SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: DSP Immigrants Story SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Immigrants Story Number of utterances: 25 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 280 End frame: 2800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss POSS-1p+ 740 840 FAMILY 1060 1360 (2h)alt.FORMERLY 1500 1860 CONFLICT+ 2100 2420 |> 2480 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 340 1400 eye brows start 340 440 raised 460 1680 start 1700 1900 lowered 1920 2440 start 2460 2620 raised 2640 2800 eye aperture blink 1380 1380 squint 1860 1960 blink 2600 2600 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 320 560 slightly back 580 760 end 780 940 start 1860 1960 front 1980 2500 start 2520 2800 head pos: turn start 2060 2160 slightly left 2180 2520 end 2540 2680 head pos: tilt side start 2260 2520 right 2540 2800 head mvmt: nod single 1320 1400 end 1420 1520 shoulders start 2180 2320 slightly left 2340 2520 start 2540 2800 body lean start 1580 1720 slightly back 1740 1840 end 1860 1960 POS Possessive 740 840 Noun 1060 1360 Adverb 1500 1860 Adjective 2100 2420 English translation I am of mixed heritage. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 2800 End frame: 4960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 014 main gloss POSS-1p 2960 2980 MOTHER 3180 3240 POSS-3p:i 3560 3660 GRANDFATHER 3940 4040 IX-3p:j 4120 4280 ns-(I)ITALY 4540 4800 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 3360 3460 |> 4960 topic/focus focus/top1 2800 4280 eye brows raised 2800 4240 start 4260 4360 slightly lowered 4380 4720 start 4740 4900 raised 4920 4960 eye aperture start 4060 4080 wide 4100 4240 start 4260 4280 lowered lid 4300 4340 end 4360 4360 lowered lid 4880 4960 eye gaze right 3200 3380 up 4080 4220 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 2800 2800 back 2820 3440 end 3460 3720 start 3800 3920 front 3940 4040 end 4060 4200 start 4320 4560 front 4580 4780 start 4800 4960 head pos: turn start 3240 3280 slightly right 3300 3380 end 3400 3560 start 3840 3940 right 3960 4040 end 4060 4240 head pos: tilt side right 2800 3780 start 3800 3900 further right 3920 4080 start 4100 4220 slightly right 4240 4960 shoulders start 2800 2840 slightly right 2860 4160 end 4180 4340 body lean start 4200 4620 right 4640 4960 POS Possessive 2960 2980 Noun 3180 3240 Possessive 3560 3660 Noun 3940 4040 Pronoun 4120 4280 Adjective 4540 4800 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 3360 3460 English translation My mother's grandfather was Italian. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 4960 End frame: 6320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss GRANDMOTHER 5080 5200 IX-3p:x 5320 5440 ns-YUGOSLAVIA 5820 6200 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 4960 4960 |> 6320 topic/focus focus/top1 4960 5440 eye brows raised 4960 5380 start 5400 5580 lowered 5600 6180 start 6200 6320 eye aperture lowered lid 4960 5180 start 5200 5220 wide 5240 5400 start 5420 5500 squint 5520 6220 start 6240 6320 eye gaze up 5200 5380 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 4960 4960 back 4980 5440 end 5460 5600 start 6200 6320 head pos: tilt side slightly right 4960 6320 head mvmt: nod slight single head nod 6060 6180 end 6200 6260 body lean right 4960 5320 end 5340 5480 POS Noun 5080 5200 Pronoun 5320 5440 Adjective 5820 6200 Non-dominant POS English translation Her grandmother was Yugoslavian. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 6320 End frame: 7200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-3p-pl-2:j/x 6500 6640 MARRY 6820 7040 |> 7140 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 6440 6640 eye brows start 6320 6340 raised 6360 6580 end 6600 6720 start 7160 7200 eye aperture start 6320 6320 wide 6340 6520 end 6540 6640 start 7160 7160 further lowered 7180 7200 eye gaze down/right 7140 7180 watch hands 7200 7200 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 6320 6420 slightly back 6440 6580 end 6600 6680 start 7140 7200 head pos: turn start 6700 6780 slightly left 6800 7140 end 7160 7200 head pos: tilt side slightly right 6320 7200 head mvmt: nod single 6900 7140 end 7160 7200 POS Pronoun 6500 6640 Verb 6820 7040 Non-dominant POS English translation They married. