SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: ncslgr10m Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv2:ncslgr10m Number of utterances: 69 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 1240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-1p:i 140 160 FIND 220 260 SOMETHING/ONE:j 340 460 POSS-3p:j 600 660 BOOK 820 880 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 60 120 lowered 140 860 end 880 1120 eye aperture start 20 40 squint 60 80 end 100 120 blink 1200 1240 eye gaze right 200 260 right 380 480 nose start 60 120 wrinkle 140 860 end 880 1000 mouth intense 340 380 raised upper lip 560 600 head pos: turn start 240 440 right 460 480 start 500 800 left 820 960 end 980 1240 head pos: jut start 60 240 back 260 500 end 520 700 body lean start 160 400 further back 420 560 back 580 960 end 980 1240 POS Pronoun 140 160 Verb 220 260 Determiner 340 460 Possessive 600 660 Noun 820 880 English translation I found someone's book. Notes - number of character bytes: 63 1) ok, so do I say eg:rt or look at hand? 2) is mouth correct? Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-JOHN 240 320 BROTHER 500 620 ARRIVE 740 880 |> 960 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 120 220 raised 240 540 end 560 640 eye aperture blink 0 40 lowered lid 60 100 blink 120 160 start 300 420 wide 440 520 end 540 560 blink 1000 1080 eye gaze right 280 360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 40 back 60 420 end 440 600 head pos: jut start 740 780 back 800 900 end 920 1020 head pos: turn right 0 20 end 40 240 start 560 600 slightly right 620 1040 end 1060 1160 POS Proper Noun 240 320 Noun 500 620 Verb 740 880 English translation John's brother arrives. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 007 main gloss SOMETHING/ONE 180 200 ARRIVE 300 460 HERE 540 640 non-dominant hand gloss eye gaze right 80 160 nose wrinkle 120 140 head mvmt: nod rapid 80 640 POS Pronoun 180 200 Verb 300 460 Adverb 540 640 English translation Someone arrives here. Notes - number of character bytes: 45 1) check eng trans against original sentence Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 014 main gloss fs-JOHN:i 240 360 i:GIFT:j 600 720 IX-3p:j 840 940 MAN 1100 1220 NEW 1380 1500 COAT 1600 1760 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows raised 140 320 end 340 400 start 740 800 raised 820 1220 end 1240 1300 eye aperture lowered lid 800 820 wide 1000 1180 blink 1220 1260 eye gaze right 820 1180 cheeks puffed 620 680 tensed 920 940 mouth lips pursed: mm 540 600 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 80 240 back 260 840 end 860 940 head pos: jut start 840 960 back 980 1220 end 1240 1360 head pos: tilt side start 420 580 right 600 640 end 660 760 head pos: turn start 760 880 right 900 1220 end 1240 1400 body lean start 780 940 back 960 1700 end 1720 1860 POS Proper Noun 240 360 Verb 600 720 Determiner 840 940 Noun 1100 1220 Adjective 1380 1500 Noun 1600 1760 English translation John gave that man a new coat. Notes - number of character bytes: 264 While signing GIVE, she realses air from between her lips. I don't know how to gloss that. JL. 1) is utt really in past tense? 2) I want to say there's a squint near GIVE but I can't be sure 3) same ? as Judith! it's not a puff cheek but don't know what to put! Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 2260 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 60 180 IX-3p:i 320 360 i:GIFT:j 480 600 IX-3p:j 620 660 MAN 820 1000 IX-loc:j 1200 1380 NEW 1680 1780 COAT 1880 2020 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 1080 1140 lowered 1160 1320 end 1340 1380 eye aperture blink 1040 1100 squint 1120 1340 blink 1380 1440 eye gaze right 240 320 left 1100 1380 nose start 1080 1120 wrinkle 1140 1340 end 1360 1380 mouth lips spread: crnrs down 1140 1340 head pos: turn start 1040 1160 left 1180 1260 end 1280 1360 head pos: tilt side start 440 620 right 640 940 end 960 1100 start 1220 1340 right 1360 1400 end 1420 1520 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 680 800 front 820 980 start 1000 1180 back 1200 1320 end 1340 1440 head mvmt: shake single 780 1020 POS Proper Noun 60 180 Pronoun 320 360 Verb 480 600 Determiner 620 660 Noun 820 1000 Adverb 1200 1380 Adjective 1680 1780 Noun 1880 2020 English translation John, he gave the man over there a new coat. Notes - number of character bytes: 118 1) should the IX after JOHN be a loc? 2) is JOHN a topic? 3) I don't like how the head mvmts are coded for some reason Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 2460 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 300 400 neu:GIFT:j 540 640 IX-3p:j 720 820 MAN 960 1060 IX-loc:j 1220 1440 NEW 1840 1920 COAT 2040 2220 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 1040 1080 raised 1100 1380 end 1400 1540 eye aperture blink 660 720 start 740 840 wide 860 1360 blink 1380 1480 eye gaze right 700 860 right 1160 1380 mouth lips pursed: mm 500 660 raised upper lip 1160 1360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 80 300 back 320 720 end 740 860 start 1100 1200 back 1220 1300 end 1320 1440 head pos: turn start 680 780 slightly right 800 920 end 940 960 start 1120 1200 slightly right 1220 2180 end 2200 2360 body lean start 1220 1320 back/left 1340 1460 end 1480 1720 adverbial start 1120 1200 far 1220 1340 end 1360 1400 POS Proper Noun 300 400 Verb 540 640 Determiner 720 820 Noun 960 1060 Adverb 1220 1440 Adjective 1840 1920 Noun 2040 2220 English translation John gave the man way over there a new coat. Notes - number of character bytes: 79 1) I think JOHN is a topic but need to dbl chk 2) how to gloss mouth: mm? wrong Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 2340 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 120 160 IX-3p:i 260 380 i:GIFT:j 420 740 IX-3p:j 820 880 MAN 1060 1220 IX-loc:j 1480 1720 BOOK 2020 2080 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 380 560 back 580 760 end 780 840 start 860 960 front 980 1140 end 1160 1220 start 1260 1380 back 1400 1640 end 1660 1860 eye brows start 20 100 raised 120 360 end 380 440 eye aperture blink 340 400 blink 760 800 blink 1240 1300 blink 1660 1720 eye gaze right 220 340 left 800 940 left 1300 1660 cheeks start 1280 1500 tensed 1520 1660 end 1680 1740 mouth lips spread: crnrs down 460 960 lips spread 1320 1660 head pos: tilt side start 460 700 right 720 1180 end 1200 1300 head pos: turn start 760 800 left 820 920 end 940 1060 start 1220 1360 left 1380 1640 end 1660 1780 head mvmt: shake start 1200 1280 single 1300 1620 end 1640 1800 POS Proper Noun 120 160 Pronoun 260 380 Verb 420 740 Determiner 820 880 Noun 1060 1220 Adverb 1480 1720 Noun 2020 2080 English translation John, he, gave a man over there a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 71 1) is the 2nd bl a low? 2) how to code the blowing out of air on GIVE? Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 100 End frame: 2140 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 014 main gloss fs-JOHN 280 380 neu:GIVE-indef:j 520 660 IX-loc:j 960 1360 SOMETHING/ONE 1480 1600 WOMAN 1680 1780 BOOK 1920 2000 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 100 120 slightly raised 140 360 end 380 400 start 820 900 lowered 920 1100 end 1120 1200 eye aperture squint 900 1120 blink 1380 1440 eye gaze left 820 1360 nose wrinkle 900 1080 mouth raised upper lip 800 1100 lips spread 1160 1340 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 260 320 slightly back 340 380 end 400 440 head pos: tilt side start 540 580 right 600 900 end 920 940 start 1000 1080 right 1100 1160 end 1180 1240 head pos: jut start 420 560 back 580 680 end 700 720 start 1440 1480 back 1500 1720 end 1740 1820 head mvmt: shake rapid 480 1600 head mvmt: nod single 1840 2020 POS Proper Noun 280 380 Verb 520 660 Adverb 960 1360 Determiner 1480 1600 Noun 1680 1780 Noun 1920 2000 English translation John gave a woman over there a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 179 1) not sure POS is right for the IX 2) don't know what POS for SOMETHING/ONE 3) should eng trans be "some woman over there"? 4) over the LOC, don't know if that's a tilt or a jut! Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 120 End frame: 2700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 360 740 neu:GIVE-indef:j 860 1000 IX-loc:j 1220 1420 SOMETHING/ONE 1660 1700 WOMAN 1800 1900 BOOK 2040 2200 non-dominant hand gloss eye aperture blink 360 420 lowered lid 440 760 eye gaze right 1100 1420 nose wrinkle 820 920 wrinkle 1480 1700 mouth lips spread: crnrs down 800 900 lips spread: crnrs down 1200 1700 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 120 400 back 420 1300 further back 1320 1480 end 1500 1640 head pos: tilt side start 720 840 left 860 1120 start 1140 1320 further left 1340 2460 end 2480 2700 head pos: turn start 860 960 left 980 1040 start 1060 1180 right 1200 1420 start 1440 1560 left 1580 1660 end 1680 1780 start 1840 1920 left 1940 2460 end 2480 2700 head pos: jut start 1800 1820 back 1840 2080 more back 2100 2200 back 2220 2340 end 2360 2700 body lean start 1240 1440 left 1460 1540 end 1560 1780 start 1960 2020 back 2040 2220 end 2240 2480 POS Proper Noun 360 740 Verb 860 1000 Adverb 1220 1420 Determiner 1660 1700 Noun 1800 1900 Noun 2040 2200 English translation John gave some woman over there a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 332 1) having a pblm w/ eyebrows lowering and squints! First I think it's there and then I don't! Need a 2nd pair of eyes... 2) also can't tell if it should be a shake instead of all the left and right over WOMAN--feel like a head shake with the lip spread is like a nonmanual expression of uncertainty or unimportance Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 40 End frame: 1840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 180 280 neu:GIVE-indef:j 420 540 IX-loc:j 720 980 SOMETHING/ONE 1100 1160 WOMAN 1280 1380 BOOK 1580 1660 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 660 700 lowered 720 960 end 980 1100 eye aperture blink 640 700 squint 720 940 end 960 1100 blink 1340 1400 eye gaze left 700 1000 nose start 660 680 wrinkle 700 1040 end 1060 1100 mouth lips spread: crnrs down 720 920 raised upper lip 980 1060 head pos: tilt side start 620 640 right 660 860 further right 880 1080 right 1100 1220 end 1240 1440 head pos: jut start 240 440 back 460 520 end 540 600 start 960 1080 back 1100 1380 end 1400 1520 head mvmt: shake slow 480 1160 POS Proper Noun 180 280 Verb 420 540 Adverb 720 980 Determiner 1100 1160 Noun 1280 1380 Noun 1580 1660 English translation John gave some woman over there a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 136 1) same re: shake as previous utt. 2) dbl chk that can repeat IX--feel like she's trying to express uncertainty or is kind place-holding Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 2680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 400 740 neu:GIVE-indef:j 900 1100 IX-loc:j 1380 1580 SOMETHING/ONE 1760 1900 WOMAN 2020 2160 BOOK 2360 2500 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 320 460 lowered 480 2680 eye aperture blink 260 320 eye gaze right 1160 1940 mouth lips spread: crnrs down 900 1000 lips spread: crnrs down 1360 1860 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 80 280 back 300 1440 further back 1460 1960 end 1980 2100 start 2440 2660 head pos: tilt side end 80 180 start 1260 1340 left 1360 1980 end 2000 2120 head pos: turn start 780 900 left 920 940 end 960 1020 start 1140 1260 right 1280 1560 end 1580 1660 head mvmt: shake slow 1240 1840 POS Proper Noun 400 740 Verb 900 1100 Adverb 1380 1580 Determiner 1760 1900 Noun 2020 2160 Noun 2360 2500 English translation John gave some woman over there a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 1520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 320 560 WOMAN 780 900 HAVE 1080 1140 BOOK 1240 1300 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 20 160 back 180 780 end 820 1240 head mvmt: nod rapid 920 1140 head pos: tilt side start 180 360 left 380 1300 end 1320 1500 shoulders start 360 520 slightly left 560 1060 end 1080 1200 topic top1 160 860 eye brows start 20 140 raised 160 860 end 880 980 slightly lowered 1060 1380 eye aperture start 60 160 end 860 880 blink 900 960 end 980 1040 slightly lowered 1060 1180 end 1200 1380 eye gaze right 240 900 mouth start 160 260 open 280 600 end 620 680 adverbial far 280 600 POS Determiner 320 560 Noun 780 900 Verb 1080 1140 Noun 1240 1300 English translation That woman way over there has a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 100 End frame: 1060 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 340 500 HAVE 680 720 BOOK 800 880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 100 480 end 500 600 head mvmt: nod single 500 600 head pos: tilt side start 160 360 left 380 580 end 600 820 start 940 960 slightly right 980 1060 shoulders start 380 480 left 500 640 end 660 760 topic top1 200 480 eye brows start 100 180 raised 200 480 end 500 580 eye aperture start 100 180 end 500 540 eye gaze right 140 480 mouth start 180 280 open 300 540 end 560 680 adverbial far 300 540 POS Pronoun 340 500 Verb 680 720 Noun 800 880 English translation He/she over there has a book. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 40 End frame: 1380 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss fs-FRANK 160 460 POSS-3p:i 540 600 NEW 740 820 CAR 920 960 BREAK-DOWN 1060 1220 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 700 840 slightly front 860 1080 end 1100 1340 head pos: turn start 980 1060 slightly right 1080 1260 end 1280 1380 eye brows slightly raised 140 560 slightly lowered 680 1320 eye aperture wide 700 880 end 900 940 slightly lowered 960 1240 blink 1260 1320 lowered lid 1340 1380 eye gaze right 500 600 cheeks puffed 1040 1120 mouth lips pursed: mm 940 1240 POS Proper Noun 160 460 Pronoun 540 600 Adjective 740 820 Noun 920 960 Verb 1060 1220 English translation Frank's new car broke down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Audio Start frame: 240 End frame: 1640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss POSS-3p:i 380 400 fs-FRANK 480 680 NEW 840 920 CAR 1020 1180 BREAK-DOWN 1280 1460 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 480 1100 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 240 520 back 540 1040 end 1060 1200 head pos: tilt side start 1300 1400 slightly right 1420 