 tensed 40540 41500 mouth open 39360 39820 intense 39900 40080 open & tense 40100 40120 intense 40140 40200 open & tense 40280 40460 intense 40540 40980 intense 41080 41440 open & tense 41460 41500 POS Classifier 39460 39660 Verb 39980 40100 Verb 40140 40200 Noun 40380 40480 Verb 40640 40820 Verb 40880 41040 Verb 41140 41420 English translation The skycap called for everyone to spread out and help search, and they did. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 41500 End frame: 43280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss (2h)alt.IX+++:k/l 41560 41820 (2h)alt.SEARCH+++:l/m 41860 42160 (2h)IX-3p:m 42240 42260 FIND 42540 42660 |> 43040 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows slightly lowered 41500 42100 end 42120 42140 start 42160 42180 raised 42200 42300 end 42320 42380 start 42520 42580 raised 42600 43280 eye aperture further squinted 41500 42100 blink 42120 42120 end 42140 42140 start 42500 42500 wide 42520 43020 start 43040 43060 blink 43080 43100 end 43120 43180 eye gaze down 41500 42160 into space 42180 42280 left 43140 43280 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 41500 42140 start 42160 42220 back 42240 42380 end 42400 42500 head pos: turn further left 41500 41540 end 41560 41720 start 41860 41900 right 41920 42240 end 42260 42380 start 43140 43260 further left 43280 43280 head mvmt: shake slight rapid head shake 41860 42160 nose tensed 41500 42120 end 42140 42180 cheeks tensed 41500 42160 mouth open & tense 41500 41800 intense 41840 42160 open 42180 42260 open 43120 43240 body lean start 41500 41540 forward 41560 42220 end 42240 42480 POS Pronoun 41560 41820 Verb 41860 42160 Pronoun 42240 42260 Verb 42540 42660 English translation They searched everywhere until finally it was found. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 43280 End frame: 44220 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 013 main gloss (2h)PCL:5wg"people rushing left to right":m 43320 43700 ICL:S"pick up carrier from top" 43820 44220 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:B-L"pick up carrier from bottom" 43820 44220 role shift someone 43820 44220 eye brows raised 43280 44220 eye aperture start 43340 43340 squint 43360 43700 end 43720 43720 start 43960 43960 wide 43980 44220 eye gaze left 43280 43320 right 43360 43700 watch hands 43760 43960 head pos: turn further left 43280 43320 start 43340 43560 further right 43580 43860 end 43880 44020 mouth intense 43320 43700 open 43800 44220 shoulders start 43280 43320 left 43340 43500 start 43520 43620 right 43640 43880 end 43900 44120 body lean start 43300 43420 left 43440 43540 end 43560 43680 POS Classifier 43320 43700 Classifier 43820 44220 Non-dominant POS Classifier 43820 44220 English translation Everyone ran to the carrier and someone picked it up. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 44220 End frame: 46540 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss ICL:S"hold carrier from top" 44220 45040 #DOG 45260 45460 DIE 45600 45940 |> 46360 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:B-L"hold carrier from bottom" 44220 45040 |> 46540 role shift someone 44220 45040 skycap 45960 46540 eye brows raised 44220 44720 end 44740 44880 start 45940 45960 lowered 45980 46540 eye aperture wide 44220 44220 end 44240 44240 start 44720 44740 blink 44760 44820 end 44840 44880 start 45420 45420 blink 45440 45460 end 45480 45480 closed 45920 46540 eye gaze watch hands 44220 44720 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 45940 46100 back 46120 46540 head pos: turn start 44240 44580 further right 44600 44740 end 44760 45040 start 45960 46400 further right 46420 46540 cheeks puffed 44940 45160 mouth open 44220 44740 raised upper lip 44760 44880 lips spread 44940 45160 shoulders start 44280 44580 right 44600 46540 POS Classifier 44220 45040 Noun 45260 45460 Adjective 45600 45940 Non-dominant POS Classifier 44220 45040 English translation Unfortunately, the dog was dead. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 46500 End frame: 48960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss !#DO! 46940 47200 "pray" 47520 47840 THINK 48180 48300 IDEA 48500 48720 WHAT 48840 48900 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:B-L"hold carrier from bottom" 46500 46500 |> 47200 rhetorical question rhq 48780 48900 role shift skycap 46500 48960 eye brows lowered 46500 47820 start 48380 48440 raised 48460 48540 end 48560 48620 start 48680 48720 raised 48740 48840 slightly raised 48860 48960 eye aperture closed 46500 46760 start 46780 46820 further squinted 46840 47300 start 47320 47320 closed 47340 47820 lowered lid 48660 48840 blink 48860 48900 lowered lid 48920 48960 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 46500 46680 end 46700 46940 start 47380 47520 further front 47540 47840 end 47860 48160 start 48660 48760 slightly back 48780 48840 end 48860 48900 head pos: turn further right 46500 46540 end 46560 46980 head pos:jut start 48060 48160 slightly back 48180 48660 end 48680 48780 mouth intense 47520 47840 lips spread & crnrs down 48140 48340 open 48500 48680 lips spread & crnrs down 48780 48900 shoulders right 46500 46520 end 46540 46960 start 47340 47400 forward right 47420 47680 end 47700 47820 POS Verb 46940 47200 Verb 48180 48300 Noun 48460 48680 Wh-word 48840 48900 Non-dominant POS Classifier 46500 46520 English translation At first he didn't know what to do, but then he had an idea. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 48960 End frame: 52360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss 1p:CALL:n 49260 49400 fs-PET 49600 49880 STORE 50000 50280 |> 50420 EXPLAIN 50560 50820 (1h)WANT 50920 50980 #DOG 51080 51160 IDEA^SAME 51360 51520 IX-3p:o++ 51580 51940 |> 52320 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 49120 49800 EXPLAIN 50560 50820 |> 51980 "palm up" 52120 52320 role shift skycap 48960 51940 eye brows slightly raised 48960 48980 end 49000 49060 start 49340 49420 raised 49440 49560 end 49580 49640 start 49700 49720 slightly raised 49740 49820 end 49840 50080 start 50320 50400 lowered 50420 51220 start 51240 51280 raised 51300 51320 start 51340 51400 lowered 51420 51460 start 51480 51500 raised 51520 51580 end 51600 51620 start 51920 51960 raised 51980 52140 end 52160 52260 start 52320 52340 slightly raised 52360 52360 eye aperture lowered lid 48960 49520 further lowered 49540 49700 slightly lowered 49720 49820 end 49840 49860 start 50340 50380 squint 50400 51220 end 51240 51260 start 51320 51320 squint 51340 51460 start 51480 51480 slightly lowered 51500 51580 end 51600 51600 start 52080 52140 blink 52160 52300 start 52320 52320 lowered lid 52340 52360 eye gaze watch hands 49540 49720 right 50400 51260 down 51280 51580 right 51960 52120 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 51300 51340 slightly front 51360 51660 end 51680 52060 start 52240 52280 slightly front 52300 52360 head pos: turn start 51940 52100 right 52120 52220 slightly right 52240 52360 head pos: tilt side start 50440 50600 right 50620 51980 end 52000 52100 head mvmt: nod single 52120 52360 nose start 50340 50420 wrinkle 50440 51180 end 51200 51260 start 51380 51400 wrinkle 51420 51460 end 51480 51540 cheeks tensed right 49000 49480 tensed 50460 51460 mouth intense 50440 50820 open & corners down 52080 52200 lips spread & crnrs down 52260 52320 shoulders start 51380 51480 right 51500 52300 end 52320 52360 POS Verb 49260 49400 Noun 49600 49880 Noun 50000 50280 Verb 50560 50820 Verb 50920 50980 Noun 51080 51160 Adjective 51360 51500 Pronoun 51580 51940 Non-dominant POS Verb 50560 50820 English translation "I could call a pet store and explain that I want a dog just like this one." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 52360 End frame: 54740 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss 1p:CALL:n 52720 52840 EXPLAIN 53040 53320 (1h)HAVE 53500 53660 IX-3p:n 53820 53880 NONE 53980 54180 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 52560 52840 EXPLAIN 53040 53320 |> 54740 yes-no question yes-no question 53120 53660 role shift skycap 52560 53660 skycap 54280 54740 eye brows slightly raised 52360 52380 end 52400 52400 start 52980 53120 raised 53140 53740 end 53760 53860 eye aperture lowered lid 52360 52440 end 52460 52460 start 52840 52840 squint 52860 52960 end 52980 53020 start 54240 54280 blink 54300 54340 blink 54520 54520 blink 54600 54620 eye gaze up/right 52480 53660 right 54140 54220 left 54680 54740 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 52360 53620 end 53640 53800 head pos: turn slightly right 52360 52400 end 52420 52760 start 54620 54720 slightly left 54740 54740 head pos:jut start 52860 52960 forward 52980 53660 end 53680 53820 head mvmt: nod single 54400 54620 mouth lips pursed: oo 53820 54200 shoulders end 52360 52540 body mvmt down 52860 52980 POS Verb 52720 52840 Verb 53040 53320 Verb 53500 53660 Pronoun 53820 53880 Quantifier 53980 54180 Non-dominant POS Verb 53040 53320 English translation So, he called a pet store and explained the situation, but they had none. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 54740 End frame: 56880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 015 main gloss 1p:CALL:p 54840 55000 NONE 55180 55400 |> 55580 1p:CALL:q 55860 56000 NONE:n 56080 56320 NONE:p 56520 56600 NONE:q 56740 56860 non-dominant hand gloss EXPLAIN 54740 54740 |> 56780 role shift skycap 54740 55000 skycap 55440 56800 eye brows start 54920 54980 raised 55000 55040 end 55060 55180 start 56000 56040 slightly lowered 56060 56860 lowered 56880 56880 eye aperture blink 55020 55060 blink 55460 55520 blink 55560 55680 squint 56860 56880 eye gaze left 54740 55000 left 55520 56340 right 56520 56600 head pos: turn slightly left 54740 55000 end 55020 55140 start 55720 56040 left 56060 56280 end 56300 56500 head mvmt: shake single 56720 56840 nose start 56820 56840 wrinkle 56860 56860 cheeks tensed left 55440 55540 puffed 56220 56260 puffed 56600 56660 puffed 56780 56820 mouth blow 55340 55360 blow 56220 56300 blow 56580 56660 blow 56740 56820 shoulders start 55840 55960 left 55980 56340 end 56360 56580 POS Verb 54840 55000 Quantifier 55180 55400 Verb 55860 56000 Quantifier 56200 56340 Quantifier 56520 56600 Quantifier 56740 56860 Non-dominant POS Verb 54740 54760 English translation He called store after store, but none had the right kind of dog. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 56880 End frame: 58060 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 013 main gloss (1)FAR 57060 57440 ONE 57540 57580 (1)FAR 57660 57980 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 57100 58060 eye brows lowered 56880 57420 end 57440 57480 start 57620 57660 lowered 57680 57880 slightly raised 57900 57980 slightly lowered 58000 58060 eye aperture squint 56880 57440 squint 57640 57880 blink 57900 57920 squint 57940 58060 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 56980 57420 slightly front 57700 57940 head pos: turn start 56960 57120 slightly right 57140 57360 right 57380 57420 start 57440 57520 slightly left 57540 57620 end 57640 57700 head pos: tilt side start 56900 56960 slightly left 56980 57320 start 57340 57500 right 57520 57940 start 57960 58060 head mvmt: nod single 57500 57560 nose wrinkle 56880 57380 end 57400 57460 start 57640 57660 wrinkle 57680 57900 end 57920 57960 start 58000 58060 mouth tongue mvmt lateral 57000 57400 tongue mvmt lateral 57700 57900 shoulders start 57100 57360 left 57380 58060 POS Adjective 57060 57440 Number 57540 57580 Adjective 57660 57980 English translation There was one store left to call that was very far away. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 58060 End frame: 59860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 015 main gloss 1p:!CALL!:r 58260 58660 IX-2p:r 58740 58800 (1h)HAVE 59020 59080 IX-2p:r 59200 59300 YES 59520 59720 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 58060 59300 yes-no question yes-no question 58780 59080 role shift skycap 58260 59140 shop owner 59520 59720 skycap 59760 59860 eye brows lowered 58060 58680 start 58700 58800 slightly raised 58820 59100 start 59120 59240 raised 59260 59280 end 59300 59380 start 59700 59800 raised 59820 59860 eye aperture squint 58060 58720 squint 58820 59140 wide 59240 59580 wide 59800 59860 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 58160 58220 front 58240 58380 end 58400 58480 start 59680 59840 front 59860 59860 head pos: turn start 59660 59820 left 59840 59860 head pos: tilt side start 58060 58260 left 58280 58380 end 58400 58500 start 59660 59760 right 59780 59860 head pos:jut start 58140 58260 back 58280 58540 end 58560 58700 nose start 58060 58060 wrinkle 58080 58400 end 58420 58480 shoulders left 58060 58060 end 58080 58220 start 58420 58480 left 58500 58640 end 58660 58760 start 58960 58980 slightly left 59000 59260 end 59280 59460 start 59780 59860 body lean start 58180 58300 back/right 58320 58340 end 58360 58420 POS Verb 58260 58660 Pronoun 58740 58800 Verb 59020 59080 Pronoun 59200 59300 Adverb 59520 59720 English translation He called and asked if they had the right kind of dog, and the answer was yes! Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 59860 End frame: 62720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss (1h)HAVE 59920 59980 EXACT 60160 60300 DCL:1"length of dog" 60420 60540 DCL:B-L"showing length of dog" 60700 60800 WHITE 61020 61060 (2h)alt.FUR 61260 61400 BLACK 61600 61640 DCL:G"stripes" 61720 62220 (1h)HAVE 62540 62580 |> 62680 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:1"length of dog" 60420 60540 DCL:B-L"showing length of dog 60700 60800 |> 61040 (2h)alt.FUR 61260 61400 |> 62580 yes-no question yes-no question 59920 62560 end 62580 62680 role shift skycap 59860 62720 eye brows raised 59860 62640 end 62660 62720 eye aperture wide 59860 59960 squint 60080 60280 blink 60500 60580 blink 61020 61180 blink 62180 62320 eye gaze watch hands 60340 60540 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 59860 60260 start 60280 60360 further front 60380 60520 start 60540 60660 slightly front 60680 62560 end 62580 62680 head pos: turn left 59860 60280 end 60300 60420 start 60560 60700 slightly left 60720 61360 start 61380 61460 slightly right 61480 62560 end 62580 62620 head pos: tilt side right 59860 62560 end 62580 62600 nose start 59980 60060 tensed 60080 60280 end 60300 60380 mouth raised upper lip 60080 60280 lips pursed: mm 60720 60820 lips pursed: oo-tight 61800 62260 open 62700 62720 shoulders start 59860 60080 right 60100 62620 start 62640 62720 POS Verb 59920 59980 Adjective 60160 60300 Noun 60420 60540 Classifier 60700 60800 Adjective 61020 61060 Noun 61260 61400 Adjective 61600 61640 Classifier 61720 62220 Verb 62540 62580 Non-dominant POS Classifier 60700 60800 Noun 61260 61400 English translation The sky cap said, "But is it the right size? And does it have white fur with black stripes?" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 62720 End frame: 65340 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss (1h)HAVE 62920 62980 "clap-hands" 63160 63320 GET-IN 63480 63560 ICL:S"driving urgently" 63840 64660 ARRIVE 64940 65160 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:r 62740 62900 |> 62980 conditional/when when 64940 65160 role shift skycap 62720 63320 eye brows end 62720 62760 start 62980 63000 raised 63020 63080 end 63100 63140 start 63560 63560 slightly raised 63580 63640 start 63660 63820 lowered 63840 64640 start 64660 64700 raised 64720 64840 end 64860 64920 start 65120 65120 slightly raised 65140 65300 eye aperture lowered lid 63300 63620 squint 63680 64660 lowered lid 65120 65240 eye gaze watch hands 63380 63560 watch hands 65120 65300 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 63300 63420 front 63440 63560 end 63580 63620 start 64700 64720 slightly front 64740 65140 start 65160 65220 further front 65240 65300 head pos: tilt side start 63340 63400 slightly left 63420 63540 end 63560 63600 cheeks tensed 63720 63880 start 63900 63980 puffed 64000 64660 mouth open 63060 63620 intense 63700 63840 brr 63920 64040 blow 64060 64680 shoulders start 62720 62880 forward right 62900 63260 end 63280 63320 start 63360 63400 slightly right 63420 63560 end 63580 63700 start 64720 64820 right 64840 64980 end 65000 65160 body mvmt down 63880 64040 POS Verb 62920 62980 Verb 63480 63560 Classifier 63840 64660 Verb 64940 65160 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 62740 62900 English translation He was told the dog matched! So, he got into his car right away and drove all the way to the store. When he arrived... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 65300 End frame: 69100 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 018 main gloss ENTER 65300 65460 LOOK-AT 65500 65940 PERFECT 66120 66340 FACE 66460 66700 (2h)SAME 66840 67000 (2h)alt.FUR+ 67260 67500 BLACK 67640 67720 DCL:G"stripes" 67860 68140 MUZZLE 68440 68580 "clap-hands" 68860 69000 non-dominant hand gloss PERFECT 66120 66340 |> 66660 (2h)alt.FUR+ 67260 67500 role shift skycap 68860 69100 eye brows slightly raised 65300 65360 start 65380 65440 raised 65460 65940 end 65960 66120 start 66340 66380 slightly lowered 66400 66920 start 66940 67060 slightly raised 67080 68180 start 68200 68260 lowered 68280 68580 start 68600 68640 slightly raised 68660 68720 end 68740 68800 start 68980 69040 raised 69060 69080 end 69100 69100 eye aperture closed 66040 66280 lowered lid 66300 67720 blink 67740 67880 lowered lid 67920 68140 closed 68160 68580 lowered lid 68600 68980 eye gaze watch hands 65300 65760 down 65780 66280 down 67040 67720 down 67920 68140 down 68600 68980 right 69040 69100 head pos: tilt fr/bk further front 65300 65480 start 65500 65560 slightly front 65580 66060 end 66080 66180 start 66320 66360 slightly back 66380 67020 end 67040 67120 slightly back 68500 68600 head pos: turn start 67040 67180 left 67200 67280 slightly left 67300 67480 end 67500 67640 start 69000 69020 right 69040 69100 head pos: tilt side start 67940 67980 right 68000 68020 start 68040 68100 left 68120 68180 end 68200 68260 start 68440 68440 right 68460 68480 end 68520 68540 start 68740 68840 slightly left 68860 69100 head mvmt: side to side rapid 67200 67480 nose start 68200 68260 wrinkle 68280 68580 end 68600 68700 mouth open 65500 66040 lips pursed: oo 67160 67500 lips pursed: oo 67960 68220 raised upper lip 68280 68600 open 68720 69100 shoulders body lean back 65300 65440 start 65460 65560 slightly back 65580 68960 end 68980 69060 body mvmt down 65320 65420 POS Verb 65300 65460 Verb 65500 65940 Adjective 66120 66340 Noun 66460 66700 Adjective 66840 67000 Noun 67260 67500 Adjective 67640 67720 Classifier 67860 68140 Noun 68440 68580 Non-dominant POS Adjective 66120 66340 Noun 67260 67500 English translation ...he went into the store to look at the dog. The dog they had was perfect -- he looked just like the dead dog. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 69100 End frame: 70900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss (1h)HOW^MANY 69220 69360 THREE-HUNDRED 69720 70120 DOLLAR+ 70400 70740 non-dominant hand gloss DOLLAR+ 70400 70740 |> 70900 wh question whq 69220 69360 role shift skycap 69100 69360 shop owner 69480 70640 skycap 70760 70900 eye brows end 69100 69180 start 69360 69460 raised 69480 70700 start 70720 70760 lowered 70780 70900 eye aperture blink 69380 69460 blink 70400 70460 closed 70760 70900 eye gaze right 69100 69360 right 70660 70740 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 69560 69620 slightly front 69640 70640 start 70660 70840 further back 70860 70900 head pos: turn slightly right 69100 69380 end 69400 69480 start 69580 69820 right 69840 70740 slightly right 70760 70900 head pos: tilt side slightly left 69100 69100 start 69120 69220 left 69240 69380 end 69400 69520 nose start 70660 70720 wrinkle 70740 70900 mouth open 69100 69180 lips spread & crnrs up 69560 70520 raised upper lip 70700 70900 body lean start 69160 69260 forward/right 69280 69600 end 69620 69780 POS Wh-word 69220 69360 Number 69720 70120 Noun 70400 70740 Non-dominant POS Noun 70400 70740 English translation The skycap asked, "How much does it cost?" The shop owner replied, "$300." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 70900 End frame: 73040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 015 main gloss FINE+++++ 71040 71680 ICL:"take money from pocket" 71740 71960 ICL:"peeling off bills"++++ 72060 72760 |> 73000 non-dominant hand gloss DOLLAR+ 70900 70900 |> 71800 role shift skycap 70900 73040 eye brows lowered 70900 71120 start 71160 71280 slightly raised 71340 72500 end 72520 72560 start 72660 72720 raised 72740 72800 start 72820 72880 slightly raised 72900 72920 start 72940 73000 raised 73020 73040 eye aperture closed 70900 71780 lowered lid 71800 72500 start 72640 72680 wide 72700 72720 end 72740 72800 blink 72820 72980 lowered lid 73000 73040 eye gaze watch hands 71900 72560 right 72660 72820 watch hands 73020 73040 head pos: tilt fr/bk further back 70900 70940 end 70960 71140 start 71780 71820 slightly front 71840 72580 end 72600 72740 head pos: turn slightly right 70900 70900 end 70920 70980 head pos: tilt side start 71780 71920 left 71940 72580 end 72600 72740 head mvmt: nod rapid 71100 71660 single 72760 73020 nose wrinkle 70900 71040 end 71060 71100 mouth raised upper lip 70900 71040 blow 71340 71600 lips pursed: oo 71900 72540 tongue on lwr lip 72580 73040 body mvmt down 71340 71600 POS Discourse Marker 71040 71680 Classifier 71740 71960 Classifier 72060 72760 English translation The sky cap reluctantly accepted the price and paid out the $300. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 73040 End frame: 75080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss (2h)ICL:"pick up dog" 73320 73620 (2h)ICL:"set dog down" 73660 73980 ICL:S"driving" 74140 74640 ARRIVE 74800 75000 non-dominant hand gloss conditional/when when 74760 75080 role shift skycap 73040 74640 eye brows raised 73040 73280 start 73300 73400 further raised 73420 73640 start 73660 73700 slightly raised 73720 74080 end 74100 74200 start 74620 74660 raised 74680 74780 end 74800 74840 start 75000 75060 raised 75080 75080 eye aperture lowered lid 73040 73360 wide 73440 73600 squint 74140 74580 blink 74600 74640 lowered lid 75040 75080 eye gaze watch hands 73040 73380 down/right 73680 73960 down 75020 75080 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 73060 73140 slightly front 73160 73400 end 73420 73480 start 73640 73780 further front 73800 73920 end 73940 74020 start 75040 75080 head pos: turn start 73660 73800 right 73820 73960 end 73980 74040 start 75020 75040 slightly right 75060 75080 cheeks tensed 74620 75080 mouth tongue on lwr lip 73040 73060 bite lower lip 73080 73680 lips spread & crnrs up 74360 74640 body lean start 73060 73320 forward 73340 73360 end 73380 73480 start 74660 74700 left 74720 74800 end 74820 74980 POS Classifier 73320 73620 Classifier 73660 73980 Classifier 74140 74640 Verb 74800 75000 English translation He picked up the dog, put him in the car and drove back to the airport. When he got there... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 75080 End frame: 77280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss (2h)ICL:"pick up dog and set down" 75300 75580 IX-3p-honorific:o 75800 75980 DCL:"pet carrier" 76160 76400 OPEN-DOOR 76500 76700 (1h)DIE 76780 76960 #DOG 77120 77280 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 76160 76400 |> 77280 role shift skycap 75180 75580 eye brows raised 75080 75100 end 75120 75240 start 75300 75420 raised 75440 75500 start 75520 75600 slightly lowered 75620 77280 eye aperture lowered lid 75080 75080 lowered lid 75640 76140 squint 76160 76660 eye gaze down 75080 75760 watch hands 75780 76660 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 75080 75160 further front 75180 75560 end 75580 75800 head pos: turn slightly right 75080 75100 right 75120 75460 end 75480 75640 head pos: tilt side start 75680 75860 slightly left 75880 77280 head pos:jut start 75800 75880 slightly back 75900 77280 nose start 75620 75840 tensed 75860 77280 cheeks tensed 75080 75580 less tensed 75760 77280 mouth lips spread & crnrs up 75380 75520 raised upper lip 75620 75820 POS Classifier 75300 75580 Pronoun 75800 75980 Classifier 76160 76400 Verb 76500 76700 Adjective 76780 76960 Noun 77120 77280 Non-dominant POS Classifier 76160 76400 English translation ...he put the new dog down and opened the door of the dead dog's carrier. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 77280 End frame: 79100 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss IX-3p:o 77320 77360 o:(1h)CARRY:s 77500 78160 DCL:G"collar" 78320 78620 ICL:"take off collar" 78780 79100 non-dominant hand gloss DCL:"pet carrier" 77280 77280 |> 78160 role shift skycap 77500 78160 skycap 78780 79100 eye brows slightly lowered 77280 78740 start 78760 78800 slightly raised 78820 79100 eye aperture squint 77340 78160 blink 78180 78200 squint 78220 78560 lowered lid 78580 79100 eye gaze watch hands 77340 78200 watch hands 78660 79100 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 77600 77840 slightly front 77860 78140 start 78160 78240 back 78260 78540 slightly back 78560 79080 start 79100 79100 head pos: turn start 77740 77960 further right 77980 78200 start 78220 78240 right 78260 78580 start 78600 78660 further right 78680 79060 end 79080 79100 head pos: tilt side slightly left 77280 78180 end 78200 78240 start 78680 78760 slightly left 78780 79100 head pos:jut slightly back 77280 78140 end 78160 78240 nose tensed 77280 79060 end 79080 79100 cheeks less tensed 77280 77400 tensed 77420 78160 end 78180 78240 mouth intense 77400 78240 sh 78340 78600 shoulders start 77360 77460 raised 77480 77900 right/raised 77920 78120 start 78140 78260 right 78280 79060 end 79080 79100 POS Pronoun 77320 77360 Verb 77500 78160 Classifier 78320 78620 Classifier 78780 79100 Non-dominant POS Classifier 77280 77300 English translation He gingerly removed the dead dog from the carrier and took off its collar. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 79100 End frame: 81060 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-3p:t 79880 79920 BCL:"waiting" 80020 80100 ICL:"put on collar" 80220 80740 ICL:"fasten collar" 80760 80920 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:"shake collar" 79120 79740 role shift skycap 79100 79740 dog 80020 80100 skycap 80220 81060 eye brows slightly raised 79100 79680 start 79700 79760 raised 79780 80140 end 80160 80240 start 80700 80720 raised 80740 80780 end 80800 80860 start 80920 80960 raised 80980 81000 end 81020 81060 eye aperture lowered lid 79100 79700 blink 79720 79740 lowered lid 79760 79940 lowered lid 80120 81060 eye gaze watch hands 79100 79740 down 79760 79920 watch hands 80220 81060 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 79100 79160 slightly front 79180 79720 start 79740 79840 further front 79860 79920 start 79940 80060 slightly back 80080 80080 start 80100 80180 further front 80200 81060 head pos: turn end 79100 79340 start 79740 79840 further right 79860 79960 end 79980 80080 start 80120 80240 further right 80260 81060 head pos: tilt side slightly left 79100 79880 end 79900 80020 nose end 79100 79160 mouth lips pursed: oo 79160 79720 tongue out 80020 80080 lips spread & crnrs up 80180 80920 lips spread & crnrs up 81040 81060 shoulders end 79100 79320 start 79740 79940 right 79960 81060 POS Pronoun 79880 79920 Classifier 80020 80100 Classifier 80220 80740 Classifier 80760 80920 Non-dominant POS Classifier 79120 79740 English translation He shook out the collar and then fastened it around the patiently waiting dog's neck. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 81060 End frame: 83680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 014 main gloss ICL:"pick up dog and put in carrier" 81060 81560 CLOSE-DOOR 81720 81940 MUZZLE 82380 82460 DCL:"stripes" 82680 82940 BPCL:H"tongue wagging" 83060 83620 non-dominant hand gloss role shift skycap 81060 82180 eye brows end 81060 81180 start 81940 81980 raised 82000 82200 start 82220 82320 slightly lowered 82340 83460 start 83480 83620 raised 83640 83680 eye aperture lowered lid 81060 81180 lowered lid 82060 82280 squint 82320 83580 lowered lid 83600 83680 eye gaze watch hands 81060 81960 down 81980 82260 down 83600 83680 head pos: tilt fr/bk further front 81060 81900 front 81920 82180 end 82200 82320 start 83580 83680 head pos: turn further right 81060 81100 end 81120 81300 head pos:jut start 81100 81180 back 81200 82180 end 82200 82300 nose start 82220 82400 wrinkle 82420 83580 end 83600 83660 mouth lips spread & crnrs up 81060 81940 raised upper lip 82240 83040 tongue out 83160 83600 shoulders right 81060 81180 end 81200 81400 POS Classifier 81060 81560 Verb 81640 81940 Noun 82380 82460 Classifier 82680 82940 Classifier 83060 83620 English translation He put the new dog in the carrier and shut the door. There it sat with its tongue hanging out. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 83680 End frame: 85240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 013 main gloss ICL:"set carrier aside" 83780 84060 "clap-hands" 84160 84300 WOMAN 84900 85060 |> 85200 non-dominant hand gloss j:CALL:i 84560 84680 |> 85200 role shift skycap 83780 84320 eye brows raised 83680 83700 end 83720 83740 start 84040 84060 raised 84080 84160 end 84180 84200 start 84280 84320 slightly raised 84340 84420 end 84440 84460 start 85180 85240 eye aperture lowered lid 83680 83720 blink 84260 84440 blink 84960 85220 eye gaze down 83680 83760 watch hands 83780 84060 left 84120 84280 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 83680 83760 front 83780 84060 end 84080 84140 start 85180 85240 head pos: turn start 84040 84120 left 84140 84280 end 84300 84420 head mvmt: nod single 84980 85180 shoulders start 84480 84500 left 84520 85240 POS Classifier 83780 84060 Noun 84900 85060 Non-dominant POS Verb 84560 84680 English translation Setting the carrier aside, he phoned the woman. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 85240 End frame: 86820 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss ICL:S"holding carrier from the top" 86160 86680 non-dominant hand gloss i:COME:h 85440 85760 |> 85960 ICL:B-L"holding carrier from the bottom" 86160 86680 |> 86820 topic/focus focus/top1 85280 85960 role shift skycap 86160 86680 eye brows start 85240 85240 further raised 85260 85320 raised 85340 85520 slightly raised 85540 86100 end 86120 86160 start 86620 86660 raised 86680 86820 eye aperture lowered lid 85340 86000 blink 86060 86160 blink 86680 86740 eye gaze down 85520 85980 left 86140 86660 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 85240 85320 further back 85340 85440 head pos: turn start 86040 86180 further left 86200 86680 end 86700 86820 head mvmt: nod single 85440 85960 nose start 85260 85280 tensed 85300 85600 end 85620 85740 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 85380 85900 shoulders left 85240 85660 end 85680 85780 start 86220 86500 left 86520 86680 end 86700 86820 POS Classifier 86160 86680 Non-dominant POS Verb 85440 85760 Classifier 86160 86680 English translation The woman came to the airport, and the skycap proudly showed her the carrier. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 86820 End frame: 89500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss ICL:S"holding carrier from the top" 86820 86840 WOMAN 87040 87240 LOOK-AT:t 87400 87660 |> 88420 NOT 88620 88660 POSS-1p 88760 88780 #DOG 88920 89100 IX-3p:t 89260 89380 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:B-L"holding carrier from the bottom" 86820 86840 |> 87600 fs-O(H) 87920 88400 |> 89500 topic/focus focus/top1 87040 87240 negative negation 88620 89360 role shift friend 87400 89420 eye brows raised 86820 87260 end 87280 87520 start 87880 87960 slightly raised 87980 88620 start 88640 88720 slightly lowered 88740 89380 end 89400 89500 eye aperture lowered lid 87240 87580 blink 87600 87640 lowered lid 87660 87720 blink 87740 87780 lowered lid 87800 88340 blink 88360 88660 squint 88680 89360 blink 89400 89460 eye gaze down/right 87240 88660 right 88740 89380 left 89460 89500 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 87620 87980 slightly back 88000 88360 start 88380 88600 slightly front 88620 88680 head pos: turn end 86820 86920 start 87160 87360 further right 87380 89360 start 89380 89500 head pos: tilt side start 86840 86940 slightly left 86960 88440 start 88460 88620 left 88640 88660 end 88680 88780 head mvmt: shake start 88460 88600 rapid 88620 89360 mouth open 87380 87780 open & round 87800 88380 raised upper lip 88400 88480 shoulders end 86820 87000 start 87380 87560 slightly right 87580 89500 POS Classifier 86820 86840 Noun 87040 87240 Verb 87400 87660 Negation 88620 88660 Possessive 88760 88780 Noun 88920 89100 Pronoun 89260 89380 Non-dominant POS Classifier 86820 86840 Discourse Marker 87920 88400 English translation The woman looked at the dog and said, "Oh! But that's not my dog!" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 89500 End frame: 90340 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 013 main gloss MAN 89640 89800 ICL:S"holding carrier from the top" 89960 90320 |> 90340 non-dominant hand gloss fs-O(H) 89500 89500 |> 89720 ICL:B-L"holding carrier from the bottom" 89960 90320 role shift skycap 89960 90340 eye brows end 89500 89520 start 90160 90200 slightly lowered 90220 90340 eye aperture squint 90300 90340 eye gaze left 89500 90060 watch hands 90160 90340 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 90220 90340 head pos: turn start 89500 89680 further left 89700 90060 start 90080 90200 right 90220 90340 head pos: tilt side start 90200 90260 left 90280 90340 mouth open 89500 89640 open 89820 90300 raised upper lip 90320 90340 shoulders slightly right 89500 89620 end 89640 89800 start 89920 89940 slightly left 89960 90140 start 90160 90340 POS Noun 89640 89800 Classifier 89960 90320 English translation The skycap turned and looked at the dog in the carrier. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 90340 End frame: 92180 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss ICL:S"holding carrier from the top" 90340 90340 |> 92180 non-dominant hand gloss (1h)HAVE 90460 90500 IX-3p:t 90560 90620 WHITE+ 90760 90900 FUR 91000 91100 BLACK 91220 91260 DCL:G"stripes" 91400 91720 (1h)HAVE 91820 91900 IX-3p:t 92020 92040 (5)IX-loc"dog carrier" 92100 92180 role shift skycap 90340 92180 eye brows slightly lowered 90340 92180 eye aperture squint 90340 90340 squint 91760 91780 eye gaze watch hands 90340 90340 left 90460 90660 right 90720 90840 down 90860 91720 left 91780 92180 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 90340 90340 start 90720 90840 front 90860 91720 end 91740 91860 head pos: turn right 90340 90340 start 90360 90540 left 90560 90620 start 90640 90840 slightly right 90860 91600 start 91620 91900 further left 91920 92180 head pos: tilt side left 90340 90340 end 90360 90440 head pos:jut start 90660 90820 slightly back 90840 92180 head mvmt: side to side rapid 91180 91720 nose tensed 90340 90640 end 90660 90720 start 90880 90900 tensed 90920 91240 end 91260 91280 start 91720 91720 tensed 91740 92180 mouth raised upper lip 90340 90480 lips pursed: oo 91400 91720 open 92040 92180 shoulders slightly right 90340 91920 end 91940 92040 POS Classifier 90340 90340 Non-dominant POS Verb 90460 90500 Pronoun 90560 90620 Adjective 90760 90900 Noun 91000 91100 Adjective 91220 91260 Classifier 91400 91720 Verb 91820 91900 Pronoun 92020 92040 Adverb 92100 92180 English translation "But he has white fur with black stripes!". Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 92180 End frame: 94320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 020 main gloss ICL:S"holding carrier" 92180 92180 |> 92260 WOMAN 92460 92540 KNOW 92660 92780 !NOT! 93100 93180 POSS-1p 93280 93340 #DOG 93440 93540 IX-3p:t 93560 93600 !NOT! 93860 93960 IX-3p:t 94080 94120 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:t 92900 92960 |> 93360 negative negation 93100 94120 role shift skycap 92180 92200 friend 92660 94120 eye brows slightly lowered 92180 93160 start 93180 93300 raised 93320 94240 end 94260 94320 eye aperture start 92300 92500 squint 92520 93180 blink 93200 93260 lowered lid 93340 93420 blink 93560 93580 blink 93640 93720 blink 93880 93920 blink 93960 94020 blink 94140 94200 eye gaze left 92180 92220 right 92300 94120 left 94200 94320 head pos: turn further left 92180 92180 start 92200 92520 further right 92540 92940 end 92960 93100 start 94120 94320 head pos: tilt side start 92560 92740 further left 92760 92800 start 92820 93180 further right 93200 93340 start 93360 93460 right 93480 93660 start 93700 93740 further right 93760 94120 start 94140 94220 slightly right 94240 94320 head pos:jut slightly back 92180 92200 end 92220 92460 head mvmt: nod single 92620 92860 head mvmt: shake slow 92980 94120 nose tensed 92180 92200 end 92220 92220 mouth open 92180 92820 lips pursed: mm 93160 93260 open 94040 94320 shoulders start 92320 92480 right 92500 94240 body lean start 92540 92680 left 92700 93340 end 93360 93480 body mvmt down 92680 92820 down 93240 93360 down 93880 94080 POS Classifier 92180 92200 Noun 92460 92540 Verb 92660 92780 Negation 93100 93180 Possessive 93280 93340 Noun 93440 93540 Pronoun 93560 93600 Negation 93860 93960 Pronoun 94080 94120 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 92900 92960 English translation The woman responded, "I know, but that is not my dog. It's not!" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 94320 End frame: 96900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 016 main gloss ICL:S"holding carrier from top" 94400 94620 |> 94880 (2h)DCL:"collar" 95100 95260 DCL:"tags swinging" 95440 96120 ICL:S"holding carrier from top" 96240 96320 (1h)HAVE 96520 96540 ICL:S"holding carrier from top" 96740 96900 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:B-L"holding carrier from bottom" 94400 94620 (1h)HAVE 94740 94760 IX-3p:t 94860 94880 ICL:B-L"holding carrier from bottom" 96240 96320 |> 96900 role shift skycap 94360 96900 eye brows end 94320 94360 start 94560 94580 raised 94600 94640 slightly raised 94660 95220 start 95240 95240 raised 95260 95360 end 95380 95740 start 96280 96300 slightly raised 96320 96400 end 96420 96460 start 96820 96900 eye aperture lowered lid 94520 94680 blink 94700 94760 blink 94820 94900 blink 95200 95400 blink 96100 96200 blink 96260 96320 lowered lid 96840 96900 eye gaze left 94320 94520 watch hands 94540 94800 left 94880 95200 up/right 95440 95880 watch hands 96200 96280 left 96340 96820 watch hands 96900 96900 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 94560 94580 front 94600 94700 end 94720 94800 head pos: turn start 94320 94320 further left 94340 94500 start 94520 94680 slightly right 94700 94800 end 94820 94880 start 96120 96220 right 96240 96280 end 96300 96420 start 96880 96900 head pos: tilt side slightly right 94320 94560 end 94580 94600 start 96140 96220 slightly left 96240 96860 end 96880 96900 head pos:jut start 94780 94860 slightly back 94880 96140 end 96160 96260 start 96300 96320 slightly back 96340 96900 mouth open 94320 94580 smile mouth open 94600 94760 lips pursed: oo-tight 95320 96120 smile mouth open 96240 96520 open 96900 96900 shoulders start 94340 94380 slightly left 94400 94600 start 94620 94660 slightly right 94680 94880 end 94900 95040 start 95360 95780 slightly right 95800 96220 start 96240 96280 right 96300 96380 end 96400 96480 body lean start 94380 94480 back 94500 94760 end 94780 95000 start 96740 96820 left 96840 96900 POS Classifier 94400 94620 Classifier 95100 95260 Classifier 95440 96120 Classifier 96240 96320 Verb 96520 96540 Classifier 96740 96900 Non-dominant POS Classifier 94400 94620 Verb 94740 94760 Pronoun 94860 94880 Classifier 96240 96320 English translation The skycap tried again, pointing to the dog and saying, "But he has on the right collar and tags!" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 96900 End frame: 98680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 021 main gloss ICL:S"holding carrier from top" 96900 96900 |> 96940 WOMAN 97120 97200 KNOW+ 97340 97580 IX-3p:t 97680 97700 NOT 97800 97820 POSS-1p 97900 97960 #DOG 98180 98340 "palms up" 98400 98440 |> 98680 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:B-L"holding carrier from bottom" 96900 96900 |> 98340 negative negation 97800 98320 role shift skycap 96900 96920 friend 97340 98680 eye brows start 96900 96980 raised 97000 98680 eye aperture lowered lid 96900 96960 blink 97760 97880 blink 97900 97960 blink 98260 98360 blink 98620 98680 eye gaze watch hands 96900 96980 right 97000 98680 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 97900 98680 head pos: turn start 96900 96980 further right 97000 97480 right 97500 98680 head pos: tilt side start 97260 97400 left 97420 97480 start 97500 97600 further right 97620 98680 head pos:jut slightly back 96900 96920 end 96940 97140 start 97800 97880 slightly back 97900 98680 head mvmt: nod single 97120 97500 head mvmt: shake rapid 97620 98320 nose start 97740 97780 tensed 97800 98680 mouth open 96900 97580 shoulders start 96940 97160 right 97180 97560 start 97580 97640 slightly right 97660 98680 body lean left 96900 96940 end 96960 97020 body mvmt down 97400 97580 POS Classifier 96900 96940 Noun 97120 97200 Verb 97340 97580 Pronoun 97680 97700 Negation 97800 97820 Possessive 97900 97960 Noun 98180 98340 Non-dominant POS Classifier 96900 96940 English translation The woman responded by saying, "I know, but that is not my dog!" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 98680 End frame: 100920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Freda Norman Number of fields: 017 main gloss POSS-1p+ 98860 98940 #DOG 99100 99240 FINISH 99340 99460 DIE 99700 100080 |> 100920 non-dominant hand gloss "palm up" 98680 98680 |> 99180 role shift friend 98680 100920 eye brows raised 98680 100920 eye aperture blink 98680 98840 blink 98920 98980 blink 99220 99380 lowered lid 99460 99840 blink 100020 100080 blink 100220 100320 blink 100440 100560 blink 100600 100660 blink 100740 100840 blink 100860 100920 eye gaze right 98680 99440 watch hands 99460 99880 right 99900 100920 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 98680 98680 end 98700 98760 head pos: tilt side further right 98680 98680 start 98700 98880 left 98900 98960 start 98980 99160 right 99180 100920 head pos: turn right 98680 99440 end 99460 99620 start 99840 99940 right 99960 100920 head pos:jut slightly back 98680 98680 end 98700 98800 head mvmt: nod rapid 99880 100320 head mvmt: jut start 99360 99380 forward 99400 99420 end 99440 99520 start 100280 100380 forward 100400 100680 end 100700 100820 nose tensed 98680 99700 end 99720 99900 shoulders slightly right 98680 100920 POS Possessive 98860 98940 Noun 99100 99240 Aspect 99340 99460 Adjective 99700 100080 Non-dominant POS English translation She added, "My dog is dead." Notes - number of character bytes: 0