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 7200 End frame: 8380 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 011 main gloss BORN 7340 7480 TWO 7620 7660 (1h)CHILDREN 7820 8180 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 7260 7460 eye brows start 7200 7280 raised 7300 7420 end 7440 7560 start 8280 8320 raised 8340 8380 eye aperture further lowered 7200 7460 end 7480 7520 blink 8340 8340 eye gaze watch hands 7200 7440 down/right 8320 8340 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 7200 7280 slightly back 7300 7420 end 7440 7500 start 7860 8120 front 8140 8300 start 8320 8380 head pos: tilt side slightly right 7200 8380 head mvmt: nod end 7200 7260 POS Verb 7340 7480 Number 7620 7660 Noun 7820 8180 English translation They had two children. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 8380 End frame: 10900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss GRANDFATHER:j 8620 8820 IX-3p:j 8900 9040 GO-OFF-TO 9340 9440 BUSINESS 9640 9800 ns-SOUTH+AFRICA 9960 10540 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 8460 9040 eye brows raised 8380 9020 end 9040 9220 start 10700 10820 raised 10840 10900 eye aperture start 9060 9100 squint 9120 9140 start 9160 9160 blink 9180 9180 start 9200 9200 squint 9220 9680 end 9700 9700 start 10720 10740 blink 10760 10760 end 10780 10780 eye gaze up 8820 8940 right 10760 10900 mouth raised upper lip 8460 9140 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 8380 8460 back 8480 8780 start 8800 8820 further back 8840 9040 end 9060 9160 start 10680 10900 head pos: turn start 10700 10900 head pos: tilt side slightly right 8380 10760 end 10780 10900 head mvmt: nod end 8380 8380 single 9100 9200 single 9360 9440 slight rapid head nod 9620 10120 single 10280 10660 POS Noun 8620 8820 Pronoun 8900 9040 Verb 9340 9440 Noun 9640 9800 Proper Noun 9960 10540 English translation Great grandfather went to South Africa on business. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 10900 End frame: 12560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 014 main gloss GOING-ALONG 11040 11300 WRONG 11520 11580 LOSE 11760 11860 |> 11920 DISSOLVE 12100 12340 |> 12480 non-dominant hand gloss GOING-ALONG 11040 11300 |> 11600 part:indef 12380 12480 eye brows raised 10900 11020 start 11040 11120 slightly lowered 11140 11380 lowered 11400 11920 end 11940 12020 start 12420 12500 raised 12520 12560 eye aperture start 11060 11120 squint 11140 11340 end 11360 11420 start 12420 12460 blink 12480 12480 end 12500 12500 eye gaze right 10900 11340 right 11900 12120 nose tense 11180 11380 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 10900 10920 back 10940 11020 end 11040 11320 start 12440 12560 head pos: turn start 10900 11000 right 11020 11340 end 11360 11440 start 11620 11680 left 11700 11800 start 11820 11960 right 11980 12080 start 12100 12200 left 12220 12380 end 12400 12520 head pos: tilt side end 10900 11020 start 12440 12480 slightly right 12500 12560 head mvmt: shake slight rapid head shake 11080 11360 shoulders start 11020 11180 slightly right 11200 12560 POS Discourse Marker 11040 11300 Adverb 11520 11580 Verb 11760 11860 Verb 12100 12340 Non-dominant POS Particle 12380 12480 English translation Something went wrong and he got lost or disappeared. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 12560 End frame: 15460 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss ns-YUGOSLAVIA 13020 13300 CONFUSE 13600 13960 WAR 14120 14540 MONEY 14680 14840 B:(2h)DECREASE-IN-VALUE 15060 15380 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 12660 13320 eye brows raised 12560 13220 start 13240 13460 lowered 13480 15360 start 15380 15460 eye aperture start 13340 13460 squint 13480 14500 end 14520 14540 start 15400 15400 blink 15420 15420 end 15460 15460 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 13640 13840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 12560 12660 further back 12680 13100 start 13120 13340 slightly front 13360 14840 start 14860 15100 front 15120 15360 start 15380 15460 head pos: jut start 13400 13540 back 13560 13780 end 13800 13900 head pos: tilt side slightly right 12560 13540 end 13560 13880 start 15420 15460 head mvmt: shake start 14940 14980 slight single head shake 15000 15360 shoulders slightly right 12560 12600 end 12620 12900 POS Proper Noun 13020 13300 Adjective 13600 13960 Noun 14120 14540 Noun 14680 14840 Verb 15060 15380 English translation Life in Yugoslavia was difficult due to the war and depression. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 15460 End frame: 17860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss GRANDMOTHER 15700 15860 IX-3p:x 15920 15940 TWO 16040 16140 (1h)CHILDREN 16220 16440 DECIDE 16780 16920 MOVE-AWAY-TO 17100 17220 ns-AMERICA 17400 17660 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 15500 16440 eye brows start 15460 15500 raised 15520 16120 start 16140 16380 lowered 16400 17640 start 17660 17760 slightly raised 17780 17860 eye aperture start 16360 16360 further lowered 16380 16560 start 16580 16580 blink 16600 16600 end 16620 16620 start 17680 17700 further lowered 17720 17860 eye gaze up 15700 15880 down 16400 16580 down/right 17740 17860 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 15460 15560 back 15580 15980 end 16000 16300 start 16380 16420 slightly front 16440 16560 end 16580 16620 start 17340 17500 front 17520 17680 end 17700 17780 head pos: turn start 16420 16460 further left 16480 16540 end 16560 16620 start 17700 17780 right 17800 17860 head pos: tilt side start 15460 15460 slightly right 15500 16340 end 16360 16460 nose start 16320 16440 wrinkle 16460 16880 end 16900 16940 mouth start 16200 16320 raised upper lip 16340 16540 end 16560 16600 POS Noun 15700 15860 Pronoun 15920 15940 Number 16040 16140 Noun 16220 16440 Verb 16780 16920 Verb 17100 17220 Proper Noun 17400 17660 English translation Great grandmother and the two children decided to move to America. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 17860 End frame: 19480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 011 main gloss ARRIVE 18040 18260 PCL:5"people traveling" 18520 18580 SETTLE-DOWN 18780 18940 CALIFORNIA 19160 19380 non-dominant hand gloss SETTLE-DOWN 18780 18940 |> 19400 eye brows slightly raised 17860 18080 end 18100 18160 start 18360 18400 slightly raised 18420 18620 end 18640 18720 start 19380 19480 eye aperture further lowered 17860 18160 end 18180 18320 start 18360 18400 lowered lid 18420 18600 end 18620 18660 start 19420 19420 lowered lid 19440 19480 eye gaze down/right 17860 18180 watch hands 18200 18280 down/right 18420 18600 down/right 19440 19480 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 19420 19480 head pos: turn right 17860 18060 start 18080 18100 slightly right 18120 18320 start 18340 18400 right 18420 18540 start 18560 18740 slightly left 18760 19380 end 19400 19480 head pos: jut start 18320 18400 forward 18420 18580 end 18600 18680 head mvmt: nod single 18000 18260 POS Verb 18040 18260 Classifier 18520 18580 Verb 18780 18940 Proper Noun 19160 19380 English translation They arrived in America and eventually settled in California. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 19480 End frame: 20800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 012 main gloss MEET 19680 19880 SECOND 20080 20140 HUSBAND 20360 20660 non-dominant hand gloss MEET 19680 19880 |> 20140 topic/focus focus/top1 19640 19800 eye brows raised 19480 19760 end 19780 19900 start 20660 20720 raised 20740 20800 eye aperture lowered lid 19480 19860 end 19880 19880 start 20680 20740 lowered lid 20760 20800 eye gaze down/right 19480 19860 watch hands 20720 20800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 19480 19600 slightly back 19620 19780 end 19800 19840 start 20640 20760 slightly back 20780 20800 head pos: tilt side start 19780 19880 slightly right 19900 20800 head mvmt: nod single 20080 20640 end 20660 20800 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 20580 20800 POS Verb 19680 19880 Adjective 20080 20140 Noun 20360 20660 English translation She met her second husband. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 20800 End frame: 21860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss BORN 20880 21000 TWO 21120 21160 (1h)CHILDREN 21280 21640 |> 21860 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus top2 20800 20940 eye brows raised 20800 20880 end 20900 21000 start 21700 21760 raised 21780 21860 eye aperture lowered lid 20800 20980 end 21000 21020 start 21760 21760 blink 21780 21780 start 21800 21800 slightly lowered 21820 21860 eye gaze watch hands 20800 20980 right 21780 21860 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 20800 20900 start 21740 21860 head pos: turn start 21040 21120 slightly left 21140 21620 start 21640 21780 right 21800 21860 head pos: tilt side slightly right 20800 21860 head mvmt: nod end 20800 20800 single 20920 20980 end 21000 21040 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 20800 20920 POS Verb 20880 21000 Number 21120 21160 Noun 21280 21640 English translation They had two children. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 21860 End frame: 23860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 015 main gloss POSS-1p 22140 22160 MOTHER 22420 22500 POSS-3p:i 22720 22760 MOTHER 22980 23060 IX-3p:z 23220 23240 IX-SECOND-IN-LIST 23400 23460 |> 23740 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 22420 22500 |> 23200 4:list marker"4" 23300 23840 topic/focus focus/top1 21860 23080 eye brows raised 21860 23080 end 23100 23160 start 23680 23800 raised 23820 23860 eye aperture slightly lowered 21860 22760 end 22780 23000 start 23200 23200 further lowered 23220 23340 end 23360 23420 eye gaze right 21860 22060 up/right 22520 22700 watch hands 23200 23360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 21860 21980 back 22000 22500 start 22520 22640 further back 22660 22840 end 22860 23040 start 23160 23280 slightly front 23300 23680 start 23700 23860 head pos: turn right 21860 23320 end 23340 23440 head pos: tilt side slightly right 21860 23260 end 23280 23420 start 23700 23720 slightly right 23740 23860 head mvmt: nod end 21860 21860 slight single head nod 22360 22500 single 22920 23080 mouth intense 23140 23160 body lean start 22520 22640 slightly back 22660 22840 end 22860 23060 POS Possessive 22140 22160 Noun 22420 22500 Possessive 22720 22760 Noun 22980 23060 Pronoun 23220 23240 Adjective 23400 23460 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 22420 22500 English translation My maternal grandmother was the second oldest of four children. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 23860 End frame: 26500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 012 main gloss GROW-UP 24140 24460 MEET 24540 24780 BOY 25000 25080 IX-3p:w 25240 25300 FROM 25600 25680 ns-YUGOSLAVIA 25860 26180 |> 26300 non-dominant hand gloss MEET 24540 24780 |> 25400 FROM 25600 25680 |> 26040 eye brows raised 23860 23920 start 23940 23940 slightly raised 23960 24380 start 24400 24400 raised 24420 24460 end 24480 24560 start 24760 24840 raised 24860 25260 start 25280 25360 lowered 25380 26360 start 26380 26500 eye aperture start 23900 23900 further lowered 23920 24420 end 24440 24540 start 25300 25300 further lowered 25320 25340 end 25360 25400 start 26380 26380 blink 26400 26420 lowered lid 26440 26500 eye gaze right 25100 25320 right 26420 26500 