SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: boston-la Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv4:boston-la Number of utterances: 83 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 5880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 360 960 COMPARE 1040 1480 TWO 1640 1720 DIFFERENT 1840 1960 CITY 2080 2520 fs-BOSTON 2640 3920 AND 4040 4280 ns-LA 4360 4960 cl:1 "two areas" 5080 5880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 240 back 280 680 start 720 1000 front 1040 2720 start 2760 3360 front 3400 4200 start 4240 5000 front 5040 5880 head pos: turn start 0 560 right 600 5880 head pos: tilt side start 0 400 slightly left 440 5880 head pos: jut start 0 400 slightly forward 440 1040 start 1080 2280 slightly back 2320 2640 start 2680 3960 slightly back 4000 4240 start 4280 4880 slightly back 4920 5880 head mvmt: nod start 1640 2000 single 2040 2640 start 2680 3280 single 3320 4120 end 4160 4800 eye brows start 0 720 lowered 760 5880 eye gaze to addressee 0 5880 eye aperture start 0 840 squint 880 5880 nose start 0 1000 tensed 1040 1800 start 1840 2320 wrinkle 2400 3800 start 3840 4960 wrinkle 5000 5880 POS Determiner 360 960 Verb 1040 1480 Number 1640 1720 Adverb 1840 1960 Noun 2080 2520 Proper Noun 2640 3920 Preposition 4040 4280 Proper Noun 4360 4960 Classifier 5080 5880 English translation I compared two different cities, Boston and Los Angelos. Notes - number of character bytes: 71 FMC CBD - FOR CL part (last word), not sure if it is correct, or IX-3p? Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 5880 End frame: 9680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p 5880 6080 REALLY 6120 6280 IX-1p 6400 6480 part:indef 6520 6800 BORN 6880 7280 IN 8160 8200 ns-BOSTON 8280 8840 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p 5880 6200 part:indef 6440 6800 GREW-UP 7600 8080 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 5880 5920 start 5960 6680 slightly back 6720 6880 start 6920 7240 front 7280 9080 end 9120 9680 head pos: turn right 5880 6280 start 6320 7000 left 7040 9120 start 9160 9520 right 9560 9680 head pos: tilt side slightly left 5880 6080 start 6120 7160 left 7200 8960 start 9000 9600 slightly right 9640 9680 head pos: jut slightly back 5880 5960 start 6000 6400 forward 6440 6920 start 6960 7240 back 7280 9040 end 9080 9680 head mvmt: nod start 5880 6920 single 6960 7720 start 7760 8600 single 8640 9320 end 9360 9680 eye brows lowered 5880 9680 eye gaze to addressee 5880 9680 eye aperture squint 5880 9680 nose wrinkle 5880 9680 POS Pronoun 5880 6080 Discourse Marker 6120 6280 Pronoun 6400 6480 Particle 6520 6800 Verb 6880 7280 Preposition 8160 8200 Proper Noun 8280 8840 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 5880 6200 Particle 6440 6800 Verb 7600 8080 English translation I was born and grew up in Boston. Notes - number of character bytes: 37 add index for IX-3p should be IX-3p:i Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 9680 End frame: 19720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 10000 10200 IX-1p 11120 11280 |> 11800 AFTER 12040 12560 fs-hs 12720 13080 IX-1p 13200 13280 GO 13360 13600 COLLEGE 13720 13920 ns-CSUN 14080 14880 CALIFORNIA 15080 15520 STATE 15640 15960 UNIVERSITY 16120 16320 ON 16480 16640 ns-NORTHRIDGE 16840 17960 IX-1p 18120 18440 GO 18480 18640 NINETY-SIX 18760 19280 non-dominant hand gloss ns-LA 11240 11720 |> 11960 COLLEGE 13720 13920 |> 15240 IX-3p 19160 19280 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 9680 17600 start 17640 18160 front 18200 19720 head pos: turn right 9680 10040 start 10080 11160 left 11200 11840 start 11880 12680 right 12720 14840 start 14880 15120 left 15160 15640 start 15680 16920 slightly right 16960 17680 start 17720 18440 left 18480 18760 start 18800 19200 right 19240 19720 head pos: tilt side slightly right 9680 9960 start 10000 10680 slightly left 10720 11800 start 11840 13200 slightly right 13240 14840 start 14880 15160 left 15200 15720 start 15760 16920 slightly right 16960 17840 start 17880 18440 slightly left 18480 18720 start 18760 19280 slightly right 19320 19720 head pos: jut start 9680 11000 back/left 11040 11920 start 11960 12720 back/right 12760 13880 start 13920 15160 slightly back 15200 17840 start 17880 18800 back 18840 19640 end 19680 19720 head mvmt: nod start 16120 16840 single 16880 17920 end 17960 18440 eye brows lowered 9680 16640 start 16680 18800 lowered 18840 19720 eye gaze to addressee 9680 19720 eye aperture squint 9680 9880 blink 9920 10280 start 10320 10680 squint 10720 17640 start 17680 17920 wide 17960 18520 start 18560 18760 squint 18800 19720 nose wrinkle 9680 15960 start 16000 18520 wrinkle 18560 19720 POS Discourse Marker 10000 10200 Pronoun 11120 11280 Preposition 12040 12560 Noun 12720 13080 Determiner 13200 13280 Verb 13360 13600 Noun 13720 13920 Proper Noun 14080 14880 Proper Noun 15080 15520 Proper Noun 15640 15960 Proper Noun 16120 16320 Preposition 16480 16640 Proper Noun 16840 17960 Determiner 18120 18440 Verb 18480 18640 Number 18760 19280 Non-dominant POS Proper Noun 11240 11720 Noun 13720 13920 Pronoun 19160 19280 English translation I went to LA after my high school in '96. I went to the college, Calfornia State University, CSUN, in Northridge. Notes - number of character bytes: 72 is ns-LA correct gloss?? (LEAVE?) what is the appropriate gloss for HS?? Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 19720 End frame: 28840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss REALLY 19920 20080 IX-1p 20160 20240 MANY 20400 20560 THING 20720 21040 COMPARE 21280 21520 IX-3p 21680 22040 SAME 22440 22680 FOR 22880 23040 EXAMPLE 23160 23440 FOOD 23640 24800 REALLY 24880 25080 IX-loc 25240 25360 fs-BOSTON 25520 26520 REALLY 26680 26880 DELICIOUS 27360 27680 BETTER 27880 28080 FOOD 28240 28840 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p 21680 22040 |> 22880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 19720 19720 start 19760 20680 front 20720 22120 start 22160 22960 slightly front 23000 23400 start 23440 26240 front 26280 28840 head pos: turn right 19720 20320 start 20360 21760 right 21800 22840 start 22880 23800 slightly right 23840 25320 start 25360 26720 slightly left 26760 27520 start 27560 27720 slightly right 27760 27960 end 28000 28840 head pos: tilt side slightly right 19720 22800 start 22840 23280 slightly left 23320 23560 start 23600 25360 slightly right 25400 26320 start 26360 26880 slightly left 26920 27360 start 27400 27680 slightly right 27720 28040 start 28080 28600 slightly left 28640 28840 head pos: jut start 19720 20360 back 20400 21280 start 21320 23720 forward/right 23760 25000 end 25040 28840 head mvmt: nod start 20160 21480 single 21520 22640 end 22680 23640 head mvmt: shake start 25600 26920 slow 26960 28360 end 28400 28840 body lean eye brows lowered 19720 22080 start 22120 22880 slightly raised 22920 25000 end 25040 26880 eye gaze to addressee 19720 28840 eye aperture squint 19720 20040 start 20080 20240 closed 20280 22040 squint 22080 23440 start 23480 26400 closed 26440 27640 end 27680 28840 nose wrinkle 19720 23440 end 23480 26520 POS Discourse Marker 19920 20080 Pronoun 20160 20240 Adjective 20400 20560 Noun 20720 21040 Verb 21280 21520 Pronoun 21680 22040 Adjective 22440 22680 Preposition 22880 23040 Noun 23160 23440 Noun 23640 24800 Discourse Marker 24880 25080 Pronoun 25240 25360 Proper Noun 25520 26520 Adverb 26680 26880 Verb 27360 27680 Adjective 27880 28080 Noun 28240 28840 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 21680 22040 English translation There are many things I could compare, like for an example, Boston's food is a lot better. They are more delicious. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 28840 End frame: 39120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss FOOD 28840 28880 REALLY 28960 29160 THINK 29480 29560 FIRST 29760 29840 fs-SEAFOOD 30200 31440 REALLY 31560 31600 NONE 31680 31840 COMPARE 31920 32440 "throw hand" 32560 32880 FIRST 33080 33160 SECOND 33360 33440 part:indef 33520 33640 MEAT 33840 34200 fs-FRESH 34680 35560 "thumbs up" 35720 36160 MORE 36360 36480 TASTE 37360 37880 ns-CALIFORNIA 38320 38480 MEAT 38720 38840 part:indef 39080 39120 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p 38240 38480 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 28840 28880 start 28920 29280 front 29320 29680 start 29720 31600 slightly front 31640 32920 start 32960 33160 back 33200 33720 start 33760 34560 front 34600 35720 start 35760 38240 front 38280 39120 head pos: turn start 28840 29480 slightly left 29520 29800 start 29840 30520 right 30560 31080 start 31120 31840 right 31880 32320 start 32360 33400 right 33440 36440 start 36480 38280 left 38320 38840 end 38880 39120 head pos: tilt side slightly left 28840 29040 start 29080 29480 right 29520 29800 start 29840 31560 right 31600 32440 start 32480 33400 right 33440 33840 start 33880 34840 left 34880 35640 start 35680 38280 slightly left 38320 38880 end 38960 39120 head pos: jut start 28840 29480 back 29520 29720 start 29760 31560 slightly back 31600 32760 start 32800 33400 forward/right 33440 33880 start 33920 35520 forward/right 35560 36440 start 36480 38400 back/left 38440 38760 start 38800 39080 back 39120 39120 head mvmt: nod start 33520 35560 rapid 35600 36400 end 36440 38320 head mvmt: shake start 29480 31640 single 31680 32760 start 32800 38680 rapid 38720 39120 eye brows start 28840 30120 raised 30160 31360 start 31400 31640 lowered 31680 32880 start 32920 34320 slightly raised 34360 36280 start 36320 38760 lowered 38800 39120 eye gaze to addressee 28840 29280 down 29320 29560 to addressee 29600 39120 eye aperture start 28840 29160 closed 29200 29520 start 29560 31400 squint 31440 36360 start 36400 38120 squint 38160 39120 nose start 33520 35640 tensed 35680 36400 start 36440 38840 wrinkle 38880 39120 negative neg 31680 32760 neg 38720 39120 POS Noun 28840 28880 Discourse Marker 28960 29160 Verb 29480 29560 Number 29760 29840 Noun 30200 31440 Discourse Marker 31560 31600 Negation 31680 31840 Verb 31920 32440 Number 33080 33160 Number 33360 33440 Particle 33520 33640 Noun 33840 34200 Adjective 34680 35560 Adjective 36360 36480 Verb 37360 37880 Proper Noun 38320 38480 Noun 38720 38840 Particle 39080 39120 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 38240 38480 English translation First of all, I think the seafood is nothing here compare to Boston. Second, the meat is more tasteful than California's meat. Notes - number of character bytes: 104 - is "throw hand" appropriate gloss for this gesture? - Is FIRST and SECOND correct gloss? Or is it CL?? Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 39080 End frame: 43120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss part:indef 39080 39320 NOT 39400 39440 GREAT 39560 39760 MAYBE 39920 40120 IX-3p 40200 40280 HAVE 40400 40480 BETTER 40560 40840 PRODUCT 41080 41320 FROM 41360 41480 COW 41640 41920 BRING 42120 42640 DON'T-KNOW 42720 43120 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 39080 39320 |> 39440 MAYBE 39920 40120 |> 40800 BRING 42120 42640 |> 43120 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 39080 39760 start 39800 40280 back 40320 41080 start 41120 41440 front 41480 43120 head pos: turn start 39080 39240 slightly left 39280 39360 start 39400 40360 left 40400 43120 head pos: tilt side slightly left 39080 39600 start 39640 39920 slightly right 39960 40040 start 40080 40920 left 40960 43120 head pos: jut slightly back 39080 39760 start 39800 40240 back 40280 40720 start 40760 41200 back/left 41240 43120 head mvmt: shake rapid 39080 39640 body lean start 39080 40000 slightly forward 40040 41560 end 41600 43120 eye brows lowered 39080 39520 start 39560 39800 raised 39840 42600 end 42640 43120 eye gaze to addressee 39080 43120 eye aperture squint 39080 39560 start 39600 39800 wide 39840 41480 end 41520 43120 nose wrinkle 39080 39720 start 39760 39920 tensed 39960 41320 end 41360 43000 negative neg 39080 39640 POS Particle 39080 39320 Negation 39400 39440 Adjective 39560 39760 Adverb 39920 40120 Pronoun 40200 40280 Adverb 40400 40480 Adjective 40560 40840 Noun 41080 41320 Preposition 41360 41480 Noun 41640 41920 Verb 42120 42640 Negation 42720 43120 Non-dominant POS Particle 39080 39320 Adverb 39920 40120 Verb 42120 42640 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 36 -not sure how to do the english part Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 43120 End frame: 52040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss DON'T-KNOW 43120 43160 THIRD 43600 44200 DIFFERENT 44680 44880 FRUIT 45040 45160 VEGETABLE 45440 45760 MORE 46120 46600 TASTE 47040 47200 fs-FRESH 47360 47760 IX-3p 48000 48160 GROW++ 48760 50240 IN 50680 50800 OUT-OF 51080 51560 ns-CALIFORNIA 51680 51800 BUT 52000 52040 non-dominant hand gloss BRING 43120 43160 |> 44440 DIFFERENT 44680 44880 |> 45680 MORE 46120 46600 |> 48120 IX-3p 51680 51800 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 43120 43600 start 43640 44880 slightly back 44920 47440 start 47480 50920 slightly front 50960 52040 head pos: turn left 43120 43440 start 43480 44160 right 44200 48160 start 48200 49400 left 49440 52040 head pos: tilt side left 43120 43480 start 43520 47200 slightly left 47240 51640 end 51680 52040 head pos: jut back/left 43120 43480 start 43520 44880 forward/right 44920 47160 start 47200 49440 back/left 49480 51800 end 51840 52040 eye brows start 43120 44680 slightly lowered 44720 48160 start 48200 51480 raised 51520 52040 eye gaze to addressee 43120 52040 eye aperture start 43120 43560 squint 43600 46120 start 46160 46400 closed 46440 47600 start 47640 47720 squint 47760 48760 start 48800 51400 wide 51440 52040 POS Negation 43120 43160 Number 43600 44200 Adjective 44680 44880 Noun 45040 45160 Noun 45480 45760 Adjective 46120 46600 Verb 47040 47200 Adjective 47360 47760 Pronoun 48000 48160 Verb 48760 50240 Preposition 50680 50800 Preposition 51080 51560 Proper Noun 51680 51800 Conjunction 52000 52040 Non-dominant POS Verb 43120 43160 Adjective 44680 44880 Adjective 46120 46600 Pronoun 51680 51800 English translation Third, they both have different fruits and vegetables. They have more tasteful and fresh because it was cropping out of California. Notes - number of character bytes: 116 NOTES FOR FRAN from CARLA: -DIFFERENT, I think its "PLUS", not different? -Same for BUT, its more likely "while" ?? Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 52000 End frame: 57200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUT 52000 52120 ns-CALIFORNIA 52320 52600 FARM 52840 53320 SYSTEM 53440 53840 IX-3p 53960 54240 MORE 54480 54560 SAME 54600 54760 OUTSIDE 54840 55520 IX-3p 55680 55880 INSIDE 56000 56360 fs-TOO 56480 56600 HOT 56640 57200 non-dominant hand gloss BUT 52000 52120 |> 52840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 52000 52360 front 52400 54160 start 54200 55600 front 55640 57200 head pos: turn left 52000 52800 start 52840 53680 right 53720 57200 head pos: tilt side start 52000 52040 slightly left 52080 52400 start 52440 54560 slightly left 54600 56600 end 56640 57200 head pos: jut start 52000 52520 forward/left 52560 52800 start 52840 55840 back/right 55880 56640 end 56680 57200 head mvmt: shake start 52000 53840 slight rapid headshake 53880 54440 end 54480 55520 eye brows raised 52000 52600 start 52640 55840 raised 55880 55960 start 56000 56240 slightly lowered 56280 57200 eye gaze to addressee 52000 57200 eye aperture wide 52000 52600 start 52640 53800 squint 53840 54560 start 54600 56080 squint 56120 57200 nose start 52000 52080 tensed 52120 52600 start 52640 56320 wrinkle 56360 57200 POS Conjunction 52000 52120 Proper Noun 52320 52600 Noun 52840 53320 Noun 53440 53840 Determiner 53960 54240 Adjective 54480 54560 Adjective 54600 54760 Noun 54840 55520 Determiner 55680 55880 Noun 56000 56360 Adjective 56480 56600 Adjective 56640 57200 Non-dominant POS Conjunction 52000 52120 English translation California's farm system is more outside because it is too hot to crop in the state. Notes - number of character bytes: 72 is that a fingerspelled "TOO"?? Add index for IX-3p (should be IX-3p:i) Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 57200 End frame: 64360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss OUTSIDE 57480 58040 STILL 58240 58440 UNKNOWN 58480 58840 IX-3p:i 58960 59120 fs-VERY 59280 59680 DRY 59880 60400 EASIER 60640 61000 TO 61080 61240 GROW 61320 61560 fs-CROPS 61680 62520 IN 62600 62760 ns-LA 62920 63280 AREA 63440 64120 non-dominant hand gloss UNKNOWN 58480 58840 |> 60120 GROW 61320 61560 |> 62480 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 57200 58320 start 58360 59040 slightly back 59080 60400 start 60440 62880 front 62920 63960 start 64000 64200 back 64240 64360 head pos: turn right 57200 59200 start 59240 62920 slightly left 62960 63360 start 63400 64040 right 64080 64360 head pos: tilt side start 57200 58000 left 58040 59040 start 59080 60920 slightly right 60960 61560 start 61600 63040 left 63080 63360 end 63400 64360 head pos: jut start 57200 58440 forward/right 58480 60040 start 60080 62920 slightly back 62960 63960 start 64000 64120 forward/right 64160 64360 head mvmt: nod start 61680 62680 single 62720 64080 end 64120 64360 eye brows slightly lowered 57200 57600 start 57640 57920 lowered 57960 64360 eye gaze to addressee 57200 64360 eye aperture squint 57200 64360 nose wrinkle 57200 60400 start 60440 61560 tensed 61600 63760 end 63840 64360 POS Noun 57480 58040 Adjective 58240 58440 Pronoun 58960 59120 Adjective 59280 59680 Adjective 59880 60400 Adjective 60640 61000 Preposition 61080 61240 Verb 61320 61560 Noun 61680 62520 Preposition 62600 62760 Proper Noun 62920 63280 Noun 63440 64120 Non-dominant POS Verb 61320 61560 English translation To crop outside of California is better because it is dry. It is easier to grow crops than in LA area. Notes - number of character bytes: 56 -UNKNOWN, its about sun .. but not sure how to gloss it? Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 64360 End frame: 71520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss #SO 64560 64680 part:indef 64880 65160 REALLY 65800 66080 part:indef 66200 66360 REALLY 66520 66680 cl:5 "list"++ 66880 67840 IX-3p:i 68000 68040 REALLY 68120 68240 ADMIT 68280 68720 ns-MEXICO 68800 69160 FOOD 69320 69600 BETTER 69720 69960 IN 70040 70160 ns-LA 70280 71120 part:indef 71440 71520 non-dominant hand gloss cl:5 "list"++ 66880 67840 |> 68120 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 64360 64800 start 64840 65000 front 65040 65360 start 65400 65960 back 66000 66760 start 66800 67280 front 67320 67840 start 67880 68000 back 68040 68240 start 68280 68960 front 69000 71520 head pos: turn right 64360 65360 start 65400 66000 left 66040 67840 start 67880 68120 slightly right 68160 71520 head pos: tilt side start 64360 65160 slightly left 65200 65600 start 65640 67360 left 67400 67880 start 67920 68040 right 68080 68560 start 68600 69760 right 69800 70160 start 70200 71320 right 71360 71520 head pos: jut forward/right 64360 65680 start 65720 66200 forward/left 66240 67360 start 67400 68040 slightly forward 68080 68240 start 68280 68560 back 68600 71520 head mvmt: nod start 64360 65000 single 65040 65680 end 65720 66080 eye brows lowered 64360 64680 start 64720 64920 lowered 64960 67840 start 67880 67920 raised 67960 68160 start 68200 68280 lowered 68320 71120 end 71160 71520 eye gaze to addressee 64360 65160 left 65200 67720 to addressee 67760 71520 eye aperture squint 64360 64800 closed 64840 65200 squint 65240 71120 start 71160 71320 blink 71360 71520 nose start 64360 64920 wrinkle 64960 67840 start 67880 68240 wrinkle 68280 71320 end 71360 71520 POS Discourse Marker 64560 64680 Particle 64880 65160 Discourse Marker 65800 66080 Particle 66200 66360 Discourse Marker 66520 66680 Classifier 66880 67840 Pronoun 68000 68040 Discourse Marker 68120 68240 Verb 68280 68720 Proper Noun 68800 69160 Noun 69320 69600 Adjective 69720 69960 Preposition 70040 70160 Proper Noun 70280 71120 Particle 71440 71520 Non-dominant POS Classifier 66880 67840 English translation So, I have to admit that Mexican food in LA is better. Notes - number of character bytes: 99 - the cl, I dont think its correct, how should I gloss that one (its definitely related to "LIST"). Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 71520 End frame: 75240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss part:indef 71520 71600 OF-COURSE 71720 71920 IX-3p 72000 72080 CLOSE 72160 72640 ns-MEXICO 72840 73200 fs-BORDER 73320 73960 BORDER 74040 74400 NEXT 74520 74880 part:indef 74960 75200 non-dominant hand gloss OF-COURSE 71720 71920 |> 72560 BORDER 74040 74400 |> 74880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 71520 75040 end 75080 75240 head pos: turn slightly right 71520 71880 start 71920 73320 right 73360 75240 head pos: tilt side right 71520 72120 start 72160 73840 slightly right 73880 75040 end 75080 75240 head pos: jut back 71520 73200 start 73240 73440 back/right 73480 74560 end 74600 75240 eye brows start 71520 72000 raised 72040 72600 start 72640 75080 raised 75120 75240 eye gaze to addressee 71520 75240 eye aperture slightly lowered 71520 71600 start 71640 72040 wide 72080 73960 start 74000 74960 squint 75000 75240 nose start 71520 71760 tensed 71800 74400 start 74440 75000 wrinkle 75040 75240 POS Particle 71520 71600 Pronoun 72000 72080 Adjective 72160 72640 Proper Noun 72840 73200 Noun 73320 73960 Noun 74040 74400 Adjective 74520 74880 Particle 74960 75200 Non-dominant POS Noun 74040 74400 English translation Of course, its because of live close to Mexico. The state border is next to each other. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 75240 End frame: 83522 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss part:indef 75240 75280 IX-1p 75360 75440 ns-BOSTON 75680 76000 NONE 76160 76360 ns-MEXICO 76680 76960 FOOD 77040 77240 IX-3p-arc 77360 77600 NOT 77720 77760 BAD 77880 78120 BUT 78240 78440 IX-1p 78560 78800 REALLY 78880 79000 POSS-1p 79080 79360 NOT-CARE 79440 79680 ABOUT 79800 79920 ns-MEXICO 79960 80360 FOOD 80520 80800 DELICIOUS 81160 81560 ADVANTAGE 81760 82160 part:indef 82240 82400 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 75240 75280 |> 75960 ns-MEXICO 76680 76960 |> 78040 BUT 78240 78440 |> 79160 ns-MEXICO 79960 80360 |> 80880 ADVANTAGE 81760 82160 |> 82520 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 75240 76400 front 76440 77560 start 77600 78040 slightly back 78080 78280 start 78320 78720 front 78760 79080 start 79120 80000 front 80040 83160 start 83200 83440 slightly back 83480 83522 head pos: turn right 75240 75280 start 75320 76680 left 76720 77560 start 77600 78320 left 78360 78960 start 79000 80120 left 80160 82400 start 82440 83320 right 83400 83522 head pos: tilt side start 75240 76320 left 76360 77760 start 77800 78320 slightly right 78360 79000 start 79040 79960 left 80000 82480 end 82520 83522 head pos: jut start 75240 78080 back/right 78120 79000 start 79040 79400 back 79440 79960 start 80000 81600 back/right 81640 82440 start 82480 83400 forward/right 83440 83522 eye brows raised 75240 76320 start 76360 76760 lowered 76800 80440 start 80480 83160 slightly lowered 83200 83522 eye gaze to addressee 75240 83522 eye aperture squint 75240 76960 start 77000 77200 closed 77240 78800 start 78840 78840 squint 78880 80800 closed 80840 81840 start 81880 82200 squint 82240 83522 nose wrinkle 75240 80800 start 80840 82440 wrinkle 82480 83522 POS Particle 75240 75280 Pronoun 75360 75440 Proper Noun 75680 76000 Negation 76160 76360 Proper Noun 76680 76960 Noun 77040 77240 Pronoun 77360 77600 Negation 77720 77760 Adjective 77880 78120 Conjunction 78240 78440 Pronoun 78560 78800 Discourse Marker 78880 79000 Pronoun 79080 79360 Negation 79440 79680 Adverb 79800 79920 Proper Noun 79960 80360 Noun 80520 80800 Adjective 81160 81560 Noun 81760 82160 Particle 82240 82400 Non-dominant POS Particle 75240 75280 Proper Noun 76680 76960 Conjunction 78240 78440 Proper Noun 79960 80360 Noun 81760 82160 English translation Boston's mexican food is not bad, but myself, I dont care about mexican food. I ate mexican food in LA because its really delicious. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 83421 End frame: 90720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss REALLY 84000 84200 IX-3p:i 84320 84560 CHICKEN 84800 85320 IX-3p:i 85640 85760 POSS-3p:i 86200 86320 FOOD 86480 86920 HAVE 87000 87120 fs-VERY 87280 87600 STRICT 87680 88080 ABOUT 88160 88320 FRUIT 88520 89120 VEGETABLE 89240 89680 POLICY 89800 90720 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 84920 85240 |> 86840 ABOUT 88160 88320 |> 89600 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 83421 83520 start 83560 84480 slightly front 84520 88400 start 88440 89200 back 89240 89680 start 89720 90040 slightly front 90080 90720 head pos: turn right 83421 86400 start 86440 87400 left 87440 88280 start 88320 90200 right 90240 90720 head pos: tilt side start 83421 84640 slightly left 84680 86240 start 86280 89320 slightly left 89360 90040 end 90080 90720 head pos: jut slightly forward 83421 83520 start 83560 86880 slightly back 86920 88320 start 88360 89080 forward 89120 89640 start 89680 90080 slightly back 90120 90360 end 90440 90720 eye brows slightly lowered 83421 86400 start 86440 86920 lowered 86960 90720 eye gaze to addressee 83421 90720 eye aperture squint 83421 83960 start 84000 84120 closed 84160 86440 start 86480 87000 squint 87040 87720 end 87760 89240 nose wrinkle 83421 86640 end 86680 88080 POS Discourse Marker 84000 84200 Pronoun 84320 84560 Noun 84800 85320 Determiner 85640 85760 Pronoun 86200 86320 Noun 86480 86920 Adverb 87000 87120 Adjective 87280 87600 Verb 87680 88080 Adverb 88160 88320 Noun 88520 89120 Noun 89240 89680 Noun 89800 90720 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 84920 85240 Adverb 88160 88320 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 40 -Im not sure how to do the english part. Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 90720 End frame: 96440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss POLICY 90720 90840 SAME 90960 91120 HAVE 91240 91440 ONE 91600 91880 SHEEP+ 92120 92640 fs-I 92720 93280 FIVE 93360 94160 IX-3p:i 94280 94440 HAVE 94520 94720 ONE 94800 94960 |> 95680 STOP 95920 96440 non-dominant hand gloss POLICY 90720 90840 |> 91600 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 90720 91000 start 91040 91200 slightly back 91240 91520 start 91560 91800 slightly front 91840 92800 start 92840 93320 front 93360 94400 start 94440 94680 front 94720 96440 head pos: turn right 90720 93280 start 93320 95680 right 95720 96440 head pos: jut start 90720 91960 slightly back 92000 95320 start 95360 95920 forward/right 95960 96440 head mvmt: nod slow 90720 92640 start 92680 93000 slow 93040 94280 end 94320 94720 eye brows lowered 90720 96440 eye gaze to addressee 90720 96440 eye aperture squint 90720 91520 start 91560 91640 closed 91680 92720 squint 92760 93360 start 93400 94960 squint 95000 96440 nose start 90720 91240 wrinkle 91280 95640 start 95680 96240 tensed 96280 96440 POS Noun 90720 90840 Adjective 90960 91120 Adverb 91240 91440 Number 91600 91880 Noun 92120 92640 Number 93360 94160 Pronoun 94280 94440 Adverb 94520 94720 Number 94800 94960 Verb 95920 96440 Non-dominant POS Noun 90720 90840 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 91 -I have no idea what hes talking about.. SHEEP is that what he said or???? - English part?? Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 96440 End frame: 100160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss STOP 96440 96680 |> 96880 MAKE 97000 97120 SURE 97200 97400 NONE 97520 97640 ONE 97680 97840 BRING 97920 98400 FRUIT 98560 98840 AND 98920 99040 VEGETABLE 99120 99440 FROM 99520 99720 ns-MEXICO 99800 100160 non-dominant hand gloss MAKE 97000 97120 |> 97440 BRING 97920 98400 |> 99120 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 96440 99800 start 99840 100040 slightly front 100080 100160 head pos: turn right 96440 97040 start 97080 99600 left 99640 100160 head pos: tilt side start 98560 99200 slightly left 99240 100160 head pos: jut start 96440 97240 forward 97280 97680 start 97720 99600 slightly back 99640 100160 eye brows lowered 96440 97000 start 97040 97040 slightly lowered 97080 99480 start 99520 99720 slightly raised 99760 100160 eye gaze to addressee 96440 100160 eye aperture squint 96440 97920 end 97960 99120 nose tensed 96440 97640 end 97680 98560 POS Verb 96440 96680 Verb 97000 97120 Adjective 97200 97400 Negation 97520 97640 Number 97680 97840 Verb 97920 98400 Noun 98560 98840 Preposition 98920 99040 Noun 99120 99440 Preposition 99520 99720 Proper Noun 99800 100160 Non-dominant POS Verb 97000 97120 Verb 97920 98400 English translation They will stop and make sure nobody would bring any fruit or vegetable from Mexico. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 100160 End frame: 106720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss #OR 100360 100480 ANYONE 100720 101200 ELSE 101360 101800 cl:5 "that area" 101880 102160 BECAUSE 102240 102640 IX-3p:i 102720 102760 fs-VERY 102800 103040 STRICT 103160 103440 WITH 103520 103720 CHEMICAL 103800 104480 MAKE 104600 104720 SURE 104840 105200 cl:5 "things" 105360 105920 WORK-OUT 106240 106720 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 100160 100480 start 100520 102120 front 102160 104560 start 104600 105040 front 105080 105680 start 105720 106640 slightly front 106680 106720 head pos: turn left 100160 102760 start 102800 103640 slightly right 103680 105480 start 105520 106200 left 106240 106720 head pos: tilt side slightly left 100160 102160 start 102200 105760 slightly left 105800 106720 head pos: jut back/left 100160 102160 start 102200 103440 forward/right 103480 105360 start 105400 106160 back/left 106200 106680 back 106720 106720 eye brows slightly raised 100160 100160 start 100200 100480 raised 100520 102080 start 102120 102480 lowered 102520 106720 eye gaze to addressee 100160 106720 eye aperture start 100160 100360 wide 100400 102160 start 102200 102720 squint 102760 106720 nose tensed 100160 102160 start 102200 106680 wrinkle 106720 106720 POS Preposition 100360 100480 Pronoun 100720 101200 Noun 101360 101800 Classifier 101880 102160 Preposition 102240 102640 Pronoun 102720 102760 Adjective 102800 103040 Verb 103160 103440 Adverb 103520 103720 Noun 103800 104480 Verb 104600 104720 Noun 104840 105200 Classifier 105360 105920 Verb 106240 106720 English translation Because, there is very strict with chemical issue, they had to make sure things would work out smooth. Notes - number of character bytes: 32 -cl:5 "things", is that correct? Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 106720 End frame: 110040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss SAME 106800 106880 IX-1p 107000 107160 LOOK 107320 107600 HERE 107760 108040 IX-1p 108240 108320 NEVER 108400 108520 HEAR 108600 108800 SOMETHING 108880 109280 SAME 109360 109640 THAT 109680 110040 non-dominant hand gloss HERE 107760 108040 |> 110040 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 106720 107280 start 107320 108240 front 108280 110040 head pos: turn left 106720 107000 start 107040 108080 left 108120 109280 start 109320 109680 slightly right 109720 110040 head pos: tilt side slightly left 106720 107160 start 107200 108200 left 108240 110040 body lean slightly forward 106720 107120 end 107160 107600 eye brows lowered 106720 106800 start 106840 107000 raised 107040 108040 start 108080 108240 lowered 108280 110040 eye gaze to addressee 106720 110040 eye aperture squint 106720 107000 blink 107040 107240 start 107280 107680 wide 107720 108120 start 108160 108280 squint 108320 110040 nose wrinkle 106720 107600 start 107640 108280 wrinkle 108320 110040 POS Adjective 106800 106880 Pronoun 107000 107160 Verb 107320 107600 Noun 107760 108040 Determiner 108240 108320 Negation 108400 108520 Verb 108600 108800 Noun 108880 109280 Adjective 109360 109640 Noun 109680 110040 Non-dominant POS Noun 107760 108040 English translation I have never heard of that kind of situation here in Boston. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 110040 End frame: 113640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss part:indef 110160 110280 REALLY 110360 110600 part:indef 110680 111040 IX-1p 111120 111200 LEARN 111400 111920 THAT 111960 112080 IN 112160 112320 ns-LA 112400 112840 IX-loc:i 112920 113240 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 110160 110280 |> 110640 part:indef 110680 111040 |> 112000 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 110040 113360 end 113400 113640 head pos: turn right 110040 113640 head pos: tilt side left 110040 113400 end 113440 113640 head pos: jut back/right 110040 112320 end 112360 113640 head mvmt: nod start 111960 112840 single 112880 113480 end 113520 113640 body lean start 112160 112880 forward 112920 113480 end 113520 113640 eye brows lowered 110040 110920 start 110960 111120 raised 111160 113640 eye gaze to addressee 110040 111080 left 111120 111320 to addressee 111360 113640 eye aperture squint 110040 110480 blink 110520 110920 start 110960 110960 squint 111000 113640 nose wrinkle 110040 113640 POS Particle 110160 110280 Discourse Marker 110360 110600 Particle 110680 111040 Pronoun 111120 111200 Verb 111400 111920 Noun 111960 112080 Preposition 112160 112320 Proper Noun 112400 112840 Pronoun 112920 113240 Non-dominant POS Particle 110160 110280 Particle 110680 111040 English translation Well, that is what I learned in LA. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 113640 End frame: 118120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss FINE 113920 114120 OTHER 114320 114560 THAN 114640 114840 FOOD 114920 115320 IX-1p 115360 115440 CAN 115520 115560 COMPARE 115640 115840 POSS-3p:i 116080 116440 ENVIRONMENT 116560 117640 non-dominant hand gloss POSS-3p:i 116080 116440 ENVIRONMENT 116560 117640 |> 118120 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 113640 114120 slightly back 114160 114560 start 114600 114960 front 115000 118120 head pos: turn slightly right 113640 113760 start 113800 114160 left 114200 114400 start 114440 114920 right 114960 118120 head pos: tilt side start 113640 114040 slightly right 114080 114480 start 114520 115160 left 115200 115840 start 115880 117000 left 117040 118120 head pos: jut start 113640 113800 slightly forward 113840 117640 end 117680 118120 eye brows raised 113640 118120 eye gaze to addressee 113640 114120 left 114160 114320 left 114360 118120 eye aperture squint 113640 118120 nose wrinkle 113640 118120 POS Verb 113920 114120 Adjective 114320 114560 Conjunction 114640 114840 Noun 114920 115320 Determiner 115360 115440 Verb 115520 115560 Verb 115640 115840 Pronoun 116080 116440 Noun 116560 117640 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 116080 116440 Noun 116560 117640 English translation Other than food I could compare, it is the environmental. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 118120 End frame: 123640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 118280 118480 OF-COURSE 118880 119200 fs-BOSTON 119360 120240 IX-loc:i 120320 120440 HAVE 120600 120840 FOUR 120920 121080 DIFFERENT 121160 121440 fs-SEASONS 121600 122800 part:indef 123120 123480 non-dominant hand gloss DIFFERENT 121160 121440 |> 122560 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 118120 118280 start 118320 120600 front 120640 122800 end 122840 123640 head pos: turn slightly right 118120 118200 start 118240 119560 slightly left 119600 120360 start 120400 120920 right 120960 123640 head pos: tilt side slightly left 118120 118240 start 118280 118760 right 118800 119160 start 119200 119720 left 119760 120400 start 120440 122840 slightly right 122880 123400 end 123440 123640 head pos: jut start 118120 118760 back 118800 120320 start 120360 121280 forward 121320 122840 end 122880 123640 body lean start 119360 120320 slightly forward 120360 122840 end 122880 123640 eye brows slightly raised 118120 119160 start 119200 119320 raised 119360 120240 start 120280 123400 raised 123440 123640 eye gaze to addressee 118120 123640 eye aperture squint 118120 118880 start 118920 119200 wide 119240 121080 end 121120 123360 nose wrinkle 118120 118440 end 118480 120240 POS Discourse Marker 118280 118480 Proper Noun 119360 120240 Pronoun 120320 120440 Adverb 120600 120840 Number 120920 121080 Adjective 121160 121440 Noun 121600 122800 Particle 123120 123480 Non-dominant POS Adjective 121160 121440 English translation Of course, Boston have four different seasons. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 123640 End frame: 127348 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss WHILE 123840 124040 ns-LA 124120 124480 MAYBE 124600 124720 HAVE 124800 124960 ONE 125040 125240 #OR 125320 125440 TWO 125520 125760 FINISH 125880 126160 |> 126920 part:indef 127000 127240 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 123640 123800 back 123840 124320 start 124360 125760 front 125800 126160 start 126200 127040 slightly front 127080 127280 end 127320 127348 head pos: turn right 123640 126240 end 126360 127348 head pos: tilt side start 124600 124960 slightly right 125000 126160 end 126200 127348 head pos: jut start 125520 126920 slightly forward 126960 127348 body lean start 125040 125880 slightly forward 125920 127040 end 127080 127348 eye brows raised 123640 124120 start 124160 127120 slightly lowered 127160 127348 eye gaze to addressee 123640 127348 eye aperture start 123640 124560 squint 124600 127348 nose start 125880 127120 wrinkle 127160 127348 POS Noun 123840 124040 Proper Noun 124120 124480 Adverb 124600 124720 Adverb 124800 124960 Number 125040 125240 Preposition 125320 125440 Number 125520 125760 Verb 125880 126160 Particle 127000 127240 English translation While in LA, they only have one or two seasons. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 127348 End frame: 139320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss FINE 127480 127960 IX-loc:i 128200 128320 ns-LA 128440 129080 EVERYDAY 129200 129720 UP-TO-NOW 129800 129880 TEND 130080 130360 part:indef 130520 131400 75++ 131560 132240 80 132320 133040 DEGREE 133080 133120 EVERYDAY 133200 133640 cl:5 "flat" 133920 134760 part:indef 134920 135040 SUN 135880 136440 fs-DRY 136880 137680 part:indef 138080 138520 SIMPLE 138600 139320 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 127348 127800 slightly back 127840 127920 start 127960 130440 slightly front 130480 132320 start 132360 133840 front 133880 135520 start 135560 135960 front 136040 139320 head pos: turn start 127348 127360 right 127400 127960 start 128000 128360 slightly right 128400 129800 start 129840 130480 slightly right 130520 137440 start 137480 138360 left 138400 139320 head pos: tilt side start 127348 130360 right 130400 130920 start 130960 135880 left 135920 136400 start 136440 137000 right 137040 137480 start 137520 138360 right 138400 139320 head pos: jut forward 127348 127720 start 127760 129840 back 129880 131600 start 131640 134440 forward 134480 135880 start 135920 138360 slightly back 138400 139320 head mvmt: side to side start 129800 130280 slow 130320 132320 end 132360 133120 body lean start 129800 130920 slightly forward 130960 137400 end 137440 139320 eye brows slightly lowered 127348 127880 start 127920 128240 raised 128280 129560 start 129600 129760 lowered 129800 130360 start 130400 139240 raised 139280 139320 eye gaze to addressee 127348 127840 left 127880 128120 to addressee 128160 131120 left 131160 131400 to addressee 131440 134960 left 135000 135360 to addressee 135400 139320 eye aperture squint 127348 130280 start 130320 139280 wide 139320 139320 nose wrinkle 127348 130280 end 130320 132400 POS Verb 127480 127960 Pronoun 128200 128320 Proper Noun 128440 129080 Noun 129200 129720 Verb 130080 130360 Particle 130520 131400 Number 131560 132200 Number 132320 133040 Noun 133080 133120 Noun 133200 133640 Classifier 133920 134760 Particle 134920 135040 Noun 135880 136440 Adjective 136880 137680 Particle 138080 138520 Adjective 138600 139320 English translation Theres 75 to 80s degree with sunny and dry weather everyday here in LA since when I moved here. Notes - number of character bytes: 37 -SUN part, Not sure if its CL or not? Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 139320 End frame: 148240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUT 139480 139560 HERE 139640 140080 REALLY 140160 140320 UNPREDICT 140400 141400 WEATHER 141480 142040 CAN 142280 142760 #BE 142920 143240 RAIN 143400 143880 CAN 143960 144360 #BE 144480 144720 part:indef 144880 145520 HOT 146280 146840 COLD 147040 147600 COOL 147680 148240 non-dominant hand gloss CAN 142280 142760 |> 143240 CAN 143960 144360 |> 144680 part:indef 144880 145520 |> 146880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 139320 144280 start 144320 145480 front 145520 148240 head pos: turn right 139320 139600 start 139640 140840 left 140880 141280 start 141320 143200 slightly left 143240 143520 start 143560 143880 right 143920 144680 start 144720 145160 left 145200 145480 start 145520 146120 slightly right 146160 146800 start 146840 147240 slightly left 147280 147600 start 147640 147880 slightly right 147920 148240 head pos: tilt side slightly left 139320 139680 start 139720 140160 right 140200 140560 start 140600 140920 left 140960 141880 start 141920 142960 left 143000 143800 start 143840 144320 right 144360 144640 start 144680 145160 left 145200 145520 start 145560 146160 right 146200 146600 start 146640 146960 left 147000 147560 start 147600 147920 right 147960 148240 head pos: jut back 139320 140280 start 140320 143240 forward 143280 143840 start 143880 144720 back 144760 145480 start 145520 146160 forward 146200 146720 start 146760 147000 forward 147040 148240 head mvmt: side to side start 139320 140200 slow 140240 141920 start 141960 143480 slow 143520 148240 body lean start 139320 141280 forward 141320 142080 start 142120 143520 forward 143560 144000 start 144040 146600 forward 146640 146800 start 146840 147040 forward 147080 147560 start 147600 147920 forward 147960 148240 eye brows raised 139320 139680 end 139720 148240 eye gaze to addressee 139320 144640 left 144680 144840 up/left 144880 145440 to addressee 145480 146440 left 146480 146840 to addressee 146880 148240 eye aperture wide 139320 139720 end 139760 142040 POS Conjunction 139480 139560 Noun 139640 140080 Adverb 140160 140320 Verb 140400 141400 Noun 141480 142040 Verb 142280 142760 Verb 142920 143240 Noun 143400 143880 Verb 143960 144360 Verb 144480 144720 Particle 144880 145520 Adjective 146280 146840 Adjective 147040 147600 Adjective 147680 148240 Non-dominant POS Verb 142280 142760 Verb 143960 144360 Particle 144880 145520 English translation But here in Boston, it is unpredict weather, it can be raining, hot, cold or cool. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 148240 End frame: 153920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss COOL 148240 148600 REALLY 148720 148920 MANY 149040 149560 ONE 150960 151040 THING 151120 151240 IX-1p 151360 151440 NOTICE 151520 152160 SAME 153120 153480 part:indef 153600 153920 non-dominant hand gloss COOL 148240 148600 |> 148920 VARY 149200 149560 |> 150960 IX-loc:i 152720 152840 |> 153440 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 148240 148360 start 148400 149200 front 149240 149960 start 150000 151200 slightly back 151240 153080 end 153120 153680 head pos: turn right 148240 149080 start 149120 149680 left 149720 150000 start 150040 151040 slightly right 151080 151440 start 151480 152360 slightly right 152400 153200 start 153240 153720 slightly left 153760 153920 head pos: tilt side slightly right 148240 148360 start 148400 148600 left 148640 150000 start 150040 151760 slightly left 151800 152840 start 152880 153480 left 153520 153920 head pos: jut start 150960 151160 back 151200 153920 body lean slightly forward 148240 148440 end 148480 148720 eye brows start 148240 148760 lowered 148800 150000 start 150040 150960 raised 151000 153920 eye gaze to addressee 148240 153920 eye aperture start 148240 148800 closed 148840 150160 start 150200 151120 wide 151160 153920 nose start 148240 148840 tensed 148880 151000 start 151040 153480 wrinkle 153520 153920 POS Adjective 148240 148600 Discourse Marker 148720 148920 Adjective 149040 149560 Number 150960 151040 Noun 151120 151240 Determiner 151360 151440 Verb 151520 152160 Adjective 153120 153480 Particle 153600 153920 Non-dominant POS Adjective 148240 148600 Verb 149200 149560 Pronoun 152720 152840 English translation There is vary weathers in Boston, but one thing I notice... Notes - number of character bytes: 81 -English sentence was not completed because he didnt really "finish his sentence" Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 153920 End frame: 158960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-3p:i 154320 154400 FALL 154920 155360 fs-SEASON 155520 156080 SAME 156120 156280 IN 156400 156560 fs-SEPT 156640 157240 |> 157880 HERE 158040 158240 ns-BOSTON 158400 158800 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 155520 156160 front 156200 158680 end 158720 158960 head pos: turn slightly left 153920 153920 start 153960 154480 right 154520 156760 start 156800 157680 slightly left 157720 157800 start 157840 158720 left 158760 158960 head pos: tilt side slightly left 153920 153960 start 154000 154480 slightly right 154520 154960 start 155000 156120 right 156160 156680 end 156720 158960 head pos: jut back 153920 157240 end 157280 158960 eye brows raised 153920 153960 start 154000 154400 lowered 154440 158040 end 158080 158960 eye gaze to addressee 153920 158960 eye aperture wide 153920 154120 start 154160 154440 squint 154480 157880 end 157920 158960 nose start 153920 154400 wrinkle 154440 158040 end 158080 158960 POS Pronoun 154320 154400 Noun 154920 155360 Noun 155520 156080 Adjective 156120 156280 Preposition 156400 156560 Noun 156640 157240 Noun 158040 158240 Proper Noun 158400 158800 English translation In fall season, like in September period, here in Boston. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 158960 End frame: 165880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 159040 159120 UNKNOWN 159200 159280 NOTICE 159600 160040 LEAVE 160160 160600 CHANGE 160720 160960 COLOR 161120 162200 SOME 162360 162560 START 162640 162760 #TO 162800 162920 FALL++ 163200 164160 REALLY 164200 164320 GREEN 164400 164600 GRASS 164680 165000 GREEN 165080 165560 PERFECT 165680 165880 non-dominant hand gloss FALL++ 163200 164160 |> 164640 IX-loc:i 164800 165120 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 158960 160160 front 160200 161120 start 161160 163720 front 163760 165120 end 165160 165880 head pos: turn left 158960 160960 start 161000 162840 right 162880 165880 head pos: tilt side start 158960 159960 left 160000 160680 start 160720 161200 right 161240 161720 start 161760 163800 slightly left 163840 165880 head pos: jut start 158960 160200 forward/left 160240 161000 start 161040 163320 slightly forward 163360 164320 start 164360 164560 slightly back 164600 164840 end 164880 165880 body lean start 158960 160240 slightly forward 160280 161680 start 161720 163720 slightly forward 163760 165280 end 165320 165880 eye brows start 162360 163160 slightly raised 163200 165080 end 165120 165880 eye gaze to addressee 158960 164400 down 164440 164680 to addressee 164720 165880 eye aperture start 160160 162320 squint 162360 164360 start 164400 164560 further lowered 164600 164680 start 164720 164840 squint 164880 165880 POS Determiner 159040 159120 Verb 159600 160040 Noun 160160 160600 Verb 160720 160960 Noun 161120 162200 Adjective 162360 162560 Verb 162640 162760 Preposition 162800 162920 Verb 163200 164160 Adjective 164200 164320 Adjective 164400 164600 Noun 164680 165000 Adjective 165080 165560 Adjective 165680 165880 Non-dominant POS Verb 163200 164160 Pronoun 164800 165120 English translation I would notice once when the leaves change color, and some start to fall off and grass is really green. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 165880 End frame: 172480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss PERFECT 165880 166000 BUT 166120 166240 IN 166320 166440 ns-LA 166560 166960 IX-loc:i 167080 167360 FALL 167480 167920 STILL 168120 168200 LOOK 168280 168360 SAME 168440 168520 SUMMER 168600 169320 REALLY 169400 169600 STILL 169960 170080 HOT 170160 170640 STILL 170840 170880 fs-VERY 171040 171160 HOT 171440 171960 part:indef 172120 172480 non-dominant hand gloss STILL 169960 170080 |> 170800 STILL 170840 170880 |> 172000 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 165880 167160 front 167200 171120 start 171160 172320 front 172360 172480 head pos: turn right 165880 171120 end 171160 172480 head pos: tilt side slightly left 165880 168280 start 168320 170080 left 170120 171200 start 171240 171240 slightly left 171280 172480 head pos: jut start 165880 167120 back 167160 168560 start 168600 172280 slightly back 172320 172480 head mvmt: shake start 167480 168520 slight rapid headshake 168560 169520 end 169560 170080 body lean start 168600 170360 slightly forward 170400 171200 end 171240 172480 eye brows start 165880 166120 raised 166160 167360 start 167400 168000 lowered 168040 172480 eye gaze to addressee 165880 171800 left 171840 172120 to addressee 172160 172480 eye aperture squint 165880 167240 start 167280 167440 wide 167480 167720 start 167760 168080 squint 168120 172480 nose start 167080 168000 wrinkle 168040 172480 POS Adjective 165880 166000 Conjunction 166120 166240 Preposition 166320 166440 Proper Noun 166560 166960 Determiner 167080 167360 Noun 167480 167920 Adjective 168120 168200 Verb 168280 168360 Adjective 168440 168520 Noun 168600 169320 Discourse Marker 169400 169600 Adjective 169960 170080 Adjective 170160 170640 Adjective 170840 170880 Adjective 171040 171160 Noun 171440 171960 Particle 172120 172480 Non-dominant POS Adjective 169960 170080 Adjective 170840 170880 English translation It is perfect, but fall season in LA, it still looks same as summer season. It is still very hot. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 172480 End frame: 181720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss part:indef 172480 172760 GRASS 173040 173320 IX-loc:i 173520 173720 LITTLE-BIT 173840 174120 BROWN 174200 175040 part:indef 175360 175760 OF-COURSE 175800 176080 TOO 176320 176480 MUCH 176600 176800 fs-SUN 176960 177200 SUN 177400 177880 NONE 177960 178120 ENOUGH 178400 178800 RAIN 178880 179000 TO 179120 179200 FEED+ 179320 180000 FLOWER 180080 180520 PLANT++ 180880 181560 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 172480 172760 |> 175040 FEED+ 179320 180000 |> 180520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 172480 173640 start 173680 176360 slightly front 176400 176640 start 176680 177240 front 177280 181720 head pos: turn start 172480 173040 left 173080 173400 start 173440 174800 right 174840 181000 start 181040 181600 left 181640 181720 head pos: tilt side left 172480 174200 start 174240 176320 right 176360 177200 start 177240 178680 slightly left 178720 180240 start 180280 180600 right 180640 181040 start 181080 181560 left 181600 181720 head pos: jut slightly back 172480 173000 start 173040 173680 slightly forward 173720 174000 start 174040 175600 back 175640 178120 start 178160 180600 forward 180640 181040 end 181080 181720 body lean start 172480 173160 slightly forward 173200 174080 start 174120 180200 slightly forward 180240 180680 end 180720 181720 eye brows lowered 172480 175800 start 175840 177240 raised 177280 177920 end 177960 179000 eye gaze to addressee 172480 172760 left 172800 173480 to addressee 173520 181720 eye aperture squint 172480 176760 start 176800 177280 wide 177320 178120 start 178160 180480 squint 180520 181720 nose wrinkle 172480 175800 start 175840 181600 wrinkle 181640 181720 POS Particle 172480 172760 Noun 173040 173320 Determiner 173520 173720 Adjective 173840 174120 Adjective 174200 175040 Particle 175360 175760 Adverb 176320 176480 Adjective 176600 176800 Noun 176960 177200 Noun 177400 177880 Negation 177960 178120 Adjective 178400 178800 Noun 178880 179000 Preposition 179120 179200 Verb 179320 180000 Noun 180080 180520 Noun 180880 181560 Non-dominant POS Particle 172480 172760 Verb 179320 180000 English translation The grass is a little bit brownish because of too much sun, not enough rain to feed the flowers and plants. Notes - number of character bytes: 35 -SECOND SUN, it should be CL right? Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 181720 End frame: 192400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss part:indef 182560 182840 IN 183600 183960 UNKNOWN 184120 184240 OF-COURSE 184400 184720 fs-DEC 184880 185200 HERE 185280 185560 FUTURE 185680 185800 START 185880 186000 SNOW 186080 186760 BECOME 187160 187360 MORE 187480 187640 COLD 187800 188440 LEAVE 188760 189160 FALL++ 189360 189920 TREE 190040 190280 EMPTY 190720 190960 cl:3 "quotation" 191040 191320 NAKE 191440 191800 TREE 191880 192400 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 181720 182120 start 182160 183840 back 183880 184520 start 184560 185680 front 185720 186960 start 187000 187520 front 187560 188040 start 188080 189280 front 189320 192400 head pos: turn left 181720 182160 start 182200 183800 slightly right 183840 185200 start 185240 185520 left 185560 186680 start 186720 187400 right 187440 189600 start 189640 190760 left 190800 192400 head pos: tilt side slightly left 181720 182040 start 182080 186760 slightly right 186800 187280 end 187320 190280 head pos: jut start 181720 182160 forward/left 182200 182320 start 182360 184440 back 184480 185520 start 185560 185760 forward 185800 186200 start 186280 188360 slightly back 188400 189160 start 189200 189560 forward 189600 190880 start 190920 191240 slightly back 191280 191840 end 191880 192400 head mvmt: nod start 181720 182080 single 182120 182600 start 182640 185920 single 185960 186920 start 186960 187760 single 187800 188840 start 188880 189320 single 189400 190960 end 191000 191320 body lean start 181720 182080 forward 182120 182760 start 182800 185680 forward 185720 186880 start 186920 187600 forward 187640 188600 start 188640 189880 forward 189920 191040 end 191080 191320 eye brows start 181720 182800 raised 182840 185240 start 185280 185560 lowered 185600 185640 end 185680 187360 eye gaze to addressee 181720 192400 eye aperture squint 181720 182600 start 182640 182800 wide 182840 185240 start 185280 185560 squint 185600 192400 nose wrinkle 181720 185600 end 185640 186000 POS Particle 182560 182840 Preposition 183600 183960 Noun 184880 185200 Pronoun 185280 185560 Tense Marker 185680 185800 Verb 185880 186000 Noun 186080 186760 Verb 187160 187360 Adjective 187480 187640 Adjective 187800 188440 Noun 188760 189160 Noun 189360 189920 Noun 190040 190280 Adjective 190720 190960 Classifier 191040 191320 Adjective 191440 191800 Noun 191880 192400 English translation In December, there would have start snowing, colder and trees are naked because of no leaves. Notes - number of character bytes: 40 - right cl? - Whats pos for "OF-COURSE"? Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 192400 End frame: 199600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss TREE 192400 192760 part:indef 193040 193160 IX-loc:i 193240 193480 ns-LA 193600 194080 COLD 194520 195120 REALLY 195200 195280 LITTLE-BIT 195400 195880 cl:5 "lower" 196000 196840 COOLER 197000 197560 BUT 197680 197880 STILL 197960 198240 HOT 198360 199080 cl:3 "quotation" 199280 199600 non-dominant hand gloss COLD 194520 195120 |> 196920 STILL 197960 198240 |> 199160 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 192400 192440 start 192480 195440 back 195480 197400 start 197440 198440 front 198480 198760 end 198800 199600 head pos: turn left 192400 192520 start 192560 193440 right 193480 193720 start 193760 194520 slightly left 194560 196000 start 196040 197880 right 197920 199600 head pos: tilt side start 192400 193680 left 193720 196960 start 197000 198800 slightly left 198840 199600 head pos: jut slightly back 192400 193080 start 193120 193360 forward/right 193400 193720 start 193760 194440 slightly back 194480 194840 start 194880 195360 back 195400 197960 start 198000 199280 forward/right 199320 199600 body lean start 195200 196400 forward 196440 197400 start 197440 198600 forward 198640 199440 end 199480 199600 eye brows start 192400 193200 raised 193240 194560 start 194600 194960 lowered 195000 195120 start 195160 197720 lowered 197760 198360 end 198400 199600 eye gaze to addressee 192400 199600 eye aperture squint 192400 193080 start 193120 193360 wide 193400 194800 start 194840 194880 squint 194920 195040 closed 195080 199600 nose start 192400 194480 tensed 194520 197640 start 197680 197840 wrinkle 197880 199600 POS Noun 192400 192760 Particle 193040 193160 Pronoun 193240 193480 Proper Noun 193600 194080 Noun 194520 195120 Discourse Marker 195200 195280 Adjective 195400 195880 Classifier 196000 196840 Adjective 197000 197560 Conjunction 197680 197880 Adjective 197960 198240 Adjective 198360 199080 Classifier 199280 199600 Non-dominant POS Noun 194520 195120 Adjective 197960 198240 English translation In LA, it would get cooler a little bit, but at same time it is still hot. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 199600 End frame: 208000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss #TO 200120 200280 MOST 200440 200600 #OF 200680 200720 IX-3p-arc 200800 200960 IN 201040 201120 ns-BOSTON 201240 201440 ns-BOSTONIAN 201640 202280 IX-3p-arc 202440 202560 STILL 202640 202720 HOT 202880 203120 IN 203200 203360 ns-LA 203480 204040 part:indef 204560 205400 STILL 205480 205680 70 206160 206320 75 206840 207000 EVERYDAY 207200 208000 non-dominant hand gloss MOST 200440 200600 |> 200920 ns-BOSTONIAN 201640 202280 |> 202560 STILL 205480 205680 |> 206920 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 199600 203760 start 203800 204440 back 204480 205240 start 205280 205440 front 205480 208000 head pos: turn right 199600 202000 start 202040 203000 left 203040 203680 start 203720 204440 right 204480 205040 start 205080 205560 slightly left 205600 206040 start 206080 207080 slightly left 207120 208000 head pos: tilt side left 199600 201280 start 201320 201680 slightly right 201720 202080 start 202120 205320 slightly left 205360 208000 head pos: jut start 199600 200360 back/right 200400 202160 start 202200 203400 forward/left 203440 203760 start 203800 205040 back/right 205080 205200 start 205240 205240 back 205280 207440 end 207480 208000 body lean start 202440 203280 forward 203320 203920 start 203960 207120 forward 207160 208000 eye brows start 201040 201480 lowered 201520 202400 start 202440 206840 slightly lowered 206880 207280 end 207320 208000 eye gaze to addressee 199600 204760 up/right 204800 205240 to addressee 205280 205280 left 205320 205800 to addressee 205840 208000 eye aperture closed 199600 200160 start 200200 200200 squint 200240 204560 start 204600 206880 squint 206920 208000 nose wrinkle 199600 200240 start 200280 201600 wrinkle 201640 202440 start 202480 206760 wrinkle 206800 207280 end 207320 208000 POS Preposition 200120 200280 Adjective 200440 200600 Preposition 200680 200720 Pronoun 200800 200960 Preposition 201040 201120 Proper Noun 201240 201440 Proper Noun 201640 202280 Pronoun 202440 202560 Adjective 202640 202720 Adjective 202880 203120 Preposition 203200 203360 Proper Noun 203480 204040 Particle 204560 205400 Adjective 205480 205680 Number 206160 206360 Number 206840 207000 Noun 207200 208000 Non-dominant POS Adjective 200440 200600 Proper Noun 201640 202280 Adjective 205480 205680 English translation Most bostonian who are in LA still feel like hot, its 70 to 75 degrees. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 208000 End frame: 214480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SUN 208400 208760 STILL 208880 208920 BUT 208960 209120 NIGHT 209240 210040 part:indef 210280 211000 LITTLE-BIT 211080 211280 MORE 211360 211480 COOLER 211560 212280 UNKNOWN 212440 212680 part:indef 213520 214040 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 208000 208560 start 208600 209160 slightly back 209200 211560 start 211600 212080 front 212120 212440 start 212480 212680 back 212720 213360 end 213400 214480 head pos: turn slightly left 208000 208240 start 208280 208880 right 208920 213240 start 213280 213920 left 213960 214480 head pos: tilt side slightly left 208000 208040 start 208080 210480 left 210520 213400 end 213440 214480 head pos: jut start 208000 210240 forward/right 210280 213360 end 213400 214480 head mvmt: nod start 208880 209160 slight rapid headnod 209200 210240 start 210280 211680 single 211720 212560 end 212600 213520 body lean forward 208000 208080 start 208120 212280 slightly forward 212320 212600 end 212640 214480 eye brows start 208000 208960 raised 209000 210000 start 210040 210280 lowered 210320 212680 start 212720 213520 raised 213560 214480 eye gaze to addressee 208000 213760 left 213800 214480 eye aperture squint 208000 208880 start 208920 209040 wide 209080 210040 start 210080 210360 squint 210400 214480 nose start 208960 210240 tensed 210280 210840 end 210880 211480 POS Noun 208400 208760 Adjective 208880 208920 Conjunction 208960 209120 Noun 209240 210040 Particle 210280 211000 Adjective 211080 211280 Adjective 211360 211480 Adjective 211560 212280 Particle 213520 214040 English translation The sun was still there, but during night time, its a little cooler. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 214480 End frame: 221400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss SPRING++ 215040 216320 IX-1p 216520 216720 ADMIT 216800 217120 ONE 217240 217320 NEGATIVE 217400 217720 ABOUT 217800 217920 IX-loc:i 218000 218160 fs-BOSTON 218320 218960 SPRING++ 219040 219600 REALLY 219680 219840 ALOT 219960 220120 RAIN 220280 221400 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 214480 216400 back 216440 217840 start 217880 219160 front 219200 220240 end 220280 221400 head pos: turn left 214480 214840 start 214880 215280 slightly right 215320 215640 start 215680 216440 slightly left 216480 219400 start 219440 219960 right 220000 221400 head pos: tilt side start 214480 216360 right 216400 217640 start 217680 219760 left 219800 220560 end 220600 221400 head pos: jut start 214480 214840 forward 214880 217240 start 217280 217680 back 217720 219440 start 219480 220320 forward/right 220360 221400 head mvmt: nod start 214480 216240 slight rapid headnod 216280 216760 end 216800 217320 eye brows raised 214480 215640 start 215680 216480 slightly lowered 216520 217240 start 217280 217400 lowered 217440 221400 eye gaze down/left 214480 214800 to addressee 214840 221400 eye aperture start 214480 214880 wide 214920 216240 start 216280 216520 closed 216560 216720 start 216760 217120 lowered lid 217160 217200 start 217240 217400 squint 217440 221400 nose start 214480 216480 tensed 216520 217640 start 217680 219840 wrinkle 219880 221400 POS Noun 215040 216320 Determiner 216520 216720 Verb 216800 217120 Number 217240 217320 Adjective 217400 217720 Adverb 217800 217920 Pronoun 218000 218160 Proper Noun 218320 218960 Noun 219040 219600 Discourse Marker 219680 219840 Adjective 219960 220120 Noun 220280 221400 English translation I have to admit that during spring time in Boston, there is a lot of raining. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 221400 End frame: 225840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss WHILE 221680 221960 ns-LA 222040 222640 BETTER 223600 223960 PERFECT 224120 224560 NONE 224680 224800 RAIN 224920 225840 non-dominant hand gloss WHILE 221680 221960 |> 222240 IX-loc:i 222440 222480 |> 224520 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 221400 222720 slightly back 222760 224120 start 224160 224720 front 224760 225080 start 225120 225600 slightly back 225640 225840 head pos: turn right 221400 225840 head pos: tilt side start 221400 221960 right 222000 222640 start 222680 223440 left 223480 225160 start 225200 225600 right 225640 225840 head pos: jut start 221400 222080 slightly back 222120 222480 start 222520 222720 forward 222760 223480 end 223520 224560 head mvmt: nod start 221400 222720 rapid 222760 223600 end 223640 224560 body lean start 222600 223520 slightly back 223560 224200 end 224240 224800 eye brows lowered 221400 221560 start 221600 222880 slightly raised 222920 223960 end 224000 224800 eye gaze to addressee 221400 221600 right 221640 221800 to addressee 221840 225840 eye aperture squint 221400 221640 end 221680 222040 nose wrinkle 221400 221560 start 221600 222720 tensed 222760 224120 end 224160 224800 POS Noun 221680 221960 Proper Noun 222040 222640 Adjective 223600 223960 Adjective 224120 224560 Negation 224680 224800 Noun 224920 225840 Non-dominant POS Noun 221680 221960 Pronoun 222440 222480 English translation While in LA, its better and perfect because of no rain. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 225840 End frame: 231113 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss REALLY 225960 226160 ONCE-A-WHILE 226200 226880 BUT 226960 227200 FUN 227320 227480 THING 227560 227680 ABOUT 227760 227880 ns-LA 228000 228520 WHEN 228640 228800 RAIN 229120 229440 IN 229520 229720 ns-LA 229800 230240 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 225840 226680 start 226720 230080 front 230120 231113 head pos: turn slightly right 225840 226160 start 226200 227080 left 227120 227440 start 227480 228360 right 228400 230360 start 230400 230880 left 230920 231113 head pos: tilt side right 225840 226800 start 226840 230800 left 230840 231113 head pos: jut start 225840 226440 back 226480 227680 start 227720 230880 back/left 230920 231113 eye brows start 225840 226760 raised 226800 230240 end 230280 231113 eye gaze to addressee 225840 230560 left 230600 231113 eye aperture start 225840 225840 blink 225880 226120 start 226160 226320 lowered lid 226360 226600 start 226640 226840 wide 226880 231113 POS Discourse Marker 225960 226160 Conjunction 226960 227200 Adjective 227320 227480 Noun 227560 227680 Adverb 227760 227880 Proper Noun 228000 228520 Wh-word 228640 228800 Noun 229120 229440 Preposition 229520 229720 Proper Noun 229800 230240 English translation Well, there is rain once a while but funny thing, when there is rain in LA. Notes - number of character bytes: 25 - pos for "once a while"? Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 231113 End frame: 239960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss REALLY 231640 231760 IX-3p:i 231840 231880 AFTER 231960 232360 EXTEND 232520 233320 IX-loc:i 233400 233600 FUTURE 233680 234040 USE 234200 234880 COAT 235000 235200 RAIN 235280 235520 COAT 235640 236240 USE 236440 236600 UMBRELLA 236680 237400 |> 238080 BOOT 238280 239000 PANT 239240 239960 non-dominant hand gloss EXTEND 232520 233320 |> 233920 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 231113 233320 start 233360 234040 front 234080 237360 start 237400 237760 slightly back 237800 238160 start 238200 238360 front 238400 239960 head pos: turn left 231113 231480 start 231520 232120 right 232160 233880 start 233920 235520 slightly right 235560 236320 start 236360 237040 slightly left 237080 237760 start 237800 239200 slightly left 239240 239960 head pos: tilt side left 231113 231520 start 231560 231960 right 232000 232760 start 232800 233880 left 233920 235120 start 235160 235920 right 235960 236400 start 236440 236920 left 236960 237800 start 237840 238400 right 238440 238840 start 238880 239200 left 239240 239960 head pos: jut back/left 231113 231160 start 231200 231880 back/right 231920 232440 start 232480 235920 forward 235960 236320 start 236360 237400 forward 237440 237600 start 237640 238440 forward 238480 238880 end 238920 239960 body lean start 231113 232880 slightly forward 232920 233440 start 233480 235800 forward 235840 236440 start 236480 237120 forward 237160 237680 start 237720 238480 slightly forward 238520 239960 eye gaze up/left 231113 231320 to addressee 231360 239960 eye aperture wide 231113 231920 start 231960 233680 blink 233720 234000 start 234040 234320 slightly lowered 234360 235200 end 235240 236240 POS Discourse Marker 231640 231760 Pronoun 231840 231880 Preposition 231960 232360 Verb 232520 233320 Pronoun 233400 233600 Tense Marker 233680 234040 Verb 234200 234880 Noun 235000 235200 Noun 235280 235520 Noun 235640 236240 Verb 236440 236600 Noun 236680 237400 Noun 238280 239000 Noun 239240 239960 Non-dominant POS Verb 232520 233320 English translation People would use umbrella and wear rain coat, boots and pants on. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 239960 End frame: 243120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss PANT 239960 240000 REALLY 240080 240160 IF 240280 240520 LITTLE-BIT 240640 240800 DROP++ 240880 241680 IX-1p 241720 241840 REMEMBER 241920 242320 ONE 242440 242480 fs-DAY 242520 242920 non-dominant hand gloss PANT 239960 240000 |> 240640 REMEMBER 241920 242320 |> 243120 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 239960 240160 start 240200 241680 slightly front 241720 242760 end 242800 243120 head pos: turn slightly left 239960 240120 start 240160 241560 right 241600 242760 end 242800 243120 head pos: tilt side left 239960 240160 start 240200 241560 left 241600 242760 end 242800 243120 head pos: jut start 239960 241920 back/right 241960 242240 end 242280 243120 head mvmt: nod start 241720 241880 single 241920 242320 end 242360 242920 eye brows start 239960 240160 raised 240200 241400 start 241440 241640 lowered 241680 243120 eye gaze to addressee 239960 243120 eye aperture start 239960 240160 squint 240200 243120 nose start 239960 240720 tensed 240760 241760 end 241800 242480 POS Noun 239960 240000 Discourse Marker 240080 240160 Preposition 240280 240520 Adjective 240640 240800 Verb 240880 241680 Pronoun 241720 241840 Verb 241920 242320 Number 242440 242480 Noun 242520 242920 Non-dominant POS Noun 239960 240000 Verb 241920 242320 English translation Even if there is a little of rain, like a drop. I remember one day, Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 243120 End frame: 250240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 243120 243280 GO 243400 243760 CLASS 243880 244400 ON 244520 244640 POSS-1p 244760 244880 SWIM++ 245000 246160 IX-1p 246200 246320 SHORT 246600 246960 TANK 247320 248360 KNOW 248480 248600 BASKETBALL 248720 248920 TANK 249080 249440 SAME 249920 250240 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 243120 246360 front 246400 246920 start 246960 247560 front 247600 248160 start 248200 249280 front 249320 249920 end 249960 250240 head pos: turn start 243120 243680 left 243720 248200 start 248240 248680 right 248720 250240 head pos: tilt side start 243120 243760 slightly right 243800 246920 start 246960 247680 left 247720 250240 head pos: jut start 243120 246320 slightly forward 246360 249400 end 249440 250240 head mvmt: side to side start 243120 246320 slow 246360 248480 end 248520 248920 eye brows slightly lowered 243120 243840 start 243880 244440 lowered 244480 248360 start 248400 248520 slightly lowered 248560 248840 start 248880 248920 lowered 248960 250240 eye gaze to addressee 243120 250240 eye aperture squint 243120 249400 closed 249440 250240 nose start 243120 244200 wrinkle 244240 250240 POS Pronoun 243120 243280 Verb 243400 243760 Noun 243880 244400 Preposition 244520 244640 Pronoun 244760 244880 Verb 245000 246160 Pronoun 246200 246320 Noun 246600 246960 Noun 247320 248360 Verb 248480 248600 Noun 248720 248920 Noun 249080 249440 Adjective 249920 250240 English translation I went to the class, I swam with short and tank top on, you know, basketball tank top, its same idea. Notes - number of character bytes: 22 -TANK, could it be cl? Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 250240 End frame: 253520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 250400 250600 part:indef 250760 250840 IN 250920 251120 RAIN 251280 251640 LITTLE-BIT 251760 251960 RAIN 252080 252400 IX-1p 252480 252640 SWIM 252840 253520 non-dominant hand gloss RAIN 251280 251640 |> 252040 RAIN 252080 252400 |> 252560 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 250240 250560 front 250600 253520 head pos: turn right 250240 252680 start 252720 253360 slightly left 253400 253520 head pos: tilt side slightly left 250240 250840 start 250880 251680 left 251720 252640 start 252680 252880 slightly right 252920 253240 end 253280 253520 head pos: jut start 250240 250680 back/right 250720 252400 end 252440 253520 body lean start 250240 250720 slightly back 250760 252560 end 252600 253520 eye brows lowered 250240 253520 eye gaze to addressee 250680 252720 left 252760 253280 to addressee 253360 253520 eye aperture closed 250240 250520 squint 250560 253120 blink 253160 253360 closed 253400 253520 nose wrinkle 250240 253520 POS Pronoun 250400 250600 Particle 250760 250840 Preposition 250920 251120 Noun 251280 251640 Adjective 251760 251960 Noun 252080 252400 Determiner 252480 252640 Verb 252840 253520 Non-dominant POS Noun 251280 251640 Noun 252080 252400 English translation When there is a little of rain and I was swimming.. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 253520 End frame: 259840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss SWIM 253520 253720 IX-1p 253840 253960 LOOK 254080 254320 MANY 254480 254520 PEOPLE 254560 254760 cl:4 "look at me" 254880 255440 #AT 255560 255800 IX-1p 255920 256040 SAME 256160 256280 IX-1p 256360 256440 REALLY 256520 256840 COMPLETE 256920 257280 IDIOT 257400 257880 BUT 258000 258280 REALLY 258480 258600 IX-1p 258840 259000 part:indef 259320 259840 non-dominant hand gloss SWIM 253520 253720 |> 254360 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 253520 254000 start 254040 255320 slightly back 255360 255680 start 255720 256160 front 256200 259440 end 259480 259840 head pos: turn left 253520 254200 start 254240 255040 right 255080 258640 end 258680 259840 head pos: tilt side start 253520 253840 slightly left 253880 254080 start 254120 255200 right 255240 255560 start 255600 256400 left 256440 259840 body lean start 253520 253720 slightly forward 253760 254000 start 254040 255080 back 255120 255920 start 255960 257480 slightly forward 257520 258560 end 258600 259840 eye brows slightly lowered 253520 253640 end 253680 253960 eye gaze left 253640 254120 to addressee 254160 258800 left 258840 259760 to addressee 259800 259840 eye aperture closed 253520 253600 start 253640 253800 blink 253840 253920 end 253960 254520 nose wrinkle 253520 254080 end 254120 254440 POS Verb 253520 253720 Pronoun 253840 253960 Verb 254080 254320 Adjective 254480 254520 Noun 254560 254760 Classifier 254880 255440 Preposition 255560 255800 Pronoun 255920 256040 Adjective 256160 256280 Pronoun 256360 256440 Adverb 256520 256840 Adjective 256920 257280 Verb 257400 257880 Conjunction 258000 258280 Discourse Marker 258480 258600 Pronoun 258840 259000 Particle 259320 259840 Non-dominant POS Verb 253520 253720 English translation I noticed many people were looking at me like I am completely idiot to swim while its raining. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 259840 End frame: 264680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 260000 260080 THINK 260160 260240 WEATHER 260320 260640 NICE 260720 260960 LITTLE-BIT 261040 261280 RAIN 261560 261880 REALLY 261960 262120 NOTHING 262160 262720 IX-3p 262840 263080 WEAR 263200 263400 LONG-SLEEVE 263520 264480 non-dominant hand gloss NICE 260720 260960 |> 261280 RAIN 261560 261880 |> 262080 NOTHING 262160 262720 |> 263120 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 259840 260120 front 260160 262120 start 262160 262880 front 262920 263880 end 263920 264680 head pos: turn start 259840 260200 left 260240 262840 start 262880 263680 slightly right 263720 264680 head pos: tilt side slightly left 259840 260720 start 260760 263320 left 263360 264200 end 264240 264680 head pos: jut back 259840 260080 start 260120 260640 back/left 260680 261160 start 261200 261360 forward/left 261400 262320 start 262360 263600 forward/right 263640 264160 end 264200 264680 body lean start 261040 261760 slightly forward 261800 262320 start 262360 263520 slightly forward 263560 264200 end 264240 264680 eye brows start 261040 261720 lowered 261760 262920 start 262960 263600 slightly raised 263640 263920 end 263960 264680 eye gaze to addressee 259840 264680 eye aperture start 261040 261760 squint 261800 264600 closed 264640 264680 nose start 261040 261800 wrinkle 261840 264680 POS Pronoun 260000 260080 Verb 260160 260240 Noun 260320 260640 Adjective 260720 260960 Adjective 261040 261280 Noun 261560 261880 Discourse Marker 261960 262120 Negation 262160 262720 Pronoun 262840 263080 Verb 263200 263400 Noun 263520 264480 Non-dominant POS Adjective 260720 260960 Noun 261560 261880 Negation 262160 262720 English translation I thought the weather was nice, a little rain but its nothing. People wore long sleeves. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 264680 End frame: 270920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 264800 265000 part:indef 265120 265240 THAT 265360 265680 ONE 265800 266120 "wow" 266280 267040 NEGATIVE 267160 267360 BUT 267440 267640 ns-LA 267720 268000 IX-loc:i 268120 268200 NONE 268280 268680 fs-SEWER 268840 269720 |> 270000 SYSTEM 270120 270920 non-dominant hand gloss BUT 267440 267640 |> 268200 NONE 268280 268680 |> 269720 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 264680 265160 front 265200 265560 start 265600 266000 back 266040 266480 start 266520 266800 front 266840 268480 start 268520 270000 front 270040 270920 head pos: turn slightly right 264680 264680 start 264720 265520 left 265560 266520 start 266560 267320 right 267360 270920 head pos: tilt side start 264680 265040 right 265080 265600 start 265640 266040 left 266080 266440 end 266480 268200 head pos: jut start 264680 265720 back 265760 270040 end 270080 270920 body lean start 264680 265080 slightly forward 265120 265600 start 265640 266120 back 266160 266760 end 266800 267360 eye brows start 264680 264880 raised 264920 265600 start 265640 270320 slightly lowered 270360 270920 eye gaze left 265040 265240 to addressee 265280 265840 up/left 265880 266280 up 266320 266600 to addressee 266640 270920 eye aperture closed 264680 265000 start 265040 265200 blink 265240 265560 start 265600 270200 squint 270240 270920 nose wrinkle 264680 264840 start 264880 268240 tensed 268280 269720 end 269760 270920 POS Pronoun 264800 265000 Particle 265120 265240 Pronoun 265360 265680 Number 265800 266120 Verb 266280 267040 Adjective 267160 267360 Conjunction 267440 267640 Proper Noun 267720 268000 Determiner 268120 268200 Negation 268280 268680 Noun 268840 269720 Noun 270120 270920 Non-dominant POS Conjunction 267440 267640 Negation 268280 268680 English translation That time I was like wow, its negative thing about LA. In LA, they didn't have any sewer systems. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 270920 End frame: 278800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss #ALL 271800 271960 WATER 272080 272400 FUTURE 272520 272640 FLOOD 272840 273440 CAN 273480 273840 IF 273920 274120 TRUE-BITS 274280 274960 IX-1p-arc 275200 275480 RAIN 275600 275960 TOTAL 276080 276560 HERE 276680 276760 cl:1 "all the year" 277000 277360 BRING 277640 277880 GIFT 278040 278360 TO 278400 278520 ns-LA 278600 278800 non-dominant hand gloss CAN 273480 273840 |> 274320 TO 278400 278520 |> 278800 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 270920 271360 start 271400 272120 back 272160 272480 start 272520 272920 front 272960 274840 end 274880 275960 head pos: turn right 270920 273680 start 273720 274080 left 274120 274960 start 275000 275400 slightly right 275440 275880 start 275920 276200 left 276240 277840 start 277880 278400 slightly right 278440 278800 head pos: tilt side start 270920 271880 left 271920 272640 start 272680 273480 right 273520 273840 start 273880 274120 left 274160 274920 start 274960 276120 slightly left 276160 277800 end 277840 278800 head pos: jut start 270920 273480 back/right 273520 273880 start 273920 274080 back/left 274120 274160 start 274200 274920 forward 274960 275000 start 275040 275280 slightly back 275320 277720 end 277760 278800 eye brows slightly lowered 270920 271400 start 271440 273120 raised 273160 278800 eye gaze to addressee 270920 278800 eye aperture squint 270920 273160 start 273200 273480 wide 273520 278800 nose start 278040 278720 wrinkle 278800 278800 POS Pronoun 271800 271960 Noun 272080 272400 Tense Marker 272520 272640 Noun 272840 273440 Verb 273480 273840 Conjunction 273920 274120 Pronoun 275200 275480 Noun 275600 275960 Noun 276080 276560 Pronoun 276680 276760 Classifier 277000 277360 Verb 277640 277880 Verb 278040 278360 Preposition 278400 278520 Proper Noun 278600 278800 Non-dominant POS Verb 273480 273840 Preposition 278400 278520 English translation If the total of Boston's rain all the year brings to LA area, they would get flood. Notes - number of character bytes: 78 - POS for True-bits? Or even is it correct gloss? I know its ASL term but....? Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 278800 End frame: 281520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss ns-LA 278800 278960 ns-LA 279040 279280 FINISH 279440 279600 FUTURE 279680 279800 FLOOD 279880 280360 FOR 280480 280640 SURE 280720 281400 non-dominant hand gloss FLOOD 279880 280360 |> 281520 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 278800 279040 front 279080 281520 head pos: turn slightly right 278800 278960 start 279000 279000 right 279040 281520 head pos: tilt side start 278800 279040 right 279080 281520 head mvmt: shake start 279600 279840 slight rapid headshake 279880 280400 end 280440 280720 body lean start 278800 279760 slightly forward 279800 281520 eye brows raised 278800 278800 start 278840 278920 lowered 278960 281520 eye gaze to addressee 278800 281520 eye aperture wide 278800 278800 start 278840 278880 squint 278920 281520 nose start 278800 278920 wrinkle 278960 281520 POS Proper Noun 278800 278960 Proper Noun 279040 279280 Aspect Marker 279440 279600 Tense Marker 279680 279800 Noun 279880 280360 Preposition 280480 280640 Adjective 280720 281400 Non-dominant POS Noun 279880 280360 English translation In LA, they would get flood out crazy for sure. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 281520 End frame: 285880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss WHY 281600 281640 IX-1p-arc 281720 281960 HAVE 282040 282280 BETTER 282360 282800 fs-SEWER 282880 283680 SYSTEM 283800 284400 WATER 284520 284720 CAN 284800 284880 THROUGH 284960 285880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 281520 281880 start 281920 284400 front 284440 285880 head pos: turn right 281520 282880 end 282920 284400 head pos: tilt side slightly right 281520 281560 start 281600 281880 left 281920 282360 start 282400 284840 right 284880 285880 head pos: jut start 281520 281880 back/right 281920 282200 start 282240 285000 forward 285040 285880 body lean slightly forward 281520 282160 start 282200 284440 slightly forward 284480 285880 eye brows start 281520 281600 raised 281640 281800 start 281840 282320 lowered 282360 284920 start 284960 285840 slightly raised 285880 285880 eye gaze to addressee 281520 285880 eye aperture squint 281520 281520 start 281560 281680 wide 281720 281800 end 281840 282800 POS Wh-word 281600 281640 Pronoun 281720 281960 Adverb 282040 282280 Adjective 282360 282800 Noun 282880 283680 Noun 283800 284400 Noun 284520 284720 Verb 284800 284880 Preposition 284960 285880 English translation Why? Because we have better sewer system where water can get through. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 285880 End frame: 290160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p-arc 286120 286320 CAN 286400 286520 RAIN 286600 286880 EVERYDAY 287000 287280 AND 287400 287520 STILL 287600 288280 LIVE 288360 288600 THROUGH 288760 288920 #IT 288960 289120 FINE 289240 289600 non-dominant hand gloss STILL 287360 287400 |> 288280 part:indef 289600 289920 |> 290160 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 285880 286400 start 286440 289760 front 289800 290160 head pos: turn start 285880 286200 left 286240 287000 start 287040 287520 right 287560 287920 start 287960 288280 left 288320 289240 start 289280 290080 right 290120 290160 head pos: tilt side slightly right 285880 285880 start 285920 286240 left 286280 287200 start 287240 287600 right 287640 287880 start 287920 288320 left 288360 289280 start 289320 290040 right 290080 290160 head pos: jut slightly forward 285880 286280 start 286320 287640 back/right 287680 287960 start 288000 288360 back/left 288400 289160 end 289200 290160 body lean forward 285880 286200 end 286240 286520 eye brows slightly raised 285880 285880 start 285920 286120 raised 286160 290160 eye gaze to addressee 285880 290120 eye aperture squint 285880 290080 closed 290120 290160 nose start 285880 286160 wrinkle 286200 290160 POS Pronoun 286120 286320 Verb 286400 286520 Noun 286600 286880 Noun 287000 287280 Conjunction 287400 287520 Adjective 287600 288280 Verb 288360 288600 Preposition 288760 288920 Noun 288960 289120 Verb 289240 289600 Non-dominant POS Adjective 287360 287400 Particle 289600 289920 English translation We will survive through rain so it can rain everyday. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 47 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 290160 End frame: 296320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUT 290360 290520 UNKNOWN 290560 290720 OF-COURSE 290840 291160 NOT 291200 291320 RAIN 291440 291640 EVERYDAY 291720 292080 IN 292160 292360 ns-BOSTON 292520 292800 UNKNOWN 292880 293200 STILL 293280 293400 HAVE 293520 293600 WONDERFUL 293720 293800 WEATHER 293920 294240 HERE 294400 294680 IN 294840 294960 fs-BOSTON 295080 296320 non-dominant hand gloss RAIN 291440 291640 |> 292120 STILL 293280 293400 |> 293560 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 290160 290160 start 290200 290800 front 290840 295880 end 295920 296320 head pos: turn right 290160 290200 start 290240 290480 left 290520 291160 start 291200 291600 right 291640 293280 start 293320 293600 left 293640 294360 start 294400 295000 right 295040 295920 end 295960 296320 head pos: tilt side right 290160 290160 start 290200 290360 left 290400 291080 start 291120 291840 right 291880 293280 start 293320 293480 left 293520 294360 start 294400 295000 right 295040 295320 start 295360 296200 left 296240 296320 head mvmt: shake start 290840 292440 slight rapid headshake 292480 292920 end 292960 293400 head pos: jut start 290160 290400 back/left 290440 290840 start 290880 292480 back/right 292520 293200 start 293240 293520 slightly back 293560 295920 end 295960 296320 body lean start 290160 291000 slightly forward 291040 292440 start 292480 293040 forward 293080 294960 end 295000 296320 eye brows raised 290160 290400 end 290440 290720 eye gaze to addressee 290320 296320 eye aperture closed 290160 290280 end 290320 290520 POS Conjunction 290360 290520 Negation 291200 291320 Noun 291440 291640 Noun 291720 292080 Preposition 292160 292360 Proper Noun 292520 292800 Adjective 293280 293400 Adverb 293520 293600 Adjective 293720 293800 Noun 293920 294240 Noun 294400 294680 Preposition 294840 294960 Proper Noun 295080 296320 Non-dominant POS Noun 291440 291640 Adjective 293280 293400 English translation But of course, we didnt get rain everyday in Boston. We do have wonderful weathers here. Notes - number of character bytes: 21 - POS for "of course" Utterance ID: 48 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 296320 End frame: 303240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss NEXT 297000 297360 SAME 297480 297640 part:indef 297760 298160 START 298320 298560 SUMMER 298720 299800 |> 300280 part:indef 300400 300760 POSS-1p 300800 301000 fs-VERY 301080 301400 fs-HUMID 301480 302320 HERE 302440 303240 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 296320 296760 back 296800 298560 start 298600 302520 front 302560 303240 head pos: turn slightly left 296320 296440 start 296480 296800 right 296840 298120 start 298160 298680 slightly left 298720 300400 start 300440 301200 slightly right 301240 301440 start 301480 302360 left 302400 303240 head pos: tilt side left 296320 297040 start 297080 299320 right 299360 299680 start 299720 300120 left 300160 300720 start 300760 302400 left 302440 303240 head pos: jut start 296320 297080 forward/right 297120 298160 start 298200 299240 back 299280 299800 start 299840 301160 back 301200 302000 start 302040 302560 slightly forward 302600 303240 head mvmt: nod start 296320 296320 single 296360 296800 start 296840 300240 slight rapid headnod 300280 300960 end 301000 301400 body lean start 296320 300440 slightly forward 300480 303240 eye brows start 296320 296720 slightly lowered 296760 297360 start 297400 298560 raised 298600 299680 start 299720 300120 lowered 300160 303240 eye gaze to addressee 296320 296480 up/right 296520 296920 to addressee 296960 303240 eye aperture start 296320 296720 squint 296760 300320 closed 300360 301080 start 301120 301200 squint 301240 301440 end 301480 302320 nose start 296320 296720 wrinkle 296760 297400 start 297440 300240 wrinkle 300280 301400 start 301440 301800 tensed 301840 302320 end 302360 303240 POS Adverb 297000 297360 Adjective 297480 297640 Particle 297760 298160 Verb 298320 298560 Noun 298720 299800 Particle 300400 300760 Pronoun 300800 301000 Adjective 301080 301400 Noun 301480 302320 Noun 302440 303240 English translation Other thing, in summer, its very humidy here. Notes - number of character bytes: 58 -for POSS-1p, he meant as TEND but he signed as POSS-1p... Utterance ID: 49 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 303240 End frame: 312040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss HERE 303240 303320 MORE 304000 304120 fs-SUN 304280 304520 MORE 304600 304880 STRONG 305040 305320 cl:5 " ray into us" 305440 306040 WHILE 306160 306560 |> 306800 ns-LA 306840 307920 UNKNOWN 308160 308320 DRY 308520 309200 BUT 309560 309840 SARCASM 309920 310480 100 310840 311080 110 311160 311600 DEGREE 311840 312040 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 306680 306840 |> 308400 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 303240 303400 start 303440 304000 slightly back 304040 304280 start 304320 304880 front 304920 306040 start 306080 306760 back 306800 309160 start 309200 309640 front 309680 312040 head pos: turn left 303240 306040 start 306080 306800 right 306840 312040 head pos: tilt side slightly left 303240 303400 start 303440 304120 slightly right 304160 306040 start 306080 307640 left 307680 312040 head pos: jut start 303240 305520 forward 305560 306080 start 306120 309160 back/right 309200 312040 head mvmt: nod start 306160 307640 slight rapid headnod 307680 308400 end 308440 309200 body lean forward 303240 304000 start 304040 305000 forward 305040 306160 start 306200 309840 forward 309880 312040 eye brows lowered 303240 312040 eye gaze to addressee 303240 312040 eye aperture start 303240 304040 squint 304080 308320 start 308360 309680 wide 309720 310480 end 310520 312040 nose start 303240 304240 wrinkle 304280 306160 start 306200 308200 tensed 308240 309840 end 309880 312040 POS Noun 303240 303320 Adjective 304000 304120 Noun 304280 304520 Adjective 304600 304880 Adjective 305040 305320 Classifier 305440 306040 Noun 306160 306560 Proper Noun 306840 307920 Adjective 308520 309200 Conjunction 309560 309840 Adjective 309920 310480 Number 310840 311080 Number 311160 311600 Noun 311840 312040 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 306680 306840 English translation Its because of sun is stronger here than in LA where it is dry but, at same time, its 100 to 110 degrees. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 50 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 312040 End frame: 317040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss DEGREE 312040 312200 BECAUSE 312240 312480 WHERE 312560 312800 IX-1p 312880 313000 FROM 313080 313360 fs-NORTHRIDGE 313480 314480 TEND 314600 315000 |> 315120 TEN 315200 315400 FIFTEEN 315520 315760 DEGREE 315840 315960 MORE 316160 316400 THAN 316560 316720 non-dominant hand gloss FROM 313080 313360 |> 314520 ns-LA 316800 317040 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 312040 312680 start 312720 314640 front 314680 315760 start 315800 316040 back 316080 316360 end 316400 317040 head pos: turn right 312040 312200 start 312240 314600 left 314640 316400 end 316440 317040 head pos: tilt side left 312040 312200 start 312240 313400 right 313440 314200 start 314240 314600 left 314640 316600 end 316640 317040 head pos: jut back 312040 314520 start 314560 315040 back/left 315080 315960 end 316000 317040 body lean slightly forward 312040 312480 start 312520 316640 forward 316680 317040 eye brows lowered 312040 313360 start 313400 313600 slightly raised 313640 314480 start 314520 317000 raised 317040 317040 eye gaze to addressee 312040 317040 eye aperture squint 312040 312320 start 312360 312520 wide 312560 314400 start 314440 317000 wide 317040 317040 POS Noun 312040 312200 Conjunction 312240 312480 Wh-word 312560 312800 Pronoun 312880 313000 Preposition 313080 313360 Proper Noun 313480 314480 Verb 314600 315000 Number 315200 315400 Number 315520 315760 Noun 315840 315960 Adjective 316160 316400 Conjunction 316560 316720 Non-dominant POS Preposition 313080 313360 Proper Noun 316800 317040 English translation In Northridge tends to have ten to fifteen degrees more than LA. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 51 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 317040 End frame: 325920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SAME 317400 317480 IX-2p 317560 317600 IF 317680 317840 IX-2p 318000 318080 SEE 318160 318320 ON 318480 318560 WEATHER 318640 318920 CHANNEL 319000 319280 IX-3p 319360 319480 ns-LA 319560 320000 85 320120 320560 DEGREE 320640 320920 MEAN 321040 321120 |> 321880 IN 322120 322360 ns-NORTHRIDGE 322480 323920 REALLY 324200 324400 "wow" 324560 325920 non-dominant hand gloss ns-ALA 317040 317320 |> 318280 WEATHER 318640 318920 |> 320680 100 321200 321720 DEGREE 321840 321960 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 317040 318120 back 318160 320600 start 320640 321080 front 321120 324720 start 324760 325720 front 325760 325920 head pos: turn start 317040 317600 right 317640 318120 start 318160 319360 right 319400 325920 head pos: tilt side start 317040 317680 right 317720 318040 start 318080 321120 left 321160 325920 head pos: jut start 317040 318040 forward 318080 320640 start 320680 322760 slightly back 322800 325920 body lean slightly forward 317040 321600 start 321640 324400 slightly back 324440 325760 end 325800 325920 eye brows raised 317040 320640 start 320680 321040 lowered 321080 325920 eye gaze to addressee 317040 325920 eye aperture wide 317040 320640 start 320680 321800 squint 321840 324200 blink 324240 324440 squint 324480 325920 nose start 319560 321000 wrinkle 321040 325920 POS Adjective 317400 317480 Pronoun 317560 317600 Conjunction 317680 317840 Pronoun 318000 318080 Verb 318160 318320 Preposition 318480 318560 Noun 318640 318920 Noun 319000 319280 Pronoun 319360 319480 Proper Noun 319560 320000 Number 320120 320560 Noun 320640 320920 Verb 321040 321120 Preposition 322120 322360 Proper Noun 322480 323920 Discourse Marker 324200 324400 Verb 324560 325920 Non-dominant POS Proper Noun 317040 317320 Noun 318640 318920 Number 321200 321720 Noun 321840 321960 English translation If you see on weather channel, you will notice that if its 85 degrees in LA, that means 100 degrees in Northridge. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 52 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 325920 End frame: 328160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss REALLY 326000 326160 part:indef 326280 326920 BIG 326960 327120 DIFFERENT 327200 327480 FROM 327560 327760 HERE 327840 328160 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 325920 326280 start 326320 326640 back 326680 327480 start 327520 327600 front 327640 328160 head pos: turn right 325920 326000 start 326040 326360 left 326400 328160 head pos: tilt side left 325920 326160 start 326200 326440 right 326480 327400 end 327440 327840 head pos: jut slightly back 325920 326400 start 326440 326440 back/left 326480 328160 eye brows lowered 325920 326280 start 326320 326520 slightly lowered 326560 327840 start 327880 328120 raised 328160 328160 eye gaze to addressee 325920 328160 eye aperture squint 325920 327200 start 327240 328040 wide 328080 328160 nose wrinkle 325920 327200 end 327240 327760 POS Discourse Marker 326000 326160 Particle 326280 326920 Adjective 326960 327120 Adjective 327200 327480 Preposition 327560 327760 Pronoun 327840 328160 English translation Really, its big different from here. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 53 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 328160 End frame: 333440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss WHY 328280 328440 HERE 328560 328760 80 328920 329280 |> 329360 CAN 329440 329520 REALLY++ 329640 330160 HOT 330240 330640 |> 330880 fs-BUT 330920 331080 IN 331120 331280 ns-LA 331400 331800 80 331840 332120 REALLY 332360 332520 FEEL 332600 332800 NOTHING 332880 333440 non-dominant hand gloss CAN 329440 329520 |> 330960 IX-loc:i 331480 331600 |> 333440 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 328160 328560 start 328600 329560 front 329600 330640 end 330680 331800 head pos: turn left 328160 328360 start 328400 329080 right 329120 333440 head pos: tilt side start 328160 329480 left 329520 333440 head pos: jut start 328160 328280 slightly back 328320 328480 start 328520 329920 forward 329960 330520 start 330560 331400 back/right 331440 332160 end 332200 333440 body lean slightly forward 328160 328520 start 328560 329920 forward 329960 331120 end 331160 331800 eye brows raised 328160 329120 start 329160 330960 raised 331000 331800 start 331840 332360 lowered 332400 333440 eye gaze to addressee 328160 328160 down 328200 328480 to addressee 328520 333440 eye aperture wide 328160 329080 start 329120 330880 wide 330920 331600 start 331640 332160 squint 332200 333440 nose start 331840 332160 wrinkle 332200 333280 end 333320 333440 POS Wh-word 328280 328440 Pronoun 328560 328760 Number 328920 329280 Verb 329440 329520 Adjective 329640 330160 Adjective 330240 330640 Conjunction 330920 331080 Preposition 331120 331280 Proper Noun 331400 331800 Number 331840 332120 Discourse Marker 332360 332520 Verb 332600 332800 Negation 332880 333440 Non-dominant POS Verb 329440 329520 Pronoun 331480 331600 English translation If theres 80 degrees here in Boston, it can be really hot. But in LA, 80 degrees feel nothing. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 54 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 333440 End frame: 341440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss fs-SUN 333600 334000 fs-VERY 334080 334360 cl:5 "distance of sun to person" 334520 334880 HERE 335280 335400 MORE 335640 335800 cl: 5 "distance of sun to person" 335920 337320 BECAUSE 337480 337600 #OF 337680 337800 HERE 338320 338600 fs-SUN 339160 339760 CHANGE 339880 340600 UNKNOWN 340760 341160 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 333440 333520 |> 334400 cl:5 "distance of sun to person" 335920 337320 |> 337800 G: "focus" 339120 339640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 334880 335680 further front 335720 337000 start 337040 340280 front 340320 341440 head pos: turn right 333440 334840 start 334880 335920 slightly left 335960 337200 start 337240 337560 right 337600 341440 head pos: tilt side slightly left 333440 341440 head pos: jut start 333440 334680 back/right 334720 335320 start 335360 336040 forward 336080 337600 start 337640 339080 slightly back 339120 340520 end 340560 341440 body lean start 333440 334840 slightly back 334880 335360 start 335400 335920 forward 335960 337680 start 337720 340840 slightly forward 340880 341440 eye brows slightly lowered 333440 334400 end 334440 334840 eye gaze to addressee 333440 341440 eye aperture squint 333440 334800 start 334840 337840 slightly lowered 337880 341440 POS Noun 333600 334000 Adjective 334080 334360 Classifier 334520 334880 Pronoun 335280 335400 Adjective 335640 335800 Classifier 335920 337320 Conjunction 337480 337600 Preposition 337680 337800 Pronoun 338320 338600 Noun 339160 339760 Verb 339880 340600 Non-dominant POS Determiner 333440 333520 Classifier 335920 337320 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 43 -Not sure how to put down the english part. Utterance ID: 55 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 341440 End frame: 347640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss REALLY 341880 342000 OTHER 342240 342320 THAN 342440 342600 WEATHER 342640 342880 cl:5 "list" 343040 343240 IX-1p 343320 343400 CAN 343480 343560 TALK 343600 343760 ABOUT 343840 344080 cl:5 "that area" 344160 344600 fs-BOSTON 344680 345440 CULTURE 345520 345960 AND 346040 346120 ns-LA 346240 346520 CULTURE 346640 347640 non-dominant hand gloss CAN 343480 343560 |> 343720 cl:5 "that area" 344160 344600 |> 345320 IX-loc:i 346240 346680 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 341440 341440 start 341480 342080 slightly back 342120 342760 start 342800 343160 slightly front 343200 343560 start 343600 346520 front 346560 347640 head pos: turn right 341440 347640 head pos: tilt side slightly left 341440 343400 end 343440 344080 body lean slightly forward 341440 341480 start 341520 343040 slightly forward 343080 343480 start 343520 344920 slightly forward 344960 347640 eye brows start 341440 341960 raised 342000 347640 eye gaze to addressee 341440 347640 POS Discourse Marker 341880 342000 Adjective 342240 342320 Conjunction 342440 342600 Noun 342640 342880 Classifier 343040 343240 Pronoun 343320 343400 Verb 343480 343560 Verb 343600 343760 Adverb 343840 344080 Classifier 344160 344600 Proper Noun 344680 345440 Noun 345520 345960 Conjunction 346040 346120 Proper Noun 346240 346520 Noun 346640 347640 Non-dominant POS Verb 343480 343560 Classifier 344160 344600 Pronoun 346240 346680 English translation Other than weather, we can also talk about cultures in Boston and LA. Notes - number of character bytes: 24 -CL for list is correct? Utterance ID: 56 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 347640 End frame: 357720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 347760 348160 "wow" 348720 348920 BIG 349000 349280 DIFFERENT 349440 349840 IX-loc:i 350000 350160 fs-BOSTON 350320 351000 CULTURE 351120 351520 TOGETHER 351640 352360 DEAF 352520 353000 TEND 353200 353680 SOCIAL 353920 354360 fs-VERY 354440 354720 TOGETHER 354920 355480 CLOSE 355960 356160 SAME 356280 356320 FAMILY 356480 356960 TOGETHER 357040 357720 non-dominant hand gloss DIFFERENT 349440 349840 |> 350920 TOGETHER 351640 352360 |> 353600 SOCIAL 353920 354360 |> 354760 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 347640 350000 start 350040 350240 slightly back 350280 352560 start 352600 356720 front 356760 357720 head pos: turn right 347640 348160 start 348200 348800 left 348840 348960 start 349000 349480 right 349520 351240 start 351280 352760 left 352800 353040 start 353080 353600 slightly right 353640 354360 start 354400 355040 slightly right 355080 356320 start 356360 357000 left 357040 357720 head pos: tilt side start 347640 348560 slightly left 348600 349080 start 349120 352000 right 352040 352440 start 352480 352680 left 352720 353680 start 353720 355720 slightly left 355760 357720 head pos: jut start 351120 351600 forward 351640 352760 start 352800 353480 back/right 353520 356440 end 356480 357720 body lean slightly forward 347640 353080 start 353120 355120 slightly forward 355160 357720 eye brows slightly raised 347640 347640 start 347680 347960 lowered 348000 350160 start 350200 350920 raised 350960 352840 start 352880 353160 lowered 353200 357720 eye gaze to addressee 347640 357720 eye aperture start 347640 348040 closed 348080 348880 squint 348920 350320 start 350360 350920 wide 350960 352840 start 352880 353080 squint 353120 357720 nose start 352520 353160 wrinkle 353200 357720 POS Discourse Marker 347760 348160 Verb 348720 348920 Adjective 349000 349280 Adjective 349440 349840 Pronoun 350000 350160 Proper Noun 350320 351000 Noun 351120 351520 Adverb 351640 352360 Adjective 352520 353000 Verb 353200 353680 Verb 353920 354360 Adjective 354440 354720 Adverb 354920 355480 Adjective 355960 356160 Adjective 356280 356320 Noun 356480 356960 Adverb 357040 357720 Non-dominant POS Adjective 349440 349840 Adverb 351640 352360 Verb 353920 354360 English translation Wow, its really big difference, Boston culture, Deaf social are close to each other like family. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 57 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 357720 End frame: 365000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss TOGETHER 357720 357800 MAKE 357960 358000 SURE 358080 358440 CONTACT-arc 358520 359480 KNOW 359600 359800 IF 359920 360080 |> 360320 NOT 360440 360480 LIKE 360680 360760 SOMEONE 360840 361240 FORGET-IT 361440 362120 STILL+ 362280 363240 FEEL 363840 364080 BAD 364160 364520 TOGETHER 364600 365000 non-dominant hand gloss CONTACT-arc 358520 359480 |> 360040 IX-2p 360240 360560 |> 361720 WELCOME 363200 363680 |> 364520 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 357720 357840 start 357880 358520 slightly back 358560 360760 start 360800 361520 slightly back 361560 362080 start 362120 362480 front 362520 363840 end 363880 365000 head pos: turn left 357720 357760 start 357800 358520 right 358560 358800 start 358840 360040 left 360080 360240 start 360280 361400 right 361440 362080 start 362120 362360 left 362400 362880 start 362920 363280 slightly left 363320 363680 end 363720 365000 head pos: tilt side slightly left 357720 357800 start 357840 359920 right 359960 360440 start 360480 361520 right 361560 362920 start 362960 363240 left 363280 363840 start 363880 364120 right 364160 364680 end 364720 365000 head pos: jut start 357720 358520 forward 358560 359520 start 359560 361520 slightly forward 361560 361880 start 361920 362360 forward 362400 363840 end 363880 365000 head mvmt: side to side start 361440 362400 rapid 362440 364200 end 364240 365000 body lean start 357720 358600 slightly forward 358640 365000 eye brows slightly lowered 357720 358800 start 358840 359560 raised 359600 360760 start 360800 361040 lowered 361080 361840 start 361880 364960 raised 365000 365000 eye gaze to addressee 357720 360080 right 360120 360560 to addressee 360600 365000 eye aperture squint 357720 361040 closed 361080 362000 start 362040 362600 closed 362640 363360 start 363400 363560 slightly lowered 363600 364960 end 365000 365000 nose start 357720 359920 wrinkle 359960 362040 end 362080 363240 POS Adverb 357720 357800 Verb 357960 358000 Adjective 358080 358440 Verb 358520 359480 Verb 359600 359800 Preposition 359920 360080 Negation 360440 360480 Verb 360680 360760 Pronoun 360840 361240 Verb 361440 362120 Adverb 362280 363240 Verb 363840 364080 Adjective 364160 364520 Adverb 364600 365000 Non-dominant POS Verb 358520 359480 Pronoun 360240 360560 Verb 363200 363680 English translation They would keep in touch, its like there is no one who we could ignore because we would feel bad. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 58 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 365000 End frame: 372160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BUT 365160 365320 IN 365400 365600 IX-loc:i 365720 365920 |> 366360 ns-LA 366600 366920 AREA 367080 367640 #OR 367720 367960 NORTH 368040 368400 part:indef 368480 368520 REALLY 368600 368960 MOST 369080 369320 IN 369400 369480 ns-LA 369560 369880 AREA 369960 370400 fs-VERY 370440 370600 CLIQUE++ 370800 372160 non-dominant hand gloss AREA 367080 367640 |> 368360 AREA 369960 370400 |> 370640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 365000 365600 back 365640 368960 start 369000 371000 slightly front 371040 371840 end 371880 372160 head pos: turn start 365000 365360 right 365400 368520 start 368560 370480 right 370520 370760 start 370800 371680 left 371720 372160 head pos: tilt side start 365000 365600 slightly left 365640 367200 start 367240 367800 right 367840 368400 start 368440 368640 left 368680 369080 start 369120 371600 left 371640 372160 head pos: jut start 366600 367680 back/right 367720 368320 start 368360 368640 forward 368680 369080 end 369120 369480 body lean slightly forward 365000 365520 end 365560 365920 eye brows raised 365000 368320 start 368360 368480 lowered 368520 372160 eye gaze to addressee 365000 372160 eye aperture start 365000 365320 wide 365360 365920 start 365960 367760 lowered lid 367800 368040 start 368080 368360 closed 368400 369960 start 370000 370360 squint 370400 370520 end 370560 372160 nose start 367720 368480 wrinkle 368520 370600 end 370640 372160 POS Conjunction 365160 365320 Preposition 365400 365600 Pronoun 365720 365920 Proper Noun 366600 366920 Noun 367080 367640 Preposition 367720 367960 Noun 368040 368400 Particle 368480 368520 Discourse Marker 368600 368960 Adjective 369080 369320 Preposition 369400 369480 Proper Noun 369560 369880 Noun 369960 370400 Adjective 370440 370600 Noun 370800 372160 Non-dominant POS Noun 367080 367640 Noun 369960 370400 English translation But in LA area, North, well really most in LA area, there are many clique. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 59 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 372160 End frame: 380760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss CLIQUE-arc 372160 372520 IX-2p 372600 372680 MUST 372760 372920 MAKE 373000 373080 POSS-2p 373160 373240 NAME 373320 374000 BEFORE 374200 374520 JOIN 374720 375400 fs-CLUB 375560 376080 TOGETHER 376320 376800 fs-E 377000 377160 cl:3 "quotation" 377280 377760 CALL 377840 378000 fs-ELITE 378080 378880 fs-CLUB 379240 379840 AREA 380040 380760 non-dominant hand gloss MAKE 373000 373080 |> 373240 1: "focus" 378160 379120 |> 379600 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 376320 377440 slightly front 377480 377720 start 377760 380000 front 380040 380760 head pos: turn left 372160 372280 start 372320 373160 right 373200 374960 start 375000 377040 slightly right 377080 380760 head pos: tilt side left 372160 374040 start 374080 374760 right 374800 375160 start 375200 375840 left 375880 376640 start 376680 377120 right 377160 377880 end 377920 380760 head pos: jut start 372160 373080 slightly back 373120 374400 start 374440 377000 back/right 377040 379640 end 379680 380760 body lean start 374200 374680 slightly forward 374720 380760 shoulders start 374200 374720 up 374760 375400 start 375440 375720 left up 375760 376040 start 376080 376480 left up 376520 376680 end 376720 377280 eye brows lowered 372160 374000 start 374040 377120 slightly lowered 377160 377640 end 377680 378000 eye gaze to addressee 372160 380760 eye aperture start 376320 377080 closed 377120 377680 end 377720 377840 nose start 372160 377120 wrinkle 377160 377760 end 377800 378880 POS Noun 372160 372520 Determiner 372600 372680 Adverb 372760 372920 Verb 373000 373080 Pronoun 373160 373240 Noun 373320 374000 Preposition 374200 374520 Verb 374720 375400 Noun 375560 376080 Noun 376320 376800 Classifier 377280 377760 Verb 377840 378000 Adjective 378080 378880 Noun 379240 379840 Noun 380040 380760 Non-dominant POS Verb 373000 373080 English translation It is like, you must be a well known person before join the "elite club". Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 60 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 380760 End frame: 388360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss CLIQUE++ 381000 381960 STILL 382160 382240 IX-1p 382320 382440 part:indef 382560 383280 SAME 383400 383440 IX-1p 383480 383640 HOPE 383720 384320 IX-1p-arc 384480 384680 ns-BOSTON 384800 385200 CAN 385320 385440 GIFT 385560 385840 GOOD 385960 386160 KIND 386200 386400 SHOW 386800 387320 THAT 387440 387560 IX-1p-arc 387720 387840 TOGETHER 388000 388360 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 382560 383280 |> 383640 HOPE 383720 384320 |> 385040 GIFT 385560 385840 |> 386160 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 380760 381040 start 381080 381520 back 381560 382040 start 382080 382480 front 382520 383040 start 383080 385880 front 385920 388360 head pos: turn start 380760 381200 left 381240 383200 start 383240 383720 right 383760 384360 start 384400 385400 left 385440 385760 start 385800 386880 right 386920 387800 start 387840 388240 left 388280 388360 head pos: tilt side right 380760 381200 start 381240 383200 left 383240 384360 start 384400 386920 left 386960 388360 head pos: jut start 380760 383680 back 383720 385240 start 385280 387400 back/right 387440 387560 end 387600 388360 body lean start 380760 381320 slightly forward 381360 382080 start 382120 382520 slightly forward 382560 383200 start 383240 385920 forward 385960 388360 eye gaze to addressee 380760 382080 left 382120 382600 to addressee 382640 387520 down 387560 387800 left 387840 388120 to addressee 388160 388360 eye aperture start 380760 381920 squint 381960 384320 end 384360 385200 POS Noun 381000 381960 Adjective 382160 382240 Pronoun 382320 382440 Particle 382560 383280 Adjective 383400 383440 Pronoun 383480 383640 Verb 383720 384320 Pronoun 384480 384680 Proper Noun 384800 385200 Verb 385320 385440 Noun 385560 385840 Adjective 385960 386160 Noun 386200 386400 Verb 386800 387320 Pronoun 387440 387560 Pronoun 387720 387840 Adverb 388000 388360 Non-dominant POS Particle 382560 383280 Verb 383720 384320 Noun 385560 385840 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 18 -English sentence? Utterance ID: 61 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 388360 End frame: 391520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss TOGETHER 388360 388520 NO 388560 388680 MATTER 388720 389240 WHO 389280 389640 IX-3p-arc 389720 390200 IMPORTANT 390280 390480 IN 390520 390560 VARY 390600 391520 non-dominant hand gloss MATTER 388720 389240 |> 390200 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 388360 388680 start 388720 390800 slightly front 390840 391520 head pos: turn left 388360 389280 start 389320 390240 right 390280 391520 head pos: tilt side left 388360 388720 end 388760 389640 head pos: jut start 388360 389240 slightly back 389280 389800 start 389840 390760 back/right 390800 391520 body lean forward 388360 388640 end 388680 389240 eye gaze to addressee 388360 389480 right 389520 389720 to addressee 389760 391520 eye aperture start 389280 389560 squint 389600 391520 POS Noun 388360 388520 Negation 388560 388680 Noun 388720 389240 Wh-word 389280 389640 Pronoun 389720 390200 Adjective 390280 390480 Preposition 390520 390560 Adjective 390600 391520 Non-dominant POS Noun 388720 389240 English translation No matter who we are, it is important to have diversity in the group. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 62 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 391520 End frame: 399320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss VARY 391520 391680 SAME 391800 392200 IF 392360 392560 fs-SEBRIAN 392640 394040 TIGER 394160 394880 IX-3p:i 395000 395240 ONE 395320 395440 THING 395520 395600 ABOUT 395720 395840 POSS-3p 395920 396000 STRIPE 396080 396880 VARY 396960 398080 SAME 398200 398440 IDEA 398520 398840 IX-3p-arc 398920 399320 non-dominant hand gloss VARY 391520 391680 |> 393560 TIGER 394160 394880 |> 395440 VARY 396960 398080 |> 399320 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 391520 391720 start 391760 393000 back 393040 394040 start 394080 394960 slightly front 395000 396000 start 396040 398080 front 398120 399320 head pos: turn right 391520 399320 head pos: tilt side start 391520 392360 left 392400 399320 head pos: jut start 391520 392640 forward 392680 393440 start 393480 396000 back/right 396040 396960 start 397000 398480 back/right 398520 399240 end 399280 399320 eye brows start 391520 391760 raised 391800 393960 end 394000 394880 eye gaze to addressee 391520 399160 left 399200 399320 eye aperture squint 391520 395240 end 395280 395600 POS Adjective 391520 391680 Adjective 391800 392200 Preposition 392360 392560 Proper Noun 392640 394040 Noun 394160 394880 Determiner 395000 395240 Number 395320 395440 Noun 395520 395600 Adverb 395720 395840 Pronoun 395920 396000 Adjective 396080 396880 Adjective 396960 398080 Adjective 398200 398440 Verb 398520 398840 Pronoun 398920 399320 Non-dominant POS Adjective 391520 391680 Noun 394160 394880 Adjective 396960 398080 English translation It is same idea as for Sebrian tiger, some have stripes or vary kind. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 63 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 399320 End frame: 403360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss BUT 399400 399640 IN 400280 400480 ns-LA 400600 400920 AREA 401120 401480 part:indef 401600 402200 IX-3p:i 402280 402400 NOT 402480 402560 SEE 402600 402800 THAT 402880 403000 fs-WAY 403080 403360 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 399720 400200 part:indef 401600 402200 |> 403360 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 399320 401880 end 401920 402400 head pos: turn right 399320 402480 start 402520 402840 left 402880 402920 start 402960 403160 right 403200 403200 end 403360 403360 head pos: tilt side left 399320 403360 head pos: jut slightly back 399320 399440 start 399480 400200 forward 400240 400920 end 400960 401480 head mvmt: shake start 400240 401360 rapid 401400 403080 end 403120 403360 body lean start 399320 399840 forward 399880 403360 eye brows start 399320 400440 raised 400480 400920 start 400960 401520 lowered 401560 403360 eye gaze to addressee 399320 403360 eye aperture start 399320 400240 squint 400280 403360 nose start 399320 401480 wrinkle 401520 403360 negative neg 401400 403080 POS Conjunction 399400 399640 Preposition 400280 400480 Proper Noun 400600 400920 Noun 401120 401480 Particle 401600 402200 Pronoun 402280 402400 Negation 402480 402560 Verb 402600 402800 Pronoun 402880 403000 Noun 403080 403360 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 399720 400200 Particle 401600 402200 English translation But in LA area, they didn't see that way. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 64 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 403360 End frame: 411000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 403600 403840 |> 404280 PERFECT 404600 404840 IX-3p:i 404960 405080 POSS-1p 405200 405360 KIND 405480 405800 FINE 405960 406200 |> 406520 IX-3p:j 406640 406680 NOT 406760 406840 POSS-1p 406920 407040 KIND 407160 407440 GO-AWAY 407600 407960 VERY 408400 408680 SELECTIVE 408840 409120 cl:5 "picking objects" 409480 410800 part:indef 410960 411000 non-dominant hand gloss IX-2p:i 403800 404480 PERFECT 404600 404840 |> 405200 COME-OVER 406240 406600 |> 407040 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 403360 403880 front 403920 404120 start 404160 404960 front 405000 411000 head pos: turn start 403360 403760 slightly right 403800 404280 start 404320 406320 right 406360 408320 start 408360 409160 left 409200 411000 head pos: tilt side left 403360 404320 start 404360 405040 right 405080 405920 start 405960 406480 left 406520 408240 start 408280 408640 right 408680 409160 end 409200 411000 head pos: jut start 403360 404080 forward 404120 404320 start 404360 405040 forward 405080 406560 end 406600 407040 body lean forward 403360 406760 start 406800 410960 forward 411000 411000 eye brows slightly lowered 403360 403360 start 403400 403760 raised 403800 405480 start 405520 406600 raised 406640 407320 start 407360 407560 lowered 407600 407720 start 407760 410640 lowered 410680 411000 eye gaze to addressee 403360 404360 left 404400 405720 to addressee 405760 406360 right 406400 407400 to addressee 407440 411000 eye aperture squint 403360 404120 start 404160 404680 wide 404720 407160 start 407200 408240 squint 408280 411000 nose wrinkle 403360 404280 start 404320 404480 tensed 404520 405360 start 405400 407600 wrinkle 407640 407960 start 408000 410680 wrinkle 410720 411000 POS Pronoun 403600 403840 Adjective 404600 404840 Pronoun 404960 405080 Pronoun 405200 405360 Noun 405480 405800 Verb 405960 406200 Pronoun 406640 406680 Negation 406760 406840 Pronoun 406920 407040 Noun 407160 407440 Verb 407600 407960 Adjective 408400 408720 Verb 408840 409120 Classifier 409480 410800 Particle 410960 411000 Non-dominant POS Determiner 403800 404480 Adjective 404600 404840 Verb 406240 406600 English translation They are very selective, pick who they want to be friends with. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 65 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 411000 End frame: 416720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss part:indef 411000 411040 SAME 411160 411200 IX-1p 411240 411400 part:indef 411520 411960 AND 412240 412720 IX-3p:i 412840 412960 fs-VERY 413080 413480 SAME 413760 414200 HIGH 414440 414880 FANCY++ 414960 415840 fs-CLASS 415920 416720 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 411000 411040 |> 411480 FANCY++ 414960 415840 |> 416720 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 411000 411720 start 411760 412760 back 412800 416120 end 416160 416720 head pos: turn left 411000 411680 start 411720 412400 right 412440 413120 start 413160 413680 left 413720 414400 start 414440 414840 right 414880 415040 end 415080 416720 head pos: tilt side start 411000 411120 left 411160 411520 start 411560 412800 right 412840 413120 start 413160 413600 left 413640 414440 start 414480 414920 right 414960 415040 end 415080 416720 head pos: jut start 411000 411400 forward 411440 411960 start 412000 412560 back/right 412600 413240 start 413280 413720 back/left 413760 414240 start 414280 414440 back 414480 416440 end 416480 416720 body lean forward 411000 411960 start 412000 412720 back 412760 416160 end 416200 416720 eye brows lowered 411000 411760 start 411800 412240 raised 412280 412760 start 412800 412920 lowered 412960 413080 end 413120 414200 eye gaze to addressee 411000 413520 left 413560 414160 to addressee 414200 416720 eye aperture squint 411000 411080 closed 411120 411640 start 411680 411800 squint 411840 412160 start 412200 412440 wide 412480 412800 end 412840 412960 nose wrinkle 411000 411960 start 412000 412960 wrinkle 413000 413080 end 413120 413480 POS Particle 411000 411040 Adjective 411160 411200 Pronoun 411240 411400 Particle 411520 411960 Conjunction 412240 412720 Pronoun 412840 412960 Adjective 413080 413480 Adjective 413760 414200 Adjective 414440 414880 Adjective 414960 415840 Noun 415920 416720 Non-dominant POS Particle 411000 411040 Adjective 414960 415840 English translation They are like very high elite class. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 66 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 416720 End frame: 420840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-3p:i 416840 417360 SAME 417480 417560 FOR 417600 417840 EXAMPLE 417920 418120 IX-1p 418200 418240 GO 418320 418480 fs-BEVERLY 418560 419520 fs-HILLS 419640 420800 non-dominant hand gloss EXAMPLE 417920 418120 |> 420840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 416720 417360 back 417400 417560 start 417600 420560 front 420600 420840 head pos: turn start 416720 417360 right 417400 420840 head pos: tilt side start 418320 419000 slightly left 419040 420480 end 420520 420840 head pos: jut start 416720 417280 forward 417320 417560 end 417600 418240 body lean start 416720 418840 forward 418880 420560 end 420600 420840 eye brows start 416720 417240 raised 417280 420280 end 420320 420840 eye gaze to addressee 416720 420840 eye aperture start 416720 417480 slightly lowered 417520 420840 POS Pronoun 416840 417360 Adjective 417480 417560 Preposition 417600 417840 Noun 417920 418120 Pronoun 418200 418240 Verb 418320 418480 Proper Noun 418560 419520 Proper Noun 419640 420800 Non-dominant POS Noun 417920 418120 English translation Like for an example, when I went to Beverly Hills. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 67 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 420840 End frame: 426960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss IX-1p 420920 421040 IN 421160 421320 ONE 421440 421480 STORE 421600 421960 IX-1p 422080 422320 cl:5 "holding the object" 422440 423080 fs-SILK 423480 424160 REALLY 425040 425160 NICE 425200 425760 IX-1p 425880 426120 cl:5 "holding the object" 426240 426720 non-dominant hand gloss SHIRT 424280 425040 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 420840 422880 start 422920 423640 slightly back 423680 424480 start 424520 425160 front 425200 426960 head pos: turn slightly right 420840 421000 start 421040 421560 slightly left 421600 422440 start 422480 422920 slightly right 422960 423200 start 423240 423640 right 423680 425840 start 425880 426720 slightly left 426760 426960 head pos: tilt side start 420840 421480 slightly right 421520 422200 start 422240 422560 left 422600 425840 start 425880 426720 left 426760 426960 head pos: jut start 420840 421800 slightly back 421840 422960 end 423000 423080 head mvmt: nod start 423480 425080 slight rapid headnod 425120 425760 end 425800 426120 head mvmt: side to side start 425200 425800 rapid 425840 426720 end 426760 426960 body lean start 420840 422320 forward 422360 423240 end 423320 424160 eye brows start 420840 422440 raised 422480 426960 eye gaze to addressee 420840 421640 down 421680 422840 to addressee 422880 425720 down/left 425760 426440 down 426480 426960 eye aperture lowered lid 420840 422800 start 422840 423040 wide 423080 426760 lowered lid 426800 426960 nose start 420840 422200 tensed 422240 426960 POS Pronoun 420920 421040 Preposition 421160 421320 Number 421440 421480 Noun 421600 421960 Determiner 422080 422320 Classifier 422440 423080 Adjective 423480 424160 Adjective 425040 425160 Adjective 425200 425760 Pronoun 425880 426120 Classifier 426240 426720 Non-dominant POS Noun 424280 425040 English translation In one store, I was looking at this really nice silk shirt. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 68 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 426960 End frame: 434640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss part:indef 427120 427480 IX-1p 427640 427920 SEE 428200 428320 PRICE 428400 428520 fs-TAG 428640 428880 IX-1p 429000 429120 350 429840 430440 DOLLAR 430560 430880 |> 431840 350 431960 432360 DOLLAR 432520 432640 FOR 432720 432920 |> 433520 REALLY 433640 433920 part:indef 434080 434480 non-dominant hand gloss cl:5"pulling the object" 429160 429440 |> 430360 SHIRT 432840 433560 |> 433720 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 426960 427880 start 427920 429000 front 429040 429560 start 429600 433200 front 433240 433920 end 433960 434600 head pos: turn left 426960 427120 start 427160 427440 slightly right 427480 427520 start 427560 427720 slightly left 427760 427960 start 428000 429080 slightly left 429120 429440 start 429480 429680 right 429720 432680 start 432720 434320 right 434360 434600 head pos: tilt side left 426960 427160 start 427200 427760 left 427800 429120 start 429160 429680 slightly right 429720 429960 start 430000 430480 left 430520 432680 start 432720 433520 right 433560 434600 head pos: jut slightly back 426960 428960 start 429000 429160 back 429200 429520 start 429560 434320 back/right 434360 434600 head mvmt: side to side rapid 426960 427920 start 427960 429600 rapid 429640 432640 start 432680 432960 rapid 433000 433960 end 434000 434600 body lean start 426960 428360 left 428400 429320 start 429360 430240 forward/left 430280 432360 start 432400 433240 forward 433280 434320 end 434360 434600 eye brows raised 426960 434600 eye gaze down 426960 427880 to addressee 427920 428880 down/left 428920 429440 to addressee 429480 433760 left 433800 434040 to addressee 434080 434600 eye aperture lowered lid 426960 427800 blink 427840 428040 start 428080 428920 lowered lid 428960 429480 blink 429520 429680 end 429720 430880 nose tensed 426960 428480 end 428520 428880 POS Particle 427120 427480 Pronoun 427640 427920 Verb 428200 428320 Noun 428400 428520 Noun 428640 428880 Determiner 429000 429120 Number 429840 430440 Noun 430560 430880 Number 431960 432360 Noun 432520 432640 Preposition 432720 432920 Discourse Marker 433640 433920 Particle 434080 434480 Non-dominant POS Classifier 429160 429440 Noun 432840 433560 English translation I decided to check the price, its 350 dollars. Really, 350 dollars for a shirt! Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 69 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 434640 End frame: 443440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss HALF 434920 435080 MOST 435480 435880 EXPENSIVE 435960 436480 SHIRT 436560 436920 HERE 437000 437080 IN 437120 437240 fs-BOSTON 437320 438000 MAYBE 438160 438600 100 438760 439120 150 439240 439720 DOLLAR 439800 440120 IX-1p 440200 440320 NOT-KNOW 440520 440880 IX-1p 441080 441320 NOT 441440 441520 BUY 441640 441880 EXPENSIVE 442200 442320 SHIRT 442400 442600 POSS-1p 442680 443080 fs-BUT 443160 443440 non-dominant hand gloss MAYBE 438160 438600 |> 439440 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 434640 435640 back 435680 436600 start 436640 437920 front 437960 441480 start 441520 441920 front 441960 443440 head pos: turn right 434640 435000 start 435040 435400 slightly right 435440 438000 start 438040 438040 right 438080 439440 start 439480 440360 left 440400 441120 start 441160 441520 right 441560 442560 start 442600 443360 slightly left 443400 443440 head pos: tilt side right 434640 434960 start 435000 435440 left 435480 438000 start 438040 438760 right 438800 439200 start 439240 439920 left 439960 441160 start 441200 441600 right 441640 442600 start 442640 443120 left 443160 443440 head pos: jut back 434640 437080 start 437120 440280 back/right 440320 441120 start 441160 441280 back/left 441320 442760 start 442800 442800 back 442840 443440 body lean start 434640 435960 left 436000 438520 start 438560 438840 right 438880 439120 start 439160 439560 left 439600 440360 start 440400 442600 forward 442640 443440 eye brows raised 434640 441880 start 441920 442200 slightly raised 442240 443440 eye gaze to addressee 434640 436120 left 436160 436440 to addressee 436480 443440 eye aperture start 434640 434800 wide 434840 438000 start 438040 440240 closed 440280 440960 start 441000 441160 lowered lid 441200 443240 start 443280 443360 closed 443400 443440 POS Adjective 435480 435880 Adjective 435960 436480 Noun 436560 436920 Noun 437000 437080 Preposition 437120 437240 Proper Noun 437320 438000 Adverb 438160 438600 Number 438760 439120 Number 439240 439720 Noun 439800 440120 Determiner 440200 440320 Negation 440520 440880 Pronoun 441080 441320 Negation 441440 441520 Verb 441640 441880 Adjective 442200 442320 Noun 442400 442600 Determiner 442680 443080 Conjunction 443160 443440 Non-dominant POS Adverb 438160 438600 English translation I would say the most expensive shirt here in boston is up to maybe 100 to 150 dollars. But, I dont know because I dont buy expensive shirts. Notes - number of character bytes: 125 - at first word, "half" not sure if thats correct, it appears he said "HALF" but it doesnt make any sense in this sentence??? Utterance ID: 70 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 443440 End frame: 447400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss SAME 443760 443800 part:indef 443880 444160 REALLY 444240 444560 "wow" 444640 445120 fs-VERY 445320 445600 EXPENSIVE 445680 446120 IN 446200 446360 ns-LA 446880 447400 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 443880 444160 |> 444600 IX-loc:i 446400 446760 |> 447400 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 443440 444560 start 444600 444960 slightly front 445000 445080 start 445120 445200 slightly front 445240 446520 start 446560 446720 front 446760 447400 head pos: turn left 443440 443920 start 443960 444200 right 444240 444960 start 445000 445360 slightly left 445400 446400 start 446440 446680 left 446720 447400 head pos: tilt side left 443440 445040 start 445080 445320 slightly right 445360 446560 start 446600 446920 slightly left 446960 447400 head pos: jut back 443440 444720 start 444760 446920 slightly back 446960 447200 end 447240 447400 head mvmt: nod start 444240 444800 slight rapid headnod 444840 445480 end 445520 446120 head mvmt: shake start 443440 443760 slow 443800 445200 end 445240 445600 body lean slightly forward 443440 444320 start 444360 447200 slightly forward 447240 447400 eye brows raised 443440 443640 start 443680 443800 lowered 443840 447400 eye gaze left 443560 443680 to addressee 443720 447400 eye aperture closed 443440 443480 start 443520 443720 squint 443760 444240 start 444280 444320 closed 444360 445160 start 445200 445360 squint 445400 447400 nose start 443440 443800 wrinkle 443840 447400 POS Adjective 443760 443800 Particle 443880 444160 Discourse Marker 444240 444560 Verb 444640 445120 Adjective 445320 445600 Adjective 445680 446120 Preposition 446200 446360 Proper Noun 446880 447400 Non-dominant POS Particle 443880 444160 Pronoun 446400 446760 English translation But, wow, it is very expensive in LA. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 71 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 447400 End frame: 457880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SAME 447440 447560 FOOD 447720 447840 SHOPPING 447960 448560 BREAD 448760 449400 cl:5 "size of the object" 449640 450120 REALLY 450360 450520 THREE 450680 451120 FOUR 451200 451360 THREE 451480 451720 FOUR 451760 451920 WHILE 452080 452200 HERE 452360 452480 1.50 452880 453440 TWO 453520 454000 part:indef 454080 454440 AND 454520 454840 BIGGER 455040 455320 SIZE 455480 455720 THAN 455760 455920 THREE 456560 456840 FOUR 456880 457120 cl:5 "size of the object" 457200 457880 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 447400 447600 POSS-3p 456000 456240 |> 457080 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 447400 447560 start 447600 448280 slightly back 448320 450320 start 450360 451960 front 452000 454520 start 454560 455200 back 455240 455680 start 455720 455920 front 455960 457880 head pos: turn left 447400 447480 start 447520 447760 slightly right 447800 449240 start 449280 449440 right 449480 454840 start 454880 455320 left 455360 457120 start 457160 457600 slightly right 457640 457880 head pos: tilt side slightly left 447400 449720 start 449760 450120 right 450160 450640 start 450680 451960 slightly left 452000 452360 start 452400 453320 left 453360 454440 start 454480 455240 right 455280 455720 start 455760 456080 further left 456120 457160 start 457200 457640 left 457680 457880 head pos: jut slightly back 447400 447440 start 447480 452000 slightly back 452040 454520 start 454560 454920 back 454960 456560 end 456600 457880 body lean start 449640 451160 left 451200 454520 start 454560 455360 right 455400 455800 start 455840 456240 forward/left 456280 457880 eye brows lowered 447400 447600 start 447640 448480 slightly raised 448520 450120 start 450160 450480 lowered 450520 454080 start 454120 454480 raised 454520 455800 end 455840 457880 eye gaze to addressee 447400 457120 right 457160 457320 to addressee 457360 457880 eye aperture squint 447400 447720 start 447760 450520 squint 450560 454360 start 454400 454520 wide 454560 455920 end 455960 457880 nose wrinkle 447400 448000 start 448040 450520 wrinkle 450560 454400 start 454440 454840 tensed 454880 455320 end 455360 455920 POS Adjective 447440 447560 Noun 447720 447840 Verb 447960 448560 Noun 448760 449400 Classifier 449640 450120 Discourse Marker 450360 450520 Number 450680 451120 Number 451200 451360 Number 451480 451720 Number 451760 451920 Noun 452080 452200 Noun 452360 452480 Number 452880 453440 Number 453520 454000 Particle 454080 454440 Conjunction 454520 454840 Adjective 455040 455320 Noun 455480 455720 Conjunction 455760 455920 Number 456560 456840 Number 456880 457120 Classifier 457200 457880 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 447400 447600 Pronoun 456000 456240 English translation Same idea for food shopping, a bread cost 3 or 4 bucks while here in Boston its only 1.50 to two dollars and it is even bigger size than in LA. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 72 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 457880 End frame: 463440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss REALLY 458160 458520 part:indef 458560 458840 cl:1 "area of objects" 459040 459680 IX-1p 459760 459840 TALK 459920 460000 ABOUT 460040 460240 ECONOMIC 460360 460600 cl:1 "field" 460720 461000 NO 461080 461400 BUT 461440 461640 TALK 461720 461800 DIFFERENT 461920 462080 CULTURE 462200 462800 non-dominant hand gloss cl:1 "area of objects" 459040 459680 |> 459920 cl:1 "field" 460720 461000 |> 461360 BUT 461440 461640 |> 461920 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 457880 459320 start 459360 460320 slightly back 460360 460880 start 460920 461600 front 461640 463440 head pos: turn slightly right 457880 457920 start 457960 458240 right 458280 459680 start 459720 460080 slightly left 460120 460960 start 461000 461600 right 461640 462680 start 462720 463320 left 463360 463440 head pos: tilt side left 457880 459680 start 459720 460080 slightly right 460120 461240 start 461280 461600 left 461640 462800 end 462840 463440 head pos: jut slightly back 457880 458400 start 458440 458800 forward 458840 459840 end 459880 460000 head mvmt: side to side start 460720 461000 slow 461040 462800 end 462840 463440 body lean forward/left 457880 458280 start 458320 460280 left 460320 461880 end 461920 463440 eye brows start 457880 458520 slightly lowered 458560 459720 start 459760 459760 lowered 459800 460240 start 460280 460320 slightly lowered 460360 463440 eye gaze to addressee 457880 463360 left 463400 463440 eye aperture start 457880 458160 closed 458200 462800 squint 462840 463440 nose start 457880 458360 wrinkle 458400 458840 start 458880 459760 wrinkle 459800 459960 start 460000 462080 wrinkle 462120 462920 end 462960 463440 POS Discourse Marker 458160 458520 Particle 458560 458840 Classifier 459040 459680 Pronoun 459760 459840 Verb 459920 460000 Adverb 460040 460240 Noun 460360 460600 Classifier 460720 461000 Negation 461080 461400 Conjunction 461440 461640 Verb 461720 461800 Adjective 461920 462080 Noun 462200 462800 Non-dominant POS Classifier 459040 459680 Classifier 460720 461000 Conjunction 461440 461640 English translation Really, we dont only just talk about economic but the culture too. Notes - number of character bytes: 33 -not sure if second CL is correct Utterance ID: 73 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 463440 End frame: 467960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 463640 463720 PEOPLE 463800 464160 IX-3p-arc 464200 464840 part:indef 464960 465400 MORE 465520 465720 FRIENDLY 465840 466240 HERE 466320 466480 IN 466560 466680 GENERAL 466720 467200 MORE 467280 467520 FRIENDLY 467600 467960 non-dominant hand gloss PEOPLE 463800 464160 |> 464720 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 463440 463720 start 463760 466520 front 466560 467840 end 467880 467960 head pos: turn left 463440 463720 start 463760 464560 right 464600 465480 start 465520 466320 left 466360 467480 end 467520 467960 head pos: tilt side slightly left 463440 463560 start 463600 464920 slightly left 464960 466400 start 466440 466520 left 466560 467560 end 467600 467960 head pos: jut start 463440 465960 back/left 466000 466600 end 466640 467280 body lean start 463440 465960 back right 466000 466880 end 466920 467960 eye brows slightly lowered 463440 466400 start 466440 466520 lowered 466560 467960 eye gaze left 463440 463600 to addressee 463640 467960 eye aperture squint 463440 464960 closed 465000 465600 start 465640 465880 squint 465920 467960 nose start 465520 466520 wrinkle 466560 467960 POS Discourse Marker 463640 463720 Noun 463800 464160 Determiner 464200 464840 Particle 464960 465400 Adjective 465520 465720 Adjective 465840 466240 Pronoun 466320 466480 Preposition 466560 466680 Adjective 466720 467200 Adjective 467280 467520 Adjective 467600 467960 Non-dominant POS Noun 463800 464160 English translation Boston people in Boston is more friendly in general. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 74 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 467960 End frame: 473640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss SAME 468000 468040 FOR 468160 468320 EXAMPLE 468440 468640 FINE 468800 469080 DRIVE 469160 470080 IX-1p 470440 470920 part:indef 471200 471280 SAME 471360 471560 cl:3 "cars toward to each other" 471640 472320 HERE 472480 472880 SITUATION 473000 473640 non-dominant hand gloss DRIVE 469160 470080 |> 471360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 467960 468200 front 468240 468560 start 468600 468640 back 468680 472880 end 472920 473640 head pos: turn start 467960 468160 right 468200 468800 start 468840 470280 left 470320 472880 start 472920 473560 right 473600 473640 head pos: tilt side start 467960 468360 slightly right 468400 469240 start 469280 470400 slightly right 470440 471280 end 471320 471640 head pos: jut start 467960 469000 slightly forward 469040 471360 start 471400 471560 back/left 471600 472360 start 472400 473120 back 473160 473480 end 473520 473640 head mvmt: nod start 472480 472960 single 473000 473600 end 473640 473640 body lean start 467960 469320 slightly forward 469360 470880 start 470920 472240 slightly forward 472280 473000 end 473040 473640 eye brows lowered 467960 469320 start 469360 473520 lowered 473560 473640 eye gaze to addressee 467960 473640 eye aperture squint 467960 469080 end 469120 470920 nose wrinkle 467960 469080 end 469120 470080 POS Adjective 468000 468040 Preposition 468160 468320 Noun 468440 468640 Adjective 468800 469080 Verb 469160 470080 Pronoun 470440 470920 Particle 471200 471280 Adjective 471360 471560 Classifier 471640 472320 Noun 472480 472880 Noun 473000 473640 Non-dominant POS Verb 469160 470080 English translation Like for an example, for driving part, in Boston, when two cars toward to each other situation. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 75 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 473640 End frame: 478240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss cl:3 "cars toward to each other" 474000 474400 IX-1p 474520 474680 SAME 474760 474840 part:indef 474920 475240 cl:5 "go ahead" 475320 476320 non-dominant hand gloss DRIVE 474640 474760 |> 476320 "wave" 476640 476880 THANK 477000 477520 "wave" 477680 478240 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 473640 474520 front 474560 476160 start 476200 476840 front 476880 476920 start 476960 477640 front 477680 478240 head pos: turn right 473640 474600 start 474640 476520 left 476560 478240 head pos: tilt side start 473640 474880 right 474920 475160 start 475200 475440 left 475480 476080 start 476120 476520 left 476560 478240 head pos: jut start 474920 475480 forward 475520 476120 end 476160 478240 head mvmt: nod start 476280 476440 single 476480 476880 start 476920 477200 single 477240 477800 end 477840 478240 head mvmt: side to side start 473640 474880 slow 474920 477680 end 477720 478240 body lean start 473640 474680 slightly forward 474720 477240 start 477280 477520 forward 477560 478240 eye brows lowered 473640 474600 start 474640 478040 raised 478080 478240 eye gaze to addressee 473640 474480 left 474520 474880 down 474920 475240 to addressee 475280 478240 eye aperture start 473640 474000 squint 474040 474480 start 474520 476280 squint 476320 477840 start 477920 478200 wide 478240 478240 POS Classifier 474000 474400 Pronoun 474520 474680 Adjective 474760 474840 Particle 474920 475240 Classifier 475320 476320 Non-dominant POS Verb 474640 474760 Verb 476640 476880 Verb 477680 478240 English translation Driver would say go ahead, let another car pass by, say thank you and wave at each other. Notes - number of character bytes: 24 - Whats POS for "thank"? Utterance ID: 76 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 478240 End frame: 483480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss part:indef 478520 478600 IN 478760 478840 ns-LA 478920 479240 DO 479440 479560 THAT 479680 479840 NO 479920 480720 NOT-CARE 480920 481600 FUTURE 481680 481760 cl:3 "car driving pass by another car" 481880 483480 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 479000 479400 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 478240 478440 start 478480 478760 slightly back 478800 479200 start 479240 479480 front 479520 479880 start 479920 481160 slightly back 481200 483360 start 483400 483480 head pos: turn left 478240 478240 start 478280 478600 right 478640 479800 start 479840 480160 slightly left 480200 480320 start 480360 480720 right 480760 483480 head pos: tilt side slightly left 478240 478360 start 478400 478640 left 478680 480440 start 480480 481280 right 481320 483480 head pos: jut start 478240 478640 slightly back 478680 479000 start 479040 479320 back/right 479360 479800 end 479840 483480 head mvmt: shake start 479840 479960 slow 480000 481160 end 481200 481600 body lean slightly forward 478240 478560 start 478600 483400 forward 483440 483480 eye brows slightly raised 478240 478360 start 478400 478400 raised 478440 478960 start 479000 479200 lowered 479240 479320 start 479360 479480 raised 479520 479600 start 479640 479840 lowered 479880 481880 start 481960 483440 raised 483480 483480 eye gaze to addressee 478600 483480 eye aperture wide 478240 478920 start 478960 479240 squint 479280 480440 start 480480 480720 closed 480760 482800 start 482840 483440 squint 483480 483480 nose start 478240 479000 wrinkle 479040 483480 negative neg 480000 481160 POS Particle 478520 478600 Preposition 478760 478840 Proper Noun 478920 479240 Verb 479440 479560 Pronoun 479680 479840 Negation 479920 480720 Negation 480920 481600 Tense Marker 481680 481760 Classifier 481880 483480 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 479000 479400 English translation But in LA, they didnt do that, they dont care and would just drive pass by. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 77 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 483480 End frame: 494960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 483600 483840 part:indef 483960 484080 FEW 484280 484400 TIME 484520 484640 IN 484760 484840 ns-LA 484960 485280 IX-1p 485360 485680 cl:5 "go ahead" 485960 486640 IX-1p 486800 486960 NOT-KNOW 487040 487280 IX-3p:i 487440 487520 cl:3"car passing by" 489520 490200 IX-1p 490320 491200 "wave" 491560 492160 IX-2p:i 492240 492360 WELCOME 492400 492800 TOO 492840 493120 DRIVE 494000 494680 part:indef 494840 494960 non-dominant hand gloss DRIVE 484000 484040 |> 484440 DRIVE 486040 486080 |> 486680 THANK 487600 487960 fs-BACK 488040 488320 STILL 488440 488520 IGNORE 488640 489040 DRIVE 490200 490480 |> 493040 FORGET-IT 493360 493760 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 483480 484080 slightly back 484120 485480 start 485520 489680 slightly back 489720 490080 start 490120 493120 slightly front 493160 494120 end 494160 494960 head pos: turn right 483480 485360 start 485400 486400 left 486440 488560 start 488600 489520 right 489560 490160 start 490200 490640 left 490680 491000 start 491040 493400 right 493440 494960 head pos: tilt side right 483480 483720 start 483760 484000 left 484040 485320 start 485360 485880 right 485920 488560 start 488600 489320 slightly left 489360 489880 start 489920 494800 left 494840 494960 head pos: jut start 483480 484000 forward 484040 485360 start 485400 486040 forward 486080 487280 start 487320 491000 slightly back 491040 494960 body lean slightly forward 483480 486040 start 486080 486480 forward 486520 488120 start 488160 494040 slightly forward 494080 494960 eye brows raised 483480 485880 start 485920 488400 lowered 488440 489680 start 489720 494920 lowered 494960 494960 eye gaze to addressee 483480 487400 down/left 487440 488440 to addressee 488480 490120 left 490160 492960 to addressee 493000 494960 eye aperture squint 483480 483520 start 483560 483800 wide 483840 485680 start 485720 487040 lowered lid 487080 488040 start 488080 488360 squint 488400 490120 start 490160 490640 wide 490680 491640 start 491680 494320 squint 494360 494960 nose wrinkle 483480 483560 start 483600 488320 wrinkle 488360 490160 start 490200 494800 wrinkle 494840 494960 POS Pronoun 483600 483840 Particle 483960 484080 Adjective 484280 484400 Noun 484520 484640 Preposition 484760 484840 Proper Noun 484960 485280 Pronoun 485360 485680 Classifier 485960 486640 Pronoun 486800 486960 Negation 487040 487280 Pronoun 487440 487520 Classifier 489520 490200 Pronoun 490320 491200 Verb 491560 492160 Pronoun 492240 492360 Adjective 492400 492800 Adverb 492840 493120 Verb 494000 494680 Particle 494840 494960 Non-dominant POS Verb 484000 484040 Verb 486040 486080 Verb 487600 487960 Noun 488040 488320 Adverb 488440 488520 Verb 488640 489040 Verb 490200 490480 Verb 493360 493760 English translation Happened to me few times in LA, while I was driving, I said go ahead since I didnt know what they are like. I expected them to say thank you but they ignored instead, I thought you are welcome but forget it. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 78 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 494960 End frame: 502920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss part:indef 494960 495720 REALLY 496080 496200 SAME 496520 496720 IN 496800 497000 FOOD 497160 497320 STORE 497440 498360 #OR 498440 498640 RESTAURANT 498720 499720 fs-BANKS 499960 501000 REALLY 501160 501400 VARY 501560 501960 MANY 502040 502160 DIFFERENT 502240 502560 PLACE 502680 502920 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 494960 495720 |> 496280 STORE 497440 498360 |> 499760 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 494960 495200 slightly front 495240 496560 start 496600 496840 back 496880 501240 start 501280 502000 slightly front 502040 502920 head pos: turn right 494960 496200 start 496240 496760 left 496800 497480 start 497520 498680 slightly right 498720 500840 start 500880 501760 left 501800 502000 start 502040 502480 slightly right 502520 502920 head pos: tilt side left 494960 496240 start 496280 496760 right 496800 497520 start 497560 498640 left 498680 499320 start 499360 499960 right 500000 500520 start 500560 501120 left 501160 501960 start 502000 502400 end 502440 502920 head pos: jut slightly back 494960 496080 start 496120 498760 forward 498800 501960 end 502000 502920 body lean slightly forward 494960 496280 start 496320 498720 left 498760 499360 start 499400 500240 right 500280 500600 start 500640 501320 left 501360 502680 end 502720 502920 eye brows lowered 494960 496200 start 496240 496600 raised 496640 501080 end 501120 501960 eye gaze to addressee 494960 502920 eye aperture squint 494960 495440 blink 495480 495840 squint 495880 496360 start 496400 496560 wide 496600 500000 start 500040 500280 squint 500320 500960 closed 501000 502080 start 502120 502160 lowered lid 502200 502920 nose wrinkle 494960 496360 start 496400 496720 tensed 496760 502080 end 502120 502920 POS Particle 494960 495720 Discourse Marker 496080 496200 Adjective 496520 496720 Preposition 496800 497000 Noun 497160 497320 Noun 497440 498360 Conjunction 498440 498640 Noun 498720 499720 Noun 499960 501000 Discourse Marker 501160 501400 Adjective 501560 501960 Adjective 502040 502160 Adjective 502240 502560 Noun 502680 502920 Non-dominant POS Particle 494960 495720 Noun 497440 498360 English translation Its same kind of situation in food shopping, banks, and many different places. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 79 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 502920 End frame: 511600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss HERE 503160 503400 ONLY 503640 503960 GET 504040 504200 GOOD 504360 504560 SERVICE 504640 505600 NOT 505760 505840 100 505960 506160 PERCENT 506200 506400 #OF 506440 506600 TIME 506680 506880 NO 506960 507200 BUT 507280 507520 TEND 507640 507800 GOOD 507960 508200 SERVICE 508320 508800 FUTURE 508920 509080 MAKE 509280 509520 SURE 509560 509840 FEEL 510160 510280 COMFORTABLE 510520 510880 "gesture" 511000 511480 PERFECT 511560 511600 non-dominant hand gloss HERE 503160 503400 |> 504000 GET 504040 504200 |> 504560 SERVICE 504640 505600 |> 506240 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 502920 503200 start 503240 504480 back 504520 505120 start 505160 505280 front 505320 505560 start 505600 506000 back 506040 506640 start 506680 507000 front 507040 511600 head pos: turn slightly right 502920 503400 start 503440 504080 slightly left 504120 504200 start 504240 504600 slightly right 504640 505560 start 505600 506760 left 506800 507400 start 507440 508120 right 508160 508800 start 508840 509800 slightly right 509840 511600 head pos: tilt side start 502920 504360 left 504400 505880 start 505920 506160 right 506200 506640 start 506680 507000 left 507040 508760 start 508800 509960 left 510000 510200 end 510240 511600 head pos: jut start 502920 503680 slightly back 503720 505120 start 505160 505960 back 506000 507120 start 507160 507760 forward 507800 508760 end 508800 509080 body lean slightly forward 502920 503320 start 503360 505160 back left 505200 506280 start 506320 507560 slightly forward 507600 508800 start 508840 509000 right 509040 509320 start 509360 509560 slightly forward 509600 509800 start 509840 509960 back left 510000 510320 start 510360 510520 slightly forward 510560 511600 eye brows start 502920 505600 raised 505640 506680 start 506720 507120 lowered 507160 511600 eye gaze to addressee 502920 511600 eye aperture lowered lid 502920 504120 start 504160 505720 wide 505760 506840 start 506880 507280 squint 507320 511600 nose start 502920 505760 tensed 505800 506760 start 506800 508880 wrinkle 508920 511600 POS Noun 503160 503400 Adjective 503640 503960 Verb 504040 504200 Adjective 504360 504560 Noun 504640 505600 Negation 505760 505840 Number 505960 506160 Noun 506200 506400 Preposition 506440 506600 Noun 506680 506880 Negation 506960 507200 Conjunction 507280 507520 Verb 507640 507800 Adjective 507960 508200 Noun 508320 508800 Tense Marker 508920 509080 Verb 509280 509520 Adjective 509560 509840 Verb 510160 510280 Adjective 510520 510880 Verb 511000 511480 Adjective 511560 511600 Non-dominant POS Noun 503160 503400 Verb 504040 504200 Noun 504640 505600 English translation In Boston, they have good service, well not 100 percent of time but normally did good which is perfect. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 80 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 511560 End frame: 517320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IN 511800 512160 ns-LA 512280 512840 REALLY 513600 513720 SERVICE 513800 514160 REALLY 514200 514280 AWFUL 514360 514760 SOMETIME 514880 515080 SOME 515120 515320 PEOPLE 515400 515680 CAN-NOT 515840 515960 SPEAK 516000 516320 ENGLISH 516560 516720 part:indef 517200 517320 non-dominant hand gloss IX-loc:i 512920 513240 |> 513680 CAN-NOT 515840 515960 |> 516320 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 511560 512080 start 512120 513080 front 513120 517320 head pos: turn slightly right 511560 512040 start 512080 512080 right 512120 517320 head pos: tilt side start 511560 513680 left 513720 517320 head pos: jut start 511560 512160 back 512200 513200 start 513240 515440 forward 515480 517200 end 517240 517320 body lean slightly forward 511560 512040 start 512080 515400 slightly forward 515440 516920 end 516960 517320 eye brows lowered 511560 511640 start 511680 512040 raised 512080 513120 start 513160 513240 lowered 513320 514960 start 515000 515880 slightly lowered 515920 517200 end 517240 517320 eye gaze to addressee 511560 517320 eye aperture squint 511560 517320 nose wrinkle 511560 511600 start 511640 513200 wrinkle 513240 515320 end 515360 515840 POS Preposition 511800 512160 Proper Noun 512280 512840 Discourse Marker 513600 513720 Noun 513800 514160 Discourse Marker 514200 514280 Adjective 514360 514760 Noun 514880 515080 Adjective 515120 515320 Noun 515400 515680 Negation 515840 515960 Verb 516000 516320 Adjective 516560 516720 Particle 517200 517320 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 512920 513240 Negation 515840 515960 English translation In LA, they have awful service, some people couldn't speak english. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 81 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 517320 End frame: 523960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss IX-1p 517520 517600 fs-PEN 517680 517920 PAPER 518040 518200 WRITE 518320 518600 STILL 518720 518760 NOT 518880 518920 UNDERSTAND 519040 519440 part:indef 519560 519920 SAME 520000 520120 part:indef 520240 520800 SAME 520960 521080 IN 521120 521160 HOW 521200 521360 BAD 521480 521760 IN 521920 522040 IX-loc:i 522120 522560 part:indef 522680 522840 ns-LA 522920 523320 part:indef 523840 523960 non-dominant hand gloss STILL 518720 518760 |> 519240 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 517320 517520 start 517560 517680 further front 517720 518720 start 518760 519640 back 519680 519840 start 519880 520400 back 520440 520840 start 520880 521280 front 521320 523600 end 523640 523960 head pos: turn right 517320 523960 head pos: tilt side left 517320 518880 start 518920 522720 left 522760 523960 head pos: jut start 517320 517680 back 517720 521160 start 521200 523160 forward 523200 523360 end 523400 523960 head mvmt: shake start 519560 519960 slight rapid headshake 520000 520880 end 520920 521080 body lean start 517320 518040 forward 518080 518880 start 518920 522080 slightly forward 522120 523480 end 523520 523960 eye brows slightly lowered 517320 517360 start 517400 517600 raised 517640 518520 start 518560 522080 lowered 522120 523960 eye gaze to addressee 517320 523960 eye aperture squint 517320 517360 start 517400 517640 wide 517680 519920 start 519960 520040 blink 520080 520320 start 520360 522000 squint 522040 523960 nose wrinkle 517320 517360 start 517400 522200 wrinkle 522240 523960 negative neg 520000 520880 POS Pronoun 517520 517600 Noun 517680 517920 Noun 518040 518200 Verb 518320 518600 Adverb 518720 518760 Negation 518880 518920 Verb 519040 519440 Particle 519560 519920 Adjective 520000 520120 Particle 520240 520800 Adjective 520960 521080 Preposition 521120 521160 Wh-word 521200 521360 Adjective 521480 521760 Preposition 521920 522040 Pronoun 522120 522560 Particle 522680 522840 Proper Noun 522920 523320 Particle 523840 523960 Non-dominant POS Adverb 518720 518760 English translation I asked for pen and paper to write, but they still don't understand me. Thats how bad service it is in LA! Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 82 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 523960 End frame: 529840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss PEOPLE 524320 524600 NOT 524760 525120 part:indef 525560 525640 fs-OUTGOING 525760 526880 VERY 527040 527280 UNKNOWN 527320 527640 FRIENDLY 527840 528240 WANT 528360 528480 IN 528960 529080 COMMUNITY 529160 529840 non-dominant hand gloss PEOPLE 524320 524600 |> 525360 part:indef 525560 525640 |> 526880 WELCOME 528680 528840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 523960 524760 back 524800 527240 end 527280 528160 head pos: turn right 523960 524080 start 524120 525040 left 525080 527240 start 527280 528240 slightly right 528280 529120 start 529160 529800 slightly left 529840 529840 head pos: tilt side slightly left 523960 524080 end 524120 524600 head pos: jut start 523960 525560 back 525600 528240 end 528280 529840 body lean start 523960 525400 right 525440 527280 start 527320 528440 right 528480 529080 end 529120 529840 shoulders start 523960 525400 left up 525440 527080 start 527120 527320 up 527360 528440 start 528480 528800 left up 528840 529160 end 529200 529840 eye brows slightly lowered 523960 525080 end 525120 525640 eye gaze to addressee 523960 529840 eye aperture squint 523960 529840 nose wrinkle 523960 525080 end 525120 525640 POS Noun 524320 524600 Negation 524760 525120 Particle 525560 525640 Adjective 525760 526880 Adjective 527040 527280 Adjective 527840 528240 Verb 528360 528480 Preposition 528960 529080 Noun 529160 529840 Non-dominant POS Noun 524320 524600 Particle 525560 525640 Adjective 528680 528840 English translation People were not very outgoing, friendly that welcome us in the community. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 83 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 529840 End frame: 536120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Eric Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 530040 530120 THINK 530240 530400 BECAUSE 530520 530800 ns-LA 530840 531120 #SO 531240 531480 BIG 531520 532640 SAME 532720 532880 IX-loc:i 532960 533200 MAYBE 533280 533520 NOT-CARE 533600 533920 ABOUT 534000 534160 POSS-3p:i 534280 534360 COMMUNITY 534440 534800 MORE 535040 535160 SAME 535240 535360 IX-1p-arc 535520 535640 fs-DO 535720 535880 non-dominant hand gloss BIG 531520 532640 |> 533120 MORE 535040 535160 |> 535760 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 529840 530280 back 530320 530520 start 530560 531320 back 531360 531600 start 531640 534720 front 534760 535880 end 535920 536120 head pos: turn left 529840 530360 start 530400 532680 right 532720 533560 start 533600 533600 slightly right 533640 535880 start 535920 536080 slightly left 536120 536120 head pos: jut start 534280 534800 back 534840 536120 body lean forward 529840 535360 end 535400 536120 eye brows start 529840 529920 raised 529960 532640 end 532680 533200 eye gaze to addressee 529840 534920 left 534960 535360 to addressee 535400 535880 left 535920 536120 eye aperture start 529840 530040 squint 530080 535040 end 535080 535360 nose start 529840 530200 tensed 530240 531560 end 531600 533200 POS Pronoun 530040 530120 Verb 530240 530400 Preposition 530520 530800 Proper Noun 530840 531120 Preposition 531240 531480 Adjective 531520 532640 Adjective 532720 532880 Pronoun 532960 533200 Adverb 533280 533520 Negation 533600 533920 Adverb 534000 534160 Pronoun 534280 534360 Noun 534440 534800 Adjective 535040 535160 Adjective 535240 535360 Pronoun 535520 535640 Verb 535720 535880 Non-dominant POS Adjective 531520 532640 Adjective 535040 535160 English translation I think its probably because LA is big so they didnt really care about the community as much as we do. Notes - number of character bytes: 0