1540 end 1560 1640 eye brows start 240 460 raised 480 1100 end 1120 1220 eye gaze right 260 380 eye aperture start 440 640 wide 660 1080 end 1100 1120 blink 1600 1640 mouth tongue out 1340 1400 cheeks puffed 1320 1420 head pos: turn start 300 360 slightly right 380 440 end 460 520 start 1220 1340 slightly right 1360 1640 POS Pronoun 380 400 Proper Noun 480 680 Adjective 840 920 Noun 1020 1180 Verb 1280 1460 English translation Frank's new car broke down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 180 End frame: 1460 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-FRANK 280 440 POSS-3p:i 520 640 CAR 800 880 BREAK-DOWN 980 1260 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 460 920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 180 460 slightly back 480 940 end 960 1180 head pos: tilt side start 920 1040 slightly right 1060 1260 end 1280 1400 head pos: turn start 960 1040 slightly right 1060 1460 eye brows start 180 360 raised 380 920 end 940 1020 eye aperture start 240 500 wide 520 940 end 960 1040 blink 1260 1320 eye gaze right 460 680 right 1300 1460 cheeks puffed 1060 1120 mouth tongue out 1020 1180 POS Proper Noun 280 440 Pronoun 520 640 Noun 800 880 Verb 980 1260 English translation Frank's car broke down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 300 End frame: 1500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss POSS-3p:i 480 580 NEW 760 880 CAR 980 1060 BREAK-DOWN 1140 1400 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 480 1060 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 300 500 back 520 1060 end 1080 1320 head pos: tilt side start 1160 1240 right 1260 1320 end 1340 1500 head pos: turn start 300 400 slightly right 420 540 end 560 700 eye brows start 300 440 raised 460 1040 end 1060 1160 eye gaze right 300 500 eye aperture blink 520 580 start 620 680 wide 700 1000 end 1020 1120 blink 1460 1500 cheeks puffed 1220 1280 mouth tongue out 1120 1320 POS Pronoun 480 580 Adjective 760 880 Noun 980 1060 Verb 1140 1400 English translation His/her new car broke down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Audio Start frame: 140 End frame: 1200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss IX:i 400 480 BOOK 580 640 POSS:j 760 1020 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 140 400 end 420 460 head pos: tilt side start 300 460 slightly right 480 660 end 680 740 slightly left 780 900 end 920 1020 head pos: turn slightly right 1020 1060 head mvmt: nod single 740 1040 eye brows start 140 380 raised 400 620 end 640 700 slightly lowered 740 1200 eye gaze right 280 360 eye aperture start 340 480 wide 500 580 end 600 680 slightly lowered 740 1080 blink 1100 1140 slightly lowered 1160 1200 POS Determiner 400 480 Noun 580 640 Pronoun 760 1020 English translation That book is his/hers. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1100 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss IX-1p 80 100 FIND 220 320 SOMETHING/ONE 380 540 BOOK 700 920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 100 260 slightly front 280 720 end 740 1040 head pos: turn right 20 480 end 500 680 head mvmt: shake single 340 520 eye brows lowered 0 1100 eye aperture start 100 140 lowered lid 160 1100 eye gaze right 180 480 nose start 120 260 wrinkle 280 900 end 920 1040 POS Pronoun 80 100 Verb 220 320 Determiner 380 540 Noun 700 920 English translation I found someone's book. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss fs-FRANK 140 320 SEARCH-FOR 400 620 WHO 720 820 POSS-3p:i 880 940 BOOK 1060 1160 "WHAT" 1220 1520 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: jut start 660 860 forward 880 1600 end 1620 1800 head pos: tilt side slightly right 900 1320 end 1340 1700 body lean start 720 1100 forward 1120 1300 end 1320 1560 head pos: turn start 340 480 right 500 620 end 640 720 eye brows start 60 380 lowered 400 1800 eye aperture slightly lowered 60 520 start 540 660 squint 680 1760 blink 1780 1800 eye gaze right 320 560 POS Proper Noun 140 320 Verb 400 620 Wh-word 720 820 Possessive 880 940 Noun 1060 1160 Particle 1220 1520 English translation Frank is looking for whose book? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 40 End frame: 1220 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss fs-JOHN 140 260 POSS-3p:i 320 400 BROTHER 560 700 ARRIVE 820 1040 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 180 620 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 40 180 back 200 240 end 260 440 start 500 600 front 620 980 end 1000 1160 head pos: tilt side start 480 520 slightly right 540 720 end 740 760 head pos: jut start 760 880 back 900 920 end 940 1160 eye brows start 40 160 raised 180 620 end 640 740 eye aperture start 260 340 wide 360 620 end 640 720 wide 860 980 end 1000 1060 eye gaze right 280 460 POS Proper Noun 140 260 Pronoun 320 400 Noun 560 700 Verb 820 1040 English translation John's brother arrives. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 180 300 POSS-3p:i 380 480 fs-LEG 560 680 HURT 820 1200 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 160 680 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 220 back 240 260 end 280 640 head pos: turn start 720 800 right 820 1360 head pos: jut start 560 700 slightly back 720 1200 end 1220 1340 eye brows start 0 140 raised 160 660 end 680 760 start 780 820 lowered 840 1180 end 1200 1360 eye aperture start 260 380 wide 400 680 end 700 760 start 780 820 squint 840 1140 end 1160 1240 blink 1260 1360 eye gaze right 300 480 cheeks start 540 740 tensed 760 1160 end 1180 1280 mouth raised upper lip 820 1200 POS Proper Noun 180 300 Pronoun 380 480 Noun 560 680 Verb 820 1200 English translation John's leg hurts. Notes - number of character bytes: 95 The mouth shape over HURT is more of a "ch" than a "rul". Is there a better way to code it? JL Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 300 End frame: 1640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-JOHN 500 620 fs-LEG 720 920 HURT 1040 1440 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 500 920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 300 540 back 560 920 end 940 1020 head pos: tilt side start 760 880 slightly right 900 1000 end 1020 1120 head pos: turn start 1040 1220 slightly right 1240 1480 end 1500 1640 head pos: jut start 1040 1100 slightly back 1120 1380 end 1400 1520 eye brows start 300 460 raised 480 920 end 940 1000 start 1020 1060 lowered 1100 1360 end 1380 1480 eye aperture blink 300 400 start 740 820 wide 840 880 end 900 960 start 980 1040 squint 1060 1340 end 1360 1480 mouth raised upper lip 1120 1400 cheeks start 980 1080 tensed 1100 1360 end 1380 1460 POS Proper Noun 500 620 Noun 720 920 Verb 1040 1440 English translation John's leg hurts. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 260 End frame: 1860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss fs-JOHN:i 400 720 POSS-3p:i 800 880 FRIEND:j 1000 1180 (1h)HAVE 1320 1380 CANDY 1500 1680 non-dominant hand gloss body lean start 820 1140 right 1160 1200 end 1220 1520 head pos: tilt side slightly left 1680 1860 head mvmt: nod start 860 920 single 940 1180 end 1200 1380 head pos: turn start 760 920 left 940 1220 end 1240 1340 eye brows start 700 880 raised 900 1140 end 1160 1260 eye aperture start 840 900 wide 1020 1240 end 1260 1320 eye gaze left 1020 1220 POS Proper Noun 400 720 Pronoun 800 880 Noun 1000 1180 Verb 1320 1380 Noun 1500 1680 English translation John's friend has candy. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 200 End frame: 1860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN:i 480 700 POSS-3p:i 880 920 FRIEND:j 1020 1200 HAVE 1340 1400 CANDY 1500 1700 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 720 760 back 780 960 end 980 1080 head pos: tilt side slightly right 200 660 right 700 1220 end 1240 1480 body lean start 780 1160 right 1180 1200 end 1220 1440 head mvmt: nod start 760 860 single 880 1180 end 1200 1340 head pos: jut start 960 1040 forward/right 1060 1200 end 1220 1360 eye brows start 600 900 raised 920 1180 end 1200 1260 eye aperture start 920 960 wide 1060 1200 blink 1240 1320 eye gaze left 940 1240 POS Proper Noun 480 700 Pronoun 880 920 Noun 1020 1200 Verb 1340 1400 Noun 1500 1700 English translation John's friend has candy. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss part:indef 240 340 SOMETHING/ONE 440 540 part:indef 660 740 WOMAN 860 980 ARRIVE 1080 1160 HERE 1320 1400 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 240 340 |> 1060 ARRIVE 1080 1160 head pos: jut start 220 380 back 400 1360 end 1380 1540 head pos: turn slightly right 800 920 end 940 980 head mvmt: shake rapid 260 1400 shoulders start 140 320 up 340 1440 end 1460 1560 eye brows start 200 280 raised 300 1360 end 1380 1520 eye gaze right 800 960 eye aperture start 240 280 wide 300 1380 end 1400 1440 blink 1460 1520 cheeks start 320 380 tensed 400 420 end 440 480 mouth start 320 380 intense 400 420 end 440 480 lips spread: crnrs down 520 700 lips pursed: mm 980 1080 lips spread: crnrs down 1180 1400 POS Particle 240 340 Pronoun 440 540 Particle 660 740 Noun 860 980 Verb 1080 1160 Adverb 1320 1400 English translation I don't know. Some woman arrived here. Notes - number of character bytes: 30 How do we gloss a "shrug"? JL Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 140 End frame: 1480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss part:indef 240 380 WOMAN 540 660 part:indef 780 920 ARRIVE 1040 1220 HERE 1320 1380 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 240 380 |> 760 part:indef 780 920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 680 780 slightly front 800 1160 end 1180 1360 head pos: jut start 240 400 back 420 1220 end 1240 1460 head mvmt: shake rapid 220 1140 eye brows start 180 300 raised 320 940 end 960 980 start 1000 1020 slightly lowered 1040 1140 end 1160 1220 eye aperture wide 140 980 end 1260 1320 blink 1340 1440 eye gaze right 600 820 mouth lips pursed: mm 200 260 lips spread: crnrs down 560 940 nose tensed 180 980 wrinkle 1000 1100 tensed 1120 1260 POS Particle 240 380 Noun 540 660 Particle 780 920 Verb 1040 1220 Adverb 1320 1380 English translation Well, some woman arrived. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 1020 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 009 main gloss WOMAN 380 500 ARRIVE 520 680 HERE 800 840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: jut start 20 240 back 260 820 end 840 980 head mvmt: shake rapid 80 840 shoulders start 200 300 up 320 760 end 780 1020 eye brows start 20 120 slightly raised 140 240 slightly lowered 320 1020 eye aperture start 40 80 wide 100 800 end 820 860 POS Noun 380 500 Verb 520 680 Adverb 800 840 English translation Some woman arrived here. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 100 End frame: 1840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss IX-3p:i 420 460 CAR 560 660 BLUE 800 1060 fs-SUE 1140 1180 BUY 1360 1540 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 300 1100 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 100 780 end 800 1040 head pos: tilt side start 260 420 right 440 1040 end 1060 1220 start 1240 1460 slightly left 1480 1760 end 1780 1840 eye brows start 100 260 raised 300 1100 end 1120 1200 slightly lowered 1220 1840 eye aperture wide 320 1120 eye gaze right 200 660 head mvmt: nod slow 1360 1680 POS Determiner 420 460 Noun 560 660 Adjective 800 1060 Proper Noun 1140 1180 Verb 1360 1540 English translation Sue bought (is buying) that blue car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 1400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 009 main gloss IX-3p:i 300 380 CAR 460 540 BLUE 620 740 fs-SUE 860 1000 BUY:i 1080 1260 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 240 740 head pos: tilt side start 180 340 right 360 780 end 800 900 eye brows start 20 200 raised 240 720 end 740 820 eye gaze right 240 740 eye aperture start 240 300 wide 320 740 blink 760 840 slightly lowered 860 1400 POS Determiner 300 380 Noun 460 540 Adjective 620 740 Proper Noun 860 1000 Verb 1080 1260 English translation Sue buought (is buying) that blue car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1140 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss SOMETHING/ONE 180 320 CAR 440 480 STOLE 740 840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt side start 600 680 slightly left 700 920 end 940 1080 head pos: jut start 0 100 back 120 500 end 520 580 head mvmt: shake rapid 100 480 eye brows start 0 100 raised 120 480 end 500 580 slightly lowered 600 1140 eye aperture start 20 60 end 260 300 start 320 400 wide 420 540 end 560 640 mouth raised upper lip 100 220 lips pursed: mm 560 720 cheeks start 40 120 tensed 140 460 nose tensed 20 80 wrinkle 100 240 tensed 260 500 POS Determiner 180 320 Noun 440 480 Verb 740 840 English translation Someone's car was stolen. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 1760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss SOMETHING/ONE 360 520 POSS-3p:i 620 660 CAR 760 880 STOLE 1080 1320 |> 1540 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 560 620 slightly back 640 700 end 720 760 head pos: tilt side start 500 640 right 660 900 end 920 1160 head pos: turn start 480 620 slightly left 640 840 end 860 1020 head mvmt: shake rapid 120 520 body lean start 560 820 right 840 960 end 980 1180 eye brows start 100 180 slightly lowered 200 680 slightly raised 700 840 start 860 940 lowered 960 1760 POS Determiner 360 520 Pronoun 620 660 Noun 760 880 Verb 1080 1320 eye aperture English translation Someone's car was stolen. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 009 main gloss fs-JOHN 0 260 POSS-3p:i 340 400 OLD 520 580 HOUSE 680 780 SOLD 920 980 YESTERDAY 1120 1300 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 80 back 100 720 end 740 860 head pos: tilt side start 380 520 right 540 720 end 740 860 head pos: turn start 320 460 left 480 740 end 760 860 eye brows start 0 260 raised 280 760 end 780 840 slightly lowered 860 1540 eye aperture squint 0 60 end 80 180 start 260 400 wide 420 740 end 760 780 slightly lowered 800 1560 POS Proper Noun 0 260 Pronoun 340 400 Adjective 520 580 Noun 680 780 Verb 920 980 Adverb 1120 1300 English translation John's old house was sold yesterday. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1660 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-SUE 280 480 BUY 680 840 IX-3p:i 940 1000 CAR 1120 1260 BLUE 1340 1400 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 240 back 260 440 end 460 580 start 760 940 slightly front 960 1020 end 1040 1120 slightly back 1200 1380 end 1400 1560 head pos: tilt side start 60 200 right 220 520 end 540 660 start 760 860 right 880 1040 end 1060 1200 head pos: turn start 760 860 slightly right 880 1040 end 1060 1100 eye brows slightly lowered 0 320 lowered 340 1660 eye aperture squint 0 880 end 1540 1600 blink 1620 1660 eye gaze right 820 1080 POS Proper Noun 280 480 Verb 680 840 Determiner 940 1000 Noun 1120 1260 Adjective 1340 1400 English translation Sue bought that blue car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 1240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-SUE 300 420 BUY 580 640 IX-3p:i 700 740 CAR 820 880 BLUE 960 1060 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 620 760 front 780 1000 end 1020 1140 head pos: tilt side start 80 240 slightly right 260 620 further right 640 980 end 1000 1200 head pos: turn start 620 680 slightly right 700 1040 end 1060 1100 eye gaze right 620 1060 eye brows slightly lowered 80 1240 eye aperture blink 1080 1120 slightly lowered 1140 1240 POS Proper Noun 300 420 Verb 580 640 Determiner 700 740 Noun 820 880 Adjective 960 1060 English translation Sueis buying that blue car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 160 End frame: 1560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 008 main gloss fs-SUE 480 620 BUY 740 800 IX-3p:i 880 940 CAR 1060 1180 BLUE 1260 1320 non-dominant hand gloss eye aperture blink 200 240 eye gaze right 800 960 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 560 760 start 780 900 front 920 960 end 980 1060 head pos: tilt side start 280 380 slightly right 400 780 start 800 860 further right 880 940 end 960 1140 POS Proper Noun 480 620 Verb 740 800 Determiner 880 940 Noun 1060 1180 Adjective 1260 1320 English translation Sue is buying that blue car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1180 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 008 main gloss fs-SUE 180 320 BUY 460 560 CAR 680 740 BLUE 800 880 non-dominant hand gloss eye aperture blink 940 980 eye gaze right 580 900 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 600 700 front 720 900 end 920 1140 head pos: tilt side start 560 620 right 640 860 end 880 980 POS Proper Noun 180 320 Verb 460 560 Noun 680 740 Adjective 800 880 English translation Sue is buying the blue car. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 40 End frame: 860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 005 main gloss fs-JOHN 140 260 READ+ 360 480 BOOK 620 680 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 180 380 front 400 640 end 660 840 POS Proper Noun 140 260 Verb 360 480 Noun 620 680 English translation John read a/the book. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 005 main gloss fs-JOHN 180 320 READ 440 520 BOOK 660 760 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 260 320 front 340 780 end 800 900 POS Proper Noun 180 320 Verb 440 520 Noun 660 760 English translation John read a/the book. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 300 End frame: 1900 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss ONE 500 580 STUDENT 700 800 |> 900 SOMETHING/ONE 1000 1200 BORROW 1400 1480 VIDEOTAPE 1540 1800 |> 1900 non-dominant hand gloss STUDENT 700 800 eye brows lowered 300 1900 eye aperture squint 780 1180 end 1200 1280 eye gaze right 1100 1220 mouth lips spread: crnrs down 920 1380 head pos: turn start 340 560 slightly left 580 1900 head pos: tilt side start 1340 1480 slightly left 1500 1900 head mvmt: shake rapid 880 1380 body lean start 480 820 back 840 1420 end 1440 1880 POS Number 500 580 Noun 700 800 Pronoun 1000 1200 Verb 1400 1480 Noun 1540 1800 English translation A student, someone, borrowed a videotape. Notes - number of character bytes: 158 1) not totally comfortable w/ eng trans entered--could it be more like some student?? 2) how the above is answered would then affect the POS for SOMETHING/ONE Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 014 main gloss fs-JOHN 160 240 POSS-3p:i 300 320 MOTHER 400 420 ARRIVE 520 720 WHO 900 1000 MOTHER 1080 1160 ARRIVE 1300 1520 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 840 1660 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 60 380 end 400 600 start 620 640 front 660 1460 end 1480 1820 head pos: tilt side start 780 1040 left 1060 1480 end 1500 1880 head pos: turn start 380 560 slightly left 580 760 start 780 1020 right 1040 1440 end 1460 1860 body lean start 660 1040 forward 1060 1500 end 1520 1860 eye brows start 80 220 raised 240 380 end 400 460 start 660 780 lowered 800 1680 end 1720 1860 eye aperture blink 60 80 start 240 300 end 640 720 start 740 780 squint 800 1420 blink 1440 1520 end 1560 1860 eye gaze start 800 960 right 980 1880 nose start 700 760 wrinkle 780 1560 end 1580 1880 role shift other person 800 1880 POS Proper Noun 160 240 Pronoun 300 320 Noun 400 420 Verb 520 720 Wh-word 900 1000 Noun 1080 1160 Verb 1300 1520 English translation John's mother arrived. Whose mother arrived? Notes - number of character bytes: 37 what should role shift be glossed as? Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 300 End frame: 1620 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss POSS-3p:i 480 580 NEW 800 880 CAR 960 1040 BREAK-DOWN 1120 1320 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 420 1040 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 300 500 slightly back 520 580 back 600 1040 end 1060 1240 head pos: tilt side start 1140 1240 slightly left 1260 1340 end 1360 1500 head pos: turn start 300 420 slightly right 440 560 end 580 720 eye brows start 300 400 raised 420 1040 end 1060 1120 eye aperture blink 520 580 start 620 680 wide 700 1040 end 1060 1100 blink 1480 1540 eye gaze right 300 500 mouth tongue out 1140 1320 cheeks puffed 1200 1280 POS Pronoun 480 580 Adjective 800 880 Noun 960 1040 Verb 1120 1320 English translation His/her new car broke down. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 1540 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 140 200 BUY 400 460 WHAT 520 620 YESTERDAY 780 1000 BOOK+ 1220 1460 non-dominant hand gloss WHAT 520 620 |> 1060 rhetorical question rhq 140 960 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 60 220 back 240 960 end 980 1180 body lean start 300 700 forward 720 1100 end 1120 1320 head mvmt: shake rapid 480 920 head pos: turn start 980 1100 slightly right 1120 1540 head pos: tilt side start 980 1100 left 1120 1140 end 1160 1260 eye brows start 20 240 raised 260 940 end 960 1060 eye aperture start 260 540 wide 560 940 end 960 1020 POS Proper Noun 140 200 Verb 400 460 Wh-word 520 620 Adverb 780 1000 Noun 1220 1460 English translation What did John buy yesterday? Some books. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1580 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-JOHN 560 740 SEE 820 920 WHO 980 1060 "WHAT" 1160 1400 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 420 1480 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 200 back 220 1380 end 1400 1580 head pos: tilt side start 460 620 right 640 1580 head mvmt: shake rapid 900 1380 eye brows slightly lowered 0 640 lowered 660 1580 eye aperture blink 40 120 lowered lid 140 780 start 800 860 squint 880 1520 blink 1540 1580 POS Proper Noun 560 740 Verb 820 920 Wh-word 980 1060 Particle 1160 1400 English translation Who did John see, who? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 40 End frame: 1380 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 120 200 fs-JOHN 280 340 SEE 480 520 WHO 600 720 IX-3p:i 780 800 WHO 920 960 |> 1220 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 240 1220 body lean start 500 760 forward 780 1340 end 1360 1380 head pos: tilt side start 320 360 slightly right 380 1220 end 1240 1380 head pos: jut start 620 900 forward 920 1200 end 1220 1380 head mvmt: shake rapid 360 1020 eye brows start 60 220 lowered 240 1220 end 1240 1380 eye gaze right 40 120 eye aperture start 80 160 squint 520 1200 end 1220 1360 POS Determiner 120 200 Proper Noun 280 340 Verb 480 520 Wh-word 600 720 Determiner 780 800 Wh-word 920 960 English translation Who did John see, him, who? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Databases to be verified:All the compressed Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1620 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss "WHAT" 460 600 fs-MARY 720 880 REFUSE 960 1080 EAT 1200 1220 "WHAT" 1340 1520 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 340 580 wh 960 1520 topic top1 700 840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 20 100 back 120 640 start 960 1040 back 1060 1500 end 1520 1620 head pos: tilt side start 660 760 right 780 860 end 880 960 head mvmt: nod start 640 820 single 840 860 end 880 960 head mvmt: shake start 960 1000 single 1020 1080 rapid 1100 1540 eye brows slightly lowered 0 400 lowered 420 580 start 600 680 raised 700 840 end 860 920 start 960 1040 lowered 1060 1620 eye aperture blink 120 180 start 400 480 squint 500 580 start 600 680 wide 700 840 blink 860 960 squint 980 1520 end 1540 1620 POS Wh-word 460 600 Proper Noun 720 880 Verb 960 1080 Verb 1200 1220 Wh-word 1340 1520 English translation What won't Mary eat? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 47 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 1580 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN:i 460 700 fs-MARY 880 1000 LOVE 1120 1160 IX-3p:i 1240 1280 non-dominant hand gloss topic top3 420 740 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 200 300 slightly back 320 440 end 460 520 start 540 600 front 640 760 end 780 900 head pos: tilt side slightly right 80 400 right 420 760 end 780 940 start 1000 1120 left 1140 1160 end 1180 1260 head pos: turn start 1000 1060 slightly right 1080 1160 end 1180 1200 start 1220 1340 slightly left 1360 1380 end 1400 1500 head mvmt: nod start 160 400 single 420 740 end 760 920 body lean start 120 220 back 240 540 end 560 880 start 1000 1040 back 1060 1340 end 1360 1580 eye brows start 80 300 raised 320 720 end 740 800 start 820 880 lowered 900 1380 end 1400 1580 eye aperture start 220 420 wide 440 720 end 740 760 blink 780 880 lowered lid 900 1000 closed 1020 1060 lowered lid 1080 1100 POS Proper Noun 460 700 Proper Noun 880 1000 Verb 1120 1160 Pronoun 1240 1280 English translation As for John, Mary loves him. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 48 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1860 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 560 920 IX-3p:i 1000 1060 LIKE 1180 1260 fs-MARY 1360 1580 non-dominant hand gloss topic top2 340 920 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 0 320 back 340 620 end 640 740 start 780 840 slightly front 860 920 end 940 1000 head pos: tilt side start 300 460 right 480 920 end 940 1040 start 1060 1180 left 1200 1600 end 1640 1720 head pos: turn start 1040 1120 slightly right 1140 1620 end 1640 1760 head mvmt: nod single 600 900 end 920 1040 eye brows start 200 320 raised 340 860 end 880 940 start 980 1040 lowered 1060 1440 end 1460 1600 eye aperture start 240 500 wide 520 860 end 880 900 blink 920 1000 slightly lowered 1020 1580 end 1600 1860 mouth lips pursed: mm 980 1080 POS Proper Noun 560 920 Pronoun 1000 1060 Verb 1180 1260 Proper Noun 1360 1580 English translation As for John, he likes Mary. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 49 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 2080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 014 main gloss WHO 480 660 VEGETABLE 840 980 PREFER 1120 1180 POTATO 1300 1460 "WHAT" 1600 1620 |> 1860 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 420 660 wh 1060 1900 topic top2 760 980 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 20 280 back 300 760 end 780 980 start 1000 1240 back 1260 1920 end 1960 2000 head pos: tilt side slightly right 20 740 right 760 2080 head pos: turn start 640 740 slightly left 760 940 end 960 1100 start 1220 1360 slightly left 1380 2080 head mvmt: nod single 760 980 head pos: jut start 1520 1740 forward 1760 2020 head mvmt: shake rapid 1260 1560 eye brows lowered 20 580 start 600 700 raised 720 1000 end 1020 1060 start 1080 1160 lowered 1180 2080 eye aperture squint 40 580 start 600 860 wide 880 940 blink 960 1060 squint 1080 2080 POS Wh-word 480 660 Noun 840 980 Verb 1120 1180 Noun 1300 1460 Wh-word 1600 1620 English translation Who, as for vegetables, prefers potatoes? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 50 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 40 End frame: 1360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss "WHAT" 380 500 fs-JOHN 580 700 LOVE 760 820 "WHAT" 980 1060 |> 1160 non-dominant hand gloss "WHAT" 380 500 |> 1160 wh question wh 320 1240 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 40 300 back 320 1180 end 1200 1360 head pos: jut start 860 1020 forward 1040 1360 head mvmt: shake rapid 200 1080 body lean start 40 200 back 220 1360 eye brows lowered 40 1240 end 1260 1360 eye aperture squint 40 1240 end 1260 1360 POS Wh-word 380 500 Proper Noun 580 700 Verb 760 820 Wh-word 980 1060 English translation What, what does John love? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 51 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 120 End frame: 1340 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss "WHAT" 260 300 fs-JOHN 400 500 LOVE 620 680 "WHAT" 820 840 |> 1060 non-dominant hand gloss "WHAT" 260 300 |> 440 wh question wh 260 1100 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 120 400 back 420 1100 end 1120 1340 head pos: tilt side start 480 580 slightly right 600 1140 end 1160 1320 head pos: turn start 460 560 left 580 1060 end 1080 1220 head mvmt: shake rapid 240 1060 eye brows start 120 220 lowered 240 1120 end 1140 1220 eye aperture start 120 220 squint 240 1120 end 1140 1240 blink 1280 1340 POS Wh-word 260 300 Proper Noun 400 500 Verb 620 680 Wh-word 820 840 English translation What, what does John love? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 52 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss "WHAT" 140 160 fs-JOHN 260 360 LOVE 480 500 "WHAT" 620 660 |> 800 non-dominant hand gloss "WHAT" 140 160 |> 180 wh question wh 120 880 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 280 back 300 880 end 900 1080 head pos: turn start 360 420 slightly left 440 600 end 620 840 head mvmt: shake slow 120 580 rapid 600 840 shoulders start 360 400 up 420 840 end 860 1000 eye brows start 0 140 lowered 160 860 end 880 1080 eye aperture start 0 120 squint 140 1040 blink 1060 1080 POS Wh-word 140 160 Proper Noun 260 360 Verb 480 500 Wh-word 620 660 English translation What, what does John love? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 53 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 140 End frame: 1440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss WHO 340 360 TELL 440 520 fs-BILL 620 760 fs-MARY 960 1140 |> 1260 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 340 760 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 140 220 end 240 340 start 920 980 slightly front 1000 1300 end 1320 1440 head mvmt: nod single 840 1240 end 1260 1440 body lean start 320 600 right 620 1060 end 1080 1440 eye brows start 140 200 raised 220 780 end 800 880 eye aperture start 220 340 wide 360 720 blink 760 820 blink 1360 1420 eye gaze left 300 740 POS Wh-word 340 360 Verb 440 520 Proper Noun 620 760 Proper Noun 960 1140 English translation Who told Bill? Mary. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 54 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1380 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-JOHN 120 220 BUY 340 420 "WHAT" 480 540 YESTERDAY 680 780 BOOK+ 980 1240 non-dominant hand gloss "WHAT" 480 540 |> 840 rhetorical question rhq 120 840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 140 back 160 780 end 820 1000 start 1020 1060 slightly front 1080 1380 head pos: tilt side slightly right 0 720 end 740 840 start 860 940 left 960 1220 end 1240 1380 head mvmt: shake start 20 140 slow 160 760 eye brows start 0 100 raised 120 780 end 800 880 start 900 960 lowered 980 1380 eye aperture start 40 160 wide 540 740 end 760 780 blink 820 900 lowered lid 920 1020 slightly lowered 1040 1380 POS Proper Noun 120 220 Verb 340 420 Wh-word 480 540 Adverb 680 780 Noun 980 1240 English translation What did John buy yesterday? Books. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 55 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss fs-JOHN 140 180 BUY 260 340 YESTERDAY 460 580 "WHAT" 740 980 BOOK+ 1120 1320 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 140 980 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 120 520 back 540 1000 end 1020 1180 head pos: turn start 620 840 right 860 1300 end 1320 1640 head pos: jut start 320 520 forward 540 980 end 1000 1140 head mvmt: shake slow 600 940 eye brows start 20 140 raised 160 960 end 980 1060 eye aperture blink 20 100 start 180 260 wide 280 920 end 940 1020 blink 1480 1540 POS Proper Noun 140 180 Verb 260 340 Adverb 460 580 Wh-word 740 980 Noun 1120 1320 English translation What did John buy yesterday? Books. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 56 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1700 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 010 main gloss fs-JOHN 280 440 BUY 520 600 "WHAT" 660 760 YESTERDAY 900 1040 BOOK+ 1260 1460 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 200 1060 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 100 220 back 240 1160 end 1180 1380 head pos: tilt side slightly right 60 1100 start 1120 1260 left 1300 1480 end 1500 1700 head mvmt: shake slow 200 1060 eye brows start 60 160 raised 180 1060 start 1080 1280 lowered 1300 1440 end 1460 1700 eye aperture start 120 200 wide 220 1060 blink 1100 1180 lowered lid 1200 1500 blink 1520 1580 lowered lid 1600 1700 POS Proper Noun 280 440 Verb 520 600 Wh-word 660 760 Adverb 900 1040 Noun 1260 1460 English translation What did John buy yesterday? Books. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 57 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1540 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 80 180 BUY 320 500 "WHAT" 600 820 BOOK+ 1000 1220 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 80 820 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 0 100 end 120 300 start 520 600 slightly back 620 960 end 980 1080 head pos: tilt side slightly right 240 600 end 620 840 start 940 1020 left 1040 1200 end 1220 1360 head mvmt: nod start 780 880 single 900 1240 end 1260 1380 head mvmt: shake slow 400 780 eye brows start 0 80 raised 100 720 end 740 820 eye aperture start 100 180 wide 200 680 end 700 780 slightly lowered 800 1280 blink 1300 1360 slightly lowered 1380 1540 eye gaze left 360 460 POS Proper Noun 80 180 Verb 320 500 Wh-word 600 820 Noun 1000 1220 English translation What did John buy? Books. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 58 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 1500 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss TELL 180 280 fs-BILL 340 440 YESTERDAY 580 660 WHO 740 900 fs-MARY 1020 1240 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 180 900 head pos: tilt side start 1060 1140 slightly right 1160 1280 end 1300 1420 head mvmt: shake slow 600 960 head pos: turn slightly right 720 900 end 920 1000 head mvmt: nod single 40 280 head pos: jut start 520 700 forward 720 940 end 960 1080 eye brows start 0 60 slightly lowered 80 580 start 600 680 raised 700 880 end 900 960 start 1000 1040 slightly lowered 1060 1500 eye aperture start 0 60 start 600 660 wide 680 920 blink 940 960 slightly lowered 980 1240 end 1260 1440 POS Verb 180 280 Proper Noun 340 440 Adverb 580 660 Wh-word 740 900 Proper Noun 1020 1240 English translation Who told Bill yesterday? Mary (did). Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 59 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss TELL 240 280 fs-BILL 360 440 YESTERDAY 600 740 WHO 880 1040 |> 1120 fs-MARY 1260 1480 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 220 1040 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 60 1180 end 1200 1340 head pos: jut start 460 900 forward 920 1120 end 1140 1280 head mvmt: shake rapid 880 1040 head pos: turn start 500 640 left 660 780 end 800 900 body lean start 160 340 back/right 360 1340 end 1360 1720 eye brows start 60 200 raised 220 1040 end 1060 1160 eye aperture start 380 540 wide 880 1020 end 1040 1100 blink 1580 1620 eye gaze right 400 660 POS Verb 240 280 Proper Noun 360 440 Adverb 600 740 Wh-word 880 1040 Proper Noun 1260 1480 English translation Who told Bill yesterday? Mary (did). Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 60 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 1940 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 011 main gloss fs-JOHN 240 380 SEE 480 560 |> 680 THROW 760 940 APPLE 1040 1120 WHO 1180 1340 fs-MARY 1580 1720 non-dominant hand gloss rhetorical question rhq 240 1340 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 80 220 back 240 1340 end 1380 1540 head pos: tilt side start 120 440 right 460 940 further right 960 1380 end 1400 1500 start 1520 1580 slightly left 1600 1940 head pos: jut start 1200 1240 forward 1260 1380 end 1400 1460 head mvmt: shake slow 960 1380 eye brows start 80 180 raised 200 1380 end 1400 1520 eye aperture start 780 860 wide 880 1340 end 1360 1380 blink 1420 1500 slightly lowered 1520 1760 end 1780 1880 POS Proper Noun 240 380 Verb 480 560 Verb 760 940 Noun 1040 1120 Wh-word 1180 1340 Proper Noun 1580 1720 English translation Who did John see throw the apple? Mary. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 61 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 20 End frame: 1020 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss ARRIVE 220 380 WHO 580 640 |> 760 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 20 880 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 120 220 slightly back 240 380 head pos: tilt side slightly right 20 120 start 140 200 slightly left 220 1020 head pos: jut start 380 540 forward 560 900 end 920 1020 head mvmt: shake rapid 180 560 body lean start 380 540 forward 560 880 end 900 1000 eye brows lowered 20 60 further lowered 80 920 end 940 1020 eye aperture squint 120 880 end 900 900 blink 920 980 POS Verb 220 380 Wh-word 580 640 English translation Who arrived? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 62 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 140 End frame: 1160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Benjamin Bahan Number of fields: 012 main gloss LOVE 320 360 fs-JOHN 460 580 WHO 680 880 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 680 920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 140 240 slightly back 260 900 end 920 1080 head pos: tilt side start 140 260 right 280 600 slightly right 620 1080 end 1100 1160 head pos: jut start 660 740 forward 760 900 end 920 1040 body lean start 340 460 back 480 1000 end 1020 1160 head mvmt: shake rapid 680 900 eye brows start 140 200 slightly lowered 220 580 lowered 600 960 slightly lowered 980 1160 eye aperture start 140 200 squint 660 960 end 980 1080 blink 1100 1160 POS Verb 320 360 Proper Noun 460 580 Wh-word 680 880 English translation Who loves John? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 63 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 100 End frame: 1240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 013 main gloss LOVE 220 300 fs-JOHN 380 520 WHO 700 860 |> 920 non-dominant hand gloss topic top1 220 540 wh question wh 660 920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 180 420 slightly front 440 640 front 660 940 end 960 1120 head pos: tilt side start 200 320 right 340 900 end 920 1140 head pos: jut start 520 740 forward 760 920 end 940 1120 eye brows start 100 240 raised 260 500 start 520 640 lowered 660 880 end 900 980 eye aperture start 160 240 wide 260 540 start 560 640 squint 660 880 end 900 980 blink 1140 1220 eye gaze right 320 480 right 1220 1240 nose start 520 580 wrinkle 600 900 end 920 960 POS Verb 220 300 Proper Noun 380 520 Wh-word 700 860 English translation Who loves John? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 64 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1300 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss fs-JOHN 160 220 SEE 360 400 WHO 480 680 "WHAT" 800 960 |> 1060 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 480 1160 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 60 160 back 180 1060 end 1080 1280 head mvmt: shake rapid 480 1000 head pos: jut start 300 500 forward 520 1080 end 1100 1260 body lean start 440 620 forward 640 1160 end 1180 1300 eye brows start 140 240 raised 260 380 start 400 520 lowered 540 1240 end 1260 1300 eye gaze right 220 340 eye aperture start 220 280 start 440 500 squint 520 1160 blink 1180 1280 POS Proper Noun 160 220 Verb 360 400 Wh-word 480 680 Particle 800 960 English translation Who did John see, who? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 65 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 120 End frame: 1320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 010 main gloss WHO 320 340 fs-JOHN 400 500 LOVE 600 660 WHO 820 880 |> 1020 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 280 1040 head mvmt: shake rapid 200 920 head pos: jut start 140 320 forward 340 1000 end 1020 1220 body lean start 460 620 forward 640 1180 end 1200 1320 eye brows start 120 200 lowered 220 1320 eye aperture start 120 220 squint 240 1220 blink 1240 1320 POS Wh-word 320 340 Proper Noun 400 500 Verb 600 660 Wh-word 820 880 English translation Who, who does John love? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 66 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 80 End frame: 1080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss "WHAT" 180 200 fs-JOHN 320 380 LIKE 480 580 |> 880 non-dominant hand gloss wh question start 80 100 wh 120 880 end 900 1080 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 80 240 back 260 880 end 900 1080 head pos: tilt side start 80 220 slightly right 240 900 end 920 1080 head pos: turn start 80 160 slightly left 180 940 end 960 1060 head pos: jut start 280 460 forward 480 920 end 940 1060 head mvmt: shake rapid 220 700 eye brows start 80 160 lowered 180 900 end 920 1080 eye aperture start 80 180 squint 200 900 blink 920 1060 POS Wh-word 180 200 Proper Noun 320 380 Verb 480 580 English translation What is it that John likes? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 67 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 260 End frame: 1400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss WHO 460 500 ARRIVE 580 740 |> 920 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 400 980 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 320 480 slightly front 500 880 end 900 1060 body lean start 680 820 forward 840 920 end 940 1060 head pos: jut start 560 660 forward 680 920 end 940 1180 eye brows start 260 380 lowered 400 1260 end 1280 1400 eye aperture start 320 420 squint 440 1060 blink 1080 1140 squint 1160 1180 head mvmt: shake rapid 480 1040 POS Wh-word 460 500 Verb 580 740 English translation Who arrived? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 68 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 60 End frame: 1000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 012 main gloss ARRIVE 220 380 WHO 560 600 |> 800 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 380 800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 200 420 slightly front 440 760 end 780 980 head pos: tilt side start 420 500 slightly right 520 720 end 740 860 head pos: jut start 440 560 forward 580 760 end 780 980 eye brows start 380 460 lowered 480 740 end 760 880 eye aperture start 200 240 start 380 500 squint 520 740 end 760 860 blink 940 1000 eye gaze right 120 200 head mvmt: shake rapid 480 580 POS Verb 220 380 Wh-word 560 600 English translation Who arrived? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 69 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video NCSLGRv2:video Video Audio Start frame: 100 End frame: 920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Norma Tourangeau Number of fields: 011 main gloss NAME 280 440 |> 600 non-dominant hand gloss wh question wh 180 560 head mvmt: shake start 100 320 rapid 340 600 end 620 860 head pos: turn start 200 300 slightly left 320 560 end 580 780 head pos: jut start 200 440 forward 460 600 end 620 760 eye brows start 100 180 lowered 200 560 end 580 660 eye aperture start 120 160 squint 180 600 end 620 660 mouth lips pursed: mm 140 600 POS Noun 280 440 English translation Name? Notes - number of character bytes: 0