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 23860 23900 back 23920 23940 end 23960 24080 start 24400 24440 slightly back 24460 24480 end 24500 24680 start 25300 25420 front 25440 25620 end 25640 25700 start 26380 26500 head pos: turn start 23920 24020 slightly right 24040 24400 start 24420 24600 slightly left 24620 24780 start 24800 25020 slightly right 25040 25360 start 25380 25600 slightly left 25620 26260 start 26280 26420 slightly right 26440 26500 head pos: tilt side slightly right 23860 24800 start 24820 25060 right 25080 26380 start 26400 26500 head mvmt: nod single 25800 26360 end 26380 26440 mouth tongue mvmt lateral 23920 24480 POS Verb 24140 24460 Verb 24540 24780 Noun 25000 25080 Pronoun 25240 25300 Preposition 25600 25680 Proper Noun 25860 26180 English translation She grew-up and met a guy who was from Yugoslavia. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 26500 End frame: 27800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p-pl-2:z/w 26720 26780 MARRY 27060 27300 |> 27560 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 26500 26520 raised 26540 26620 start 26640 26700 slightly raised 26720 27140 end 27160 27240 eye aperture lowered lid 26500 26660 further lowered 26680 26860 lowered lid 26880 27200 end 27220 27220 start 27500 27500 further lowered 27520 27800 eye gaze right 26500 26840 down/right 27580 27680 watch hands 27700 27800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 26500 26540 back 26560 26960 end 26980 27080 start 27480 27660 slightly back 27680 27780 head pos: turn slightly right 26500 26800 start 26820 27020 slightly left 27040 27240 end 27260 27520 head pos: tilt side slightly right 26500 27800 head mvmt: nod single 27080 27480 single 27780 27800 body lean start 26500 26640 slightly back 26660 26960 end 26980 27180 POS Pronoun 26720 26780 Verb 27060 27300 English translation The two of them married. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 27800 End frame: 30260 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 012 main gloss BORN 27880 28000 POSS-1p 28240 28260 MOTHER 28480 28580 AUNT 28860 29020 UNCLE 29300 29480 "topic change"(side) 29860 30100 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 27980 28080 raised 28100 29720 end 29740 29920 start 30140 30260 eye aperture further lowered 27800 28000 end 28020 28060 start 29540 29540 blink 29560 29580 lowered lid 29600 29720 end 29740 29780 start 30180 30200 blink 30220 30220 start 30240 30260 eye gaze watch hands 27800 27980 down/right 29640 29720 down/left 30180 30260 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 29600 29720 start 29740 29900 slightly front 29920 30180 start 30200 30260 head pos: turn start 28060 28240 slightly left 28260 29460 end 29480 29680 start 29920 29980 slightly left 30000 30200 start 30220 30260 head pos: tilt side slightly right 27800 30120 start 30140 30260 head mvmt: nod single 27800 27960 end 27980 28040 single 28360 28540 single 28780 28980 single 29180 29520 body lean start 28520 28840 right 28860 29560 start 29580 29820 left 29840 29960 end 29980 30080 POS Verb 27880 28000 Possessive 28240 28260 Noun 28480 28580 Noun 28860 29020 Noun 29300 29480 Discourse Marker 29860 30100 English translation Then my mother, aunt, and uncle were born. That is all for that side of the family. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 30260 End frame: 33560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 014 main gloss POSS-1p 30400 30420 FATHERwg 30740 30900 IX-3p:v 31100 31240 (2h)alt.FORMERLY 31500 31960 ns-GERMANY 32220 32440 ns-SCOTLAND 32800 33160 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 30260 30920 eye brows start 30260 30260 raised 30280 31860 end 31880 31960 start 32500 32560 slightly raised 32580 32800 end 32820 33140 start 33200 33320 raised 33340 33560 eye aperture lowered lid 30260 30400 end 30420 30460 start 30960 30980 lowered lid 31000 31280 further lowered 31300 31880 blink 31900 