SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: accident Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv4:accident Number of utterances: 72 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 4240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 480 640 |> 1040 IX-1p 1360 1440 SURE 1600 1840 IX-2p 1880 1920 NOTICE 2080 2600 IX-3p:i 2760 3320 |> 3520 WHAT 3600 3840 IX-3p:i 4000 4240 non-dominant hand gloss HAND 840 960 |> 4240 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 120 slightly back 160 440 start 480 760 front 800 4240 head pos: turn start 0 480 slightly right 520 1000 start 1040 1280 right 1320 2000 start 2040 2720 slightly left 2760 2800 start 2840 3360 right 3400 3560 start 3600 3800 left 3840 3920 start 3960 4120 slightly right 4160 4240 head pos: tilt side start 0 720 slightly left 760 1200 start 1240 2960 right 3000 4240 head pos: jut start 0 600 forward 640 760 start 800 880 slightly back 920 1360 start 1400 2360 back 2400 4080 end 4120 4240 body lean start 2760 3320 right 3360 4240 eye brows start 1360 1800 lowered 1840 4000 end 4040 4240 eye gaze to addressee 0 520 watch hands 560 1000 to addressee 1040 2560 watch hands 2600 2840 to addressee 4160 4240 eye aperture start 0 720 lowered lid 760 1000 start 1040 2040 squint 2080 4040 start 4080 4080 closed 4120 4160 start 4200 4200 squint 4240 4240 nose start 2080 2720 wrinkle 2760 4040 end 4080 4240 POS Pronoun 480 640 Determiner 1360 1440 Adjective 1600 1840 Pronoun 1880 1920 Verb 2080 2600 Pronoun 2760 3320 Wh-word 3600 3840 Pronoun 4000 4240 Non-dominant POS Noun 840 960 English translation I am sure you noticed and wondering what happened to my hand. Notes - number of character bytes: 5 - CBD Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 4240 End frame: 7280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss part:indef 4320 4600 |> 4680 REALLY 4760 5040 YESTERDAY 5160 5640 IX-1p 5760 5800 WORK 5880 6080 WITH 6200 6400 FRIEND 6560 7000 IX-3p:i 7120 7280 non-dominant hand gloss FRIEND 6560 7000 |> 7280 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 4240 4760 start 4800 6000 front 6040 7280 head pos: turn right 4240 4800 start 4840 5400 left 5440 5800 start 5840 6400 right 6440 7280 head pos: tilt side right 4240 4840 start 4880 5200 left 5240 5800 end 5840 6400 head pos: jut start 4240 4440 slightly back 4480 4800 start 4840 5560 back/left 5600 5760 end 5800 6400 body lean start 5040 5320 slightly back 5360 6240 end 6280 7280 eye brows start 5880 6400 lowered 6440 7280 eye gaze to addressee 4240 7280 eye aperture lowered lid 4240 4280 start 4320 4320 closed 4360 4880 start 4920 5120 lowered lid 5160 6080 start 6120 6520 squint 6560 7280 nose start 5880 6400 wrinkle 6440 7280 POS Discourse Marker 4760 5040 Tense Marker 5160 5640 Pronoun 5760 5800 Verb 5880 6080 Preposition 6200 6400 Noun 6560 7000 Determiner 7120 7280 Non-dominant POS Noun 6560 7000 English translation Yesterday, I worked with my friend. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 7280 End frame: 10080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss fs-TONY 7440 8160 IX-1p-pl-2:x/y 8320 8480 GREW-UP 8640 8960 POSS-1p 9080 9240 BEST 9320 9440 FRIEND 9560 10000 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 7280 7320 |> 8320 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 7280 9160 start 9200 9560 front 9600 10080 head pos: turn right 7280 8960 start 9000 9440 slightly left 9480 10080 head pos: tilt side right 7280 9120 start 9160 9800 left 9840 10080 head pos: jut start 7280 7520 back/right 7560 9040 start 9080 9280 slightly back 9320 10040 end 10080 10080 body lean start 7280 7520 back/left 7560 9040 end 9080 10000 eye brows lowered 7280 10080 eye gaze to addressee 7280 9760 left 9800 10080 eye aperture squint 7280 8280 start 8320 8320 closed 8360 9000 start 9040 9120 further squinted 9160 9720 start 9760 9760 squint 9800 10080 nose wrinkle 7280 10080 POS Proper Noun 7440 8160 Determiner 8320 8480 Verb 8640 8960 Pronoun 9080 9240 Adjective 9320 9440 Noun 9560 10000 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 7280 7320 English translation Tony and I grew up best friends. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 10080 End frame: 14960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p-pl-2:x/y 10160 10560 WORK 10720 10880 LANDSCAPE 11040 11520 fs-LANDSCAPING 11720 14080 IX-1p 14240 14560 part:indef 14760 14960 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 10080 10440 start 10480 14040 front 14080 14960 head pos: turn slightly left 10080 10080 start 10120 10440 right 10480 14960 head pos: tilt side slightly left 10080 10120 start 10160 14760 right 14800 14960 head pos: jut slightly back 10080 10120 start 10160 10480 forward 10520 10880 end 10920 14080 head mvmt: nod start 12240 12960 slight rapid head nod 13000 14840 end 14880 14960 body lean start 10080 10480 slightly back 10520 10760 start 10800 14840 right 14880 14960 eye brows lowered 10080 10960 start 11000 11040 slightly lowered 11080 14960 eye gaze to addressee 10080 14960 eye aperture squint 10080 14280 start 14320 14440 closed 14480 14760 start 14800 14840 squint 14880 14960 nose wrinkle 10080 10880 start 10920 14240 wrinkle 14280 14960 POS Pronoun 10160 10560 Verb 10720 10880 Noun 11040 11520 Verb 11720 14080 Pronoun 14240 14560 English translation We both work for landscape. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 14960 End frame: 21880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p-pl-2:x/y 15080 15440 CUT 15760 16240 fs-WOOD 16480 17600 fs-CUTTER 18040 18680 SAME 18760 19000 cl:5 "size of the object" 19120 19680 WITH 19920 20160 METAL 20280 20600 CORNER 20920 21880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 14960 15680 start 15720 17160 front 17200 20000 start 20040 21280 front 21320 21880 head pos: turn right 14960 15120 start 15160 15680 slightly left 15720 15840 start 15880 16480 slightly right 16520 18640 start 18680 18840 slightly left 18880 19240 start 19280 21160 slightly right 21200 21880 head pos: tilt side right 14960 15120 start 15160 15520 left 15560 15760 start 15800 21160 slightly right 21200 21880 head pos: jut start 14960 18680 back 18720 19680 start 19720 20920 back 20960 21880 body lean start 19920 21080 left 21120 21880 eye brows start 14960 15160 lowered 15200 20600 start 20640 21120 slightly lowered 21160 21880 eye gaze to addressee 14960 21880 eye aperture squint 14960 21880 nose wrinkle 14960 21880 POS Pronoun 15080 15440 Verb 15760 16240 Noun 16480 17600 Verb 18040 18680 Adjective 18760 19000 Classifier 19120 19680 Adverb 19920 20160 Noun 20280 20600 Noun 20920 21880 English translation We cut the woods through metal corner. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 21880 End frame: 26400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss CORNER 21880 21920 REALLY 22000 22160 IX-3p:i 22240 22360 SHARP 22440 23000 cl:y "wow" 23120 23360 METAL 23520 24240 WITH 24360 24680 BIG 24760 25200 fs-LOG 25280 25800 cl:5 "size of the object" 25960 26400 non-dominant hand gloss CORNER 21880 21920 |> 24240 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 21880 23360 start 23400 24680 front 24720 26400 head pos: turn slightly right 21880 21920 start 21960 22240 slightly left 22280 22360 start 22400 22640 right 22680 23000 start 23040 23480 left 23520 25280 start 25320 26200 slightly left 26240 26320 end 26360 26400 head pos: tilt side slightly right 21880 22240 start 22280 22440 left 22480 23320 start 23360 24240 right 24280 24800 start 24840 25960 left 26000 26320 end 26360 26400 head pos: jut back 21880 24760 end 24800 26400 head mvmt: shake start 21880 21920 slow 21960 23800 end 23840 25200 body lean left 21880 22520 start 22560 22760 right 22800 25320 end 25360 26400 eye brows lowered 21880 26400 eye gaze to addressee 21880 21880 down 21920 22120 to addressee 22160 26400 eye aperture lowered lid 21880 22040 start 22080 22160 squint 22200 26400 nose wrinkle 21880 23000 start 23040 24560 wrinkle 24600 26400 POS Noun 21880 21920 Discourse Marker 22000 22160 Pronoun 22240 22360 Adjective 22440 23000 Classifier 23120 23360 Noun 23520 24240 Preposition 24360 24680 Adjective 24760 25200 Noun 25280 25800 Classifier 25960 26400 Non-dominant POS Noun 21880 21920 English translation The metal corner was really sharp! It was with big log in. Notes - number of character bytes: 82 -the first cl; "wow," is it correct? OR is there any specific gloss for that sign? Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 26400 End frame: 29520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss cl:5 "size of the object" 26400 26960 REALLY 27080 27160 DIFFERENT 27240 27480 SIZE 27560 28040 REALLY 28360 28600 cl:5 "bunch of them" 28680 29520 non-dominant hand gloss cl:5 "size of the object" 26400 26960 |> 27080 SIZE 27560 28040 |> 29520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 26400 26960 start 27000 28240 front 28280 29520 head pos: turn start 26400 26640 slightly right 26680 27040 start 27080 28160 right 28200 28600 start 28640 28960 slightly left 29000 29520 head pos: tilt side start 26400 26560 right 26600 27080 start 27120 28080 right 28120 28520 start 28560 28680 left 28720 29520 head pos: jut start 26400 26800 forward 26840 27120 start 27160 27520 back 27560 29520 body lean start 26400 26720 slightly forward 26760 27120 start 27160 27600 left 27640 28280 start 28320 28720 right 28760 29520 eye brows lowered 26400 28600 end 28640 29520 eye gaze to addressee 27160 28320 right 28360 28520 to addressee 28560 29520 eye aperture closed 26400 27120 start 27160 27160 squint 27200 28600 end 28640 29520 nose wrinkle 26400 27720 start 27760 28320 wrinkle 28360 28600 end 28640 29520 POS Classifier 26400 26960 Discourse Marker 27080 27160 Adjective 27240 27480 Adjective 27560 28040 Discourse Marker 28360 28600 Classifier 28680 29520 Non-dominant POS Classifier 26400 26960 Adjective 27560 28040 English translation There was many different sizes. Notes - number of character bytes: 44 - Is the second CL correct, "bunch of them"? Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 29520 End frame: 31560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss REALLY 29640 29800 POSS-1p 29880 30040 BOSS 30160 30360 PRETTY 30480 30760 STRICT 30840 31320 SAME 31440 31560 non-dominant hand gloss SIZE 29520 29560 |> 31560 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 29520 31560 head pos: turn left 29520 29680 start 29720 30120 right 30160 31160 start 31200 31520 slightly left 31560 31560 head pos: tilt side left 29520 29720 start 29760 30000 right 30040 30880 start 30920 31440 left 31480 31560 head pos: jut back 29520 30080 start 30120 30120 back/right 30160 31160 start 31200 31520 back/left 31560 31560 head mvmt: nod start 29520 29800 slight rapid head nod 29840 30720 end 30760 31320 body lean back/right 29520 29800 start 29840 30400 left 30440 31560 eye brows start 29520 29680 lowered 29720 31560 eye gaze to addressee 29520 31560 eye aperture start 29520 29760 squint 29800 31560 nose start 29520 29720 wrinkle 29760 31560 POS Discourse Marker 29640 29800 Pronoun 29880 30040 Pronoun 30160 30360 Adjective 30480 30760 Verb 30840 31320 Adjective 31440 31560 Non-dominant POS Adjective 29520 29560 English translation My boss is pretty strict. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 31560 End frame: 34920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SAY 31680 31800 "come on" 32000 32240 MUST 32320 32480 FINISH 32560 32760 #ALL 32840 33560 BEFORE 33840 34160 SUNSET 34400 34920 non-dominant hand gloss FINISH 32560 32760 |> 33480 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 31560 34920 head pos: turn slightly left 31560 31720 start 31760 31840 left 31880 32480 start 32520 33560 slightly right 33600 33880 start 33920 34240 left 34280 34920 head pos: tilt side left 31560 32400 start 32440 33560 right 33600 33920 start 33960 34320 left 34360 34920 head pos: jut back 31560 34600 end 34640 34920 body lean start 31560 32080 forward 32120 32600 end 32640 34920 eye brows lowered 31560 31600 start 31640 31800 raised 31840 32160 start 32200 33920 lowered 33960 34640 end 34680 34920 eye gaze right 31560 31600 to addressee 31640 34920 eye aperture squint 31560 31640 start 31680 31880 wide 31920 32320 start 32360 34160 squint 34200 34680 start 34720 34840 lowered lid 34880 34920 nose wrinkle 31560 31640 start 31680 33920 wrinkle 33960 34680 end 34720 34920 POS Verb 31680 31800 Adverb 32320 32480 Verb 32560 32760 Adjective 32840 33560 Adverb 33840 34160 Noun 34400 34920 Non-dominant POS Verb 32560 32760 English translation He would tell us to hurry up and finish everything before sunset. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 34920 End frame: 37920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 35000 35160 FINE 35200 35400 IX-1p 35520 35600 cl:5 "moving the object"++ 35760 37920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 34920 35000 start 35040 35320 slightly back 35360 35520 start 35560 35800 front 35840 36080 start 36120 36240 back 36280 36400 start 36440 36640 front 36680 36840 start 36880 37000 slightly back 37040 37240 start 37280 37560 front 37600 37880 end 37920 37920 head pos: turn left 34920 35040 start 35080 35440 slightly right 35480 35640 start 35680 35840 left 35880 36960 start 37000 37440 slightly right 37480 37920 head pos: tilt side left 34920 34920 start 34960 35120 right 35160 35720 start 35760 35960 left 36000 36920 start 36960 37400 right 37440 37920 head pos: jut start 34920 35320 back/right 35360 35720 start 35760 35880 forward 35920 37200 end 37240 37920 head mvmt: nod start 34920 35840 slow 35880 37760 end 37800 37920 body lean start 34920 35840 forward 35880 36280 start 36320 36760 forward 36800 37080 start 37120 37560 forward 37600 37920 eye brows start 34920 35360 raised 35400 37600 end 37640 37920 eye gaze to addressee 34920 35040 right 35080 36280 to addressee 36320 37920 eye aperture lowered lid 34920 35280 start 35320 35320 blink 35360 35400 start 35440 35440 lowered lid 35480 35560 start 35600 35600 blink 35640 35760 further lowered 35800 35800 closed 35840 36200 start 36240 36280 blink 36320 36480 start 36520 36560 lowered lid 36600 37920 nose start 34920 35080 tensed 35120 36520 end 36560 37920 POS Pronoun 35000 35160 Adjective 35200 35400 Pronoun 35520 35600 Classifier 35760 37920 English translation I did the work as much as I can. Notes - number of character bytes: 33 - is English translation correct? Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 37920 End frame: 43640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IMPACT 38040 38640 ONE 38760 39000 BIG 39240 39640 fs-LOG 39680 39880 cl:5 "size of the object" 40040 40600 IX-1p 40720 40840 cl:5 "picking up the object" 41120 42680 cl:5 "dropping the object" 42720 43640 non-dominant hand gloss IMPACT 38040 38640 |> 38960 cl:5 "size of the object" 40040 40600 |> 40880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 37920 38000 start 38040 38200 slightly back 38240 38640 start 38680 39000 front 39040 41320 start 41360 42440 slightly back 42480 43120 start 43160 43520 front 43560 43640 head pos: turn slightly right 37920 38040 start 38080 38640 left 38680 40520 start 40560 41280 right 41320 41880 start 41920 42480 slightly left 42520 43640 head pos: tilt side right 37920 38040 start 38080 38480 left 38520 39960 start 40000 41120 right 41160 42480 start 42520 43040 left 43080 43360 end 43400 43640 head pos: jut start 37920 38560 back 38600 43640 body lean forward 37920 37960 start 38000 40800 forward 40840 43640 shoulders start 37920 41160 down 41200 41320 start 41360 41920 raised 41960 43280 start 43320 43520 down 43560 43640 eye brows start 37920 38960 lowered 39000 40560 start 40600 40920 raised 40960 42680 end 42720 43640 eye gaze to addressee 37920 42240 down/left 42280 42600 to addressee 42640 43640 eye aperture lowered lid 37920 38640 start 38680 38960 squint 39000 40600 start 40640 40720 further lowered 40760 40880 start 40920 41120 closed 41160 42040 start 42080 42280 lowered lid 42320 43640 nose start 37920 39040 wrinkle 39080 40000 start 40040 43600 tensed 43640 43640 POS Noun 38040 38640 Number 38760 39000 Adjective 39240 39640 Noun 39680 39880 Classifier 40040 40600 Pronoun 40720 40840 Classifier 41120 42680 Classifier 42720 43640 Non-dominant POS Noun 38040 38640 Classifier 40040 40600 English translation There was one big log that I picked up but then I dropped it. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 43640 End frame: 46120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 43760 43880 CATCH 44000 44880 GET 45000 45080 #IT 45120 45720 #BACK 45800 46120 non-dominant hand gloss cl:5 "dropping the object" 43640 43680 |> 43880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 43640 43800 start 43840 43920 back 43960 44360 start 44400 44880 front 44920 46120 head pos: turn slightly left 43640 43800 start 43840 43880 left 43920 44640 start 44680 45080 right 45120 46120 head pos: tilt side start 43640 43920 left 43960 46120 head pos: jut back 43640 45000 start 45040 45280 back/right 45320 46120 body lean forward 43640 44280 start 44320 44400 forward/left 44440 45640 end 45680 46120 eye brows start 43640 43760 raised 43800 44600 start 44640 45000 raised 45040 46120 eye gaze to addressee 43640 43760 left 43800 44040 to addressee 44080 46120 eye aperture lowered lid 43640 43720 end 43760 43880 nose tensed 43640 43760 end 43800 44000 POS Pronoun 43760 43880 Verb 44000 44880 Verb 45000 45080 Pronoun 45120 45720 Noun 45800 46120 Non-dominant POS Classifier 43640 43680 English translation I caught and got it back. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 46120 End frame: 49600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss BUT 46240 46440 STILL 46520 46720 cl:5 "holding the object" 46880 47080 HIT 47200 47920 METAL 48160 48560 CORNER 48760 49600 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 46120 46720 start 46760 47000 front 47040 49600 head pos: turn right 46120 46240 start 46280 46840 left 46880 47160 start 47200 47720 slightly right 47760 48320 start 48360 48520 right 48560 49600 head pos: tilt side right 46120 46680 start 46720 46840 left 46880 47160 start 47200 47480 right 47520 47920 start 47960 48560 right 48600 49600 head pos: jut back/right 46120 46720 start 46760 46960 back/left 47000 47160 start 47200 47400 back/right 47440 49600 body lean start 46120 46280 right 46320 46680 start 46720 47040 forward 47080 48200 start 48240 48720 left 48760 49600 eye brows slightly raised 46120 46160 start 46200 48600 lowered 48640 49600 eye gaze to addressee 46120 49600 eye aperture wide 46120 46960 start 47000 48640 squint 48680 49600 nose start 48160 48600 wrinkle 48640 49600 POS Conjunction 46240 46440 Adjective 46520 46720 Classifier 46880 47080 Verb 47200 47920 Noun 48160 48560 Noun 48760 49600 English translation When I got the log and my hand was hitting the metal corner Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 49640 End frame: 53400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss CORNER 49640 49680 HIT 50040 50240 |> 50560 part:indef 50960 51240 REALLY 51400 51840 part:indef 52000 52280 IX-3p:i 52480 52720 "wow" 53000 53400 non-dominant hand gloss HAND 50040 50240 |> 50800 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 49640 50600 start 50640 50880 front 50920 53400 head pos: turn right 49640 49720 start 49760 49880 left 49920 50120 start 50160 50800 right 50840 51200 start 51240 52120 slightly left 52160 52560 start 52600 52800 right 52840 53040 start 53080 53360 right 53400 53400 head pos: tilt side right 49640 49720 start 49760 49920 left 49960 50360 start 50400 50960 right 51000 51400 start 51440 52360 left 52400 52560 start 52600 52840 right 52880 53400 head pos: jut back/right 49640 50400 start 50440 52280 back 52320 53400 head mvmt: nod start 49640 50560 rapid 50600 51440 end 51480 52000 head mvmt: shake start 52000 52440 rapid 52480 53280 end 53320 53400 body lean left 49640 51200 end 51240 52280 eye brows start 51400 51720 lowered 51760 53400 eye gaze to addressee 49640 49920 watch hands 49960 50160 to addressee 50200 53400 eye aperture start 49640 49960 lowered lid 50000 50360 start 50400 50840 blink 50880 51240 start 51280 51440 lowered lid 51480 51520 start 51560 51680 squint 51720 52240 start 52280 52440 further squinted 52480 53400 nose start 51400 51680 wrinkle 51720 53400 POS Noun 49640 49680 Verb 50040 50240 Particle 50960 51240 Discourse Marker 51400 51840 Particle 52000 52280 Pronoun 52480 52720 Non-dominant POS Noun 50040 50240 English translation My hand got hit and, wow! Notes - number of character bytes: 28 - not sure abt english part? Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 53440 End frame: 56480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss LOOK 53640 53680 SAME 53800 54000 IX-3p:i 54080 54160 TRUE-BUSINESS 54280 54680 OFF 54880 55400 IX-1p 55520 55680 part:indef 55840 56480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 53440 56480 head pos: turn right 53440 55560 start 55600 55720 slightly right 55760 56480 head pos: tilt side slightly right 53440 53680 start 53720 54280 left 54320 55680 end 55720 56480 head pos: jut back 53440 53720 start 53760 54040 back/right 54080 55480 end 55520 56480 body lean start 54880 55040 forward 55080 56480 eye brows lowered 53440 53640 start 53680 54000 raised 54040 56480 eye gaze to addressee 53560 55440 down/left 55480 56120 to addressee 56160 56480 eye aperture further squinted 53440 53480 start 53520 54040 wide 54080 55360 start 55400 55640 lowered lid 55680 55760 start 55800 55840 blink 55880 56040 end 56080 56480 nose wrinkle 53440 53760 end 53800 54160 POS Verb 53640 53680 Adjective 53800 54000 Pronoun 54080 54160 Adverb 54880 55400 Pronoun 55520 55680 Particle 55840 56480 English translation It looks like it would cut my hand off! Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 56520 End frame: 62880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 56720 57080 NOT 57240 57280 FIRST 57440 57560 TIME 57720 57840 SOMEONE 57960 58160 ELSE 58240 58600 TRUE-BUSINESS 58720 59160 CUT 59240 59520 |> 60200 POSS-3p:i 60360 60480 cl:1 "cut" 60960 61320 FOR 61640 61680 SAME 61760 61920 POSS-3p:j 62000 62160 MACHINE 62240 62880 non-dominant hand gloss FINGER 60640 60800 |> 61640 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 56520 56640 start 56680 58400 front 58440 62880 head pos: turn slightly right 56520 56640 start 56680 57000 right 57040 60440 start 60480 60640 slightly right 60680 60760 start 60800 60920 right 60960 62480 end 62520 62880 head pos: tilt side start 56520 57040 right 57080 58440 end 58480 59160 head pos: jut start 56520 56880 back/right 56920 57840 start 57880 58400 forward/right 58440 60440 start 60480 60600 back 60640 60760 start 60800 61240 back/right 61280 62320 end 62360 62880 body lean forward 56520 56880 start 56920 57680 back 57720 58400 start 58440 58800 slightly forward 58840 60440 end 60480 61320 eye brows raised 56520 56880 start 56920 57520 lowered 57560 62880 eye gaze to addressee 56520 60440 watch hands 60480 60800 to addressee 60840 62880 eye aperture wide 56520 56880 start 56920 57520 squint 57560 62880 nose start 56520 57560 wrinkle 57600 62880 POS Pronoun 56720 57080 Negation 57240 57280 Number 57440 57560 Noun 57720 57840 Noun 57960 58160 Noun 58240 58600 Verb 59240 59520 Pronoun 60360 60480 Classifier 60960 61320 Preposition 61640 61680 Adjective 61760 61920 Pronoun 62000 62160 Noun 62240 62880 Non-dominant POS Noun 60640 60800 English translation It was not first time accident, there was someone else actually cut his finger off. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 62920 End frame: 67880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss STILL 62920 63080 part:indef 63160 64200 ANYWAY 64440 64720 SAME 64840 64920 IX-1p 65000 65160 part:indef 65280 65680 IX-1p 65760 65920 cl:5 "tapping" 66000 66280 fs-TONY 66400 66880 BAD 67000 67160 fs-NEWS 67280 67880 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 65280 65680 |> 67880 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 62920 63080 start 63120 63920 front 63960 67880 head pos: turn start 62920 63400 right 63440 63640 start 63680 64280 left 64320 64480 start 64520 64640 slightly right 64680 65960 start 66000 67400 right 67440 67880 head pos: tilt side start 62920 64160 left 64200 64520 start 64560 65160 right 65200 65600 start 65640 66080 left 66120 66720 start 66760 67520 right 67560 67880 head pos: jut start 62920 63120 back 63160 63760 start 63800 65440 forward 65480 65680 end 65720 66280 head mvmt: nod start 62920 63920 rapid 63960 64480 end 64520 64840 head mvmt: side to side start 62920 63320 slow 63360 64200 start 64240 65240 slow 65280 66920 end 66960 67280 body lean start 62920 63440 slightly back 63480 63960 start 64000 65360 forward 65400 65760 start 65800 66240 slightly forward 66280 66800 end 66840 67160 eye brows lowered 62920 62920 start 62960 64240 lowered 64280 64680 start 64720 65000 raised 65040 65680 end 65720 66000 eye gaze to addressee 62920 64640 right 64680 64960 left 65000 65520 to addressee 65560 65840 left 65880 66280 to addressee 66320 67760 left 67800 67880 eye aperture lowered lid 62920 62920 start 62960 62960 closed 63000 63920 start 63960 64160 squint 64200 64800 start 64840 64920 blink 64960 65120 start 65160 65160 lowered lid 65200 65680 start 65720 66000 squint 66040 67880 nose wrinkle 62920 62960 start 63000 64240 wrinkle 64280 64840 end 64880 65160 POS Adjective 62920 63080 Particle 63160 64200 Adverb 64440 64720 Adjective 64840 64920 Pronoun 65000 65160 Particle 65280 65680 Pronoun 65760 65920 Classifier 66000 66280 Proper Noun 66400 66880 Adjective 67000 67160 Noun 67280 67880 Non-dominant POS Particle 65280 65680 English translation Anyway, I tapped Tony and told him about bad news. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 67920 End frame: 72200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss BLOOD++ 68880 71120 REALLY 71360 71640 part:indef 71720 72200 non-dominant hand gloss "hand" 68000 68680 |> 72200 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 67920 71760 start 71800 72040 back 72080 72200 head pos: turn right 67920 70240 start 70280 71120 slightly right 71160 71200 start 71240 71560 left 71600 72200 head pos: tilt side right 67920 67960 start 68000 68800 right 68840 71000 start 71040 71520 left 71560 72200 head pos: jut start 67920 68960 back/right 69000 70240 start 70280 70640 back 70680 71520 start 71560 71560 back/left 71600 72200 head mvmt: nod start 67920 68120 single 68160 68680 end 68720 68880 head mvmt: shake start 67920 68960 slow 69000 71440 end 71480 71720 body lean forward 67920 71360 end 71400 72200 eye brows start 71040 71200 lowered 71240 71840 end 71880 72200 eye gaze left 67920 68320 to addressee 68360 72200 eye aperture slightly squinted 67920 71160 start 71200 71240 closed 71280 72040 end 72080 72200 nose start 71040 71200 wrinkle 71240 71920 end 71960 72200 POS Noun 68880 71120 Discourse Marker 71360 71640 Particle 71720 72200 Non-dominant POS Noun 68000 68680 English translation I showed my hand and it was bleeding. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 72240 End frame: 76200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss fs-TONY 72360 72680 SAY 72840 73000 part:indef 73080 73160 MUST 73240 73400 GO 73480 73600 HOSPITAL 73680 74480 IX-1p 74560 74680 part:indef 74760 75120 IX-2p 75280 75560 SURE 75720 76200 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 73080 73160 |> 73520 part:indef 74760 75120 |> 76200 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 72240 72280 start 72320 72800 front 72840 76200 head pos: turn left 72240 72320 start 72360 73120 slightly right 73160 73400 start 73440 73800 slightly left 73840 74560 start 74600 75480 slightly right 75520 76200 head pos: tilt side left 72240 72320 start 72360 72840 right 72880 73400 start 73440 73800 left 73840 73920 start 73960 74720 right 74760 75280 start 75320 75680 left 75720 76200 head pos: jut back 72240 72360 start 72400 73440 forward 73480 76200 head mvmt: side to side start 72360 72840 slow 72880 74520 start 74560 74880 slow 74920 76000 end 76040 76200 body lean start 72240 73120 slightly forward 73160 76200 eye brows start 72240 72960 lowered 73000 76200 eye gaze to addressee 72240 76200 eye aperture squint 72240 72640 start 72680 72840 closed 72880 73520 start 73560 73680 squint 73720 74480 start 74520 74520 further squinted 74560 76200 nose start 72240 72880 wrinkle 72920 76200 POS Proper Noun 72360 72680 Verb 72840 73000 Particle 73080 73160 Adverb 73240 73400 Verb 73480 73600 Noun 73680 74480 Determiner 74560 74680 Particle 74760 75120 Pronoun 75280 75560 Adjective 75720 76200 Non-dominant POS Particle 73080 73160 Particle 74760 75120 English translation Tony said that I should go to the hospital and I asked, "are you sure?" Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 76240 End frame: 83360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 76240 76280 IX-1p 76360 76520 part:indef 76600 77000 IX-1p 77080 77200 THINK 77320 77520 CAN 77640 77800 BANDAGE 77960 78400 cl:5 "holding" 78640 79080 HOLD 79320 79720 cl:2 "quotation" 79800 79960 PRESSURE 80200 80480 ON 80520 80560 #IT 80640 80880 cl:5 "holding" 81080 81280 FUTURE-NOT 81480 82240 BLOOD 82560 82760 MORE 82960 83360 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 76600 77000 |> 77520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 76240 77000 start 77040 77600 back 77640 79720 start 79760 80920 front 80960 83360 head pos: turn slightly right 76240 77000 start 77040 77520 slightly left 77560 78920 start 78960 79600 right 79640 81520 start 81560 81880 left 81920 82800 start 82840 83080 slightly left 83120 83360 head pos: tilt side left 76240 76360 start 76400 77280 left 77320 78640 start 78680 79200 right 79240 79920 start 79960 81120 slightly right 81160 81360 start 81400 81880 left 81920 83040 end 83080 83360 head mvmt: side to side start 76240 76600 slow 76640 77400 end 77440 77800 body lean slightly forward 76240 83360 eye brows lowered 76240 77520 start 77560 79600 lowered 79640 83360 eye gaze to addressee 76240 83360 eye aperture further squinted 76240 76280 start 76320 76360 blink 76400 76960 start 77000 77000 squint 77040 77520 start 77560 79720 squint 79760 83240 start 83280 83280 closed 83360 83360 nose wrinkle 76240 77320 start 77360 79920 wrinkle 79960 83360 POS Pronoun 76240 76280 Determiner 76360 76520 Particle 76600 77000 Pronoun 77080 77200 Verb 77320 77520 Verb 77640 77800 Noun 77960 78400 Classifier 78640 79080 Verb 79320 79720 Classifier 79800 79960 Verb 80200 80480 Preposition 80520 80560 Noun 80640 80880 Classifier 81080 81280 Negation 81480 82240 Noun 82560 82760 Adjective 82960 83360 Non-dominant POS Particle 76600 77000 English translation I thought maybe I could just put bandage on and hold so it wont be bleeding anymore. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 83400 End frame: 88520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 83560 83840 TRUE-BUSINESS 83920 84480 IX-1p 84560 84680 HOLD 84960 85200 STILL 85280 85360 BLOOD 85480 85720 THROUGH 85880 86160 POSS-1p 86240 86320 SHIRT 86400 86920 IMAGINE 87040 87720 REALLY 87840 88040 part:indef 88120 88520 non-dominant hand gloss IMAGINE 87040 87720 |> 88080 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 83400 84200 start 84240 85720 slightly front 85760 86400 start 86440 87000 front 87040 88360 end 88400 88520 head pos: turn slightly left 83400 83640 start 83680 83800 right 83840 83920 start 83960 84200 right 84240 84520 start 84560 85040 left 85080 85440 start 85480 85800 right 85840 86360 start 86400 87000 left 87040 88040 end 88080 88520 head pos: tilt side start 83400 83680 right 83720 84640 start 84680 85200 left 85240 85360 start 85400 85800 slightly right 85840 86280 start 86320 86680 left 86720 88520 head pos: jut start 83400 84200 back/right 84240 84760 start 84800 84880 back 84920 86760 start 86800 86960 back/left 87000 88520 head mvmt: shake start 83400 83800 rapid 83840 84680 start 84720 85320 single 85360 85840 start 85880 87360 slight rapid headshake 87400 88480 end 88520 88520 body lean forward 83400 83720 start 83760 85720 slightly forward 85760 86440 start 86480 87000 forward 87040 87920 end 87960 88520 eye brows start 83400 83600 raised 83640 85120 end 85160 85720 eye gaze to addressee 83400 84600 left 84640 85000 to addressee 85040 88520 eye aperture lowered lid 83400 83400 start 83440 83600 wide 83640 85200 start 85240 87960 blink 88000 88360 end 88400 88520 POS Discourse Marker 83560 83840 Pronoun 84560 84680 Verb 84960 85200 Adjective 85280 85360 Noun 85480 85720 Preposition 85880 86160 Pronoun 86240 86320 Noun 86400 86920 Verb 87040 87720 Discourse Marker 87840 88040 Particle 88120 88520 Non-dominant POS Verb 87040 87720 English translation I was holding my hand but its still bleeding through my shirt. Can you imagine that? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 88560 End frame: 91360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss part:indef 88560 88600 IX-1p 88840 89000 UNKNOWN 89080 89320 DECIDE 89440 89640 GO 89760 89960 HOSPITAL 90040 90760 |> 91080 FINE 91200 91360 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 88560 88920 front 88960 90680 end 90720 91360 head pos: turn start 88560 89000 right 89040 89720 start 89760 90760 slightly left 90800 91360 head pos: tilt side slightly left 88560 88560 start 88600 88960 right 89000 89800 start 89840 90920 left 90960 91360 head pos: jut back 88560 89000 start 89040 89600 back 89640 90640 start 90680 90960 back/left 91000 91360 head mvmt: shake start 88560 88920 slight rapid headshake 88960 89720 end 89760 90040 body lean start 88560 89880 back 89920 90760 end 90800 91360 eye gaze to addressee 88560 89200 left 89240 89520 left 89560 91320 left 91360 91360 eye aperture start 88560 89080 blink 89120 89400 start 89440 89560 lowered lid 89600 91360 POS Particle 88560 88600 Pronoun 88840 89000 Verb 89440 89640 Verb 89760 89960 Noun 90040 90760 Adjective 91200 91360 English translation So I decided go to the hospital. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 91400 End frame: 95880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 91480 91640 TELL 91680 91800 BOSS 91920 92320 part:indef 92440 92880 IX-1p 92960 93040 MUST 93080 93120 GO 93240 93600 IX-3p:i 93760 94080 NEED 94240 94360 STITCH 94440 95440 |> 95760 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 91400 91720 front 91760 94240 end 94280 95440 head pos: turn left 91400 91520 start 91560 91600 slightly left 91640 93200 start 93240 93520 left 93560 95480 end 95520 95880 head pos: tilt side left 91400 91680 start 91720 92520 right 92560 92960 start 93000 93280 left 93320 94000 start 94040 94600 left 94640 95640 end 95680 95880 head pos: jut back/left 91400 91600 start 91640 91760 back 91800 94200 end 94240 95440 head mvmt: side to side start 91400 92320 rapid 92360 93680 end 93720 94080 body lean start 91400 92640 slightly forward 92680 93040 start 93080 93280 slightly forward 93320 94160 end 94200 95440 eye gaze left 91400 91800 to addressee 91840 92320 left 92360 92640 to addressee 92680 93440 left 93480 93960 to addressee 94000 95880 eye aperture slightly squinted 91400 93760 start 93800 95760 lowered lid 95800 95880 nose start 91400 91600 wrinkle 91640 91800 end 91840 92880 POS Pronoun 91480 91640 Verb 91680 91800 Pronoun 91920 92320 Particle 92440 92880 Pronoun 92960 93040 Adverb 93080 93120 Verb 93240 93600 Pronoun 93760 94080 Verb 94240 94360 Noun 94440 95440 English translation I told my boss that I have to go to hospital because I need stitches. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 95920 End frame: 98600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss IX-1p 96000 96160 FINE 96240 96720 GO 96840 97120 HOSPITAL 97200 97920 |> 98080 IX-1p 98200 98440 UNKNOWN 98560 98600 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 95920 96120 front 96160 96800 start 96840 97160 slightly back 97200 97320 start 97360 97760 front 97800 98200 start 98240 98560 back 98600 98600 head pos: turn start 95920 96160 right 96200 97720 start 97760 98280 slightly left 98320 98600 head pos: tilt side right 95920 97800 start 97840 98200 left 98240 98600 head pos: jut start 95920 96320 forward 96360 96760 start 96800 97120 back 97160 97800 start 97840 98480 forward 98520 98600 body lean start 95920 97120 forward 97160 98080 end 98120 98600 eye gaze left 95920 96760 to addressee 96800 97680 left 97720 98320 up 98360 98600 eye aperture lowered lid 95920 96120 start 96160 96160 closed 96200 96840 start 96880 97120 lowered lid 97160 98080 end 98120 98440 POS Pronoun 96000 96160 Adjective 96240 96720 Verb 96840 97120 Noun 97200 97920 Determiner 98200 98440 English translation I went to the hospital. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 98640 End frame: 102880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss FINE 98640 98680 UNKNOWN 98720 99120 THINK 99320 99520 POP-UP 99600 100240 IX-1p 100400 100640 cl:5 "picking the object" 101120 101480 POSS-1p 101680 101720 WALLET 101800 102360 cl:5 "opening the object" 102640 102880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 98640 99160 start 99200 99880 front 99920 100720 start 100760 101160 back 101200 101400 start 101440 101720 front 101760 102880 head pos: turn slightly left 98640 100400 start 100440 101000 right 101040 101200 start 101240 101640 slightly right 101680 102880 head pos: tilt side slightly left 98640 100760 start 100800 101000 left 101040 102360 start 102400 102840 slightly right 102880 102880 head pos: jut forward 98640 98680 start 98720 99200 back 99240 100400 start 100440 100640 back/right 100680 102880 body lean start 100640 101120 left 101160 102880 eye brows start 98640 98760 raised 98800 99920 end 99960 100640 eye gaze up/left 98640 98680 to addressee 98720 102440 down/left 102480 102880 eye aperture start 98640 98680 blink 98720 99120 start 99160 99160 wide 99200 100000 start 100040 102440 lowered lid 102480 102880 POS Adjective 98640 98680 Verb 99320 99520 Pronoun 100400 100640 Classifier 101120 101480 Pronoun 101680 101720 Noun 101800 102360 Classifier 102640 102880 English translation Just thought of something, so I pulled my wallet out and checked. Notes - number of character bytes: 28 - Is "pop-up" correct gloss? Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 102920 End frame: 108440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss cl:5 "opening the object" 102920 103600 NOT 103760 103840 HAVE 103880 104040 POSS-1p 104160 104360 INSURANCE 104440 104960 INFORMATION 105120 105520 WITH 105680 105880 IX-1p 106040 106320 |> 106840 IX-1p 106960 107080 part:indef 107320 108440 non-dominant hand gloss cl:5 "opening the object" 102920 103600 |> 104080 WITH 105680 105880 |> 106880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 102920 106200 start 106240 107680 front 107720 108040 end 108080 108440 head pos: turn right 102920 103640 start 103680 103760 slightly right 103800 104240 start 104280 104400 right 104440 106040 start 106080 106320 slightly right 106360 108440 head pos: tilt side start 103880 104560 left 104600 106280 start 106320 107600 slightly right 107640 108240 end 108280 108440 head pos: jut back 102920 103760 start 103800 104240 back/right 104280 106360 start 106400 107600 slightly back 107640 108120 end 108160 108440 head mvmt: nod start 107320 107600 single 107640 108240 end 108280 108440 body lean left 102920 103000 start 103040 104760 left 104800 106400 end 106440 108440 eye gaze down/left 102920 103520 to addressee 103560 106840 left 106880 107920 to addressee 107960 108440 eye aperture lowered lid 102920 102960 start 103000 103000 closed 103040 103560 start 103600 103680 lowered lid 103720 107080 start 107120 107200 closed 107240 107880 start 107920 107920 lowered lid 107960 108440 POS Classifier 102920 103600 Negation 103760 103840 Adverb 103880 104040 Pronoun 104160 104360 Noun 104440 104960 Noun 105120 105520 Preposition 105680 105880 Pronoun 106040 106320 Determiner 106960 107080 Particle 107320 108440 Non-dominant POS Classifier 102920 103600 Preposition 105680 105880 English translation I realized I didnt have my insurance information with me. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 108480 End frame: 112760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss part:indef 108480 108520 #SO 108600 108840 IX-1p 108920 108960 cl:3 "car pulling over" 109120 109560 PAY-PHONE 109680 110760 fs-TONY 110920 111360 |> 111880 POSS-3p 112000 112120 BOSS 112320 112760 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 108480 108520 |> 109560 CALL 111560 111920 |> 112760 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 108480 108720 back 108760 109080 start 109120 109480 front 109520 112760 head pos: turn slightly right 108480 108480 start 108520 108720 slightly left 108760 108960 start 109000 109440 slightly right 109480 109920 start 109960 110400 left 110440 110960 start 111000 111760 right 111800 112280 start 112320 112560 slightly right 112600 112760 head pos: tilt side start 108480 108640 left 108680 108960 start 109000 109440 right 109480 109960 start 110000 110720 left 110760 111000 start 111040 111640 right 111680 112280 end 112320 112760 head pos: jut start 108480 108760 back 108800 109280 start 109320 109520 back/right 109560 109960 start 110000 111640 back/right 111680 112760 body lean start 109680 110080 left 110120 112760 eye gaze to addressee 108480 112760 eye aperture lowered lid 108480 112760 POS Particle 108480 108520 Discourse Marker 108600 108840 Pronoun 108920 108960 Classifier 109120 109560 Noun 109680 110760 Proper Noun 110920 111360 Pronoun 112000 112120 Pronoun 112320 112760 Non-dominant POS Particle 108480 108520 Verb 111560 111920 English translation So I pulled over the car and Tony called his boss on pay phone. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 112800 End frame: 118800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SAY 112880 113120 part:indef 113280 113560 FUTURE 113760 113920 POSS-3p 114080 114280 COMPANY 114360 114520 COVER 114680 115160 POSS-1p 115840 116160 IX-3p:i 116600 116800 STITCH 116960 117600 UNKNOWN 117720 117840 EVERYTHING 118000 118800 non-dominant hand gloss FINGER 116600 116760 |> 117520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 112800 118400 end 118440 118800 head pos: turn slightly right 112800 112800 start 112840 113040 slightly left 113080 113480 start 113520 114080 right 114120 116800 start 116840 117600 slightly left 117640 118320 end 118360 118800 head pos: tilt side start 112800 113160 slightly left 113200 113480 start 113520 114480 right 114520 116840 end 116880 118800 head pos: jut back 112800 113560 start 113600 114120 back/right 114160 116880 start 116920 117960 back 118000 118400 end 118440 118800 head mvmt: nod start 112800 113120 single 113160 113520 start 113560 117720 single 117760 118600 end 118640 118800 head mvmt: side to side start 114680 116040 single 116080 116920 end 116960 117600 body lean back/left 112800 112840 start 112880 113280 forward 113320 113840 start 113880 116800 forward 116840 117560 end 117600 118800 shoulders start 114680 116120 right/raised 116160 116960 end 117000 117600 eye gaze to addressee 112800 112920 left 112960 113240 to addressee 113280 118680 left 118720 118800 POS Verb 112880 113120 Particle 113280 113560 Tense Marker 113760 113920 Pronoun 114080 114280 Noun 114360 114520 Verb 114680 115160 Pronoun 115840 116200 Determiner 116600 116800 Verb 116960 117600 Pronoun 118000 118800 Non-dominant POS Noun 116600 116760 English translation He asked if company will cover the insurance for stitches on my finger and everything. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 118840 End frame: 123280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 119080 119240 SAY 119360 119400 YES 119520 119840 GO-AHEAD 120000 120280 USE 120400 120640 POSS-1p 120760 120840 NAME 120960 121520 IX-1p 121760 121960 part:indef 122080 122280 WHEW 122360 122880 FINE 122920 123280 non-dominant hand gloss USE 120400 120640 |> 120840 NAME 120960 121520 |> 121920 WHEW 122360 122880 |> 123280 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 118840 119840 front 119880 120400 start 120440 122160 back 122200 122440 start 122480 122960 front 123000 123280 head pos: turn start 118840 119840 slightly left 119880 120320 start 120360 120800 slightly right 120840 121960 start 122000 122440 slightly left 122480 123000 end 123040 123280 head pos: tilt side start 118840 119520 left 119560 120440 start 120480 122200 right 122240 123000 end 123040 123280 head pos: jut start 118840 119840 forward/left 119880 120360 start 120400 120760 back 120800 123280 body lean start 118840 119880 forward 119920 120760 start 120800 122200 back 122240 122920 end 122960 123280 eye gaze left 118840 119120 left 120040 120080 to addressee 120120 123280 eye aperture lowered lid 118840 118920 start 118960 119120 blink 119160 119960 start 120000 120000 lowered lid 120040 121880 start 121920 121960 blink 122000 122920 end 122960 123280 POS Pronoun 119080 119240 Verb 119360 119400 Verb 120000 120280 Verb 120400 120640 Pronoun 120760 120840 Noun 120960 121520 Pronoun 121760 121960 Particle 122080 122280 Adjective 122920 123280 Non-dominant POS Verb 120400 120640 Noun 120960 121520 English translation he said "yes, go ahead use my name. " I was relief. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 123320 End frame: 126360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IF 123360 123560 TRUE-BUSINESS 123720 124160 IX-3p:i 124240 124560 NOT 124680 124800 PAY 124880 125320 THEN 125400 125640 IX-1p 125720 125840 part:indef 126000 126360 non-dominant hand gloss TRUE-BUSINESS 123720 124160 |> 125360 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 123320 123720 start 123760 124400 front 124440 126000 end 126040 126360 head pos: turn start 123320 123560 left 123600 123800 start 123840 124200 right 124240 124600 start 124640 125320 slightly right 125360 126360 head pos: tilt side start 123320 123480 left 123520 123840 end 123880 124240 head pos: jut back 123320 123440 start 123480 124400 forward/right 124440 124640 start 124680 125360 back 125400 126360 body lean start 123320 123880 left 123920 125920 end 125960 126360 shoulders start 125840 126120 raised 126160 126360 eye brows raised 123320 124920 end 124960 125400 eye gaze to addressee 123320 125280 left 125320 126040 to addressee 126080 126360 POS Conjunction 123360 123560 Pronoun 124240 124560 Negation 124680 124800 Verb 124880 125320 Preposition 125400 125640 Pronoun 125720 125840 Particle 126000 126360 English translation If he won't pay for it, then.... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 126400 End frame: 131240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss MAYBE 126640 127040 MUST 127160 127360 SEND 127520 127800 BILL 128000 128280 fs-BILL 128360 128720 TO 128760 128920 POSS-1p 129040 129120 MOTHER-FATHER 129200 129480 POSS-3p:i 129640 129720 REALLY 129880 130040 HAPPY 130120 130640 part:indef 130840 131240 non-dominant hand gloss MAYBE 126640 127040 |> 127880 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 126400 127040 front 127080 129760 start 129800 130640 front 130680 131240 head pos: turn slightly right 126400 126600 start 126640 127120 left 127160 128880 start 128920 129200 left 129240 131240 head pos: tilt side start 126400 127360 slightly left 127400 129520 start 129560 130440 left 130480 131240 head pos: jut back 126400 129680 start 129720 130000 back 130040 131240 head mvmt: nod start 126400 128000 slight rapid head nod 128040 128720 end 128760 129040 body lean start 126400 130080 slightly back 130120 130800 end 130840 131240 eye brows start 129200 129560 raised 129600 129720 end 129760 130040 eye gaze to addressee 126400 131240 eye aperture lowered lid 126400 129440 start 129480 129680 wide 129720 130000 end 130040 130640 POS Adverb 126640 127040 Adverb 127160 127360 Verb 127520 127800 Noun 128000 128280 Noun 128360 128720 Preposition 128760 128920 Pronoun 129040 129120 Proper Noun 129200 129480 Determiner 129640 129720 Adjective 129880 130040 Verb 130120 130640 Particle 130840 131240 Non-dominant POS Adverb 126640 127040 English translation They maybe have to send the bill to my parents. My parents wouldn't be very happy. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 131280 End frame: 136720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss #SO 131360 131560 UNKNOWN 131680 131880 IX-1p 132040 132200 GO 132280 132680 HOSPITAL 132760 133280 IX-1p 133400 133480 part:indef 133640 133960 REALLY 134080 134480 KNOW 134840 135040 HOSPITAL 135160 135520 TEND 135640 135840 FOREVER 135920 136720 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 131280 133360 start 133400 133600 back 133640 134200 start 134240 134880 front 134920 136720 head pos: turn left 131280 131320 start 131360 131600 right 131640 132280 start 132320 132800 slightly left 132840 133680 start 133720 133920 left 133960 134400 start 134440 134880 slightly right 134920 136160 start 136200 136440 slightly left 136480 136720 head pos: tilt side slightly left 131280 131320 start 131360 131640 right 131680 132120 start 132160 133640 left 133680 134480 start 134520 134840 right 134880 135920 start 135960 136360 left 136400 136720 head pos: jut slightly back 131280 131440 start 131480 131600 back/right 131640 132360 start 132400 132760 back 132800 133160 start 133200 133640 forward 133680 133920 start 133960 134840 back 134880 136440 end 136480 136720 head mvmt: nod start 131280 131280 rapid 131320 131880 start 131920 132760 single 132800 133400 end 133440 133960 head mvmt: side to side start 133640 134040 slow 134080 135520 end 135560 135920 body lean start 132040 132320 slightly back 132360 132800 start 132840 136360 forward 136400 136720 eye brows start 131280 131960 lowered 132000 133640 start 133680 135600 lowered 135640 136400 end 136440 136720 eye gaze to addressee 131280 132440 left 132480 132680 to addressee 132720 133280 up/left 133320 133560 to addressee 133600 136720 eye aperture lowered lid 131280 131600 start 131640 131680 blink 131720 131800 start 131840 132040 squint 132080 133600 start 133640 133800 closed 133840 135000 start 135040 135120 lowered lid 135160 135640 start 135680 135920 squint 135960 136720 nose start 131280 132040 wrinkle 132080 132800 start 132840 135640 wrinkle 135680 135960 end 136000 136720 POS Discourse Marker 131360 131560 Pronoun 132040 132200 Verb 132280 132680 Noun 132760 133280 Determiner 133400 133480 Particle 133640 133960 Discourse Marker 134080 134480 Verb 134840 135040 Noun 135160 135520 Verb 135640 135840 Adverb 135920 136720 English translation I went to the hospital but you know how hospitals are, tend to take forever. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 136760 End frame: 143960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss cl:3 "sit down" 136920 137120 WORK-OUT 137240 137640 INSURANCE 137760 138520 part:indef 138560 139120 POSS-2p:i 139280 139400 INFORMATION 139480 139920 IN 140040 140280 fs-DATE 140400 141440 #SS 141560 141880 NUMBER 142040 142640 REALLY 142760 142920 cl:1 "list" 143000 143400 UNKNOWN 143640 143960 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 136760 136880 start 136920 137720 front 137760 138040 start 138080 138480 back 138520 141680 start 141720 142000 front 142040 142320 start 142360 142560 back 142600 142720 start 142760 142920 front 142960 143960 head pos: turn slightly left 136760 136760 start 136800 137240 right 137280 137760 start 137800 139360 right 139400 139920 start 139960 141680 slightly right 141720 142360 start 142400 143040 left 143080 143360 start 143400 143760 right 143800 143960 head pos: tilt side slightly left 136760 136840 start 136880 137160 right 137200 137800 start 137840 138480 slightly left 138520 138920 start 138960 139400 slightly right 139440 139960 start 140000 140320 left 140360 141200 start 141240 141520 right 141560 142400 start 142440 142800 left 142840 143360 start 143400 143720 right 143760 143960 head pos: jut start 136760 137600 forward 137640 139360 start 139400 139760 forward 139800 142280 end 142320 142640 head mvmt: nod start 136760 137160 slow 137200 137760 start 137800 139360 slow 139400 139880 start 139920 141280 slow 141320 142000 end 142040 142640 body lean forward 136760 137000 start 137040 137480 forward 137520 138520 start 138560 139800 forward 139840 140040 start 140080 140400 forward 140440 141480 start 141520 141960 forward 142000 142360 end 142400 142920 eye brows start 141480 142640 lowered 142680 143400 start 143440 143920 slightly raised 143960 143960 eye gaze to addressee 136760 138080 left 138120 138760 to addressee 138800 142280 left 142320 142680 eye aperture lowered lid 136760 142040 start 142080 142640 squint 142680 142680 closed 142720 143960 nose start 136760 142680 wrinkle 142720 143480 end 143520 143960 POS Classifier 136920 137120 Verb 137240 137640 Noun 137760 138520 Particle 138560 139120 Pronoun 139280 139400 Noun 139480 139920 Preposition 140040 140280 Noun 140400 141440 Noun 141560 141880 Number 142040 142640 Discourse Marker 142760 142920 Classifier 143000 143400 English translation I had to sit down and have to make sure they would get information about insurance, date, my social security number, etc. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 144000 End frame: 148040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 144040 144080 cl:3 "sit down" 144240 144480 WAIT++ 144600 145640 FINALLY 145800 146480 IX-1p 146600 146680 GO-IN 146760 147160 |> 148040 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 147800 148040 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 144000 145480 start 145520 146120 back 146160 146640 start 146680 147000 front 147040 147360 end 147400 148040 head pos: turn right 144000 144760 start 144800 145200 slightly right 145240 145520 start 145560 145920 left 145960 146640 start 146680 147800 right 147840 148040 head pos: tilt side right 144000 145520 start 145560 145920 left 145960 146840 start 146880 147680 right 147720 148040 head pos: jut start 144600 145680 back/left 145720 146760 start 146800 147680 back 147720 148040 body lean start 144000 144400 slightly forward 144440 145800 start 145840 146920 forward 146960 147600 end 147640 148040 eye brows slightly raised 144000 145560 start 145600 146120 raised 146160 146520 start 146560 147600 lowered 147640 148040 eye gaze to addressee 144040 144240 left 144280 145480 to addressee 145520 147080 left 147120 147400 to addressee 147440 148040 eye aperture closed 144000 144000 start 144040 144120 blink 144160 144240 start 144280 144320 lowered lid 144360 144440 start 144480 144480 blink 144520 144680 start 144720 144720 lowered lid 144760 145200 start 145240 147560 further squinted 147600 148040 nose start 147160 147600 wrinkle 147640 148040 POS Pronoun 144040 144080 Classifier 144240 144480 Verb 144600 145640 Adverb 145800 146480 Pronoun 146600 146680 Verb 146760 147160 English translation I sat down and waiting for long time. Then, I finally got in. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 148080 End frame: 153633 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 148120 148280 IX-3p 148320 148680 FAST 149120 149360 fs-EXPRESS 149480 150520 |> 151400 CARE 151520 151920 EMERGENCY 152000 152240 HOSPITAL 152400 152880 AREA 152960 153320 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 148080 148520 FAST 149120 149360 |> 149840 1:"focus" 149880 150320 |> 151440 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 150520 150960 front 151000 153120 end 153160 153633 head pos: turn right 148080 148520 start 148560 148840 slightly right 148880 151480 start 151520 151760 right 151800 153000 end 153040 153633 head pos: tilt side slightly right 148080 148520 start 148560 151920 slightly left 151960 152520 end 152560 153633 head pos: jut back 148080 151440 start 151480 152480 back/right 152520 152880 start 152920 153120 back 153160 153633 head mvmt: nod start 152000 152400 slight rapid head nod 152440 153200 end 153240 153633 eye brows lowered 148080 153633 eye gaze to addressee 148800 153633 eye aperture further squinted 148080 148800 start 148840 149160 squint 149200 153633 nose wrinkle 148080 153633 POS Discourse Marker 148120 148280 Pronoun 148320 148680 Adjective 149120 149360 Adjective 149480 150520 Verb 151520 151920 Noun 152000 152240 Noun 152400 152880 Noun 152960 153320 Non-dominant POS Adjective 149120 149360 English translation I was in express care area in the hospital where it is for emergency only. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 153640 End frame: 157920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss HAVE 153760 153960 DIFFERENT 154040 154280 BUILDING 154320 154600 cl:5 "many places" 154680 155240 IX-1p 155440 155600 GO-IN 155640 156240 IX-1p 156360 156520 IX-1p 156920 157000 WAIT++ 157240 157920 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 156680 156920 |> 157920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 153640 154080 front 154120 155320 start 155360 155880 front 155920 156320 start 156360 156760 front 156800 156960 start 157000 157440 slightly back 157480 157840 end 157880 157920 head pos: turn start 153640 153880 slightly left 153920 153960 start 154000 154240 right 154280 155200 start 155240 155560 left 155600 156000 start 156040 156680 right 156720 157280 start 157320 157680 slightly left 157720 157920 head pos: tilt side start 153640 155560 left 155600 156240 start 156280 156680 right 156720 157240 start 157280 157640 left 157680 157920 head pos: jut back 153640 155240 start 155280 157480 slightly back 157520 157920 head mvmt: nod start 155240 155600 single 155640 156280 start 156320 157160 rapid 157200 157720 end 157760 157920 body lean start 154320 154680 slightly forward 154720 155320 start 155360 155880 forward 155920 156320 end 156360 156920 eye brows lowered 153640 155640 start 155680 157880 slightly lowered 157920 157920 eye gaze to addressee 153640 155200 left 155240 155600 to addressee 155640 156320 up 156360 157080 to addressee 157120 157640 up/left 157680 157920 eye aperture further squinted 153640 155320 start 155360 155480 squint 155520 156080 start 156120 157880 slightly squinted 157920 157920 nose wrinkle 153640 156520 start 156560 157880 wrinkle 157920 157920 POS Adverb 153760 153960 Adjective 154040 154280 Noun 154320 154600 Classifier 154680 155240 Pronoun 155440 155600 Verb 155640 156240 Pronoun 156360 156520 Determiner 156920 157000 Verb 157240 157920 English translation I went in one of few buildings and waiting. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 157960 End frame: 162040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss REALLY 158040 158120 BLOOD 158240 158760 STILL 158800 158920 BLOOD++ 159000 160240 IX-1p 160400 160560 WAIT++ 160680 162040 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 157960 158120 |> 160240 WAIT++ 160480 162040 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 157960 158160 front 158200 159720 start 159760 160440 back 160480 161720 end 161760 162040 head pos: turn slightly left 157960 158080 start 158120 158320 right 158360 159760 start 159800 160960 left 161000 161680 start 161720 162000 slightly right 162040 162040 head pos: tilt side left 157960 159720 start 159760 160400 slightly right 160440 160720 start 160760 161040 left 161080 161560 start 161600 161920 slightly right 161960 162040 head pos: jut back/left 157960 158040 start 158080 158480 forward/right 158520 159800 start 159840 161080 back/left 161120 161680 end 161720 162040 head mvmt: nod start 157960 159080 slight rapid head nod 159120 160280 end 160320 160560 body lean start 157960 158440 slightly forward 158480 160280 end 160320 160960 eye brows lowered 157960 159760 start 159800 160480 raised 160520 162040 eye gaze to addressee 157960 160240 right 160280 160520 to addressee 160560 160960 left 161000 161600 to addressee 161640 162040 eye aperture squint 157960 159840 start 159880 160440 wide 160480 160560 start 160600 160880 blink 160920 161080 end 161120 161600 nose wrinkle 157960 160280 end 160320 160600 POS Discourse Marker 158040 158120 Noun 158240 158760 Adjective 158800 158920 Noun 159000 160240 Pronoun 160400 160560 Verb 160680 162040 Non-dominant POS Noun 158240 158760 Verb 160480 162040 English translation Really, it was still bleeding and I was waiting for long time. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 162080 End frame: 168160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss REALLY 162200 162280 ONE 162400 162520 DOCTOR 162640 163160 cl:1 "walking toward us" 163280 164080 REALLY 164160 164280 POSS-3p:i 164400 164480 NEW+ 164680 165360 JUST 165520 166040 JOIN 166440 166920 POSS-3p:i 167040 167160 fs-STAFF 167240 167960 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 162080 162160 |> 162520 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 162080 162200 back 162240 162520 start 162560 163400 front 163440 163960 start 164000 165960 back 166000 167000 end 167040 168160 head pos: turn right 162080 163040 start 163080 165480 left 165520 167040 end 167080 168160 head pos: tilt side right 162080 162480 start 162520 163320 left 163360 163600 start 163640 164280 right 164320 164800 start 164840 165560 left 165600 167040 start 167080 168080 slightly right 168120 168160 head pos: jut start 162080 162280 forward 162320 162520 start 162560 164320 back 164360 164840 start 164880 167360 back 167400 168120 end 168160 168160 head mvmt: nod start 162080 162640 slight rapid head nod 162680 163440 end 163480 164080 body lean start 162080 162520 back 162560 163360 start 163400 163880 slightly forward 163920 164440 start 164480 167400 slightly forward 167440 168160 eye brows raised 162080 162480 start 162520 162680 lowered 162720 163520 end 163560 164080 eye gaze to addressee 162080 163160 left 163200 163560 to addressee 163600 168160 eye aperture start 162080 163120 squint 163160 163560 start 163600 164320 squint 164360 168160 POS Discourse Marker 162200 162280 Number 162400 162520 Proper Noun 162640 163160 Classifier 163280 164080 Discourse Marker 164160 164280 Pronoun 164400 164480 Adjective 164680 165360 Adjective 165520 166040 Verb 166440 166920 Pronoun 167040 167160 Noun 167240 167960 English translation A doctor came in, he is new and just joined the staff. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 168200 End frame: 173120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 168280 168480 LOOK 168560 168760 |> 169640 IX-1p 169760 169880 TRUST 169960 170200 YOUNG 170280 170640 DOCTOR 170720 170880 IX-1p 170960 171080 PREFER 171160 171240 OLDER 171320 171840 BUT 171920 172160 IX-1p 172240 172320 UNKNOWN 172400 172640 FINE 172840 173120 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 168880 169720 DOCTOR 170720 170880 |> 171400 BUT 171920 172160 |> 172360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 168200 168480 slightly back 168520 169600 start 169640 169960 slightly front 170000 170440 start 170480 171560 front 171600 172480 start 172520 173000 back 173040 173120 head pos: turn start 168200 170200 slightly left 170240 172560 end 172600 173120 head pos: tilt side slightly right 168200 168960 start 169000 169840 slightly left 169880 170480 start 170520 170960 right 171000 172720 end 172760 173120 head pos: jut start 168200 169880 back 169920 172640 end 172680 173120 body lean slightly forward 168200 171240 start 171280 171400 forward 171440 172000 end 172040 172320 eye brows start 168560 169800 slightly raised 169840 170280 start 170320 172000 lowered 172040 172360 start 172400 172920 slightly raised 172960 173120 eye gaze to addressee 168200 168440 left 168480 169120 to addressee 169160 173120 eye aperture squint 168200 168240 start 168280 168360 blink 168400 168560 start 168600 169680 slightly squinted 169720 171840 start 171880 172000 closed 172040 172520 start 172560 172640 blink 172680 172880 end 172920 173120 nose start 170720 170920 tensed 170960 172840 end 172880 173120 POS Pronoun 168280 168480 Verb 168560 168760 Pronoun 169760 169880 Verb 169960 170200 Adjective 170280 170640 Proper Noun 170720 170880 Determiner 170960 171080 Verb 171160 171240 Preposition 171320 171840 Conjunction 171920 172160 Pronoun 172240 172320 Adjective 172840 173120 Non-dominant POS Particle 168880 169720 Proper Noun 170720 170880 Conjunction 171920 172160 English translation I would rather to have an older doctor, because I don't know if I could trust young doctors. But that is fine. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 173160 End frame: 177840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss LOOK 173360 173760 "nah" 175320 175640 IX-1p 175720 175840 CALL 176000 176480 FOR 176600 176800 SECOND 176880 177040 OPINION 177160 177760 non-dominant hand gloss FINGER 173480 173800 |> 175560 CALL 176000 176480 |> 177480 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 173160 173440 front 173480 174320 start 174360 176480 front 176520 177840 head pos: turn start 173160 174880 slightly left 174920 175280 start 175320 176480 left 176520 177200 end 177240 177840 head pos: tilt side start 173160 173280 left 173320 174080 start 174120 174800 left 174840 175320 start 175360 176480 left 176520 177600 end 177640 177840 head pos: jut start 173160 176320 back/right 176360 176520 end 176560 177040 head mvmt: shake start 174360 174640 slight rapid headshake 174680 175640 end 175680 175840 head mvmt: side to side start 173160 174080 rapid 174120 175320 end 175360 175640 body lean start 173160 173640 forward 173680 175360 end 175400 176480 eye brows slightly raised 173160 173720 end 173760 174160 eye gaze to addressee 173160 173640 down 173680 175320 to addressee 175360 177800 right 177840 177840 eye aperture start 173160 173680 lowered lid 173720 174680 start 174720 174720 blink 174760 175040 start 175080 175080 lowered lid 175120 175200 start 175240 175240 blink 175280 175440 end 175480 175840 POS Verb 173360 173760 Pronoun 175720 175840 Verb 176000 176480 Preposition 176600 176800 Number 176880 177040 Noun 177160 177760 Non-dominant POS Noun 173480 173800 Verb 176000 176480 English translation He looked at my finger and said he would like to call for second opinion. Notes - number of character bytes: 47 -Not sure if "nah" is proper for gesture gloss? Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 177880 End frame: 181520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 178000 178320 LOOK 178440 178520 part:indef 178720 179040 |> 179480 FINE 179640 179680 IX-1p 179760 179960 WAIT++ 180080 181520 non-dominant hand gloss WAIT++ 179960 181520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 177880 178000 start 178040 178360 slightly back 178400 178840 start 178880 179120 front 179160 179840 start 179880 180320 slightly back 180360 180680 start 180720 181360 slightly front 181400 181520 head pos: turn start 177880 178160 slightly right 178200 179720 start 179760 180360 left 180400 180880 start 180920 181400 right 181440 181520 head pos: tilt side start 177880 178400 right 178440 179680 start 179720 180200 left 180240 180920 start 180960 181400 slightly right 181440 181520 head pos: jut start 177880 178360 back 178400 181520 head mvmt: nod start 177880 178360 slow 178400 179640 end 179680 180080 body lean start 177880 178960 forward 179000 179880 start 179920 180080 slightly back 180120 181240 end 181280 181520 eye gaze right 177880 178080 to addressee 178120 178920 left 178960 180320 up/left 180360 180640 to addressee 180680 181520 eye aperture start 177880 178880 lowered lid 178920 179120 start 179160 179840 wide 179880 180600 end 180640 181080 POS Pronoun 178000 178320 Verb 178440 178520 Particle 178720 179040 Adjective 179640 179680 Pronoun 179760 179960 Verb 180080 181520 Non-dominant POS Verb 179960 181520 English translation I had to wait for a while again. Notes - number of character bytes: 66 -not sure how to fill out the english part.. check if it is right. Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 181560 End frame: 187520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 181680 181800 part:indef 181960 182360 |> 182880 IX-1p 183000 183240 |> 184600 IX-1p 184800 185080 ALREADY 185240 185640 SAME 185720 186080 FOUR-THIRTY 186200 187240 FIVE 187320 187520 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 183240 183640 TWO 183840 184600 |> 184880 G:"focus" 185880 186080 |> 187520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 181560 185200 start 185240 185920 slightly back 185960 186680 end 186720 187520 head pos: turn right 181560 182440 start 182480 182880 left 182920 183240 start 183280 183760 right 183800 187520 head pos: tilt side right 181560 182520 start 182560 182720 slightly left 182760 183280 start 183320 184160 left 184200 187520 head pos: jut back/right 181560 182400 start 182440 182840 back 182880 187520 body lean start 181560 182200 back 182240 187520 eye brows start 181560 181720 lowered 181760 184560 start 184600 184880 raised 184920 187520 eye gaze to addressee 181560 181720 right 181760 182480 left 182520 183440 to addressee 183480 187520 eye aperture start 181560 181720 squint 181760 184280 start 184320 184760 wide 184800 187520 nose start 181560 182080 wrinkle 182120 184760 end 184800 185640 POS Discourse Marker 181680 181800 Particle 181960 182360 Pronoun 183000 183240 Determiner 184800 185080 Adverb 185240 185640 Adjective 185720 186080 Number 186200 187240 Number 187320 187520 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 183240 183640 Number 183840 184600 English translation I arrived at two o'clock and it is already 4:30 to 5 o'clock. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 187560 End frame: 190360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss FIVE 187560 187600 IX-1p 187720 187760 STILL 187800 187920 YET 188000 188240 GET 188320 188440 STITCH 188520 189240 SAME 189360 189440 IX-1p 189560 189760 part:indef 189880 190360 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 187560 187600 |> 187640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 187560 187800 front 187840 190360 head pos: turn right 187560 189520 start 189560 189800 slightly right 189840 190360 head pos: tilt side slightly left 187560 188480 start 188520 190200 slightly left 190240 190360 head pos: jut back/right 187560 189480 start 189520 190280 forward/right 190320 190360 body lean back 187560 187840 start 187880 188200 forward 188240 189640 start 189680 190040 forward 190080 190360 eye brows raised 187560 190360 eye gaze to addressee 187560 190360 eye aperture wide 187560 189480 start 189520 189600 blink 189640 189840 start 189880 189920 wide 189960 190360 mouth start 187920 188000 tongue out 188040 188240 end 188280 188440 POS Number 187560 187600 Pronoun 187720 187760 Adjective 187800 187920 Adverb 188000 188240 Verb 188320 188440 Noun 188520 189240 Adjective 189360 189440 Pronoun 189560 189760 Particle 189880 190360 English translation I still have not get my finger stitches yet. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 190400 End frame: 196040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 190520 190600 HOPE 190680 190840 IX-3p:i 190960 191200 NOT 191280 191320 BECOME 191480 191800 fs-DRY 191920 192640 DRY 192720 193040 TRUE-BUSINESS 193160 193520 UNKNOWN 193840 194440 UNKNOWN 194520 194760 FINE 194800 195120 IX-1p 195240 195360 WAIT++ 195440 196040 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 190400 190560 |> 190800 HAND 190960 191200 |> 191360 WAIT++ 195320 196040 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 190400 191200 start 191240 191560 back 191600 192040 start 192080 192400 front 192440 195520 start 195560 195960 back 196000 196040 head pos: turn slightly right 190400 190480 start 190520 190560 right 190600 194240 start 194280 194760 left 194800 195240 start 195280 195560 slightly right 195600 196040 head pos: tilt side slightly left 190400 194480 start 194520 194720 left 194760 195040 start 195080 195320 right 195360 196040 head pos: jut forward 190400 190600 start 190640 191040 back/right 191080 194360 start 194400 194520 back 194560 195040 end 195080 195360 head mvmt: nod start 195240 195480 slight rapid head nod 195520 195840 end 195880 196040 body lean forward 190400 190920 start 190960 192440 forward 192480 193360 end 193400 194240 eye brows raised 190400 190600 start 190640 195280 raised 195320 196040 eye gaze to addressee 190400 195480 left 195520 196000 to addressee 196040 196040 eye aperture wide 190400 190640 start 190680 195360 blink 195400 195600 end 195640 196040 POS Pronoun 190560 190600 Verb 190680 190840 Pronoun 190960 191200 Negation 191280 191320 Verb 191480 191800 Adjective 191920 192640 Adjective 192720 193040 Adjective 194800 195120 Pronoun 195240 195360 Verb 195440 196040 Non-dominant POS Particle 190400 190560 Noun 190960 191200 Verb 195320 196040 English translation I hope my finger didnt get dry however, I was still waiting. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 196080 End frame: 201640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss FINALLY 196200 196720 IX-3p:i 196800 197000 ONE 197200 197440 OLDER 197600 198120 MAN 198280 198680 IX-3p 198840 198920 cl:1 "field" 199000 199520 PLASTIC 199680 200000 SURGERON 200120 200880 cl:1 "person walking toward to us" 201200 201640 non-dominant hand gloss FINALLY 196200 196720 |> 198800 SURGERON 200120 200880 |> 201640 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 196080 196920 start 196960 197440 front 197480 199360 start 199400 200360 front 200400 201640 head pos: turn start 196080 196480 slightly left 196520 197200 start 197240 197640 right 197680 198000 start 198040 198640 left 198680 198960 start 199000 200280 right 200320 201040 end 201120 201640 head pos: tilt side slightly right 196080 196120 start 196160 196520 slightly left 196560 197240 start 197280 197680 right 197720 198080 start 198120 198640 left 198680 199000 end 199040 199520 head pos: jut start 196080 196120 forward 196160 196240 start 196280 196520 back 196560 198120 end 198160 198920 body lean start 196080 196200 back 196240 196760 end 196800 197000 eye brows raised 196080 196520 start 196560 197120 slightly lowered 197160 197600 start 197640 197880 lowered 197920 199440 end 199480 199520 eye gaze to addressee 196080 201280 left 201320 201560 up/left 201600 201640 eye aperture start 196080 197120 closed 197160 197720 start 197760 198000 further squinted 198040 199480 end 199520 200000 nose start 197600 198040 wrinkle 198080 199520 end 199560 200000 POS Adverb 196200 196720 Pronoun 196800 197000 Number 197200 197440 Adjective 197600 198120 Noun 198280 198680 Determiner 198840 198920 Classifier 199000 199520 Noun 199680 200000 Proper Noun 200120 200880 Classifier 201200 201640 Non-dominant POS Adverb 196200 196720 Proper Noun 200120 200880 English translation Finally, an older man who is plastic surgeron came in. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 201680 End frame: 206080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 201840 201920 LOOK 202000 202400 FEEL 202480 202680 FUNNY 202800 202920 WHY 203000 203080 PLASTIC 203400 203840 SURGEON 203960 204840 DO 204920 205120 STITCH 205200 205520 ON 205640 205800 IX-1p 205880 206080 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 201680 201840 start 201880 202360 back 202400 202640 start 202680 203000 slightly front 203040 203360 start 203400 204600 front 204640 206080 head pos: turn start 202480 202840 right 202880 206080 head pos: tilt side start 201680 202680 slightly left 202720 206080 head pos: jut back 201680 206080 head mvmt: nod start 202800 203520 slight rapid head nod 203560 204000 end 204040 204840 body lean start 201680 202200 back 202240 203000 start 203040 203760 back/left 203800 206080 eye brows start 205640 206000 slightly lowered 206040 206080 eye gaze up/left 201680 201920 to addressee 201960 206080 eye aperture start 201680 201920 blink 201960 202040 end 202080 202400 nose start 205880 206040 wrinkle 206080 206080 POS Pronoun 201840 201920 Verb 202000 202400 Verb 202480 202680 Adjective 202800 202920 Wh-word 203000 203080 Noun 203400 203840 Noun 203960 204840 Verb 204920 205120 Noun 205200 205520 Preposition 205640 205800 Pronoun 205880 206080 English translation I felt funny, why would plastic surgeon do stitches on me? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 47 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 206120 End frame: 213840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss IX-1p 206200 206320 THINK 206480 206640 REGULAR 206800 207160 DOCTOR 207280 207520 #OR 207640 207840 MAYBE 207920 208280 #EVEN 208400 208680 NURSE 208800 209080 CAN 209240 209280 DO 209360 209480 #IT 209560 210080 part:indef 210280 210960 SAME 211000 211080 IX-1p 211160 211440 #OR 211720 211840 DOCTOR 212040 212200 ASSISTANT 212480 212760 part:indef 212920 213040 #EVEN 213200 213560 MAYBE 213680 213800 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 210280 210960 |> 211560 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 206120 207520 start 207560 208160 back 208200 209240 start 209280 210040 slightly front 210080 211640 start 211680 211880 back 211920 212760 end 212800 213840 head pos: turn right 206120 206400 start 206440 206880 slightly left 206920 207720 start 207760 208400 right 208440 211520 start 211560 211920 slightly left 211960 212240 start 212280 212520 right 212560 213560 start 213600 213760 slightly right 213800 213840 head pos: tilt side left 206120 206560 start 206600 206920 right 206960 207880 start 207920 208400 left 208440 210240 start 210280 210760 slightly right 210800 211120 start 211160 211600 left 211640 212240 start 212280 212560 right 212600 213520 end 213560 213840 head pos: jut back/right 206120 206320 start 206360 207320 forward/left 207360 207880 start 207920 208720 back/right 208760 209360 start 209400 211320 back 211360 213840 head mvmt: shake start 211680 211920 slight rapid headshake 211960 212560 end 212600 212760 body lean back/left 206120 206360 start 206400 207440 slightly forward 207480 208040 start 208080 208800 back/left 208840 209520 start 209560 211880 back 211920 212440 start 212480 212800 forward 212840 213840 shoulders start 206120 211680 raised 211720 212240 start 212280 212480 right/raised 212520 213120 start 213160 213440 raised 213480 213600 end 213640 213840 eye brows lowered 206120 211080 start 211120 211440 raised 211480 213280 end 213320 213840 eye gaze to addressee 206120 213840 eye aperture squint 206120 207840 start 207880 208160 further squinted 208200 210280 start 210320 210600 blink 210640 210960 start 211000 211040 blink 211080 211200 start 211240 211480 wide 211520 213440 end 213480 213840 nose wrinkle 206120 211240 start 211280 211600 tensed 211640 212520 end 212560 212760 POS Pronoun 206200 206320 Verb 206480 206640 Adjective 206800 207160 Proper Noun 207280 207520 Conjunction 207640 207840 Adverb 207920 208280 Adjective 208400 208680 Proper Noun 208800 209080 Verb 209240 209280 Verb 209360 209480 Noun 209560 210080 Particle 210280 210960 Adjective 211000 211080 Pronoun 211160 211440 Conjunction 211720 211840 Proper Noun 212040 212200 Proper Noun 212480 212760 Particle 212920 213040 Adjective 213200 213560 Adverb 213680 213800 Non-dominant POS Particle 210280 210960 English translation I thought some regular doctor, nurse or even doctor's assistant would do it. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 48 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 213880 End frame: 218400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUT 213960 214320 part:indef 214520 215040 SAME 215120 215320 IX-1p 215400 215600 part:indef 215720 216440 IX-3p:i 216480 216600 SAY 216680 216840 BETTER 216960 217080 DOWN 217200 217480 #X-RAY 217600 218360 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 214520 215040 |> 218400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 213880 214000 front 214040 214560 start 214600 215040 front 215080 216520 start 216560 218360 slightly front 218400 218400 head pos: turn start 213880 214080 left 214120 214720 start 214760 215000 right 215040 215400 start 215440 215920 slightly left 215960 216240 start 216280 217280 slightly right 217320 218400 head pos: tilt side start 213880 213960 left 214000 214640 start 214680 214960 right 215000 215440 start 215480 215920 left 215960 216360 start 216400 216640 slightly right 216680 218400 head pos: jut back 213880 215000 start 215040 216040 forward/left 216080 216400 start 216440 217120 back 217160 218400 head mvmt: shake start 213880 214320 slow 214360 215480 end 215520 216440 body lean slightly forward 213880 214400 start 214440 214640 slightly back 214680 215040 start 215080 216080 forward 216120 216800 start 216840 217560 left 217600 218400 eye brows start 215400 215920 slightly raised 215960 216440 end 216480 216600 eye gaze to addressee 213880 214320 left 214360 214680 to addressee 214720 215440 left 215480 216240 to addressee 216280 217480 left 217520 218000 to addressee 218040 218400 eye aperture start 214520 215440 lowered lid 215480 216520 start 216560 216600 lowered lid 216640 218400 POS Conjunction 213960 214320 Particle 214520 215040 Adjective 215120 215320 Pronoun 215400 215600 Particle 215720 216440 Pronoun 216480 216600 Verb 216680 216840 Adjective 216960 217080 Pronoun 217200 217480 Noun 217600 218360 Non-dominant POS Particle 214520 215040 English translation He told me to go downstair for x-ray. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 49 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 218440 End frame: 223640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss WANT 218560 218680 CHECK 218760 219120 IF 219200 219440 HAVE 219520 219720 SOME 219840 220040 #AIR 220160 220600 IN 220840 221240 IX-3p:i 221320 221840 WHY 222040 222200 FUTURE 222320 222360 CAUSE 222480 222720 INFECTION 222840 223640 non-dominant hand gloss G:"focus" 220320 220520 FINGER 220920 221240 |> 222120 CAUSE 222480 222720 |> 223640 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 218440 219440 start 219480 220880 slightly front 220920 221880 start 221920 223160 front 223200 223640 head pos: turn slightly right 218440 218480 start 218520 218560 right 218600 219200 start 219240 220240 right 220280 223640 head pos: tilt side slightly right 218440 219160 start 219200 221520 slightly right 221560 221840 start 221880 223160 right 223200 223640 head pos: jut slightly back 218440 218560 start 218600 219000 back/right 219040 219200 start 219240 223000 back/right 223040 223640 head mvmt: nod start 220160 221000 slight rapid head nod 221040 221880 end 221920 222480 body lean start 218440 218720 left 218760 223640 eye brows start 218440 218560 lowered 218600 223640 eye gaze to addressee 218440 223640 eye aperture lowered lid 218440 218440 start 218480 218520 squint 218560 223520 end 223560 223640 nose start 220160 220680 wrinkle 220720 222160 end 222200 222360 POS Verb 218560 218680 Verb 218760 219120 Preposition 219200 219440 Adverb 219520 219720 Adjective 219840 220040 Noun 220160 220600 Preposition 220840 221240 Pronoun 221320 221840 Wh-word 222040 222200 Tense Marker 222320 222360 Verb 222480 222720 Noun 222840 223640 Non-dominant POS Noun 220920 221240 Verb 222480 222720 English translation He wanted to check if I have some air in my finger which may cause infection. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 50 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 223680 End frame: 231280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss THAT 223800 223920 KIND 224080 224200 #OF 224280 224480 CUT 224760 225200 REALLY 225400 225760 |> 225920 CUT 226040 226560 POSS-1p 226600 226680 fs-JOINT 226880 227720 BONE 228120 228400 IX-3p:i 228720 229040 AFTER 229240 229480 #X-RAY 229560 230400 RESULT 230560 231280 non-dominant hand gloss FINGER 224760 225240 |> 227960 FINGER 228800 229080 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 223680 225240 start 225280 226560 slightly back 226600 226800 start 226840 228160 front 228200 230960 end 231000 231280 head pos: turn right 223680 223840 start 223880 224080 slightly right 224120 224360 start 224400 224560 right 224600 225360 start 225400 225640 slightly right 225680 226160 start 226200 226560 right 226600 226640 start 226680 226840 slightly right 226880 229480 start 229520 230480 left 230520 231280 head pos: tilt side slightly right 223680 224560 start 224600 225200 right 225240 226760 start 226800 230360 left 230400 231120 end 231160 231280 head pos: jut back/right 223680 225240 start 225280 225840 slightly back 225880 226680 start 226720 228120 back 228160 229320 start 229360 230560 back/left 230600 231000 end 231040 231280 head mvmt: nod start 228120 229000 rapid 229040 231160 end 231200 231280 body lean left 223680 227560 start 227600 230800 slightly forward 230840 231120 end 231160 231280 eye brows start 223680 223760 raised 223800 224640 start 224680 225160 lowered 225200 226400 start 226440 226440 slightly lowered 226480 228160 start 228200 229040 lowered 229080 231280 eye gaze to addressee 223680 231280 eye aperture start 223680 224680 squint 224720 231280 POS Pronoun 223800 223920 Noun 224080 224200 Preposition 224280 224480 Verb 224760 225200 Adverb 225400 225760 Verb 226040 226560 Pronoun 226600 226680 Noun 226880 227720 Noun 228120 228400 Determiner 228720 229040 Adverb 229240 229480 Noun 229560 230400 Verb 230560 231280 Non-dominant POS Noun 224760 225240 Noun 228800 229080 English translation After my x-ray result, it showed that my finger was deep cut and cut my joint bone. Notes - number of character bytes: 67 - "THAT" not sure if its proper gloss even though he did sign that. Utterance ID: 51 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 231320 End frame: 237800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SAY 231440 231520 EXPLAIN 231640 231960 "wow" 232120 232280 IX-3p:i 232320 232440 LUCKY 232560 233040 NOT 233080 233240 CUT 233360 233600 MORE 233720 233960 CUT 234120 234360 #SO 234440 234560 IX-1p 234680 234880 LOSE 235040 235360 cl:5 "object felling off" 235600 236480 IX-1p 236760 237040 LOOK 237160 237320 "relief" 237400 237800 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 231320 231720 front 231760 232080 start 232120 232760 back 232800 233320 start 233360 234040 front 234080 236960 start 237000 237200 slightly back 237240 237520 start 237560 237640 front 237680 237800 head pos: turn left 231320 231440 start 231480 234440 right 234480 235960 start 236000 237360 slightly left 237400 237800 head pos: tilt side start 231320 231680 right 231720 232120 start 232160 232400 left 232440 233080 start 233120 233680 right 233720 236320 start 236360 237040 left 237080 237800 head pos: jut start 231320 232760 back 232800 237800 head mvmt: shake start 234680 235040 slight rapid headshake 235080 236240 end 236280 236440 body lean start 233720 234160 slightly forward 234200 236480 end 236520 237040 eye gaze to addressee 231320 231480 left 231520 232240 to addressee 232280 237160 left 237200 237760 to addressee 237800 237800 eye aperture squint 231320 231840 start 231880 231920 blink 231960 232120 end 232160 232320 nose wrinkle 231320 231960 end 232000 232280 negative start 234680 235040 neg 235080 236240 end 236280 236440 POS Verb 231440 231520 Verb 231640 231960 Pronoun 232320 232440 Adjective 232560 233040 Negation 233080 233240 Verb 233360 233600 Adjective 233720 233960 Verb 234120 234360 Preposition 234440 234560 Pronoun 234680 234880 Verb 235040 235360 Classifier 235600 236480 Pronoun 236760 237040 Verb 237160 237320 English translation He said that I am very lucky not to get cut that deep or else I would lose my finger. I thought whew. Notes - number of character bytes: 29 - relief or whew (last word)? Utterance ID: 52 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 237840 End frame: 242760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss FINE 237920 238360 IX-1p 238480 238640 cl:1 "walking up" 238880 239520 GIFT 239680 240080 PLASTIC 240240 240400 SURGEON 240520 241200 POSS-1p 241280 241400 #X-RAY 241560 241920 RESULT 242160 242600 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 237840 237920 start 237960 238360 back 238400 238640 start 238680 238960 front 239000 242760 head pos: turn slightly left 237840 237880 start 237920 238400 slightly right 238440 239320 start 239360 239520 right 239560 241360 start 241400 242080 left 242120 242760 head pos: tilt side left 237840 237920 start 237960 238320 right 238360 238920 start 238960 239680 slightly right 239720 240080 start 240120 241360 slightly left 241400 242600 end 242640 242760 head pos: jut slightly back 237840 238680 end 238720 239520 head mvmt: nod start 237840 239160 rapid 239200 241240 end 241280 241400 body lean left 237840 237960 start 238000 238400 right 238440 238920 start 238960 239160 forward 239200 242760 eye brows start 238880 239240 lowered 239280 242600 end 242640 242760 eye gaze to addressee 237840 238640 left 238680 239000 to addressee 239040 242680 left 242720 242760 eye aperture start 237840 239240 squint 239280 241520 end 241560 242160 nose start 238840 239320 wrinkle 239360 241600 end 241640 242160 POS Adjective 237920 238360 Pronoun 238480 238640 Classifier 238880 239520 Noun 239680 240080 Noun 240240 240400 Proper Noun 240520 241200 Determiner 241280 241400 Noun 241560 241920 Verb 242160 242600 English translation I went up back to give plastic surgeon my X-Ray result. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 53 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 242800 End frame: 247400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss UNKNOWN 242840 243040 IX-3p:i 243160 243240 SAY 243360 243440 FINALLY 243640 243840 UNKNOWN 243920 244000 FINE 244080 244400 READY++ 244480 245080 SET-UP++ 245440 246440 UNKNOWN 246640 247240 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 243920 244000 |> 244360 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 242800 243240 start 243280 243920 front 243960 247000 end 247040 247400 head pos: turn left 242800 242920 start 242960 243920 left 243960 244320 start 244360 244720 right 244760 245000 start 245040 245520 left 245560 246600 start 246640 247240 slightly right 247280 247400 head pos: tilt side start 242800 243000 right 243040 243520 start 243560 243840 left 243880 244440 start 244480 245360 left 245400 246600 start 246640 247000 right 247040 247400 head pos: jut start 242800 243880 back/left 243920 244200 start 244240 245880 back/left 245920 246480 end 246520 247240 head mvmt: nod start 243920 244440 rapid 244480 245280 end 245320 245640 body lean forward 242800 243440 start 243480 244280 left 244320 244520 start 244560 245280 right 245320 245480 start 245520 245720 forward 245760 246760 end 246800 247240 eye brows start 243920 244120 lowered 244160 246440 end 246480 247240 eye gaze left 242800 244120 to addressee 244160 244960 left 245000 245280 to addressee 245320 247400 eye aperture start 243120 243320 blink 243360 243520 start 243560 243560 closed 243600 244040 start 244080 244160 squint 244200 246440 start 246480 247040 slightly lowered 247080 247400 nose start 243920 244120 wrinkle 244160 245600 end 245640 246440 POS Pronoun 243160 243240 Verb 243360 243440 Adverb 243640 243840 Adjective 244080 244400 Adjective 244480 245080 Verb 245440 246440 English translation He said finally. Then, He got things ready. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 54 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 247440 End frame: 254160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss GET 247560 247680 SCISSOR 247760 248360 STRING 248960 249680 METAL 249800 249960 REALLY 250120 250200 IX-1p 250320 250400 LOOK 250480 250600 METAL 250960 251920 THICK 252200 252480 STRING 252560 253040 IX-1p 253120 253200 LOOK 253280 253360 "wow" 253440 254160 non-dominant hand gloss STRING 248960 249680 |> 252400 STRING 252560 253040 |> 254160 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 247440 247800 front 247840 248400 start 248440 249120 front 249160 250520 start 250560 251560 slightly front 251600 252520 start 252560 252760 front 252800 253440 start 253480 254080 slightly front 254120 254160 head pos: turn slightly right 247440 247840 start 247880 248720 right 248760 249600 start 249640 249960 left 250000 250560 start 250600 252160 left 252200 252560 start 252600 252800 slightly left 252840 253160 start 253200 253480 slightly right 253520 254160 head pos: tilt side right 247440 247720 start 247760 248120 left 248160 248400 start 248440 248880 right 248920 249720 start 249760 250040 left 250080 250560 start 250600 252280 left 252320 252800 start 252840 253440 right 253480 253840 end 253880 254160 head pos: jut start 247440 248040 forward 248080 248440 start 248480 249320 forward/right 249360 249720 start 249760 250160 back/left 250200 250760 start 250800 252600 slightly back 252640 254160 head mvmt: nod start 247440 247840 single 247880 248400 start 248440 249160 single 249200 249760 start 249800 250640 slight rapid head nod 250680 252000 end 252040 252480 body lean start 247440 248040 forward 248080 248440 start 248480 249240 forward 249280 249640 start 249680 250480 slightly back 250520 250840 start 250880 252800 slightly forward 252840 253440 end 253480 254160 eye brows start 247440 247720 lowered 247760 254160 eye gaze to addressee 247440 254160 eye aperture lowered lid 247440 247560 start 247600 247680 squint 247720 253240 start 253280 253280 closed 253320 254160 nose start 247440 247640 wrinkle 247680 254160 POS Verb 247560 247680 Noun 247760 248360 Noun 248960 249680 Noun 249800 249960 Discourse Marker 250120 250200 Pronoun 250320 250400 Verb 250480 250600 Noun 250960 251920 Adjective 252200 252480 Noun 252560 253040 Determiner 253120 253200 Verb 253280 253360 Non-dominant POS Noun 248960 249680 Noun 252560 253040 English translation He got scissor, strings and metal. When I was looking at the metal, its really thick string, wow! Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 55 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 254200 End frame: 258760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss #SO 254240 254400 IX-3p:i 254520 255280 REALLY 255440 255720 SHOT++ 256120 257160 FEW 257240 257480 TIME 257640 257760 SHOT++ 257840 258640 IX-1p 258720 258760 non-dominant hand gloss HAND 256280 256880 |> 258760 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 254200 254920 start 254960 255880 front 255920 258640 end 258680 258760 head pos: turn slightly right 254200 254200 start 254240 254440 slightly left 254480 254520 start 254560 255320 slightly right 255360 256720 start 256760 256760 right 256800 257240 start 257280 258000 left 258040 258760 head pos: tilt side start 254200 254200 left 254240 254560 start 254600 255400 right 255440 257400 start 257440 257920 left 257960 258520 start 258560 258720 slightly right 258760 258760 head pos: jut slightly back 254200 254680 start 254720 256160 back 256200 258280 end 258320 258760 head mvmt: nod start 257640 257920 rapid 257960 258560 end 258600 258720 body lean start 254200 254480 forward 254520 254960 start 255000 256520 left 256560 258640 end 258680 258760 eye brows slightly lowered 254200 254280 start 254320 254800 slightly raised 254840 256120 start 256160 257160 lowered 257200 258760 eye gaze to addressee 254280 256160 down 256200 256680 to addressee 256720 258760 eye aperture closed 254200 254280 start 254320 254520 squint 254560 255880 start 255920 256200 lowered lid 256240 256680 start 256720 257200 slightly squinted 257240 258320 start 258360 258560 closed 258600 258760 nose start 256720 257200 wrinkle 257240 258760 POS Preposition 254240 254400 Pronoun 254520 255280 Discourse Marker 255440 255720 Verb 256120 257160 Adjective 257240 257480 Noun 257640 257760 Verb 257840 258640 Pronoun 258720 258760 Non-dominant POS Noun 256280 256880 English translation So he shot all over my hand few times. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 56 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 258800 End frame: 263200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 258840 259000 part:indef 259160 259240 BECOME 259360 259480 fs-NUMB 259640 260200 IX-1p 260560 260680 IX-3p:i 261600 262000 STITCH++ 262120 263200 non-dominant hand gloss HAND 258800 258840 |> 259240 HAND 260640 260680 |> 261880 HAND 262160 262200 |> 263200 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 258800 259200 back 259240 259520 start 259560 260080 front 260120 263200 head pos: turn slightly left 258800 258840 start 258880 260000 right 260040 260960 start 261000 261520 slightly right 261560 262200 start 262240 262760 left 262800 263200 head pos: tilt side right 258800 259480 start 259520 260640 left 260680 262400 start 262440 263120 slightly right 263160 263200 head pos: jut start 258800 259400 slightly back 259440 259840 start 259880 260920 slightly back 260960 262000 start 262040 262680 slightly forward 262720 263040 end 263080 263200 head mvmt: nod start 259360 259720 single 259760 260120 end 260160 260680 body lean start 258800 258800 forward 258840 259200 start 259240 259880 slightly forward 259920 260680 start 260720 262200 slightly forward 262240 263200 eye brows lowered 258800 263200 eye gaze to addressee 259160 260680 down/left 260720 261560 to addressee 261600 263200 eye aperture closed 258800 259000 start 259040 259200 squint 259240 260240 start 260280 260560 closed 260600 260720 start 260760 260800 further squinted 260840 261560 start 261640 261640 squint 261680 263200 nose wrinkle 258800 263200 POS Pronoun 258840 259000 Particle 259160 259240 Verb 259360 259480 Adjective 259640 260200 Pronoun 260560 260680 Determiner 261600 262000 Verb 262120 263200 Non-dominant POS Noun 258800 258840 Noun 260640 260680 Noun 262160 262200 English translation My hand became numb while stitching. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 57 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 263240 End frame: 268680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 263360 263560 CAN 263760 263840 FEEL 264000 264800 PULL 264920 266000 STITCH 266160 266280 SAME 266360 266680 STITCH 266800 266960 cl:2 "quotation" 267160 267280 TIE 267480 267920 POSS-2p 268040 268080 SHOE 268200 268560 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 263240 263800 start 263840 264600 front 264640 266360 start 266400 267000 back 267040 268320 start 268360 268560 front 268600 268680 head pos: turn left 263240 263640 start 263680 264400 right 264440 268680 head pos: tilt side slightly right 263240 263600 start 263640 264560 left 264600 265440 start 265480 266000 right 266040 266200 start 266240 266800 left 266840 268160 end 268200 268680 head pos: jut back/left 263240 263760 start 263800 264160 back/right 264200 266360 start 266400 267040 forward/right 267080 268160 end 268200 268680 body lean slightly forward 263240 263560 start 263600 263840 back 263880 265600 start 265640 266160 right 266200 266400 start 266440 266720 slightly forward 266760 268520 end 268560 268680 eye brows lowered 263240 263360 end 263400 263720 eye gaze to addressee 263240 268680 eye aperture squint 263240 263360 start 263400 263440 blink 263480 263640 start 263680 263760 lowered lid 263800 268680 nose wrinkle 263240 263400 end 263440 263560 POS Pronoun 263360 263560 Adverb 263760 263840 Verb 264000 264800 Verb 264920 266000 Verb 266160 266280 Adjective 266360 266680 Verb 266800 266960 Classifier 267160 267280 Noun 267480 267920 Pronoun 268040 268080 Noun 268200 268560 English translation I can feel stitches as pulling, same feeling as when you tie your shoes. Notes - number of character bytes: 52 -CL:quotation, is there any specific gloss for that? Utterance ID: 58 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 268720 End frame: 271840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss ALMOST 268760 269000 SAME 269040 269280 STITCH++ 269360 269840 FEEL 270120 270200 #IT 270280 270520 IX-1p 270600 270760 UNKNOWN 271000 271040 |> 271840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 268720 271840 head pos: turn right 268720 270360 start 270400 271000 slightly left 271040 271840 head pos: tilt side start 268720 268840 slightly left 268880 270240 start 270280 270960 right 271000 271840 head pos: jut start 268720 268920 back/right 268960 270240 start 270280 271040 back/left 271080 271840 head mvmt: nod start 270600 271000 slight rapid head nod 271040 271800 end 271840 271840 body lean slightly forward 268720 271720 end 271760 271840 eye brows start 270600 270960 raised 271000 271840 eye gaze to addressee 268720 270560 left 270600 271160 down 271200 271840 eye aperture lowered lid 268720 270440 start 270480 270520 blink 270560 271000 start 271040 271160 slightly lowered 271200 271640 start 271680 271720 closed 271760 271840 POS Adverb 268760 269000 Adjective 269040 269280 Verb 269360 269840 Verb 270120 270200 Pronoun 270280 270520 Determiner 270600 270760 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 28 -Not sure about English part Utterance ID: 59 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 271880 End frame: 275320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss FINISH 272240 272760 part:indef 272880 273040 cl:5 "wrapping up"++ 273320 274160 #THEN 274280 274520 IX-1p 274600 274800 part:indef 275000 275240 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 271880 271880 start 271920 272120 back 272160 272680 start 272720 273160 front 273200 273880 start 273920 274240 back 274280 274560 start 274600 274720 slightly front 274760 274840 start 274880 275080 back 275120 275320 head pos: turn slightly left 271880 272080 start 272120 272280 left 272320 272840 start 272880 273280 slightly right 273320 274200 start 274240 274640 slightly left 274680 274960 end 275000 275320 head pos: tilt side slightly right 271880 271920 start 271960 272200 further left 272240 272560 start 272600 273160 further right 273200 273880 start 273920 274520 left 274560 274840 start 274880 275160 slightly right 275200 275320 head pos: jut back/left 271880 271920 start 271960 272200 forward 272240 272400 start 272440 272480 back/left 272520 272720 start 272760 273280 forward/right 273320 274160 start 274200 274640 back/left 274680 274840 start 274880 275120 slightly forward 275160 275320 body lean slightly forward 271880 271960 start 272000 272480 back/left 272520 272880 start 272920 273440 forward 273480 274040 end 274080 274800 eye brows raised 271880 272760 end 272800 273040 eye gaze to addressee 272800 274800 left 274840 275320 eye aperture closed 271880 272480 start 272520 272880 further lowered 272920 273400 start 273440 274200 further lowered 274240 274680 start 274720 274760 blink 274800 274880 start 274920 275000 lowered lid 275040 275320 POS Verb 272240 272760 Particle 272880 273040 Classifier 273320 274160 Adverb 274280 274520 Pronoun 274600 274800 Particle 275000 275240 English translation When it is finished, he wrapped around my finger. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 60 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 275360 End frame: 279000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p 275440 275480 SAY 275560 275720 GIFT 275880 276160 EXPLAIN 276280 276600 SAY 276800 276920 "no" 277160 277480 IX-2p 277560 277800 CAN-NOT 277920 278160 GET 278240 278360 WET 278480 279000 non-dominant hand gloss EXPLAIN 276280 276600 |> 277120 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 275360 275440 start 275480 275840 front 275880 276720 start 276760 277520 front 277560 279000 head pos: turn start 275360 275840 right 275880 277520 start 277560 278440 slightly left 278480 279000 head pos: tilt side right 275360 275720 start 275760 276040 left 276080 276800 start 276840 278080 left 278120 278560 end 278600 279000 head pos: jut slightly forward 275360 275400 start 275440 276040 forward/right 276080 276680 start 276720 278600 forward 278640 279000 head mvmt: nod start 275360 275760 slow 275800 276760 start 276800 277120 single 277160 277640 start 277680 278040 slow 278080 278880 end 278920 279000 body lean start 275360 276000 forward 276040 276680 start 276720 278560 forward 278600 279000 eye brows start 275360 275800 lowered 275840 279000 eye gaze to addressee 275360 279000 eye aperture lowered lid 275360 275600 start 275640 275840 squint 275880 279000 POS Pronoun 275440 275480 Verb 275560 275720 Noun 275880 276160 Verb 276280 276600 Verb 276800 276920 Pronoun 277560 277800 Negation 277920 278160 Verb 278240 278360 Noun 278480 279000 Non-dominant POS Verb 276280 276600 English translation He gave me the instruction and said "you can not get wet." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 61 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 279040 End frame: 284600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss cl:1 "list" 279200 279480 IX-2p 279600 279880 UNKNOWN 280200 280240 IX-2p 280320 280560 SHOWER 280680 281120 MUST 281280 281400 USE 281480 281640 PLASTIC 281840 282400 fs-BAG 282480 282880 cl:s "putting the object on" 283000 284040 non-dominant hand gloss cl:1 "list" 279200 279480 |> 280760 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 279040 279200 start 279240 279440 back 279480 279800 start 279840 280200 front 280240 281480 start 281520 284040 front 284080 284320 end 284360 284600 head pos: turn slightly left 279040 279080 start 279120 279840 right 279880 281320 start 281360 283200 slightly right 283240 283760 end 283800 284600 head pos: tilt side start 279040 279400 right 279440 279840 start 279880 280360 left 280400 281480 start 281520 283400 right 283440 284600 head pos: jut forward 279040 279120 start 279160 280440 back/right 280480 281400 start 281440 282800 back 282840 284080 end 284120 284600 head mvmt: nod start 281840 284000 single 284040 284360 end 284400 284600 body lean forward 279040 279200 start 279240 280240 forward 280280 282920 start 282960 283440 left 283480 284080 end 284120 284600 eye brows slightly lowered 279040 280320 start 280360 280640 raised 280680 281200 start 281240 281440 slightly lowered 281480 284600 eye gaze to addressee 279040 283240 right 283280 283800 to addressee 283840 284600 eye aperture start 279040 279440 slightly squinted 279480 280400 start 280440 280640 wide 280680 281240 start 281280 281440 slightly squinted 281480 284040 start 284080 284360 further squinted 284400 284600 nose start 284040 284320 wrinkle 284360 284600 POS Classifier 279200 279480 Pronoun 279600 279880 Pronoun 280320 280560 Noun 280680 281120 Verb 281280 281400 Verb 281480 281640 Noun 281840 282400 Noun 282480 282880 Classifier 283000 284040 Non-dominant POS Classifier 279200 279480 English translation Second, when you take shower, you will need to put your hand in plastic bag. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 62 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 284640 End frame: 288680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss #SO 284760 285000 part:indef 285240 286080 MUST 286240 286440 EXPLAIN 286640 287080 cl:5 "etc" 287160 287480 EVERYTHING 287680 287960 IX-1p 288120 288240 FINE 288320 288520 UNKNOWN 288560 288680 non-dominant hand gloss EVERYTHING 287680 287960 |> 288480 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 284640 285200 front 285240 287920 start 287960 288600 slightly front 288640 288680 head pos: turn start 284640 285120 right 285160 286080 start 286120 286440 left 286480 288680 head pos: tilt side slightly right 284640 285120 start 285160 286360 left 286400 287280 start 287320 288400 left 288440 288680 head pos: jut start 284640 285480 forward/right 285520 286120 start 286160 286400 back 286440 287760 start 287800 288480 back/left 288520 288680 head mvmt: nod start 286080 286440 rapid 286480 287280 start 287320 288360 single 288400 288640 end 288680 288680 body lean start 284640 285440 slightly forward 285480 286120 start 286160 286440 slightly forward 286480 288120 end 288160 288680 eye brows lowered 284640 285280 start 285320 285440 slightly raised 285480 286080 start 286120 286200 lowered 286240 288000 end 288040 288680 eye gaze left 284640 286840 to addressee 286880 288000 left 288040 288680 eye aperture squint 284640 285240 start 285280 286200 closed 286240 286760 start 286800 286840 further squinted 286880 287280 start 287320 287320 blink 287360 287720 start 287760 287760 squint 287800 288000 start 288040 288520 closed 288560 288680 nose wrinkle 284640 285320 start 285360 286240 wrinkle 286280 287920 end 287960 288680 POS Preposition 284760 285000 Particle 285240 286080 Verb 286240 286440 Verb 286640 287080 Classifier 287160 287480 Noun 287680 287960 Determiner 288120 288240 Verb 288320 288520 Non-dominant POS Noun 287680 287960 English translation He exlained everything and I said fine. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 63 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 288720 End frame: 291600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 288800 288960 FINALLY 289120 289240 ARRIVE 289360 289560 HOME 289680 290000 SEVEN-THIRTY 290160 290800 IX-1p 291040 291200 UNKNOWN 291320 291600 non-dominant hand gloss ARRIVE 289360 289560 |> 291240 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 288720 288800 start 288840 289040 back 289080 289600 start 289640 290000 front 290040 291000 start 291040 291400 slightly front 291440 291600 head pos: turn left 288720 288840 start 288880 289400 slightly right 289440 289680 start 289720 290600 slightly left 290640 290920 start 290960 291520 right 291560 291600 head pos: tilt side left 288720 288880 start 288920 289120 right 289160 289760 start 289800 290440 left 290480 290880 start 290920 291240 right 291280 291600 head pos: jut back/left 288720 288880 start 288920 289160 back/right 289200 289680 start 289720 291240 back 291280 291600 head mvmt: side to side start 288720 288960 single 289000 290000 end 290040 290440 body lean left 288720 289040 start 289080 290120 forward 290160 290880 end 290920 291600 eye brows start 291200 291560 lowered 291600 291600 eye gaze to addressee 288720 291600 eye aperture lowered lid 288720 288840 start 288880 291320 closed 291360 291600 POS Pronoun 288800 288960 Adverb 289120 289240 Verb 289360 289560 Noun 289680 290000 Number 290160 290800 Pronoun 291040 291200 Non-dominant POS Verb 289360 289560 English translation I finally arrived home at 7:30. Notes - number of character bytes: 26 - is number gloss correct? Utterance ID: 64 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 291640 End frame: 295640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss REALLY 291760 291840 IX-1p 291920 292000 MUST 292040 292080 SHOWER 292120 292280 IX-1p 292400 292480 WORK 292560 292760 ALL-DAY 292880 293160 PLUS 293320 293440 BLOOD 293560 294040 cl:5 "all over on the shirt" 294120 294480 EVERYWHERE 294600 295000 ON 295080 295240 IX-1p 295400 295640 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 291640 291760 start 291800 292040 front 292080 293520 start 293560 293920 front 293960 295320 end 295360 295640 head pos: turn right 291640 291720 start 291760 291960 slightly left 292000 292480 start 292520 293760 right 293800 294400 start 294440 294640 slightly left 294680 295200 start 295240 295560 slightly right 295600 295640 head pos: tilt side right 291640 291800 start 291840 292000 left 292040 293320 start 293360 293920 right 293960 294360 start 294400 294840 left 294880 295360 end 295400 295640 head pos: jut back 291640 295320 end 295360 295640 head mvmt: side to side start 291640 292000 rapid 292040 295400 end 295440 295640 body lean forward 291640 295400 end 295440 295640 eye brows lowered 291640 293040 start 293080 293360 slightly raised 293400 294080 start 294120 294440 lowered 294480 295640 eye aperture closed 291640 295640 nose start 291640 291800 wrinkle 291840 293080 start 293120 294360 wrinkle 294400 295640 POS Discourse Marker 291760 291840 Pronoun 291920 292000 Adverb 292040 292080 Noun 292120 292280 Determiner 292400 292480 Verb 292560 292760 Noun 292880 293160 Adjective 293320 293440 Noun 293560 294040 Classifier 294120 294480 Noun 294600 295000 Preposition 295080 295240 Pronoun 295400 295640 English translation Really, I have to take shower because I was working all day, and plus blood all over on me. Notes - number of character bytes: 44 - was his eyes actually closed all the way ? Utterance ID: 65 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 295680 End frame: 302840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss #SO 295760 295880 UNKNOWN 296080 296480 IX-1p 296600 296800 IN 296920 297160 SHOWER 297520 298040 UNKNOWN 298200 298280 IX-1p 298480 298840 UNKNOWN 299040 299160 IX-1p 299240 299320 cl:s "pulling on the object" 299480 300000 TWO 300400 300720 fs-BAGS 300840 301240 PULL-ON 301400 301960 #BE 302080 302240 SAFE 302360 302840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 295680 297560 front 297600 298240 start 298280 298640 back 298680 298920 start 298960 299360 front 299400 300160 start 300200 300640 slightly front 300680 302840 head pos: turn slightly right 295680 296600 start 296640 297560 left 297600 298240 start 298280 298920 slightly right 298960 299120 start 299160 299480 left 299520 299960 start 300000 300680 right 300720 302840 head pos: tilt side start 295680 295960 right 296000 296760 start 296800 297280 left 297320 298240 start 298280 298640 right 298680 299200 start 299240 299440 left 299480 300200 start 300240 300720 slightly right 300760 302640 end 302680 302840 head pos: jut start 295680 296120 slightly back 296160 297560 start 297600 298640 slightly back 298680 299160 start 299200 300480 back/right 300520 302840 head mvmt: nod start 295680 297400 single 297440 298240 start 298280 301200 slight rapid head nod 301240 302760 end 302800 302840 body lean start 295680 296920 back 296960 297320 start 297360 297920 forward 297960 298280 start 298320 299840 forward/left 299880 300200 start 300240 301320 slightly forward 301360 302320 end 302360 302840 eye brows lowered 295680 299320 start 299360 300400 lowered 300440 302840 eye gaze to addressee 297040 299040 left 299080 300120 to addressee 300160 302640 left 302680 302840 eye aperture closed 295680 296680 start 296720 297200 further squinted 297240 298240 start 298280 298280 blink 298320 298640 start 298680 298680 squint 298720 299360 start 299400 300360 squint 300400 302840 nose wrinkle 295680 298480 start 298520 300400 wrinkle 300440 302840 POS Preposition 295760 295880 Pronoun 296600 296800 Preposition 296920 297160 Noun 297520 298040 Pronoun 298480 298840 Pronoun 299240 299320 Classifier 299480 300000 Number 300400 300720 Noun 300840 301240 Verb 301400 301960 Verb 302080 302240 Adjective 302360 302840 English translation So I went in the shower and put two bags on my hand to be safe. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 66 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 302880 End frame: 307320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 302920 303120 WRAP 303200 303480 WITH 303600 303800 RUBBER 304000 304480 WRAP-AROUND 304720 305560 IX-1p 305840 305920 WALK 306080 306240 IN 306360 306480 SHOWER 306600 307280 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 302880 303520 start 303560 304520 front 304560 305880 start 305920 306200 front 306240 307320 head pos: turn slightly right 302880 302920 start 302960 303160 slightly left 303200 303560 start 303600 304360 right 304400 306200 start 306240 306880 slightly left 306920 307320 head pos: tilt side start 302880 303040 left 303080 303600 start 303640 304960 right 305000 306240 start 306280 306600 left 306640 307280 end 307320 307320 head pos: jut back/right 302880 302880 start 302920 303480 back/left 303520 303600 start 303640 304280 back/right 304320 305840 start 305880 306600 back 306640 307280 end 307320 307320 head mvmt: nod start 302880 304920 slow 304960 305800 start 305840 306560 slow 306600 307280 end 307320 307320 body lean forward 302880 305880 start 305920 306880 forward 306920 307320 eye brows lowered 302880 307320 eye gaze left 302880 302960 to addressee 303000 304760 left 304800 305120 to addressee 305160 307080 left 307120 307320 eye aperture lowered lid 302880 304800 start 304840 305000 blink 305040 305560 start 305600 305880 slightly squinted 305920 306960 end 307000 307320 nose wrinkle 302880 302920 start 302960 306320 wrinkle 306360 306920 end 306960 307320 POS Pronoun 302920 303120 Verb 303200 303480 Preposition 303600 303800 Noun 304000 304480 Verb 304720 305560 Pronoun 305840 305920 Verb 306080 306240 Preposition 306360 306480 Noun 306600 307280 English translation I wrapped around my hand with rubber band and walked into the shower. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 67 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 307360 End frame: 313840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-1p 307480 307760 UNKNOWN 307880 308400 WATER 308560 308920 cl:4 "running" 309120 309280 WASH 309360 310400 UNKNOWN 310480 310960 LEAVE 311120 311360 IX-3p 311520 311600 CAN-NOT 311680 311800 USE 311920 312080 IX-3p:i 312240 312520 IX-1p 312640 312800 part:indef 312960 313840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 307360 307400 start 307440 308520 front 308560 309440 start 309480 310120 back 310160 310800 start 310840 311040 front 311080 313680 end 313720 313840 head pos: turn slightly left 307360 307440 start 307480 310320 slightly left 310360 311240 start 311280 311680 slightly right 311720 312200 start 312240 312720 right 312760 313160 start 313200 313640 slightly left 313680 313720 end 313760 313840 head pos: tilt side start 307360 307760 right 307800 308680 start 308720 310160 left 310200 313200 end 313240 313840 head pos: jut start 307360 308600 forward 308640 309320 start 309360 309960 back/left 310000 313000 end 313040 313840 head mvmt: nod start 307360 307600 rapid 307640 308560 end 308600 309280 body lean forward 307360 307360 start 307400 307880 right 307920 308640 start 308680 309080 forward/right 309120 309400 start 309440 309920 back 309960 312840 end 312880 313840 eye gaze left 307360 308360 up 308400 309120 left 309160 309400 up 309440 310720 to addressee 310760 313840 eye aperture start 310480 311040 slightly lowered 311080 313840 POS Pronoun 307480 307760 Noun 308560 308920 Classifier 309120 309280 Verb 309360 310400 Verb 311120 311360 Pronoun 311520 311600 Negation 311680 311800 Verb 311920 312080 Pronoun 312240 312520 Determiner 312640 312800 Particle 312960 313840 English translation While water running, I had to leave my arm out since I could not use it. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 68 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 313880 End frame: 320120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-1p 313960 314040 SHAMPOO 314240 314640 fs-SHAMPOO 314840 315640 SHAMPOO 315720 316080 IX-1p 316280 316360 cl:5 "picking the object up" 316560 317320 cl:5 "dumping the object" 317480 318200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 313880 314320 front 314360 316600 start 316640 317040 back 317080 318240 start 318280 318760 front 318800 319520 head pos: turn start 313880 314400 slightly left 314440 314920 start 314960 315400 left 315440 316040 start 316080 317240 slightly left 317280 318200 start 318240 318760 slightly right 318800 319520 head pos: tilt side start 315720 316320 right 316360 317000 start 317040 317320 left 317360 318120 start 318160 318800 slightly right 318840 319520 head pos: jut start 318160 318640 slightly back 318680 319520 body lean start 313880 315320 slightly forward 315360 316320 start 316360 316680 right 316720 317160 end 317200 319520 eye brows start 313880 315160 lowered 315200 316080 end 316120 316360 eye gaze to addressee 313880 316400 left 316440 317000 up 317040 318280 down 318320 319520 eye aperture start 316280 316480 lowered lid 316520 316720 start 316760 318640 closed 318680 319520 POS Pronoun 313960 314040 Noun 314240 314640 Noun 314840 315640 Noun 315720 316080 Determiner 316280 316360 Classifier 316560 317320 Classifier 317480 318200 English translation I picked the shampoo and dump it on my hand. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 69 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 320160 End frame: 324920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss IX-1p 320360 320480 NOT 320560 320600 THINK 320680 321440 IX-3p:i 321680 321960 |> 322640 cl:5 "liquid all over" 322880 323640 IX-1p 323800 324000 part:indef 324120 324520 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 320160 320360 |> 324920 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 320160 321920 start 321960 322880 front 322920 324920 head pos: turn slightly right 320160 320520 start 320560 321440 slightly left 321480 323840 start 323880 324360 right 324400 324640 start 324680 324880 slightly left 324920 324920 head pos: tilt side right 320160 324680 end 324720 324920 head pos: jut slightly back 320160 324920 body lean slightly forward 320160 323560 start 323600 324120 right 324160 324920 eye gaze to addressee 320160 321600 left 321640 323000 to addressee 323040 324120 right 324160 324480 to addressee 324520 324920 eye aperture lowered lid 320160 323760 start 323800 323880 blink 323920 324160 start 324200 324200 slightly squinted 324240 324920 POS Pronoun 320360 320480 Negation 320560 320600 Verb 320680 321440 Pronoun 321680 321960 Classifier 322880 323640 Pronoun 323800 324000 Particle 324120 324520 English translation I was not thinking. The liquid was all over on my hand. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 70 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 324960 End frame: 327720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss cl:1 "walking over" 325080 325440 GET 325520 325720 ANOTHER 325840 326120 #BAG 326240 326640 cl:s "pulling over" 326760 327600 THEN 327680 327720 non-dominant hand gloss GET 325520 325720 |> 326200 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 324960 327720 head pos: turn start 324960 325040 left 325080 325560 start 325600 326160 slightly right 326200 327720 head pos: tilt side left 324960 327720 head pos: jut slightly back 324960 327720 body lean right 324960 325160 start 325200 326160 forward/left 326200 327720 eye gaze left 324960 325480 to addressee 325520 327720 eye aperture slightly squinted 324960 327720 POS Classifier 325080 325440 Verb 325520 325720 Noun 325840 326120 Noun 326240 326640 Classifier 326760 327600 Adverb 327680 327720 Non-dominant POS Verb 325520 325720 English translation I walked over and got another bag to put on my hand. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 71 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 327760 End frame: 330720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss cl:1 "walking back" 327840 328200 SHOWER 328400 329120 WASH 329360 329800 FEEL 329880 330040 GOOD 330120 330720 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 327760 329600 start 329640 329840 back 329880 330560 end 330600 330720 head pos: turn slightly right 327760 328880 start 328920 329400 left 329440 330280 end 330320 330720 head pos: tilt side slightly left 327760 327880 start 327920 328080 right 328120 329160 start 329200 329520 left 329560 330320 start 330360 330640 right 330680 330720 head pos: jut back 327760 330720 body lean left 327760 327880 start 327920 328200 right 328240 329160 start 329200 330040 back 330080 330600 end 330640 330720 eye gaze to addressee 327760 330720 eye aperture slightly squinted 327760 328960 start 329000 329120 closed 329160 329840 start 329880 329880 lowered lid 329920 330720 POS Classifier 327840 328200 Noun 328400 329120 Verb 329360 329800 Verb 329880 330040 Adjective 330120 330720 English translation I walked back in the shower and washed. I felt good. Notes - number of character bytes: 85 - last word: GOOD, is it proper gloss even if he did "THUMBS UP", is it gesture or?? Utterance ID: 72 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 330760 End frame: 336920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss #THEN 330840 331080 SAME 331480 331600 IX-1p 332040 332120 BED 332320 332960 ALL-NIGHT 333160 333320 READY 333440 333560 FOR 333680 333800 WORK 333880 334080 TODAY 334200 334400 ALL-DAY 334560 334920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 330760 331320 front 331360 333800 start 333840 334480 front 334520 336000 end 336040 336920 head pos: turn start 330760 331000 slightly left 331040 331520 start 331560 331720 left 331760 332040 start 332080 332480 right 332520 333720 start 333760 334200 left 334240 334920 start 334960 336200 slightly right 336240 336920 head pos: tilt side right 330760 331360 start 331400 331760 left 331800 332160 start 332200 333200 right 333240 333680 start 333720 334400 left 334440 334920 start 334960 336240 slightly right 336280 336920 head pos: jut back 330760 332360 start 332400 333960 slightly back 334000 334960 end 335000 336920 head mvmt: nod start 334400 334840 slight rapid head nod 334880 335640 end 335680 336240 body lean start 330760 331040 back/right 331080 332360 start 332400 333120 slightly forward 333160 333560 start 333600 334440 left 334480 335280 end 335320 336240 eye brows start 330760 331040 slightly raised 331080 334680 end 334720 334960 eye gaze to addressee 330760 336440 right 336480 336920 eye aperture lowered lid 330760 330760 start 330800 330800 blink 330840 332000 start 332040 332040 slightly squinted 332080 336920 POS Adverb 330840 331080 Adjective 331480 331600 Proper Noun 332040 332120 Noun 332320 332960 Noun 333160 333320 Adjective 333440 333560 Preposition 333680 333800 Verb 333880 334080 Noun 334200 334400 Noun 334560 334920 English translation Then, I went to bed all night to get ready for work all day today. Notes - number of character bytes: 0