SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: ncslgr10k Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv2:ncslgr10k Number of utterances: 20 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 120 280 KNOW 400 440 IX-3p:i 520 560 MAN 640 780 IX-loc:i 880 1020 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 240 460 slightly front 480 900 end 920 1100 head pos: tilt side start 180 360 slightly right 380 900 end 920 1100 head pos: turn start 140 400 slightly right 420 840 end 860 1100 head pos: jut start 300 460 back 480 920 end 940 1080 eye brows start 180 360 slightly lowered 380 920 end 940 1100 eye aperture start 280 360 squint 380 540 slightly lowered 560 880 end 900 1060 nose start 220 360 tense 380 840 end 860 1100 mouth lips spread:crnrs down 520 620 POS Proper Noun 120 280 Verb 400 440 Determiner 520 560 Noun 640 780 Adverb 880 1020 English translation John knows that man over there. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1318 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 0 260 KNOW 320 420 IX-3p:i 500 540 MAN 620 780 IX-loc:i 840 1000 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 280 520 slightly front 540 860 end 880 1080 head pos: tilt side start 260 400 slightly right 420 560 end 580 1000 head pos: turn start 280 580 slightly right 600 620 end 660 880 head pos: jut start 320 520 back 540 820 end 840 1060 eye brows start 240 360 slightly lowered 380 780 end 800 1120 eye aperture blink 0 40 start 240 360 squint 380 380 slightly lowered 400 600 blink 620 620 lowered lid 640 880 end 900 1080 eye gaze right 440 580 nose start 60 260 tense 280 860 end 880 1040 mouth lips spread:crnrs down 520 620 POS Proper Noun 0 260 Verb 320 420 Determiner 500 540 Noun 620 780 Adverb 840 1000 English translation John knows the man over there. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1454 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 260 400 KNOW 520 560 IX-3p:i 660 720 MAN 840 960 IX-loc:i 1080 1140 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 160 240 slightly back 260 440 start 700 920 slightly front 940 980 end 1000 1160 head pos: tilt side start 440 740 slightly right 760 1000 end 1020 1260 head pos: jut start 200 300 forward 320 380 end 400 500 eye brows start 240 500 slightly lowered 520 1020 end 1040 1160 eye aperture start 300 460 squint 480 760 blink 780 840 end 880 1100 eye gaze right 620 780 nose start 160 300 tense 320 1040 end 1060 1340 mouth lips spread:crnrs down 660 840 POS Proper Noun 260 400 Verb 520 560 Determiner 660 720 Noun 840 960 Adverb 1080 1140 English translation John knows the man over there. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1814 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-JOHN 300 440 KNOW 580 600 IX-3p:i 700 760 MAN 860 960 IX-loc:i 1100 1200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 0 420 end 440 580 start 740 900 slightly front 940 1240 end 1260 1460 eye brows start 420 560 lowered 580 1200 end 1220 1460 eye aperture start 380 500 squint 520 1180 blink 1200 1280 end 1300 1460 eye gaze right 1000 1180 nose start 140 520 wrinkle 540 980 end 1000 1200 mouth lips spread:crnrs down 720 920 POS Proper Noun 300 440 Verb 580 600 Determiner 700 760 Noun 860 960 Adverb 1100 1200 English translation John knows the man over there. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1538 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 440 540 KNOW 680 700 IX-3p:i 760 840 MAN 880 960 IX-loc:i 1040 1240 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 460 660 slightly front 680 1120 end 1140 1400 head pos: tilt side start 480 700 slightly right 720 1080 end 1100 1320 head pos: jut start 460 640 back 660 1140 end 1180 1360 eye brows start 300 460 slightly raised 480 480 start 500 600 lowered 620 940 end 960 1280 eye gaze right 700 1100 eye aperture start 380 500 wide 520 520 start 540 640 squint 660 1100 blink 1120 1180 end 1200 1300 nose start 260 440 tense 460 680 end 700 940 mouth lips spread:crnrs down 780 880 POS Proper Noun 440 540 Verb 680 700 Determiner 760 840 Noun 880 960 Adverb 1040 1240 English translation John knows the man over there. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 2095 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 300 460 |> 980 fs-MARY 1060 1160 LOVE 1300 1380 IX-3p:j 1420 1660 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 0 220 start 240 640 front 680 680 start 740 1040 slightly back 1060 2095 head pos: tilt side start 720 1100 slightly right 1120 1140 start 1160 1340 slightly left 1360 1580 end 1600 1760 head mvmt: nod slight rapid head nod 300 980 shoulders start 760 1040 back 1060 1140 start 1160 1300 forward 1320 1580 end 1600 1800 topic top3 300 980 top1 1040 1160 eye brows start 220 280 raised 300 1160 end 1180 1380 eye aperture start 300 420 squint 440 620 blink 640 640 start 660 720 wide 740 820 blink 840 880 start 900 1040 wide 1060 1180 start 1200 1280 closed 1300 1380 end 1400 1540 eye gaze right 980 1080 POS Proper Noun 300 980 Proper Noun 1060 1160 Verb 1300 1380 Pronoun 1420 1660 mouth English translation John, Mary loves him. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 2178 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 015 main gloss fs-JOHN 400 660 |> 920 fs-MARY 1140 1420 IX-3p:i 1480 1560 LOVE 1660 1720 IX-3p:j 1780 1940 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 100 back 120 360 start 380 800 front 820 860 end 880 1020 head pos: tilt side start 760 1060 slightly right 1080 1440 end 1460 1680 head pos: turn start 1340 1600 right 1620 1780 end 1800 2178 head pos: jut start 1100 1360 back 1380 1680 end 1700 1780 head mvmt: nod start 0 380 slight rapid head nod 400 920 end 940 1020 body lean start 1500 1720 back left 1740 1820 end 1840 2178 topic top3 400 920 top2 1080 1460 eye brows start 280 400 raised 420 1460 start 1480 1600 slightly lowered 1620 2020 end 2040 2178 eye aperture blink 280 320 start 340 520 squint 540 780 blink 800 820 start 840 860 wide 880 920 start 940 940 blink 960 980 start 1000 1040 wide 1060 1540 start 1560 1580 closed 1600 1620 end 1640 1860 eye gaze right 1120 1180 right 1300 1400 POS Proper Noun 400 660 Proper Noun 1140 1420 Pronoun 1480 1560 Verb 1660 1720 Pronoun 1780 1940 mouth English translation You know John, he loves Mary. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1940 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 016 main gloss fs-JOHN 240 420 |> 820 fs-MARY 900 1140 IX-3p:i 1220 1240 LOVE 1340 1380 |> 1620 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 160 680 slightly front 700 1340 end 1360 1640 head pos: tilt side start 700 880 slightly right 900 1720 end 1740 1940 head pos: turn start 680 1020 slightly right 1060 1240 right 1260 1520 end 1540 1720 head mvmt: nod slight rapid head nod 240 680 end 700 760 head pos: jut start 240 420 back 440 1340 end 1360 1580 subject agreement start 1240 1320 agr-S 1340 1440 end 1460 1620 body lean start 860 1220 right 1240 1640 end 1660 1920 topic top3 180 680 top2 800 1140 eye brows start 40 160 raised 180 1140 start 1200 1360 slightly lowered 1380 1400 end 1420 1680 object agreement eye aperture blink 60 100 start 180 280 wide 300 300 start 320 420 squint 440 580 blink 600 620 start 640 680 wide 700 1180 start 1200 1240 closed 1260 1400 end 1420 1500 blink 1620 1640 eye gaze right 780 1040 left 1340 1580 further left 1640 1940 POS Proper Noun 240 420 Proper Noun 900 1140 Pronoun 1220 1240 Verb 1340 1640 English translation You know John? He loves Mary. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1946 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 017 main gloss fs-JOHN 240 360 |> 780 fs-MARY 860 1180 IX-3p:i 1220 1260 LOVE 1400 1420 |> 1640 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 240 640 slightly front 680 680 end 700 760 start 1320 1440 front 1460 1460 end 1520 1720 head pos: tilt side start 840 1120 slightly right 1140 1180 start 1200 1400 right 1420 1440 end 1460 1840 head pos: turn start 700 1040 slightly right 1060 1220 right 1240 1500 end 1520 1840 head pos: jut start 700 1020 back 1040 1420 end 1440 1620 head mvmt: nod slight rapid head nod 240 780 subject agreement start 1280 1380 agr-S 1400 1460 end 1480 1480 body lean start 1420 1680 forward right 1700 1700 end 1720 1946 eye brows start 100 200 raised 220 1180 end 1200 1320 object agreement agr-O 1400 1580 end 1600 1680 eye aperture blink 60 100 start 240 280 wide 300 360 start 380 480 squint 500 580 blink 600 640 start 660 680 wide 700 1280 blink 1300 1420 end 1440 1660 blink 1700 1740 eye gaze down/right 920 1100 left 1760 1946 topic top3 220 700 top1 800 1180 mouth POS Proper Noun 240 360 Proper Noun 860 1180 Pronoun 1220 1260 Verb 1360 1660 English translation It is Mary whom John loves. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1789 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 014 main gloss fs-JOHN 80 260 |> 480 fs-MARY 600 700 IX-loc:j 800 840 IX-3p:i 1060 1080 LOVE 1160 1340 IX-3p:j 1520 1520 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 0 0 start 20 340 slightly front 360 820 head pos: tilt side start 0 20 slightly left 40 40 end 60 260 start 560 660 slightly right 680 1080 start 1100 1180 right 1200 1240 end 1260 1520 head pos: turn start 1080 1180 right 1200 1340 end 1360 1600 head pos: jut start 120 320 back 340 1220 end 1240 1420 head mvmt: nod start 20 40 slight rapid head nod 60 540 shoulders start 1220 1320 forward/right 1340 1480 end 1500 1700 topic top3 80 480 top2 520 840 eye brows start 0 60 raised 80 840 end 860 1080 eye aperture blink 0 20 start 40 200 squint 220 420 start 440 480 wide 500 860 end 900 1020 blink 1100 1220 blink 1520 1560 eye gaze right 560 720 POS Proper Noun 80 260 Proper Noun 600 700 Adverb 800 840 Pronoun 1060 1080 Verb 1160 1340 Pronoun 1520 1520 English translation It is Mary whom John loves. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 2334 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss CHINA 320 660 VEGETABLE 880 1120 PEOPLE 1200 1320 PREFER 1380 1520 BROCCOLI 1600 2100 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 240 back 260 440 end 500 760 start 1380 1700 slightly front 1720 2140 end 2160 2280 head pos: tilt side start 0 340 slightly right 360 1120 start 1140 1440 slightly left 1460 2320 head pos: turn start 1200 1440 slightly right 1460 2100 end 2120 2334 head pos: jut start 60 300 forward 320 400 start 420 820 back 840 1040 end 1060 1140 start 1560 1960 forward 1980 2080 end 2100 2200 head mvmt: nod start 0 360 slight rapid head nod 380 600 rapid 1360 1560 topic top2 180 720 top2 760 1160 eye brows start 0 160 raised 180 1160 end 1180 1480 eye aperture blink 0 20 blink 80 140 start 160 300 wide 320 540 blink 560 600 start 640 920 wide 940 1040 blink 1060 1080 start 1100 1160 wide 1180 1260 start 1280 1300 closed 1320 1400 end 1420 1560 blink 2100 2160 eye gaze down/right 740 920 left 2280 2334 POS Proper Noun 320 660 Noun 880 1120 Noun 1200 1320 Verb 1380 1520 Noun 1600 2100 English translation In China, people prefer broccoli over other vegetables. Notes - number of character bytes: 57 check headtilt Is there really a headnod over PREFER ??? Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 160 End frame: 971 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 008 main gloss POSS-3p:i 280 380 NEW 460 580 CAR 640 820 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: turn start 180 300 left 320 460 end 480 880 body lean start 260 340 slightly back 360 440 eye aperture mouth lips spread:crnrs down 820 971 POS Possessive 280 380 Adjective 460 580 Noun 640 820 English translation His/her new car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1202 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 160 360 POSS-3p:j 420 540 fs-JOHN 600 700 CAR 780 1020 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt side start 140 360 slightly right 380 800 end 840 1060 head pos: turn start 340 540 slightly right 560 780 end 800 1040 head pos: jut start 180 380 back 400 620 end 640 740 head mvmt: nod single 140 340 cheeks start 240 440 tensed right 460 540 end 560 640 eye brows start 80 160 raised 180 320 start 340 460 lowered 480 780 end 800 1040 eye aperture blink 0 0 start 60 160 lowered lid 180 200 start 220 280 wide 300 360 end 380 460 eye gaze down/right 120 220 POS Pronoun 160 360 Pronoun 420 540 Proper Noun 600 700 Noun 780 1020 English translation That is John's car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1530 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-3p:i 240 440 THAT 480 580 fs-JOHN 600 720 POSS-3p:j 800 900 FATHER 1000 1060 CAR 1140 1300 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 180 slightly back 200 240 start 620 780 slightly front 800 1140 end 1160 1340 head pos: tilt side start 200 460 slightly right 480 580 head pos: turn start 520 740 right 760 1340 end 1360 1480 head pos: jut start 600 740 back 760 1060 end 1080 1320 topic top2 200 440 eye brows start 40 180 raised 200 440 end 460 540 eye aperture start 100 200 lowered lid 220 280 start 300 340 squint 360 400 start 420 480 wide 500 520 end 540 600 eye gaze down 200 360 right 740 840 cheeks start 220 360 tensed 380 400 end 420 480 POS Determiner 240 440 Demonstrative 480 580 Proper Noun 600 720 Pronoun 800 900 Noun 1000 1060 Noun 1140 1300 English translation That is John's father's car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1215 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 200 320 POSS-3p:j 400 440 FATHER 580 620 CAR 680 760 QMwg 780 880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 140 420 front 440 840 end 860 1080 topic top2 100 340 eye brows start 0 80 raised 100 800 end 820 1000 eye aperture blink 0 20 start 60 160 wide 180 860 end 900 1000 eye gaze down/right 100 280 left 1160 1215 mouth start 120 180 intense 200 320 end 340 380 cheeks start 140 220 tensed 240 320 end 340 400 yes/no question y/n 380 880 end 900 1020 POS Determiner 200 320 Possessive 400 440 Noun 580 620 Noun 680 760 Particle 780 880 English translation Is that John's father's car? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video FireWire 39000:NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1261 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 010 main gloss IX-3p:i 280 360 POSS-3p:j 400 520 JOHN 580 660 FATHER 780 840 CAR 900 1040 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 200 480 slightly front 500 980 end 1000 1180 head pos: turn start 360 540 slightly left 560 1080 end 1100 1220 eye brows start 60 160 raised 180 960 end 980 1160 eye aperture squint 80 100 start 120 240 wide 260 1060 end 1080 1160 eye gaze down/right 160 340 yes/no question start 140 240 y/n 260 1020 end 1040 1160 POS Determiner 280 360 Possessive 400 520 Proper Noun 580 660 Noun 780 840 Noun 900 1040 English translation Is that John's father's car? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1220 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 200 340 WHO 440 520 POSS-3p:j 560 680 CAR 760 900 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 40 300 front 340 740 end 760 980 head pos: turn slightly left 0 120 end 140 420 head pos: jut start 120 280 back 300 740 end 760 960 eye brows start 0 100 lowered 120 920 end 940 1220 eye aperture start 20 160 squint 180 1140 blink 1160 1200 end 1220 1220 eye gaze down 180 340 left 1220 1220 nose start 140 180 wrinkle 200 760 end 780 1020 wh question start 0 180 wh 200 980 end 1000 1220 POS Determiner 200 340 Wh-word 440 520 Possessive 560 680 Noun 760 900 English translation Who does that car belong to? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1156 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 260 320 WHO 440 480 POSS-3p:j 520 580 CAR 640 760 part:indef 800 920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 140 240 front 260 340 slightly front 360 780 end 800 980 head mvmt: shake rapid 360 540 head pos: jut start 160 220 back 240 860 end 880 1000 eye brows slightly lowered 0 100 start 120 200 lowered 220 920 end 940 1100 eye aperture start 100 220 squint 240 860 end 880 900 blink 940 980 eye gaze down/right 140 340 left 1000 1156 nose start 140 220 wrinkle 240 760 end 780 860 wh question start 80 200 wh 220 920 end 940 1060 POS Pronoun 260 320 Wh-word 440 480 Possessive 520 580 Noun 640 760 Particle 800 920 English translation Who's car is that? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1113 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 140 180 PAST 220 400 POSS-3p:j 460 540 fs-JOHN 580 660 CAR 720 880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 180 420 slightly back 440 560 start 880 960 slightly back 980 1113 head pos: tilt side slightly right 0 780 end 820 980 head pos: turn slightly right 0 220 start 240 400 right 420 780 end 800 1060 head pos: jut start 60 180 back 200 320 end 340 480 eye brows raised 0 160 start 180 280 lowered 300 360 end 380 420 eye aperture wide 0 0 start 20 60 lowered lid 80 160 blink 180 200 squint 220 360 end 380 460 blink 880 920 eye gaze down/right 40 160 nose start 20 140 tense 160 340 end 360 440 POS Pronoun 140 180 Tense Marker 220 400 Possessive 460 540 Proper Noun 580 660 Noun 720 880 English translation That used to be John's car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 940 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 010 main gloss POSS-3p:i 240 320 #EX 380 440 CAR 580 780 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt side start 340 420 slightly left 440 540 end 560 800 head pos: turn slightly left 0 40 end 60 240 start 360 440 slightly left 460 800 end 820 920 eye brows start 260 360 slightly lowered 380 460 end 480 780 eye aperture blink 0 0 start 140 200 lowered lid 220 260 squint 280 440 end 460 580 eye gaze down/right 160 260 nose start 220 360 tense 380 480 end 500 560 POS Possessive 240 320 Adjective 380 440 Noun 580 780 English translation That is his/her old car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0