31920 further lowered 31940 32100 end 32120 32240 start 33280 33280 further lowered 33300 33560 eye gaze down/left 30260 30400 down/left 30960 31140 up/left 31420 31800 down/left 33300 33560 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 30260 30440 slightly back 30460 30540 end 30560 30680 start 31220 31500 further back 31520 31840 end 31860 31940 start 33260 33400 back 33420 33560 head pos: turn left 30260 30380 slightly left 30400 30920 start 30940 31020 left 31040 31120 end 31140 31280 start 32460 32580 slightly left 32600 32660 end 32680 32800 start 33320 33400 slightly left 33420 33500 end 33520 33560 head pos: tilt side start 30260 30440 slightly left 30460 33560 head mvmt: nod single 30700 30900 slight single head nod 31060 31120 single 32120 32440 end 32460 32640 single 32860 33240 end 33260 33340 mouth open 31280 31860 open 33400 33560 shoulders start 30360 30740 left 30760 33560 POS Possessive 30400 30420 Noun 30740 30900 Pronoun 31100 31240 Adverb 31500 31960 Proper Noun 32220 32440 Proper Noun 32800 33160 English translation My father is of German and Scottish heritage. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 33560 End frame: 35020 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 014 main gloss POSS-1p 33560 33560 FATHER 33800 33820 IX-3p:v 33960 34000 BORN 34220 34360 IN 34480 34520 ns-AMERICA 34740 34880 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 33560 33820 eye brows raised 33560 33820 end 33840 34020 start 34740 34800 slightly raised 34820 34900 end 34920 34960 eye aperture further lowered 33560 33580 end 33600 33680 start 33980 34000 blink 34020 34020 end 34040 34100 start 34920 34940 squint 34960 35020 eye gaze down/left 33560 33560 down/right 34940 35020 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 33560 33740 end 33760 33820 front 34740 34940 end 34960 35020 head pos: turn end 33560 33600 start 34920 34960 slightly right 34980 35020 head pos: tilt side slightly left 33560 34720 end 34740 34820 head mvmt: nod slight rapid head nod 33980 34740 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 34040 34200 lips spread & crnrs down 35000 35020 shoulders left 33560 35020 POS Possessive 33560 33560 Noun 33800 33820 Pronoun 33960 34000 Verb 34220 34360 Preposition 34480 34520 Proper Noun 34740 34880 English translation My father was born in America... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 35020 End frame: 36300 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-loc:rt 35220 35240 ns-NORTH-CAROLINA 35420 35660 IX-loc:rt 35900 36100 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 36020 36060 raised 36080 36300 eye aperture squint 35020 35100 end 35120 35160 start 36020 36020 blink 36040 36040 end 36060 36100 eye gaze down/right 35020 35120 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 35360 35540 slightly front 35560 35740 start 36000 36260 back 36280 36300 head pos: turn slightly right 35020 35020 end 35040 35200 head pos: tilt side start 35040 35120 slightly right 35140 36300 head mvmt: nod single 35740 35980 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 35020 35300 shoulders left 35020 35180 end 35200 35420 body lean start 35200 35600 forward/left 35620 36300 POS Adverb 35220 35240 Proper Noun 35420 35660 Adverb 35900 36100 English translation North Carolina. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 36300 End frame: 39700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 016 main gloss OVER/AFTER 36660 36720 WAR 36940 37060 TWO 37260 37460 OPEN 38320 38420 WORK 38600 38820 (2h)alt.HIRE++ 39040 39440 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:k 37700 37820 ns-CALIFORNIA 38040 38140 (2h)alt.HIRE++ 39040 39440 |> 39700 topic/focus sentence-initial adverb 36500 37460 focus/top1 37700 38140 eye brows raised 36300 37220 start 37240 37260 slightly raised 37280 37540 start 37560 37640 raised 37660 38120 start 38140 38200 slightly lowered 38220 39380 