SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: three pigs Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv3:three pigs Number of utterances: 50 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 2415 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss STORY 540 860 ABOUT 960 1060 THREE 1120 1280 PIG 1400 2000 |> 2140 non-dominant hand gloss A story about three pigs. head pos: tilt fr/bk back 0 1280 end 1300 1500 start 1920 2100 front 2120 2415 head pos: turn start 460 580 left 600 2200 start 2220 2280 slightly left 2300 2415 head pos: tilt side slightly right 0 2140 end 2160 2300 head pos: jut slightly forward 0 1360 end 1380 2000 head mvmt: nod start 1280 1340 slow 1360 2360 end 2380 2415 body lean start 2000 2020 slightly forward 2040 2415 eye brows slightly lowered 0 2415 eye gaze down 2240 2415 eye aperture lowered lid 0 140 start 160 220 blink 240 320 start 340 400 lowered lid 420 960 end 980 1080 start 2020 2060 closed 2080 2300 start 2320 2380 lowered lid 2400 2415 POS Noun 540 860 Preposition 960 1060 Number 1120 1280 Noun 1400 2000 Notes - number of character bytes: 49 - CBD _ is there actually a nod? (maybe slow one) Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 2420 End frame: 3660 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss THREE 2800 3000 MOTHER 3100 3280 CARE 3480 3660 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 3280 3320 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 2420 2420 start 2440 2660 slightly back 2680 3660 head pos: turn slightly left 2420 2780 end 2800 2840 start 3080 3100 left 3120 3340 start 3360 3400 slightly left 3420 3660 head pos: tilt side start 2680 2720 right 2740 3660 head mvmt: nod start 2740 2780 single 2800 3020 end 3040 3100 body lean slightly forward 2420 2460 end 2480 2660 start 3400 3440 left 3460 3660 eye brows slightly lowered 2420 2440 start 2460 2520 lowered 2540 3660 eye gaze down 2420 2520 down/right 2680 2880 eye aperture lowered lid 2420 2500 start 2520 2680 squint 2700 3660 nose start 2680 2740 wrinkle 2760 3660 POS Number 2800 3000 Noun 3100 3280 Verb 3480 3660 Non-dominant POS Adverb 3280 3320 English translation A mother take care of three pigs. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 3680 End frame: 4940 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 015 main gloss THREE 3720 3760 PIG 3860 3880 GROW-UP 4020 4460 FINISH 4600 4760 non-dominant hand gloss CARE 3680 3700 |> 3860 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 3680 3820 start 3840 3940 front 3960 4200 start 4220 4500 back 4520 4940 head pos: turn slightly left 3680 3880 end 3900 3980 start 4740 4780 slightly right 4800 4940 head pos: tilt side right 3680 4060 end 4080 4200 start 4720 4780 left 4800 4940 head pos: jut start 3860 3880 back 3900 4160 end 4180 4460 start 4680 4720 forward 4740 4940 head mvmt: nod start 4600 4640 rapid 4660 4840 end 4860 4940 body lean left 3680 4940 eye brows lowered 3680 4940 eye gaze down 3840 4360 eye aperture squint 3680 3760 start 3780 3820 lowered lid 3840 3980 start 4000 4040 squint 4060 4600 start 4620 4680 blink 4700 4760 start 4780 4800 lowered lid 4820 4940 nose wrinkle 3680 4940 POS Number 3720 3760 Noun 3860 3880 Verb 4020 4460 Adverb 4600 4760 Non-dominant POS Verb 3680 3700 English translation When three pigs grew up... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 4960 End frame: 6560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 015 main gloss INFORMATION 5080 5180 IX-3p:i 5240 5300 TIME 5440 5580 THREE 5660 5800 GO-AWAY 5920 6060 fs-OWN 6140 6560 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 4960 5020 end 5040 5100 start 5180 5220 back 5240 6560 head pos: turn right 4960 6020 start 6040 6320 slightly left 6340 6560 head pos: tilt side left 4960 6100 start 6120 6300 slightly right 6320 6560 head pos: jut slightly forward 4960 4980 end 5000 5080 start 5280 5300 slightly back 5320 6040 end 6060 6160 head mvmt: nod start 5000 5080 slight rapid headnod 5100 6040 end 6060 6120 body lean left 4960 6340 end 6360 6480 eye brows lowered 4960 6560 eye gaze down 4960 5140 down/right 6400 6560 eye aperture lowered lid 4960 4980 start 5000 5080 squint 5100 6560 nose wrinkle 4960 5940 end 5960 6060 role shift Pig's mother 5080 6560 POS Noun 5080 5180 Pronoun 5240 5300 Noun 5440 5580 Number 5660 5800 Verb 5920 6060 Adjective 6140 6560 English translation She informed three pigs that its time for them to go away to be on their own. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 6580 End frame: 7840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss GO-AWAY 6640 6880 BUILD 6940 7060 IX-2p-arc 7120 7300 HOUSE 7360 7720 part:indef 7760 7840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 6580 6580 start 6600 6700 front 6720 6820 start 6840 6900 back 6920 7840 head pos: turn slightly left 6580 7180 start 7200 7320 left 7340 7840 head pos: tilt side right 6580 7840 head pos: jut start 6580 6620 back 6640 6780 end 6800 6880 start 7580 7640 forward 7660 7720 end 7740 7780 head mvmt: nod start 6580 6640 slow 6660 7540 end 7560 7640 body lean start 6680 6800 forward 6820 6940 end 6960 7060 start 7300 7320 forward 7340 7620 end 7640 7720 eye brows lowered 6580 7840 eye gaze down/right 6580 6820 eye aperture squint 6580 7800 start 7820 7820 closed 7840 7840 role shift Pig's mother 6580 7840 POS Verb 6640 6880 Verb 6940 7060 Pronoun 7120 7300 Noun 7360 7720 Particle 7760 7840 English translation Go ahead, go and build your house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 7880 End frame: 8700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 7920 7960 FUTURE 8020 8080 VISIT+ 8140 8700 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 7880 7900 |> 8080 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 7880 8700 head pos: turn left 7880 8700 head pos: tilt side right 7880 8700 head pos: jut start 8200 8220 forward 8240 8700 head mvmt: nod start 7880 7900 slight rapid headnod 7920 8660 end 8680 8700 body lean start 8180 8200 slightly forward 8220 8360 end 8380 8420 eye brows lowered 7880 8700 eye aperture closed 7880 8060 start 8080 8160 squint 8180 8700 role shift Pig's mother 7880 8700 POS Pronoun 7920 7960 Tense Marker 8020 8080 Verb 8140 8700 Non-dominant POS Particle 7880 7900 English translation I will visit often. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 8720 End frame: 10060 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss THREE 8740 8800 PIG 8880 8940 CL:5"the height of person" 8980 9160 (2h)#OK 9340 9600 LEAVE 9820 10020 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 8720 10060 head pos: turn slightly left 8720 8780 start 8800 8880 left 8900 9160 end 9180 9460 head pos: tilt side right 8720 9420 end 9440 9600 start 9720 9740 slightly right 9760 10020 end 10040 10060 head pos: jut slightly forward 8720 8740 end 8760 8800 start 9500 9580 slightly back 9600 10060 head mvmt: nod start 9340 9420 rapid 9440 10020 end 10040 10060 eye brows lowered 8720 8720 start 8740 8800 raised 8820 9100 end 9120 9160 start 9340 9420 lowered 9440 10060 eye gaze left 8840 9140 eye aperture slightly squinted 8720 8760 start 8780 8840 blink 8860 8960 start 8980 9120 squint 9140 9280 start 9300 9320 slightly squinted 9340 9520 start 9540 9580 blink 9600 9780 start 9800 9840 squint 9860 10060 POS Number 8740 8800 Noun 8880 8940 Classifier 8980 9160 Discourse Marker 9340 9600 Verb 9820 10020 English translation Three pigs said ok and then left. Notes - number of character bytes: 37 - the cl, is it correct way to gloss? Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 10080 End frame: 11940 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 016 main gloss THREE 10160 10220 CL:3"people walking" 10260 10940 LOOK 11060 11380 ONE 11440 11620 CL:5"location" 11740 11940 non-dominant hand gloss LOOK 11060 11380 |> 11940 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 10080 11940 head pos: turn start 10080 10180 left 10200 10260 start 10280 10440 right 10460 10500 start 10520 10700 left 10720 10880 end 10900 10940 start 11240 11380 left 11400 11940 head pos: tilt side start 11400 11440 left 11460 11940 head pos: jut slightly back 10080 10100 start 10120 10180 forward 10200 11940 head mvmt: shake start 10080 10180 rapid 10200 11380 end 11400 11540 body lean start 11560 11600 forward/left 11620 11940 eye brows lowered 10080 11940 eye gaze up/right 10180 10720 left 11380 11560 left 11680 11820 eye aperture squint 10080 10840 start 10860 10880 blink 10900 11060 start 11080 11120 squint 11140 11680 end 11700 11820 wh question wh 10080 11940 role shift Pig 10260 10940 POS Number 10160 10220 Classifier 10260 10940 Verb 11060 11380 Number 11440 11620 Classifier 11740 11940 Non-dominant POS Verb 11060 11380 English translation Three pigs were walking and looking for a location. Notes - number of character bytes: 30 - last cl, is it cl or "AREA"? Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 11980 End frame: 14160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss FIND 12060 12200 CL:5"location" 12260 12700 LAND 12800 12860 (2H)CL:5"location" 12920 13160 SEEM 13260 13420 AGREE 13620 14020 IX-1p 14080 14100 part:indef 14140 14160 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"location" 11980 12000 |> 12260 AGREE 13620 14020 |> 14160 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 11980 12060 end 12080 12200 start 12900 13100 slightly back 13120 13580 end 13600 13700 head pos: turn slightly left 11980 12020 start 12040 12200 right 12220 12620 start 12640 12940 left 12960 13280 start 13300 13600 right 13620 14160 head pos: tilt side slightly left 11980 12260 end 12280 12480 start 12700 12840 slightly right 12860 13300 start 13320 14040 left 14060 14160 head pos: jut slightly forward 11980 12000 start 12020 12100 back 12120 12980 end 13000 13100 start 13660 13780 slightly back 13800 14160 head mvmt: nod start 13140 13220 rapid 13240 14100 end 14120 14140 body lean forward/left 11980 12000 end 12020 12100 start 13780 14080 left 14100 14160 eye brows slightly lowered 11980 12000 start 12020 12020 raised 12040 12120 end 12140 12240 start 12980 13020 lowered 13040 14160 eye gaze right 12060 12560 left 12900 13080 right 13540 14160 eye aperture start 13300 13520 slightly squinted 13540 14160 POS Verb 12060 12200 Classifier 12260 12700 Noun 12800 12860 Classifier 12920 13160 Verb 13260 13420 Verb 13620 14020 Pronoun 14080 14100 Particle 14140 14160 Non-dominant POS Classifier 11980 12000 Verb 13620 14020 English translation We finally found a land that we all agreed to have that location. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 14180 End frame: 15900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-2p:i 14240 14380 IX-1p 14540 14680 |> 14860 HOUSE 14960 15080 SET-UP-arc 15280 15680 GO-AHEAD 15800 15900 non-dominant hand gloss IX-2p:j 14760 14860 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 14180 14280 back 14300 14520 end 14540 14680 start 15680 15700 back 15720 15900 head pos: turn right 14180 14520 start 14540 14700 left 14720 14900 end 14920 15000 start 15260 15320 left 15340 15900 head pos: tilt side left 14180 14560 start 14580 14860 slightly right 14880 15660 end 15680 15800 head pos: jut slightly back 14180 14480 start 14500 14800 forward 14820 14880 end 14900 14960 start 15340 15360 forward 15380 15800 start 15820 15880 slightly back 15900 15900 head mvmt: nod start 14460 14520 slight rapid headnod 14540 15800 end 15820 15880 body lean left 14180 14660 end 14680 14740 eye brows lowered 14180 15900 eye gaze right 14180 14400 left 14640 14880 left 15680 15820 eye aperture slightly squinted 14180 15700 start 15720 15800 blink 15820 15880 end 15900 15900 role shift Pig 14180 15900 POS Pronoun 14240 14380 Pronoun 14540 14680 Noun 14960 15080 Verb 15280 15680 Verb 15800 15900 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 14760 14860 English translation Lets go set up our houses. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 15920 End frame: 17760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss ONE 15980 16100 PIG 16180 16200 CL:1"person walking" 16340 16700 |> 17760 non-dominant hand gloss GO-AHEAD 15920 15940 |> 16060 ANOTHER 16800 16820 CL:1"person walking" 16900 17200 ANOTHER 17280 17340 CL:1"person walking" 17420 17760 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 15920 17500 end 17520 17580 head pos: turn slightly left 15920 15940 end 15960 16080 start 17100 17160 left 17180 17660 end 17680 17760 head pos: tilt side start 15920 15980 right 16000 16800 end 16820 16980 start 17200 17260 left 17280 17760 head pos: jut slightly back 15920 16660 end 16680 16760 head mvmt: nod start 16340 16480 slow 16500 17700 end 17720 17740 body lean start 17400 17560 left 17580 17760 eye brows lowered 15920 16120 start 16140 16200 raised 16220 16600 end 16620 16700 eye gaze down/right 16160 16440 left 17160 17300 down/right 17740 17760 eye aperture squint 15920 16200 start 16220 16660 lowered lid 16680 17520 start 17540 17600 blink 17620 17720 end 17740 17760 POS Number 15980 16100 Noun 16180 16200 Classifier 16340 16700 Non-dominant POS Verb 15920 15940 Adjective 16800 16820 Classifier 16900 17200 Adjective 17280 17340 Classifier 17420 17760 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 23 - english translation?? Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 17780 End frame: 21520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss CL:1"person walking" 17920 18220 IX-3p:i 18360 18620 |> 18800 TEND 18880 19040 IX-2p:i 19160 19320 CHARACTER 19480 19820 LAZY 20040 20300 |> 20760 GOOD-ENOUGH++ 20920 21520 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 19980 20140 |> 20580 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 17780 17960 back 17980 20040 start 20060 20800 back 20820 20940 start 20960 21220 front 21240 21520 head pos: turn start 17780 17940 right 17960 18200 start 18220 18860 left 18880 20780 end 20800 20820 start 21040 21220 slightly right 21240 21520 head pos: tilt side left 17780 17800 start 17820 17980 right 18000 18220 start 18240 18840 right 18860 19800 start 19820 20040 left 20060 20780 start 20800 20980 right 21000 21520 head pos: jut start 18220 18540 slightly forward 18560 20760 end 20780 20920 head mvmt: side to side start 19880 20120 slow 20160 21500 end 21520 21520 body lean left 17780 17940 end 17960 18080 start 20060 20140 left 20160 20620 start 20640 21000 right 21020 21520 eye brows start 17780 17860 raised 17880 18140 start 18160 18220 lowered 18240 21520 eye gaze right 17780 18160 eye aperture start 17860 17980 wide 18000 18120 start 18140 18160 closed 18180 18240 start 18260 18360 lowered lid 18380 19580 start 19600 19640 blink 19660 19800 start 19820 19860 further lowered 19900 20840 start 20860 20920 squint 20940 21440 start 21460 21500 closed 21520 21520 POS Classifier 17920 18220 Pronoun 18360 18620 Verb 18880 19040 Pronoun 19160 19320 Noun 19480 19820 Adjective 20040 20300 Adjective 20920 21520 Non-dominant POS Particle 19980 20140 English translation That pig's character tend to be lazy. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 21540 End frame: 23060 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-3p:i 21600 21740 NAH 21920 22100 HOUSE 22200 22300 (2h)FANCY++ 22480 22700 NAH 22920 23060 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 21540 21560 start 21580 21760 back 21780 21920 end 21940 22100 start 22500 22580 front 22600 22740 start 22760 22800 back 22820 22940 end 22960 23060 head pos: turn slightly right 21540 21640 start 21660 21840 left 21860 21980 start 22000 22100 right 22120 22580 start 22600 22720 left 22740 23000 end 23020 23060 head pos: tilt side right 21540 21680 start 21700 21800 left 21820 22000 end 22020 22100 start 22400 22480 left 22500 22960 end 22980 23060 head pos: jut start 22060 22100 back 22120 22320 start 22340 22400 slightly back 22420 23060 head mvmt: shake start 21620 21680 slow 21700 22920 end 22940 23060 body lean right 21540 21660 end 21680 21780 start 21860 21960 left 21980 22140 end 22160 22300 start 22520 22580 back left 22600 23060 eye brows lowered 21540 22020 start 22040 22120 raised 22140 22540 start 22560 22680 lowered 22700 23060 eye gaze right 22020 22120 up/right 22140 22480 eye aperture closed 21540 21720 start 21740 21760 further squinted 21780 22000 start 22020 22140 wide 22160 22580 start 22600 22620 closed 22640 23000 start 23020 23040 lowered lid 23060 23060 POS Pronoun 21600 21740 Noun 22200 22300 Adjective 22480 22700 English translation His house is not fancy. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 23080 End frame: 24360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss CL:5"cutting the objects" 23160 23500 GRASS 23620 23800 CL:5"cutting the objects" 23960 24360 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"cutting the objects" 23160 23500 |> 24360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 23440 23480 back 23500 23720 end 23740 23820 start 24260 24300 slightly front 24320 24360 head pos: turn start 23080 23160 right 23180 23400 start 23420 23520 slightly left 23540 23740 start 23760 23880 right 23900 24260 end 24280 24360 head pos: tilt side start 23080 23140 right 23160 24360 head pos: jut slightly back 23080 23360 start 23380 23500 forward 23520 23660 start 23680 23860 back 23880 24360 body lean back left 23080 23100 start 23120 23220 right 23240 23500 end 23520 23600 start 23900 23980 right 24000 24360 eye brows lowered 23080 24360 eye gaze left 23660 23760 eye aperture lowered lid 23080 23400 end 23420 23500 start 23760 23780 lowered lid 23800 24360 POS Classifier 23160 23500 Noun 23620 23800 Classifier 23960 24360 Non-dominant POS Classifier 23160 23500 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 55 - english translation? - role shift in this utterance?? Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 24400 End frame: 25780 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss ICL:1"wrapping the object" 24440 24820 BUILD 25000 25320 HOUSE 25340 25420 BUILD 25480 25660 HOUSE 25700 25780 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 24400 24760 start 24780 24900 back 24920 25780 head pos: turn slightly left 24400 24720 start 24740 24840 right 24860 25340 start 25360 25500 left 25520 25780 head pos: tilt side right 24400 24800 end 24820 24900 start 24980 25060 left 25080 25780 head pos: jut back 24400 24800 end 24820 24920 start 25420 25500 back 25520 25700 end 25720 25780 body lean right 24400 24460 start 24480 24640 forward 24660 24840 start 24860 25000 back left 25020 25780 eye brows slightly lowered 24400 25680 start 25700 25740 slightly raised 25760 25780 eye gaze right 24860 25340 eye aperture lowered lid 24400 24840 end 24860 24920 POS Classifier 24440 24820 Verb 25000 25320 Noun 25340 25420 Verb 25480 25660 Noun 25700 25780 English translation Building a house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 25800 End frame: 26520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss GRASS 25820 26120 HOUSE 26180 26300 |> 26520 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 26340 26500 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 25800 26120 end 26140 26200 head pos: turn left 25800 26520 head pos: tilt side left 25800 26520 head pos: jut start 26000 26040 back 26060 26520 body lean back left 25800 26520 eye brows slightly raised 25800 25820 end 25840 25880 start 26080 26120 slightly lowered 26140 26380 end 26400 26480 eye aperture start 26460 26480 closed 26500 26520 POS Noun 25820 26120 Noun 26180 26300 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 26340 26500 English translation It becomes a grass house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 26560 End frame: 28500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 016 main gloss IX-3p:j 26880 27000 PIG 27100 27160 IX-loc:j 27220 27340 part:indef 27460 27940 LAZY 28040 28180 |> 28500 non-dominant hand gloss NEXT 26580 26860 part:indef 27460 27940 |> 28080 NOT 28240 28500 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 26580 26680 back 26700 27400 start 27420 27580 front 27600 27740 start 27760 27940 back 27960 28260 start 28280 28320 front 28340 28500 head pos: turn left 26560 26780 end 26800 26880 start 27480 27580 left 27600 28500 head pos: tilt side left 26560 26680 start 26700 26880 right 26900 27280 start 27300 27520 left 27540 27780 start 27800 27920 right 27940 28500 head pos: jut back 26560 26580 start 26600 26760 forward 26780 27620 start 27640 27900 slightly back 27920 28080 end 28100 28200 head mvmt: nod start 27000 27080 slow 27100 27860 end 27880 27980 head mvmt: shake start 28040 28060 slight rapid headshake 28080 28460 end 28480 28500 body lean back left 26560 26760 end 26780 26880 start 26980 27100 slightly forward 27120 27360 end 27380 27440 start 27560 27680 slightly forward 27700 27780 end 27800 27920 start 28200 28320 forward 28340 28500 eye brows slightly raised 26560 28020 start 28040 28200 lowered 28220 28500 eye gaze down/right 28460 28500 eye aperture lowered lid 26560 26560 start 26580 26620 blink 26640 26760 start 26780 26840 lowered lid 26860 27140 start 27160 27220 closed 27240 27540 start 27560 27620 lowered lid 27640 27640 start 27660 27680 blink 27700 27780 start 27800 27820 blink 27840 27900 start 27920 28000 closed 28020 28240 start 28260 28280 squint 28300 28500 negative neg 28080 28460 POS Pronoun 26880 27000 Noun 27100 27160 Pronoun 27220 27340 Particle 27460 27940 Adjective 28040 28180 Non-dominant POS Adjective 26580 26860 Particle 27460 27940 Negation 28240 28500 English translation The next pig, he is not lazy. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 28540 End frame: 30920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUT 28580 28820 part:indef 28920 29220 NOT 29280 29440 DECORATE 29500 29840 HARD 29920 30060 AVERAGE 30240 30660 IX-3p:j 30700 30860 part:indef 30900 30920 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 28920 29220 |> 29440 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 28540 28560 end 28580 28640 start 28700 28820 back 28840 28900 start 28920 29040 front 29060 29200 end 29220 29280 start 29460 29540 front 29560 29620 end 29640 29720 start 30140 30320 back 30340 30760 end 30780 30900 head pos: turn slightly left 28540 28740 end 28760 28820 start 28980 29040 slightly left 29060 29200 end 29220 29300 start 29620 29700 right 29720 29960 end 29980 30100 start 30340 30660 slightly left 30680 30920 head pos: tilt side right 28540 28780 start 28800 29040 left 29060 30080 start 30100 30340 right 30360 30800 start 30820 30900 slightly left 30920 30920 head pos: jut start 28920 28980 forward 29000 29240 start 29260 29540 forward 29560 29640 end 29660 29780 start 30220 30280 forward 30300 30680 end 30700 30820 head mvmt: nod start 28540 28580 slow 28600 30680 start 30700 30740 rapid 30760 30860 end 30880 30900 body lean forward 28540 28640 end 28660 28760 start 28980 29040 left 29060 30240 end 30260 30360 eye brows lowered 28540 29300 start 29320 29540 further lowered 29560 29840 start 29860 29940 lowered 29960 30920 eye gaze down/right 28540 28620 down/left 29500 29620 eye aperture squint 28540 28560 start 28580 28620 blink 28640 28740 start 28760 28780 closed 28800 29260 start 29280 29540 squint 29560 29820 start 29840 29900 blink 29920 29940 start 29960 29960 further lowered 29980 30340 start 30360 30820 closed 30840 30920 POS Conjunction 28580 28820 Particle 28920 29220 Negation 29280 29440 Verb 29500 29840 Adjective 29920 30060 Noun 30240 30660 Pronoun 30700 30860 Particle 30900 30920 Non-dominant POS Particle 28920 29220 English translation He is an average, but not kind of person who would like to decorate a lot. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 30940 End frame: 32260 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUILD 31180 31360 HOUSE 31400 31540 part:indef 31580 31660 TREE 31760 31880 CUT++ 32000 32260 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 30940 30960 |> 31080 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 30980 31040 back 31060 31760 start 31780 31960 front 31980 32260 head pos: turn slightly left 30940 31040 start 31060 31160 left 31180 32260 head pos: tilt side slightly left 30940 31600 end 31620 31640 start 31680 31760 slightly right 31780 32040 end 32060 32100 start 32200 32220 slightly left 32240 32260 head pos: jut start 31180 31280 back 31300 31420 end 31440 31500 start 31940 31980 forward 32000 32180 end 32200 32260 head mvmt: shake start 31380 31420 slight rapid headshake 31440 31620 end 31640 31700 body lean start 31260 31320 slightly back 31340 31480 end 31500 31560 start 32020 32080 forward 32100 32260 eye brows lowered 30940 31320 start 31340 31460 raised 31480 31560 end 31580 31640 start 31940 31980 slightly lowered 32000 32260 eye gaze up/left 31620 31900 down/left 32000 32180 eye aperture closed 30940 30960 start 30980 31000 lowered lid 31020 31280 start 31300 31440 wide 31460 31560 end 31580 31640 POS Verb 31180 31360 Noun 31400 31540 Particle 31580 31660 Noun 31760 31880 Verb 32000 32260 Non-dominant POS Particle 30940 30960 English translation Cut the tree to build a house. Notes - number of character bytes: 30 - last gloss- CUT, is it ICL?? Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 32280 End frame: 34020 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss CUT++ 32340 32740 BUILD 32820 32980 HOUSE 33020 33100 WOOD 33200 33380 HOUSE 33440 33760 |> 34020 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:j 33800 34020 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 32280 32740 start 32760 32880 back 32900 33380 end 33400 33560 start 33660 33760 front 33780 33940 end 33960 34020 head pos: turn left 32280 34020 head pos: tilt side slightly left 32280 32620 start 32640 32840 left 32860 34020 head pos: jut start 32480 32540 forward 32560 32740 end 32760 32820 start 33100 33160 back 33180 33740 start 33760 33940 slightly back 33960 34020 head mvmt: nod start 33840 33900 single 33920 34000 end 34020 34020 body lean slightly forward 32280 32720 end 32740 32840 start 33160 33260 slightly back 33280 33600 end 33620 33780 eye brows lowered 32280 33740 end 33760 33820 start 33980 34000 slightly raised 34020 34020 eye gaze down/left 32280 32660 up/right 32900 33040 eye aperture start 33900 33960 closed 33980 34020 POS Verb 32340 32740 Verb 32820 32980 Noun 33020 33100 Adjective 33200 33380 Noun 33440 33760 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 33800 34020 English translation After building a house, it becomes a wood house. Notes - number of character bytes: 12 -CUT as ICL? Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 34080 End frame: 36220 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:k 34440 34640 |> 34860 WORK 35060 35180 HARD 35240 35480 DECORATE 35680 36220 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:k 34220 34340 IX-loc:k 34600 34660 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 34080 34180 slightly back 34200 34320 end 34340 34440 start 34520 34600 slightly front 34620 34660 end 34680 34860 start 35200 35240 slightly front 35260 36220 head pos: turn left 34080 34420 end 34440 34580 start 34660 34720 right 34740 35240 end 35260 35500 head pos: tilt side left 34080 36220 head pos: jut slightly back 34080 34080 end 34100 34180 start 35660 35780 slightly forward 35800 36220 head mvmt: shake start 34080 34180 slight rapid headshake 34200 34420 end 34440 34520 body lean slightly back 34080 34940 end 34960 35160 start 35660 35740 slightly forward 35760 35840 end 35860 35900 start 36120 36160 slightly forward 36180 36220 eye brows slightly raised 34080 34260 start 34280 34440 raised 34460 34520 start 34540 34640 lowered 34660 36220 eye gaze down/left 34080 34620 eye aperture lowered lid 34080 34080 end 34100 34120 start 34220 34280 wide 34300 34540 start 34560 34580 closed 34600 34700 start 34720 34860 closed 34880 35140 start 35160 35180 squint 35200 35440 start 35460 35480 closed 35500 36140 start 36160 36160 further squinted 36180 36220 POS Pronoun 34440 34640 Verb 35060 35180 Adjective 35240 35480 Verb 35680 36220 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 34220 34340 Pronoun 34600 34660 English translation He is kind of person who would work hard and likes to decorate. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 36240 End frame: 37720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss UNKNOWN 36360 36700 "wow" 36740 37060 DECORATE 37180 37360 TEND 37460 37540 IX-2p:k 37580 37720 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 36240 36700 start 36720 36840 slightly back 36860 37040 start 37060 37100 front 37120 37260 end 37280 37380 head pos: turn start 36640 36700 slightly right 36720 36800 start 36820 36860 right 36880 37100 end 37120 37200 start 37340 37380 right 37400 37720 head pos: tilt side left 36240 37720 head pos: jut slightly forward 36240 36800 end 36820 36880 start 37120 37160 forward 37180 37260 end 37280 37360 start 37440 37480 back 37500 37720 head mvmt: nod start 37260 37360 slight rapid headnod 37380 37700 end 37720 37720 head mvmt: shake start 37060 37080 slow 37100 37380 end 37400 37420 body lean slightly forward 36240 36280 end 36300 36360 start 36480 36520 slightly forward 36540 36740 end 36760 36840 start 37140 37180 slightly forward 37200 37340 start 37360 37480 back left 37500 37720 eye brows lowered 36240 37720 eye aperture further squinted 36240 36660 start 36680 36720 squint 36740 36920 start 36940 37060 closed 37080 37260 end 37280 37340 start 37640 37680 closed 37700 37720 POS Verb 37180 37360 Verb 37460 37540 Pronoun 37580 37720 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 22 - english translation? Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 37740 End frame: 39940 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:k 37800 38260 BUILD 38400 38540 HOUSE 38600 39000 WOOD 39140 39320 FROM 39380 39500 BRICK+ 39600 39940 non-dominant hand gloss IX-2p:k 37740 37760 |> 38180 head pos: turn right 37740 37740 start 37760 37880 left 37900 38260 end 38280 38360 start 38800 38900 left 38920 39480 end 39500 39600 head pos: tilt side slightly left 37740 37760 start 37780 38040 right 38060 38280 end 38300 38380 start 39100 39280 right 39300 39440 end 39460 39580 head pos: jut back 37740 37780 end 37800 37860 start 38000 38060 forward 38080 38220 end 38240 38300 start 38400 38460 back 38480 38760 end 38780 38900 body lean back left 37740 37840 end 37860 38000 start 38120 38180 forward 38200 38260 end 38280 38380 start 39200 39320 slightly forward 39340 39940 eye brows lowered 37740 37740 start 37760 37820 raised 37840 38060 start 38080 38180 lowered 38200 39940 eye gaze left 37840 38140 down/left 38800 39540 eye aperture closed 37740 37740 start 37760 37880 wide 37900 38120 start 38140 38160 blink 38180 38280 start 38300 38340 squint 38360 39940 POS Pronoun 37800 38260 Verb 38400 38540 Noun 38600 39000 Noun 39140 39320 Preposition 39380 39500 Noun 39600 39940 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 37740 37760 English translation He was building a house from bricks. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 39940 End frame: 42480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss MAKE 40040 40120 ICL:5"putting on the objects" 40220 40360 MAKE 40440 40480 ICL:5"putting on the objects" 40660 40960 BUILD 41060 41920 CL:5"getting bigger" 42040 42480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 39940 40100 front 40120 41120 start 41140 42120 back 42140 42480 head pos: turn start 39940 40100 left 40120 40320 end 40340 40360 start 40460 40500 left 40520 42480 head pos: tilt side start 39940 40120 slightly left 40140 40320 end 40340 40360 start 40480 40680 left 40700 41840 start 41860 42320 right 42340 42480 head pos: jut slightly forward 39940 40460 end 40480 40680 start 42400 42440 slightly back 42460 42480 head mvmt: nod start 40960 41080 slow 41100 42380 end 42400 42460 body lean forward 39940 41100 start 41120 42300 slightly back 42320 42480 eye brows lowered 39940 42480 eye gaze down/left 40480 40500 down 40600 41840 up/left 42080 42420 eye aperture squint 39940 42480 POS Verb 40040 40120 Classifier 40220 40360 Verb 40440 40480 Classifier 40660 40960 Verb 41060 41920 Verb 42040 42480 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 22 - english translation? Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 42520 End frame: 43280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss BEAUTIFUL 42580 42760 BRICK 42840 42960 HOUSE 43000 43280 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 42520 42880 end 42900 42960 start 43020 43060 front 43080 43140 start 43160 43240 back 43260 43280 head pos: turn slightly left 42520 42520 end 42540 42580 start 42820 42880 left 42900 43140 end 43160 43200 head pos: tilt side right 42520 43280 head pos: jut slightly back 42520 42900 end 42920 42980 start 43080 43100 forward 43120 43280 body lean slightly back 42520 42860 end 42880 42920 start 43060 43120 slightly forward 43140 43240 end 43260 43280 eye brows lowered 42520 43280 eye gaze left 42800 43120 eye aperture squint 42520 43060 start 43080 43120 blink 43140 43200 end 43220 43240 POS Adjective 42580 42760 Adjective 42840 42960 Noun 43000 43280 English translation It's a beautiful brick house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 43300 End frame: 43960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss IX-3p:j 43340 43520 WOOD 43600 43740 HOUSE 43780 43940 |> 43960 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 43300 43680 start 43700 43780 front 43800 43960 head pos: turn start 43380 43400 slightly right 43420 43600 start 43620 43740 right 43760 43960 head pos: tilt side right 43300 43960 head pos: jut forward 43300 43340 start 43360 43420 slightly back 43440 43580 end 43600 43640 start 43720 43760 slightly forward 43780 43960 body lean start 43380 43420 back 43440 43640 start 43660 43760 forward 43780 43960 eye brows lowered 43300 43960 eye aperture start 43880 43900 closed 43920 43960 POS Pronoun 43340 43520 Adjective 43600 43740 Noun 43780 43940 English translation There is a wood house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 43980 End frame: 45520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss GRASS 44640 44880 HOUSE 45000 45080 part:indef 45140 45320 non-dominant hand gloss HOUSE 43980 44000 |> 44060 IX-3p:i 44140 44400 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 43980 44040 start 44060 44200 back 44220 44880 end 44900 45020 head pos: turn right 43980 44480 end 44500 44620 head pos: tilt side right 43980 44580 end 44600 44740 head pos: jut slightly forward 43980 44000 end 44020 44040 start 44100 44180 back 44200 45220 start 45240 45340 slightly back 45360 45520 body lean slightly forward 43980 44020 start 44040 44200 back left 44220 44480 start 44500 44620 back 44640 45100 end 45120 45320 shoulders start 44500 44620 left up 44640 45180 end 45200 45320 eye brows lowered 43980 45520 eye gaze right 43980 44360 right 45340 45520 eye aperture start 43980 44000 squint 44020 44720 end 44740 44880 start 45000 45040 closed 45060 45140 start 45160 45160 blink 45180 45500 end 45520 45520 POS Noun 43980 44000 Pronoun 44140 44400 Adjective 44640 44880 Noun 45000 45080 Particle 45140 45320 English translation And, there is a grass house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 45540 End frame: 48860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss MISTAKE 45780 46100 HAPPEN 46300 46940 ARRIVE 47360 47480 CL:5"location" 47640 47920 WOLF 48200 48860 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 45720 45980 further front 46000 47340 end 47360 47580 start 48080 48280 front 48300 48860 head pos: turn start 45540 45800 right 45820 47400 end 47420 47580 head pos: tilt side start 45700 45840 slightly right 45860 46180 end 46200 46400 start 47560 47680 slightly left 47700 47760 end 47780 47820 head pos: jut slightly back 45540 46380 end 46400 46940 body lean start 45860 46240 forward 46260 47140 end 47160 47340 start 47680 47740 slightly forward 47760 48860 eye brows lowered 45540 45780 end 45800 45940 start 47020 47100 raised 47120 47760 start 47780 48020 lowered 48040 48860 eye gaze right 45540 45600 up/right 47020 47220 eye aperture start 46960 47060 wide 47080 47780 end 47800 47880 start 48040 48100 squint 48120 48340 start 48360 48840 squint 48860 48860 POS Verb 45780 46100 Verb 46300 46940 Verb 47360 47480 Classifier 47640 47920 Noun 48200 48860 English translation All of sudden, a wolf arrive the location. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 48900 End frame: 51160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss WOLF 48960 49080 |> 49420 SMELL 49640 50020 PIG 50080 50340 DELICIOUS 50400 50580 |> 50660 WHERE 50740 51160 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 48900 49020 end 49040 49100 head pos: turn start 49080 49220 left 49240 49640 start 49660 50020 right 50040 51160 head pos: tilt side start 50180 50360 slightly right 50380 51160 head mvmt: shake start 49060 49180 single 49200 51060 end 51080 51160 body lean slightly forward 48900 49020 start 49040 49420 forward/left 49440 50040 start 50060 50160 slightly forward 50180 50640 start 50660 50820 forward/right 50840 51060 start 51080 51140 slightly forward 51160 51160 eye brows lowered 48900 51040 start 51060 51100 raised 51120 51160 eye gaze left 49080 49600 right 49780 51060 eye aperture squint 48900 50980 start 51000 51080 wide 51100 51160 wh question wh 48900 51040 role shift wolf 49640 51060 POS Noun 48960 49080 Verb 49640 50020 Noun 50080 50340 Adjective 50400 50580 Wh-word 50740 51160 English translation A wolf could smell pigs. "Delicious! Wondering where they are?," Wolf thought. Notes - number of character bytes: 26 - theres role shift right? Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 51200 End frame: 53900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss SEE 51280 51440 THREE 51480 51520 PIG 51620 51640 THREE 51680 51920 "ahh" 51980 52140 ALL 52220 52420 THREE 52440 52500 "ahh" 52520 52880 HIDE 53020 53160 HIDE 53180 53240 HIDE 53280 53420 |> 53900 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: turn right 51200 51360 end 51380 51480 start 52100 52180 right 52200 52960 end 52980 53060 start 53800 53860 slightly right 53880 53900 head pos: tilt side slightly right 51200 51500 end 51520 51680 head pos: jut start 51660 51740 back 51760 53320 start 53340 53440 slightly back 53460 53900 head mvmt: shake start 51640 51720 slight rapid headshake 51740 52020 end 52040 52180 body lean start 52500 52640 back 52660 53140 start 53160 53200 slightly forward 53220 53240 start 53260 53260 forward/left 53280 53900 eye brows slightly raised 51200 51440 start 51460 51500 raised 51520 52660 start 52680 52840 lowered 52860 53900 eye gaze left 51340 51520 right 52140 52240 right 52380 52580 eye aperture wide 51200 52720 start 52740 52860 squint 52880 53900 POS Verb 51280 51440 Number 51480 51520 Noun 51620 51640 Number 51680 51920 Adjective 52220 52420 Number 52440 52500 Verb 53020 53160 Verb 53180 53240 Verb 53280 53420 English translation A wolf saw three pigs, they all screamed and ran away to hide. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 53920 End frame: 56140 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss WOLF 53980 54100 BCL:5"walking" 54260 54640 TO 54720 54740 IX-3p:i 54780 55020 HOUSE 55080 55220 GRASS 55340 55440 part:indef 55600 55760 |> 56140 non-dominant hand gloss TO 54720 54740 |> 55020 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 54080 54220 front 54240 55240 start 55260 55420 back 55440 55820 end 55840 56020 head pos: turn slightly right 53920 54080 start 54100 54180 right 54200 56140 head pos: tilt side start 54100 54180 slightly left 54200 54720 start 54740 54960 slightly right 54980 55360 end 55380 55460 start 55640 55800 slightly left 55820 55980 end 56000 56140 head pos: jut slightly back 53920 54160 start 54180 54240 slightly forward 54260 55120 end 55140 55260 body lean forward/left 53920 54620 start 54640 54820 slightly forward 54840 55420 start 55440 55660 back left 55680 56140 eye brows lowered 53920 55340 start 55360 55400 raised 55420 55460 start 55480 55600 lowered 55620 56140 eye gaze right 54140 54740 right 54940 55120 up/right 55320 55840 right 55860 56140 eye aperture squint 53920 55320 start 55340 55360 wide 55380 55600 start 55620 55760 squint 55780 56140 POS Noun 53980 54100 Classifier 54260 54640 Preposition 54720 54740 Pronoun 54780 55020 Noun 55080 55220 Noun 55340 55440 Particle 55600 55760 Non-dominant POS Preposition 54720 54740 English translation A wolf walk to grass house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 56160 End frame: 58120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss WARN 56200 56380 IX-2p:i 56400 56520 IX-1p 57060 57080 TAKE-OVER 57200 57280 EAT 57340 57440 CL:5"eating the whole thing" 57520 57620 FUTURE 57680 58120 non-dominant hand gloss WARN 56200 56380 |> 56420 OUT 56580 56780 |> 57060 TAKE-OVER 57200 57280 |> 57400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 56200 56380 front 56400 56660 end 56700 56920 start 57120 57140 slightly front 57160 58120 head pos: turn right 56160 56420 start 56440 56500 left 56520 56560 start 56580 56620 right 56640 56760 end 56780 56860 start 57000 57040 right 57060 58120 head pos: tilt side start 56400 56440 left 56460 56620 end 56640 56760 head pos: jut start 56200 56380 back 56400 56640 end 56660 56760 head mvmt: shake start 56420 56460 single 56480 56700 start 56720 56980 slow 57000 57800 end 57820 58120 body lean back left 56160 56200 end 56220 56380 eye brows lowered 56160 58120 eye gaze right 56160 56400 right 56620 56720 right 57020 58120 eye aperture squint 56160 56380 start 56400 56400 closed 56420 56560 start 56580 56640 squint 56660 57900 end 57920 58120 POS Verb 56200 56380 Pronoun 56400 56520 Pronoun 57060 57080 Verb 57200 57280 Verb 57340 57440 Classifier 57520 57620 Tense Marker 57680 58120 Non-dominant POS Verb 56200 56380 Preposition 56580 56780 Verb 57200 57280 English translation "I warn you, get out or else, I will take over and eat you!," Wolf said. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 58140 End frame: 60980 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss PIG 58360 58480 IX-loc:i 58560 58600 CL:5"scaring" 58700 58820 REFUSE 58900 59020 CLOSE 59140 59240 |> 59380 ICL:S"fixing" 59500 59660 LOCK 59740 60020 CHAIR 60200 60420 WAIT 60520 60760 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 58140 58160 start 58180 58340 slightly back 58360 58620 end 58640 58700 start 59400 59480 front 59500 59580 end 59600 59620 start 59940 60000 further front 60020 60760 start 60780 60860 front 60880 60980 head pos: turn right 58140 58180 end 58200 58320 start 58600 58620 slightly left 58640 59040 start 59060 59120 left 59140 59160 end 59180 59340 start 59420 59480 left 59500 59600 end 59620 59660 start 60820 60860 right 60880 60980 head pos: tilt side start 58280 58360 slightly right 58380 59580 end 59600 59640 start 60720 60820 left 60840 60980 head pos: jut start 58580 58620 slightly back 58640 59380 end 59400 59500 start 59940 60000 back 60020 60780 end 60800 60880 head mvmt: shake start 58560 58600 rapid 58620 59080 end 59100 59140 body lean start 60020 60140 forward 60160 60780 start 60800 60880 left 60900 60980 eye brows slightly lowered 58140 58520 start 58540 58600 raised 58620 58700 start 58720 58800 slightly lowered 58820 60400 start 60420 60780 slightly raised 60800 60980 eye gaze right 58140 58180 left 58600 59120 right 60760 60840 eye aperture start 58140 58160 wide 58180 60000 end 60020 60200 POS Noun 58360 58480 Pronoun 58560 58600 Classifier 58700 58820 Verb 58900 59020 Verb 59140 59240 Classifier 59500 59660 Verb 59740 60020 Noun 60200 60420 Verb 60520 60760 English translation A pig refused and closed the door. The door is locked, pig sat on the chair and waiting. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 61020 End frame: 64580 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss PIG 61100 61120 LOOK 61200 61220 #OK 61280 61440 WARN 61660 61860 part:indef 61940 62240 ONE 62700 62960 |> 63540 TWO 63740 64140 |> 64280 THREE 64540 64580 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 61020 61080 start 61100 61180 front 61200 62240 end 62260 62360 start 62620 62700 front 62720 63260 start 63280 63580 front 63600 64160 end 64180 64320 head pos: turn right 61020 61540 end 61560 61680 start 61800 61840 right 61860 62280 end 62300 62460 start 62760 62920 left 62940 63080 end 63100 63180 start 63600 63720 slightly left 63740 64300 start 64320 64440 right 64460 64580 head pos: tilt side slightly left 61020 61300 start 61320 61520 right 61540 62300 end 62320 62480 start 63180 63260 slightly right 63280 64580 head pos: jut start 61300 61460 forward 61480 62240 start 62260 62420 back 62440 62500 end 62520 62680 start 62840 62920 forward 62940 63220 start 63240 63940 forward 63960 64140 start 64160 64300 back 64320 64500 end 64520 64560 head mvmt: shake start 61540 61740 rapid 61760 62180 end 62200 62240 body lean left 61020 61320 end 61340 61480 start 61980 62180 forward 62200 62320 start 62340 62480 back 62500 62680 start 62700 62840 forward 62860 63240 start 63260 63740 forward 63760 64180 end 64200 64340 eye brows slightly raised 61020 61120 start 61140 61240 lowered 61260 61800 start 61820 61860 raised 61880 62040 start 62060 62180 lowered 62200 64580 eye gaze right 61100 62420 right 63140 63640 right 64380 64580 eye aperture start 61020 61020 blink 61040 61120 start 61140 61240 squint 61260 61660 start 61680 61760 wide 61780 62000 start 62020 62040 blink 62060 62200 start 62220 62240 squint 62260 63040 start 63060 63100 blink 63120 63200 start 63220 63240 squint 63260 64580 POS Noun 61100 61120 Verb 61200 61220 Discourse Marker 61280 61440 Verb 61660 61860 Particle 61940 62240 Number 62700 62960 Number 63740 64140 Number 64540 64580 English translation A wolf look at pig and said, "Ok, I warned you, one... two... three..." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 64620 End frame: 67700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss HOUSE 66640 66760 CL:5"the object flying out" 66880 67700 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"sucking the air" 64900 65780 BLOW 65960 66460 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 64620 64680 front 64700 64900 start 64920 65160 back 65180 65900 start 65920 66060 front 66100 66580 end 66600 66760 head pos: turn right 64620 64620 end 64640 64740 start 65040 65140 left 65160 65940 start 65960 66000 right 66020 66580 end 66600 66700 start 66800 67040 left 67060 67700 head pos: tilt side slightly right 64620 64780 end 64800 65040 start 65900 65940 right 65960 67700 head pos: jut start 65100 65400 back 65420 66620 end 66640 66780 body lean start 64620 64720 right 64740 64800 start 64820 65080 back left 65100 65920 start 65940 66040 forward 66060 66580 end 66600 66760 eye brows lowered 64620 66420 start 66440 66560 slightly raised 66580 66760 end 66780 67040 eye gaze right 64620 64880 right 66000 66580 eye aperture squint 64620 65420 start 65440 65720 closed 65740 65960 start 65980 66000 squint 66020 66460 start 66480 66600 wide 66620 66760 start 66780 66800 blink 66820 66940 start 66960 67060 wide 67080 67700 POS Noun 66640 66760 Classifier 66880 67700 Non-dominant POS Classifier 64900 65780 Verb 65960 66460 English translation A fox suck the air and then blow the house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 67740 End frame: 69620 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss GRASS 67860 68040 GONE 68180 68380 CL:5"shocking" 68540 69220 FINISH 69480 69620 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 68200 68280 back 68300 69100 end 69120 69320 head pos: turn left 67740 68220 end 68240 68280 start 68460 68520 left 68540 68800 start 68820 68940 right 68960 69200 end 69220 69360 start 69480 69540 left 69560 69620 head pos: tilt side slightly right 67740 69160 end 69180 69280 head pos: jut start 68180 68280 forward 68300 68480 start 68500 68760 slightly back 68780 69160 end 69180 69280 head mvmt: shake start 67840 67960 slight rapid headshake 67980 68500 start 68520 68660 slow 68680 69320 end 69340 69440 body lean back left 67740 67980 end 68000 68160 start 68540 68640 slightly back 68660 69120 end 69140 69360 eye brows start 68180 68260 slightly raised 68280 69620 eye gaze up 68000 68080 up 68260 68340 up 68500 68520 up/left 68540 68760 up 68780 68800 up/right 68820 69120 up/left 69600 69620 eye aperture wide 67740 67840 start 67860 67940 blink 67960 68000 start 68020 68060 wide 68080 69560 start 69580 69580 slightly squinted 69600 69620 role shift Pig 68540 69620 POS Noun 67860 68040 Adjective 68180 68380 Classifier 68540 69220 Adverb 69480 69620 English translation A grass house is gone. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 69640 End frame: 70800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss LOOK 69700 69780 SEE 69860 69980 WOLF 70120 70340 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:l 70060 70180 |> 70340 LOOK 70400 70460 |> 70800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 69640 69700 back 69720 69800 end 69820 69900 start 70360 70380 front 70400 70800 head pos: turn left 69640 69860 end 69880 69980 start 70360 70380 right 70400 70800 head pos: tilt side slightly right 69640 70000 end 70020 70100 start 70380 70440 right 70460 70800 head pos: jut start 70320 70360 back 70380 70800 body lean start 69640 69680 back right 69700 70360 end 70380 70440 start 70560 70580 slightly forward 70600 70800 eye brows slightly raised 69640 69800 end 69820 69900 start 70140 70340 lowered 70360 70760 start 70780 70780 slightly raised 70800 70800 eye gaze up/left 69640 69800 down/right 70340 70800 eye aperture slightly squinted 69640 69640 end 69660 69700 start 70300 70340 squint 70360 70800 role shift Pig 69640 69780 wolf 70400 70800 POS Verb 69700 69780 Verb 69860 69980 Noun 70120 70340 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 70060 70180 Verb 70400 70460 English translation Looked up and saw wolf was looking down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 70820 End frame: 72400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss LOOK 70980 71100 SCARE 71380 71620 GET-UP 71840 71900 RUN 71960 72400 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 70820 70920 end 70940 71020 start 71080 71120 slightly back 71140 71600 start 71620 71680 front 71700 72280 end 72300 72400 head pos: turn slightly right 70820 70820 start 70840 70900 left 70920 71140 end 71160 71260 start 72060 72140 left 72160 72240 start 72260 72280 slightly left 72300 72400 head pos: tilt side right 70820 71180 end 71200 71300 start 71720 71840 left 71860 72260 end 72280 72400 head pos: jut back 70820 70840 end 70860 70900 start 71020 71140 back 71160 72260 end 72280 72400 body lean slightly forward 70820 71160 end 71180 71260 start 72120 72220 forward 72240 72400 eye brows raised 70820 71060 end 71080 71120 start 71620 71660 slightly raised 71680 72220 end 72240 72340 eye gaze down/left 70820 70820 up/left 70860 71100 down 71640 72160 eye aperture slightly squinted 70820 70880 end 70900 70960 start 71080 71100 blink 71120 71260 start 71280 71320 wide 71340 71760 start 71780 71860 squint 71880 72240 end 72260 72360 role shift Pig 70940 71160 POS Verb 70980 71100 Verb 71380 71620 Verb 71840 71900 Verb 71960 72400 English translation He looked and got scared. He got up and ran away. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 72440 End frame: 73040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 009 main gloss ARRIVE 72440 72580 IX-3p:j 72620 72680 WOOD 72740 72880 HOUSE 72920 73040 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: turn slightly left 72440 73040 head pos: jut start 72480 72500 slightly back 72520 73040 head mvmt: nod start 72440 72460 slight rapid headnod 72480 72640 end 72660 72680 body lean slightly forward 72440 73040 eye brows start 72480 72500 slightly lowered 72520 72960 start 72980 73020 slightly raised 73040 73040 POS Verb 72440 72580 Pronoun 72620 72680 Adjective 72740 72880 Noun 72920 73040 English translation He arrived to wood house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 73080 End frame: 75440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss IN 73240 73580 BROTHER 73720 73880 IX-3p-pl-2:i/j 73960 74000 part:indef 74080 74100 CL:5"talking back and forth" 74180 74600 DO 74660 74740 (2h)CL:3"sitting down" 74820 75080 UNKNOWN 75260 75440 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 73080 73120 front 73140 73220 end 73240 73300 start 73680 73720 slightly front 73740 74080 start 74100 74140 front 74160 75440 head pos: turn slightly left 73080 73980 start 74000 74020 slightly right 74040 74080 start 74100 74200 left 74220 74240 start 74260 74300 right 74320 74340 start 74360 74400 left 74420 74440 start 74460 74500 right 74520 74540 start 74560 74620 left 74640 74800 end 74820 75060 head pos: tilt side start 73080 73120 left 73140 73240 end 73260 73400 start 74100 74120 slightly left 74140 74260 start 74280 74380 slightly left 74400 74440 start 74460 74500 right 74520 74560 start 74580 74620 slightly left 74640 74780 start 74800 75080 slightly left 75100 75360 end 75380 75440 head pos: jut slightly back 73080 73240 end 73260 73320 start 73920 73960 back 73980 75300 end 75320 75440 head mvmt: shake start 74080 74100 slight rapid headshake 74120 74660 end 74680 74920 body lean slightly forward 73080 75440 eye brows start 73080 73120 slightly raised 73140 73240 start 73260 73700 raised 73980 75060 end 75080 75280 eye aperture start 73140 73300 wide 73320 74100 start 74120 74160 squint 74180 75080 start 75100 75260 blink 75280 75360 end 75380 75440 POS Preposition 73240 73580 Noun 73720 73880 Pronoun 73960 74000 Particle 74080 74100 Classifier 74180 74600 Verb 74660 74740 Classifier 74820 75080 English translation Got in and discuss with his brother to see what they should do. They were sitting down and waiting. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 75460 End frame: 77580 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 015 main gloss PIG 75560 75700 WOLF 76040 76200 ARRIVE 76320 76600 LOOK 76720 76820 BCL:S"waiting" 76860 76920 |> 77580 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 75460 75500 end 75520 75620 start 75880 76000 front 76020 77580 head pos: turn start 75600 75720 left 75740 75820 start 75840 76000 right 76020 76180 end 76200 76280 start 76820 76860 slightly right 76880 77580 head pos: tilt side start 75540 75700 left 75720 75980 end 76000 76060 start 76220 76260 slightly left 76280 76560 start 76580 76800 right 76820 77580 head pos: jut start 75840 75980 back 76000 76480 end 76500 76680 head mvmt: nod start 76720 76840 slow 76860 77540 end 77560 77580 head mvmt: shake start 75580 75720 single 75740 76320 end 76340 76540 body lean slightly forward 75460 75500 end 75520 75560 start 75720 75820 left 75840 76040 end 76060 76160 start 76280 76340 left 76360 76600 start 76620 76860 right 76880 77580 eye brows start 75560 75640 lowered 75660 77580 eye gaze down 75700 75840 eye aperture start 75700 75800 closed 75820 76180 end 76200 76280 start 76500 76560 blink 76580 76660 start 76680 76720 squint 76740 76860 start 76880 76900 blink 76920 77180 start 77200 77260 squint 77280 77560 end 77580 77580 role shift wolf 76720 77580 POS Noun 75560 75700 Noun 76040 76200 Verb 76320 76600 Verb 76720 76820 Classifier 76860 76920 English translation A Pig, I mean, Wolf arrived and stared at him. Notes - number of character bytes: 56 - what is the right way to gloss for last CL? as BODY CL Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 77600 End frame: 79520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss WARN 77800 78080 ONE 78140 78420 |> 78700 TWO 78840 78940 |> 79100 THREE 79180 79200 |> 79520 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 77600 79520 head pos: turn slightly right 77600 77600 start 77620 77720 right 77740 79520 head pos: tilt side slightly right 77600 77620 start 77640 77760 slightly left 77780 79520 head pos: jut start 77660 77720 slightly back 77740 78200 end 78220 78440 head mvmt: shake start 78820 78860 rapid 78880 79440 end 79460 79520 body lean right 77600 77760 end 77780 77900 start 78140 78200 slightly forward 78220 79520 eye brows slightly raised 77600 79320 end 79340 79440 eye gaze up/left 79240 79320 up/right 79500 79520 eye aperture start 77600 77640 wide 77660 77700 end 77720 77760 start 78080 78100 wide 78120 79320 start 79340 79440 blink 79460 79520 role shift wolf 77600 79520 POS Verb 77800 78080 Number 78140 78420 Number 78840 78940 Number 79180 79200 English translation Wolf said,"I warned you, ONE... TWO... THREE..." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 79540 End frame: 82640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss CL:5"sucking the air" 79720 80680 BLOW 80780 81320 HOUSE 81500 81620 CL:5"the object flying out" 81680 82640 non-dominant hand gloss THREE 79540 79560 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 79540 79560 start 79580 79800 back 79820 80680 start 80700 80860 front 80880 81360 end 81380 81520 start 81720 81880 back 81900 82480 end 82500 82640 head pos: turn right 79540 80720 end 80740 80880 head pos: tilt side slightly left 79540 80680 start 80700 80840 left 80860 81360 end 81380 81520 head pos: jut start 80440 80680 back 80700 81360 end 81380 81520 body lean slightly forward 79540 79600 start 79620 80280 back 80300 80760 start 80780 81320 forward 81340 81460 end 81480 81560 eye brows lowered 79540 81320 start 81340 81440 slightly raised 81460 81560 end 81580 81720 eye gaze up/right 79540 80700 eye aperture squint 79540 79780 end 79800 79980 start 80560 80640 closed 80660 81340 start 81360 81460 wide 81480 81540 start 81560 81600 closed 81620 81740 start 81760 81820 wide 81840 82320 start 82340 82400 blink 82420 82580 start 82600 82620 wide 82640 82640 role shift wolf 79540 81400 POS Classifier 79720 80680 Verb 80780 81320 Noun 81500 81620 Classifier 81680 82640 Non-dominant POS Number 79540 79560 English translation Wolf sucked the air and then blew the house away. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 82660 End frame: 84160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss TWO 82700 82860 PIG 82940 83000 LEAVE 83040 83080 (2h)CL:3"sitting" 83140 83400 LOOK-AROUND 83500 84160 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 83120 83180 front 83200 83280 start 83300 83400 back 83420 84160 head pos: turn start 83180 83260 left 83280 83680 start 83700 83840 right 83860 83940 start 83960 84080 left 84100 84160 head pos: tilt side start 83200 83260 slightly right 83280 84160 head pos: jut start 84020 84100 slightly back 84120 84160 head mvmt: shake start 83420 83520 slow 83540 84140 end 84160 84160 body lean start 83180 83260 slightly forward 83280 83300 start 83320 83440 back right 83460 84160 eye brows start 83080 83180 raised 83200 84160 eye gaze up/left 83280 83520 up/right 83680 83800 up/left 83960 84140 eye aperture wide 82660 84160 role shift Pig 83140 84160 POS Number 82700 82860 Noun 82940 83000 Verb 83040 83080 Classifier 83140 83400 Verb 83500 84160 English translation So, there are only two pigs left, they were sitting and looking around. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 84180 End frame: 85680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss WOLF 84280 84400 LOOK 84440 84780 READY 84820 84860 IX-1p 84920 84980 TAKE-OVER 85080 85240 EAT 85320 85440 CL:5"eating the whole thing" 85540 85680 non-dominant hand gloss LOOK 84180 84200 |> 84320 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 84180 84240 end 84260 84320 start 84440 84560 slightly front 84580 85680 head pos: turn left 84180 84180 end 84200 84320 start 84820 84880 right 84900 85620 start 85640 85660 slightly right 85680 85680 head pos: tilt side slightly right 84180 84660 end 84680 84780 start 84880 84960 left 84980 85680 head pos: jut slightly back 84180 84380 start 84400 84420 back 84440 85240 start 85260 85320 slightly back 85340 85680 body lean back right 84180 84320 start 84340 84520 slightly back 84540 85280 start 85300 85440 slightly forward 85460 85680 eye brows raised 84180 84220 start 84240 84300 lowered 84320 85680 eye gaze down 84380 85680 eye aperture wide 84180 84220 start 84240 84320 squint 84340 85680 role shift Pig 84180 84200 wolf 84440 85680 POS Noun 84280 84400 Verb 84440 84780 Adjective 84820 84860 Pronoun 84920 84980 Verb 85080 85240 Verb 85320 85440 Classifier 85540 85680 Non-dominant POS Verb 84180 84200 English translation Wolf looked at them and said," I am ready to catch and eat you!" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 85700 End frame: 87040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss CL:5"attacking" 86040 86200 MISTAKE 86280 86300 TWO 86340 86460 CL:2"running" 86500 86660 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"attacking" 86040 86200 |> 87040 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 85700 85760 end 85780 85860 start 86040 86080 front 86100 86640 start 86660 86760 further front 86780 87040 head pos: turn start 86460 86480 left 86500 86540 end 86560 86620 start 86760 86800 left 86820 87040 head pos: tilt side slightly left 85700 86100 end 86120 86180 head pos: jut slightly back 85700 85760 start 85780 85820 back 85840 86100 end 86120 86180 start 86300 86340 back 86360 86740 end 86760 86800 body lean slightly forward 85700 85760 start 85780 85920 back 85940 86020 start 86040 86160 forward 86180 87040 eye brows lowered 85700 85720 start 85740 85760 slightly lowered 85780 86100 end 86120 86180 start 86320 86360 raised 86380 86660 start 86680 86740 slightly lowered 86760 87040 eye gaze down 85700 86080 down/left 86460 86540 down 86680 86780 down/left 86800 86960 left 86980 87040 eye aperture squint 85700 85740 start 85760 85800 wide 85820 86020 start 86040 86060 blink 86080 86120 end 86140 86180 start 86280 86300 wide 86320 87040 role shift wolf 85700 86200 Pig 86340 86680 wolf 86800 87040 POS Classifier 86040 86200 Verb 86280 86300 Number 86340 86460 Classifier 86500 86660 Non-dominant POS Classifier 86040 86200 English translation Wolf was about to attack, but two pigs ran away before wolf catch them. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 47 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 87060 End frame: 88720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss CHASE 87140 87580 TWO 87660 87760 IN 87860 88160 BRICK 88240 88460 HOUSE 88520 88640 |> 88720 non-dominant hand gloss CHASE 87140 87580 |> 87760 IX-loc:k 88640 88720 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 87060 87440 end 87460 87620 head pos: turn left 87060 87360 end 87380 87440 start 87740 87780 left 87800 87900 end 87920 87980 head pos: jut start 87620 87660 slightly back 87680 88360 start 88380 88440 back 88460 88720 body lean forward 87060 87200 start 87220 87360 forward/left 87380 88720 eye brows lowered 87060 87460 end 87480 87580 start 87740 87780 slightly lowered 87800 88160 end 88180 88220 start 88680 88700 slightly lowered 88720 88720 eye gaze left 87060 87320 left 87740 87880 down/left 88720 88720 eye aperture wide 87060 87080 start 87100 87200 slightly squinted 87220 87400 end 87420 87460 start 87740 87780 slightly squinted 87800 88720 POS Verb 87140 87580 Number 87660 87760 Preposition 87860 88160 Adjective 88240 88460 Noun 88520 88640 Non-dominant POS Verb 87140 87580 Pronoun 88640 88720 English translation Wolf was chasing after pigs. Two pigs got in the brick house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 48 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 88740 End frame: 90200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss IN 88820 89000 DO++ 89060 89240 CLOSE 89480 89720 ICL:S"closing the object" 89800 90040 LOCK 90100 90200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 88740 88780 front 88800 88860 end 88880 88940 head pos: turn start 88740 88780 left 88800 88880 end 88900 89000 start 89040 89080 slightly left 89100 89180 start 89200 89340 right 89360 89720 start 89740 89820 slightly left 89840 90200 head pos: tilt side start 88740 88780 left 88800 88880 end 88900 89000 start 89360 89440 slightly left 89460 89620 end 89640 89720 head pos: jut back 88740 89920 start 89940 90020 slightly back 90040 90200 head mvmt: shake start 88740 88860 rapid 88880 89320 end 89340 89400 body lean forward/left 88740 89360 start 89380 89460 back left 89480 90200 eye brows slightly lowered 88740 89320 start 89340 89380 lowered 89400 89640 start 89660 89740 slightly raised 89760 90200 eye gaze down/left 88740 88900 right 89380 89820 eye aperture slightly squinted 88740 88860 start 88880 88920 wide 88940 89260 start 89280 89320 blink 89340 89400 start 89420 89440 squint 89460 89640 start 89660 89760 wide 89780 90200 role shift Pig 89060 90040 POS Preposition 88820 89000 Verb 89060 89240 Verb 89480 89720 Classifier 89800 90040 Noun 90100 90200 English translation Got in and discuss what to do, then closed the window and locked. Notes - number of character bytes: 36 - correct cl? - english translation? Utterance ID: 49 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 90220 End frame: 91600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 015 main gloss part:indef 90280 90380 DO++ 90420 90760 part:indef 90820 91140 SEE 91220 91340 part:indef 91400 91600 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 90820 91140 |> 91600 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 90240 90300 front 90320 90380 end 90400 90420 start 90640 90660 front 90680 90740 end 90760 90800 start 91260 91300 front 91320 91600 head pos: turn left 90220 90360 end 90380 90420 start 90560 90600 slightly left 90620 90720 start 90740 90780 left 90800 91440 end 91460 91520 head pos: tilt side start 91280 91360 slightly left 91380 91600 head pos: jut slightly back 90220 90300 start 90320 90380 back 90400 90780 end 90800 90900 start 91340 91400 slightly forward 91420 91600 head mvmt: shake start 90240 90300 rapid 90320 90820 end 90840 90900 body lean back left 90220 90240 start 90260 90300 slightly forward 90320 90400 start 90420 90580 slightly forward 90600 90700 end 90720 90780 start 90860 90940 back right 90960 91320 end 91340 91380 start 91440 91480 slightly forward 91500 91600 eye brows slightly raised 90220 90700 end 90720 90780 start 90820 90900 lowered 90920 91600 eye gaze left 90240 90300 left 90840 90960 right 91480 91600 eye aperture wide 90220 90660 start 90680 90720 blink 90740 90820 start 90840 90880 squint 90900 91280 start 91300 91340 blink 91360 91380 start 91400 91420 slightly squinted 91440 91600 role shift Pig 90220 91600 POS Particle 90280 90380 Verb 90420 90760 Particle 90820 91140 Verb 91220 91340 Particle 91400 91600 Non-dominant POS Particle 90820 91140 English translation The pigs said," What should we do? We will wait and see." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 50 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 91620 End frame: 92220 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin James Bahan Number of fields: 015 main gloss WOLF 91840 91960 ARRIVE 92040 92220 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 91620 91640 |> 91660 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 91620 91660 end 91680 91720 start 92100 92140 slightly front 92160 92220 head pos: turn start 91800 91820 slightly right 91840 92000 end 92020 92060 start 92140 92180 left 92200 92220 head pos: tilt side slightly left 91620 91620 end 91640 91660 start 91780 91820 slightly right 91840 92020 end 92040 92060 head pos: jut slightly forward 91620 91760 end 91780 91820 start 92000 92060 back 92080 92140 end 92160 92200 head mvmt: side to side start 91820 91840 single 91860 91980 end 92000 92040 body lean slightly forward 91620 91680 end 91700 91760 start 92120 92160 slightly forward 92180 92220 eye brows lowered 91620 91800 start 91820 91860 slightly raised 91880 91980 start 92000 92040 lowered 92060 92220 eye gaze right 91620 91660 down/left 92200 92220 eye aperture slightly squinted 91620 91780 start 91800 91840 wide 91860 91980 start 92000 92040 squint 92060 92220 role shift Pig 91620 91640 POS Noun 91840 91960 Verb 92040 92220 Non-dominant POS Particle 91620 91640 English translation Wolf arrived. Notes - number of character bytes: 0