start 39400 39460 slightly raised 39480 39700 eye aperture start 36480 36480 lowered lid 36500 36960 end 36980 37060 start 37520 37540 lowered lid 37560 37820 end 37840 37880 start 39400 39400 lowered lid 39420 39700 eye gaze down/left 37520 37820 down/right 39420 39460 right 39480 39700 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 36300 36880 start 36900 37060 start 39440 39600 slightly back 39620 39700 head pos: turn start 37060 37640 left 37660 37780 end 37800 37900 start 39400 39420 slightly right 39440 39700 head pos: tilt side slightly right 36300 37880 end 37900 38260 head mvmt: nod single 37080 37400 end 37420 37520 head mvmt: side to side rapid 39020 39420 mouth brr 38280 39380 body lean forward/left 36300 36300 end 36320 36560 start 37600 37800 left 37820 38200 end 38220 38360 POS Preposition 36660 36720 Noun 36940 37060 Number 37260 37460 Verb 38320 38420 Noun 38600 38820 Verb 39040 39440 Non-dominant POS Adverb 37700 37820 Proper noun 38040 38140 English translation After World War II, California had many job opportunities. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 39700 End frame: 41620 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-3p:v 39760 39820 FATHER 40060 40160 DECIDE 40340 40540 MOVE-AWAY 40680 40840 ns-CALIFORNIA 41040 41220 |> 41380 non-dominant hand gloss (2h)alt.HIRE++ 39700 39700 |> 40100 eye brows slightly raised 39700 39720 start 39740 40020 slightly lowered 40040 40760 end 40780 40820 start 41080 41120 slightly lowered 41140 41340 start 41360 41500 raised 41520 41620 eye aperture lowered lid 39700 39720 end 39740 39780 start 40000 40040 further squinted 40060 40440 end 40460 40460 start 41320 41340 blink 41360 41360 start 41380 41380 lowered lid 41400 41620 eye gaze right 39700 39760 down 40060 40140 down 41340 41620 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 39700 39700 end 39720 39760 start 39840 40060 front 40080 40120 end 40140 40220 start 40940 41120 slightly front 41140 41260 head pos: turn slightly right 39700 39700 end 39720 39840 start 40520 40700 slightly left 40720 41320 end 41340 41380 start 41500 41520 slightly left 41540 41620 head pos: tilt side start 41280 41380 right 41400 41480 end 41500 41620 head mvmt: nod single 41260 41360 end 41380 41480 nose start 39940 40060 wrinkle 40080 40360 end 40380 40480 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 39940 40020 open & corners down 40040 40220 lips spread & crnrs down 40240 40780 POS Pronoun 39760 39820 Noun 40060 40160 Verb 40340 40540 Verb 40680 40840 Proper Noun 41040 41220 English translation My father decided to move to California. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 41620 End frame: 43040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 010 main gloss GET-INTO 41620 41680 DRIVE 41860 42140 WRONG 42280 42420 ENGINE-FALL-OUT 42620 42840 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows raised 41620 41620 slightly raised 41640 42040 start 42060 42180 lowered 42200 42500 slightly lowered 42520 42880 start 42900 43040 eye aperture lowered lid 41620 41620 end 41640 41680 start 41860 41900 squint 41920 42160 slightly squinted 42180 42920 start 42940 42980 further lowered 43000 43040 eye gaze down 41620 41620 down/left 42960 43040 head pos: turn slightly left 41620 41760 start 41780 41900 left 41920 42120 end 42140 42220 start 42620 42700 left 42740 42760 end 42780 42820 start 42940 43040 head pos: tilt side end 41620 41620 mouth lips spread 42200 42760 POS Verb 41620 41680 Verb 41860 42140 Conjunction 42280 42420 Verb 42620 42840 English translation He started out driving, but his car broke down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 43040 End frame: 45900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 015 main gloss TIME-PASSING 43120 43340 GET-IN 43520 43640 #BUS 43760 43980 (2h)LCL:C"moving bus" 44160 44520 ARRIVE 44820 44940 ns-SAN-FRANCISCO+ 45160 45340 SOCIALIZE 45560 45880 non-dominant hand gloss ARRIVE 44820 44940 |> 45340 topic/focus focus/top1 43520 44020 eye brows slightly raised 43040 43060 end 43080 43140 start 43320 43360 slightly raised 43380 44020 start 44040 44220 slightly lowered 44240 44840 start 44860 44960 slightly raised 44980 45220 end 45240 45320 start 45740 45840 raised 45860 45900 eye aperture further lowered 43040 43120 squint 43140 43320 start 43340 43360 blink 43380 43380 end 43400 43460 start 44020 44020 squint 44040 44520 start 44540 44540 further lowered 44560 44900 start 44920 44940 blink 44960 44960 end 44980 45020 start 45300 45360 further lowered 45380 45900 eye gaze down/left 43040 43360 down/left 44040 44160 watch hands 44560 44920 down 45380 45540 right 45560 45880 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 45640 45860 slightly back 45900 45900 head pos: turn start 43040 43160 left 43180 43200 end 43220 43480 start 44520 44600 left 44620 44840 end 44860 44960 start 45440 45520 right 45540 45820 end 45840 45900 head mvmt: nod single 44800 44960 head mvmt: shake slight rapid head shake 45580 45800 head mvmt: side to side rapid 44120 44420 mouth raised upper lip 43160 43360 intense 44100 44440 tongue mvmt lateral 45540 45840 shoulders start 44820 45180 slightly left 45200 45540 end 45560 45840 POS Discourse Marker 43120 43340 Verb 43520 43640 Noun 43760 43980 Classifier 44160 44520 Verb 44820 44940 Proper Noun 45160 45340 Verb 45560 45880 English translation He took a bus, finally arriving in San Francisco. He (met people and) mingled. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 45900 End frame: 49040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 015 main gloss MEET 46060 46220 MOTHER 46500 46620 IX-3p-pl-2:i/v 46840 46900 TOGETHER 47080 47340 FOUR^YEAR 47500 47980 |> 48120 MARRY 48300 48680 |> 48940 non-dominant hand gloss MEET 46060 46220 |> 46780 topic/focus focus/top1 46040 46740 eye brows raised 45900 47100 start 47120 47160 slightly raised 47200 47720 end 47740 47960 start 48780 48940 further raised 48960 49040 eye aperture further lowered 45900 45900 end 45920 45980 start 46740 46740 further lowered 46760 47120 end 47140 47180 start 47980 48020 lowered lid 48040 48160 blink 48180 48180 end 48200 48220 start 48820 48940 lowered lid 48960 49040 eye gaze watch hands 46760 47120 down 48020 48200 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 45900 46060 end 46080 46420 start 47280 47500 front 47520 48100 start 48120 48260 back 48280 48300 start 48820 49040 head pos: turn end 45900 45960 start 48240 48260 slightly left 48280 48620 end 48640 48960 head pos: tilt side start 48060 48200 slightly right 48220 49040 head mvmt: nod single 48320 48800 nose slightly tensed 48140 48300 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 48140 48300 body lean start 46460 46540 right 46560 46740 end 46760 47160 POS Verb 46060 46220 Noun 46500 46620 Pronoun 46840 46900 Verb 47080 47340 Adverb 47500 47980 Verb 48300 48680 English translation He met my mother, they dated for four years, then got married. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 49040 End frame: 51071 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Steve McCullough Number of fields: 011 main gloss BORN 49140 49320 B:IX-1p(formal) 49660 49920 |> 50280 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 49040 49300 eye brows further raised 49040 49040 raised 49060 49280 end 49300 49500 eye aperture lowered lid 49040 49520 end 49540 49620 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 49040 49060 back 49080 49160 end 49180 49320 start 49520 49600 slightly front 49620 50280 end 50300 50540 head pos: tilt side slightly right 49040 49420 end 49440 49560 head pos: turn start 49040 49140 slightly left 49160 50340 end 50360 50540 head pos: jut start 49180 49300 forward 49320 49420 end 49440 49500 POS Verb 49140 49320 Pronoun 49660 49920 English translation And then I was born. Notes - number of character bytes: 0