SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: dorm prank Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv5:dorm prank Number of utterances: 54 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 0 End frame: 2640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss REALLY 440 520 PAST+ 680 1080 IX-1p 1320 1560 SEVEN 1800 2040 YEAR 2160 2640 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 0 120 slightly back 160 400 start 440 720 front 760 1160 start 1200 2040 front 2080 2640 head pos: turn start 0 200 right 240 2640 head pos: tilt side start 0 320 left 360 2040 end 2080 2640 head pos: jut start 0 280 forward 320 480 start 520 960 back 1000 1200 start 1240 1800 back 1840 2640 body lean start 0 640 slightly back 680 1240 start 1280 2000 slightly back 2040 2640 eye brows start 1000 1160 lowered 1200 2640 eye gaze to addressee 0 2640 eye aperture start 640 1240 squint 1280 2640 nose start 640 1320 wrinkle 1360 2640 POS Discourse Marker 440 520 Tense Marker 680 1080 Pronoun 1320 1560 Number 1800 2040 Noun 2160 2640 English translation Seven years ago. Notes - number of character bytes: 4 -CBD Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 2640 End frame: 4160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss FIRST 2760 2840 YEAR 3000 3120 ON 3240 3320 #CSUN 3440 4160 non-dominant hand gloss YEAR 2640 2680 |> 2920 ON 3240 3320 |> 4160 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 2640 4160 head pos: turn right 2640 4160 head pos: tilt side start 3720 3840 slightly left 3880 4160 head pos: jut back 2640 4160 head mvmt: nod start 3840 3920 single 3960 4120 end 4160 4160 body lean back 2640 3360 end 3400 3560 eye brows lowered 2640 4160 eye gaze to addressee 2640 4080 left 4120 4160 eye aperture squint 2640 4160 nose wrinkle 2640 4160 POS Number 2760 2840 Noun 3000 3120 Preposition 3240 3320 Proper Noun 3440 4160 Non-dominant POS Noun 2640 2680 Preposition 3240 3320 English translation My first year at CSUN. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 4160 End frame: 6920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 4360 4600 |> 5000 BOY 5360 5560 LIVE 5760 5840 IN 6000 6040 DORM 6160 6440 ROOM 6520 6880 non-dominant hand gloss ON 4160 4200 |> 4400 IX-1p-pl-4:x/y 4680 5120 |> 5520 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 4160 6920 head pos: turn right 4160 4240 start 4280 4560 left 4600 6760 start 6800 6880 slightly left 6920 6920 head pos: tilt side slightly left 4160 4600 start 4640 5320 slightly right 5360 5960 start 6000 6480 left 6520 6800 end 6840 6920 head pos: jut back 4160 6120 end 6160 6920 body lean start 4160 4480 slightly back 4520 5280 start 5320 6440 forward 6480 6920 eye brows lowered 4160 6920 eye gaze left 4160 4360 to addressee 4400 6920 eye aperture squint 4160 6000 start 6040 6800 squint 6840 6920 nose wrinkle 4160 6080 start 6120 6840 wrinkle 6880 6920 POS Discourse Marker 4360 4600 Noun 5360 5560 Verb 5760 5840 Preposition 6000 6040 Adjective 6160 6440 Noun 6520 6880 Non-dominant POS Preposition 4160 4200 Number 4680 5120 English translation Four of us boys live in the dorm. Notes - number of character bytes: 65 -Four of us gloss as IX-1p-pl-4:x/y, is it correct way to gloss?? Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 6920 End frame: 9480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 7040 7200 IX-3p-arc 7360 7560 TROUBLE+ 7840 8760 MAKER 8840 9360 non-dominant hand gloss MAKER 8840 9360 |> 9480 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 6920 7040 start 7080 7480 back 7520 7840 end 7880 8760 head pos: turn slightly left 6920 6960 start 7000 7400 right 7440 8400 start 8440 8800 slightly left 8840 9440 end 9480 9480 head pos: tilt side start 6920 7240 right 7280 8360 start 8400 8800 left 8840 9200 end 9240 9480 head pos: jut start 6920 7520 back 7560 8240 start 8280 8800 forward 8840 9240 end 9280 9480 body lean slightly forward 6920 7080 start 7120 8280 forward 8320 9160 end 9200 9480 eye brows slightly lowered 6920 9480 eye gaze to addressee 6920 9320 right 9360 9480 eye aperture squint 6920 6920 start 6960 6960 closed 7000 8960 start 9000 9360 further squinted 9400 9480 nose wrinkle 6920 7200 end 7240 7560 POS Discourse Marker 7040 7200 Pronoun 7360 7560 Adjective 7840 8760 Verb 8840 9360 Non-dominant POS Verb 8840 9360 English translation Really, we were trouble makers. Notes - number of character bytes: 36 -"WE", is it correct POS? IX-3p-arc? Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 9480 End frame: 13640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-1p 9640 9800 TEND 9960 10120 CL:1"sneaking" 10360 11080 CAUSE 11920 12000 PROBLEM 12120 12320 FOR 12480 12600 ANOTHER 12720 12840 RESIDENCE 13040 13560 non-dominant hand gloss MAKER 9480 9520 |> 10040 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 9480 9760 back 9800 12200 start 12240 13120 slightly back 13160 13640 head pos: turn start 9480 9800 right 9840 10320 start 10360 10960 left 11000 11160 start 11200 11920 right 11960 12520 start 12560 13240 left 13280 13400 end 13440 13640 head pos: tilt side start 9480 9680 right 9720 10360 start 10400 10880 left 10920 11160 start 11200 11800 right 11840 12360 start 12400 13000 left 13040 13440 end 13480 13640 head pos: jut start 9480 10440 forward 10480 13440 end 13480 13640 body lean start 9480 9960 back 10000 10200 start 10240 10520 forward 10560 11280 start 11320 12120 forward 12160 13280 end 13320 13640 eye gaze right 9480 10040 to addressee 10080 13120 left 13160 13360 right 13400 13640 eye aperture squint 9480 13640 POS Pronoun 9640 9800 Verb 9960 10120 Classifier 10360 11080 Verb 11920 12000 Noun 12120 12320 Preposition 12480 12600 Adjective 12720 12840 Pronoun 13040 13560 Non-dominant POS Verb 9480 9520 English translation I tend to sneaking and cause problems for another residences. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 13640 End frame: 19760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss CAUSE 13880 14040 PROBLEM 14160 14320 FOR 14440 14560 IX-3p-arc 14680 14720 #RA 14880 15720 RESIDENCE 15920 16520 COUNSELOR 16800 17160 KNOW 17360 17920 WHO 18040 18200 UNKNOWN 18320 18640 CHECK++ 18760 19760 non-dominant hand gloss 1:"focus" 14920 15720 COUNSELOR 16800 17160 |> 18480 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 13640 14280 start 14320 14680 front 14720 18000 end 18040 18640 head pos: turn start 13640 14040 right 14080 16080 start 16120 16640 left 16680 18040 start 18080 18560 right 18600 18760 start 18800 19680 left 19720 19760 head pos: tilt side start 13640 14040 slightly right 14080 15800 start 15840 16640 left 16680 18040 start 18080 18600 slightly right 18640 18880 end 18920 19760 head pos: jut start 13640 14640 back 14680 16360 start 16400 18560 forward 18600 19480 end 19520 19760 head mvmt: nod start 15840 16600 rapid 16640 17360 end 17400 18080 body lean start 13640 14320 slightly forward 14360 14720 start 14760 16160 slightly back 16200 16600 start 16640 17120 forward 17160 19760 eye brows start 14720 15320 lowered 15360 19760 eye gaze right 13640 13920 to addressee 13960 19760 eye aperture squint 13640 19560 start 19600 19720 closed 19760 19760 nose start 15360 15960 wrinkle 16000 19760 POS Verb 13880 14040 Noun 14160 14320 Preposition 14440 14560 Pronoun 14680 14720 Proper Noun 14880 15720 Adjective 15920 16520 Proper Noun 16800 17160 Verb 17360 17920 Wh-word 18040 18200 Verb 18760 19760 Non-dominant POS Proper Noun 16800 17160 English translation Caused the problem for our RA, Residence Counselor, you know, they are the one who will checking on us. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 19760 End frame: 24000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 19920 19960 IX-1p 20040 20120 KNOW 20280 20360 SURE 20520 20680 IX-2p-arc 20800 20920 WHO 21040 21120 LIVE 21200 21280 IN 21360 21440 DORM 21560 21880 PAST 22000 22120 CL:5"vomiting" 22320 22640 #RA 22760 23000 BUT 23080 23240 UNKNOWN 23320 23480 ANYWAY 23640 24000 non-dominant hand gloss CHECKING 19760 19800 |> 20920 CL:5"vomiting" 22320 22640 |> 22920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 19760 20280 front 20320 20360 start 20400 22840 front 22880 23760 end 23800 24000 head pos: turn left 19760 20000 start 20040 20600 right 20640 21240 start 21280 21920 left 21960 23000 start 23040 23320 right 23360 23760 end 23800 24000 head pos: tilt side start 19760 19960 right 20000 21200 start 21240 21760 left 21800 22800 start 22840 23240 right 23280 23800 end 23840 24000 head pos: jut start 19760 20320 back 20360 20880 start 20920 22240 back 22280 23600 end 23640 24000 body lean slightly forward 19760 19960 start 20000 21120 slightly forward 21160 21520 start 21560 23040 forward/left 23080 23360 end 23400 24000 eye brows lowered 19760 20640 start 20680 20920 raised 20960 21560 start 21600 22240 lowered 22280 24000 eye gaze to addressee 20440 24000 eye aperture closed 19760 20080 start 20120 20400 squint 20440 20760 start 20800 21880 squint 21920 22040 start 22080 22160 blink 22200 22320 start 22360 22360 further squinted 22400 22840 start 22880 22960 closed 23000 23800 start 23840 23920 further squinted 23960 24000 nose wrinkle 19760 19960 start 20000 21920 wrinkle 21960 24000 POS Discourse Marker 19920 19960 Pronoun 20040 20120 Verb 20280 20360 Adjective 20520 20680 Pronoun 20800 20920 Wh-word 21040 21120 Verb 21200 21280 Preposition 21360 21440 Noun 21560 21880 Tense Marker 22000 22120 Classifier 22320 22640 Proper Noun 22760 23000 Conjunction 23080 23240 Discourse Marker 23640 24000 Non-dominant POS Verb 19760 19800 Classifier 22320 22640 English translation Really, I know, I am sure you guys who lived in the dorm, you hate your RAs. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 24000 End frame: 28360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 24120 24320 IX-1p 24480 24640 |> 25000 ENJOY 25160 25560 WHY 25720 25800 POSS-1p 25880 26000 #RA 26120 26320 POSS-1p 26880 27160 FRATERNITY 27360 27560 BROTHER 27680 28360 non-dominant hand gloss IX-3p:i 26440 26800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 24000 24720 back 24760 25280 start 25320 25600 front 25640 26440 start 26480 27800 front 27840 28360 head pos: turn start 24000 24280 slightly left 24320 24640 start 24680 25040 right 25080 25520 start 25560 26200 left 26240 27080 start 27120 27840 left 27880 28360 head pos: tilt side start 24000 24720 right 24760 25520 start 25560 26440 left 26480 26960 start 27000 27760 left 27800 28360 head pos: jut start 24000 24400 back 24440 26440 start 26480 27520 back 27560 27880 end 27920 28360 body lean start 24000 24920 back 24960 25200 start 25240 26920 forward 26960 28360 eye brows lowered 24000 24040 start 24080 26480 lowered 26520 28360 eye gaze to addressee 24000 28160 left 28200 28360 eye aperture further squinted 24000 24160 start 24200 24280 closed 24320 25080 start 25120 25360 squint 25400 25720 start 25760 26400 squint 26440 28360 nose wrinkle 24000 24080 start 24120 26600 wrinkle 26640 27920 end 27960 28360 POS Discourse Marker 24120 24320 Pronoun 24480 24640 Verb 25160 25560 Wh-word 25720 25800 Possessive 25880 26000 Proper Noun 26120 26320 Possessive 26880 27160 Adjective 27360 27560 Proper Noun 27680 28360 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 26440 26800 English translation Really, I enjoyed because my RA was my fraternity brother. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 28360 End frame: 31800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss REALLY 28520 28640 HAPPEN 28840 29000 ONE 29160 29360 NIGHT 29560 29960 IX-3p-arc 30080 30320 "so" 30480 30880 CL:5"teasing" 31360 31720 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 28360 28440 start 28480 28840 back 28880 29160 start 29200 30520 back 30560 31400 end 31440 31800 head pos: turn left 28360 28400 start 28440 28960 right 29000 29560 start 29600 30040 left 30080 30480 start 30520 31040 right 31080 31520 end 31560 31800 head pos: tilt side left 28360 28480 start 28520 29040 right 29080 29440 start 29480 29960 left 30000 30560 start 30600 30920 right 30960 31600 end 31640 31800 head pos: jut start 28360 28680 forward 28720 28960 start 29000 29280 back 29320 29760 start 29800 30120 forward 30160 31480 end 31520 31800 body lean slightly forward 28360 28520 start 28560 29200 slightly back 29240 29520 start 29560 31560 forward/right 31600 31800 eye brows slightly lowered 28360 28960 start 29000 29200 lowered 29240 31400 end 31440 31800 eye gaze left 28360 28400 to addressee 28440 31240 right 31280 31800 eye aperture squint 28360 29000 start 29040 29040 further squinted 29080 30040 start 30080 30200 closed 30240 30960 start 31000 31160 further squinted 31200 31800 nose wrinkle 28360 31800 POS Discourse Marker 28520 28640 Verb 28840 29000 Number 29160 29360 Noun 29560 29960 Pronoun 30080 30320 Classifier 31360 31720 English translation It happened one night, that we didnt care and decided to tease him. Notes - number of character bytes: 33 - "so" is it correct for gesture? Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 31800 End frame: 35800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss ONE 31920 31960 NIGHT 32160 32400 UNKNOWN 32480 32600 IX-3p-arc 32760 32920 CL:3"going up" 33080 33680 REALLY 33920 34000 LIVE 34120 34280 ON 34360 34480 non-dominant hand gloss SECOND 34680 34840 FLOOR 35000 35760 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 31800 31960 front 32000 32600 start 32640 33000 back 33040 33320 start 33360 33520 front 33560 35240 end 35280 35800 head pos: turn start 31800 32120 left 32160 32640 start 32680 33120 right 33160 33480 start 33520 33960 left 34000 34800 start 34840 35760 right 35800 35800 head pos: tilt side start 31800 32120 left 32160 32600 start 32640 33000 right 33040 33520 start 33560 35760 slightly right 35800 35800 head pos: jut start 31800 32320 back 32360 32640 start 32680 33240 slightly back 33280 33960 start 34000 34120 back 34160 35760 end 35800 35800 body lean forward/right 31800 31920 start 31960 34280 back 34320 35000 end 35040 35800 eye brows start 33160 33480 lowered 33520 35800 eye gaze right 31800 31960 to addressee 32000 35800 eye aperture squint 31800 35800 nose start 33040 33400 wrinkle 33440 35800 POS Number 31920 31960 Noun 32160 32400 Pronoun 32760 32920 Classifier 33080 33680 Discourse Marker 33920 34000 Verb 34120 34280 Preposition 34360 34480 Non-dominant POS Number 34680 34840 Noun 35000 35760 English translation We decided to go up at one night. We live on second floor. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 35800 End frame: 38000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p-arc 36160 36320 #RA 36480 36640 LIVE 36800 36920 ON 37040 37080 THIRD 37160 37400 FLOOR 37520 38000 non-dominant hand gloss REALLY 35800 36080 IX-2p 36120 36280 |> 36400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 35800 36080 front 36120 38000 head pos: turn right 35800 35800 start 35840 36120 slightly left 36160 36280 start 36320 36480 right 36520 36960 start 37000 37640 left 37680 38000 head pos: tilt side slightly right 35800 35840 start 35880 36680 right 36720 36960 start 37000 37480 left 37520 38000 head pos: jut start 35800 35960 back 36000 37880 end 37920 38000 body lean start 35800 36080 back 36120 37280 start 37320 37960 forward 38000 38000 eye brows lowered 35800 38000 eye gaze to addressee 35800 38000 eye aperture squint 35800 36120 start 36160 36160 blink 36200 36280 start 36320 36400 squint 36440 38000 nose wrinkle 35800 38000 POS Pronoun 36160 36320 Proper Noun 36480 36640 Verb 36800 36920 Preposition 37040 37080 Number 37160 37400 Noun 37520 38000 Non-dominant POS Discourse Marker 35800 36080 Pronoun 36120 36280 English translation Our RA lives on third floor. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 38000 End frame: 41600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss HAVE 39200 39360 fs-ROPE 39480 40040 CL:S"size of the object" 40160 41600 non-dominant hand gloss IX-1p 38160 38240 CL:1"going up" 38360 39120 1:"focus" 39720 40040 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 38000 38160 start 38200 40800 front 40840 41080 end 41120 41600 head pos: turn left 38000 38040 start 38080 38520 right 38560 39160 start 39200 39240 slightly right 39280 40040 start 40080 41520 slightly left 41560 41600 head pos: tilt side left 38000 38040 start 38080 38320 right 38360 39720 start 39760 41480 slightly left 41520 41600 head pos: jut slightly back 38000 38000 start 38040 38360 forward 38400 38560 start 38600 39400 back 39440 41080 start 41120 41480 slightly back 41520 41600 body lean slightly forward 38000 38240 start 38280 38680 forward/right 38720 39200 start 39240 39560 back 39600 40840 end 40880 41600 eye brows lowered 38000 38720 end 38760 39240 eye gaze to addressee 38000 39240 right 39280 39640 to addressee 39680 39960 right 40000 41600 eye aperture squint 38000 38000 start 38040 38120 closed 38160 38640 end 38680 39240 nose wrinkle 38000 38680 end 38720 39240 POS Verb 39200 39360 Noun 39480 40040 Classifier 40160 41600 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 38160 38240 Classifier 38360 39120 English translation We had rope with us when we went up. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 41600 End frame: 46280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss UNDERSTAND 41880 42120 TWO 42280 42440 POSS-3p:i 42800 43040 fs-DOOR 43200 43640 ANOTHER 45320 45480 fs-DOOR 45560 45760 CL:5"location of the object" 45960 46280 non-dominant hand gloss CL:S"size of the object" 41600 41640 |> 42120 CL:5"location of the object" 44000 44920 |> 46280 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 41600 41920 front 41960 44280 start 44320 45440 slightly front 45480 46280 head pos: turn slightly left 41600 41640 start 41680 42200 right 42240 45960 end 46000 46280 head pos: tilt side slightly left 41600 41680 start 41720 42920 slightly right 42960 44720 start 44760 45160 right 45200 46080 start 46120 46160 slightly right 46200 46280 head pos: jut slightly back 41600 41640 start 41680 41720 back 41760 46280 head mvmt: nod start 41600 41720 single 41760 42080 start 42120 43800 single 43840 44720 end 44760 45160 body lean start 41680 42080 left 42120 45160 end 45200 45480 eye brows start 41600 41920 lowered 41960 45760 end 45800 46200 eye gaze right 41600 41720 to addressee 41760 45720 right 45760 46280 eye aperture start 41600 41840 squint 41880 44280 end 44320 44760 nose start 41600 41920 wrinkle 41960 44320 end 44360 44760 POS Verb 41880 42120 Number 42280 42440 Possessive 42800 43040 Noun 43200 43640 Adjective 45320 45480 Noun 45560 45760 Classifier 45960 46280 Non-dominant POS Classifier 41600 41640 Classifier 44000 44920 English translation There is two doors, one on left side and another one on right side. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 46280 End frame: 48880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss (2h)PERFECT 46640 46920 (2h)SAME 47040 47600 GOOD 47720 47960 SIZE 48040 48280 (2h)IX:3p:x/y 48360 48880 non-dominant hand gloss (2h)SAME 47040 47600 |> 47760 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 46280 48080 start 48120 48320 front 48360 48880 head pos: turn start 46280 46560 left 46600 47320 start 47360 47640 slightly right 47680 48120 start 48160 48400 left 48440 48680 start 48720 48840 slightly right 48880 48880 head pos: tilt side slightly right 46280 48120 start 48160 48440 slightly left 48480 48800 end 48840 48880 head pos: jut back 46280 48880 head mvmt: nod start 46280 46680 single 46720 47080 start 47120 47680 single 47720 48000 end 48040 48160 body lean slightly back 46280 48880 eye gaze right 46280 46360 to addressee 46400 46400 left 46440 46560 right 46600 46960 left 47000 47320 right 47360 48280 left 48320 48640 to addressee 48680 48880 POS Adjective 46640 46920 Adjective 47040 47600 Adjective 47720 47960 Noun 48040 48280 Determiner 48360 48880 Non-dominant POS Adjective 47040 47600 English translation It was perfect because its same size in both sides. Notes - number of character bytes: 47 -Two-handed signs for SAME, did I do right way? Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 48880 End frame: 57240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SO 48960 49000 IX-1p 49200 49240 fs-ROPE 49400 49680 CL:S"fixing the object" 50120 51000 CL:S"pulling the object" 51320 51840 CL:S"fixing the object" 51960 53000 PERFECT 53720 53920 ON 54320 54440 fs-HOHOLE 54720 55880 CL:S"fixing the object" 56920 57200 non-dominant hand gloss CL:S"fixing the object" 50120 51000 |> 53280 CL:S"fixing the object" 56160 57240 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 48880 49040 start 49080 49520 front 49560 54640 start 54680 55880 front 55920 57240 head pos: turn slightly right 48880 49040 start 49080 49200 right 49240 49680 start 49720 49920 left 49960 50920 start 50960 51560 right 51600 51800 start 51840 52880 left 52920 54000 start 54040 54320 right 54360 55920 start 55960 56840 left 56880 57240 head pos: tilt side start 48880 49120 slightly right 49160 49600 start 49640 49920 left 49960 50960 start 51000 51520 right 51560 52800 start 52840 53640 left 53680 54040 end 54080 55920 head pos: jut back 48880 57240 body lean back 48880 49120 start 49160 50000 forward/left 50040 51000 start 51040 51800 forward/right 51840 53080 start 53120 53960 forward 54000 56240 end 56320 57200 eye brows start 52960 53080 raised 53120 53960 start 54000 54480 lowered 54520 57240 eye gaze to addressee 48880 49640 left 49680 49960 to addressee 50000 50960 right 51000 53160 left 53200 53880 to addressee 53920 57240 eye aperture start 48880 51800 slightly squinted 51840 53000 start 53040 53160 wide 53200 54080 start 54120 54400 squint 54440 57160 start 57200 57200 closed 57240 57240 nose start 48880 49680 tensed 49720 53000 start 53040 54200 wrinkle 54240 57240 POS Discourse Marker 48960 49000 Pronoun 49200 49240 Noun 49400 49680 Classifier 50120 51000 Classifier 51320 51840 Classifier 51960 53000 Adjective 53720 53920 Preposition 54320 54440 Noun 54720 55880 Classifier 56920 57200 Non-dominant POS Classifier 50120 51000 Classifier 56160 57240 English translation I fixed the rope to attach between the holes. Notes - number of character bytes: 18 -all CL's correct? Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 57240 End frame: 60600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SAME 57280 57360 IX-1p 57560 57600 TIE 57760 58120 UNKNOWN 58280 58480 IX-1p 58720 58920 CL:S"pressing the object"++ 59320 60600 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 57240 57400 start 57440 57800 front 57840 58160 start 58200 59240 front 59280 60600 head pos: turn left 57240 57720 start 57760 57920 slightly right 57960 58160 start 58200 58280 left 58320 60600 head pos: tilt side slightly left 57240 57400 start 57440 58920 left 58960 60600 head pos: jut back 57240 60600 head mvmt: nod start 57240 57240 single 57280 57400 start 57440 58360 single 58400 58640 end 58680 58960 body lean start 57240 57840 slightly back 57880 58240 start 58280 58480 right 58520 59240 start 59280 59640 forward/left 59680 60600 eye brows lowered 57240 57440 start 57480 57600 raised 57640 59640 start 59680 60520 lowered 60560 60600 eye gaze left 57400 57600 to addressee 57640 58160 left 58200 58600 to addressee 58640 60600 eye aperture closed 57240 57360 start 57400 57640 wide 57680 58920 end 58960 59240 nose wrinkle 57240 57760 start 57800 60560 wrinkle 60600 60600 POS Adjective 57280 57360 Pronoun 57560 57600 Verb 57760 58120 Pronoun 58720 58920 Classifier 59320 60600 English translation I was tying and then pressed the doorbell. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 60600 End frame: 64600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss fs-ERICK 60840 61520 SAME 61640 61680 POSS-3p:i 61760 61800 NAME 61880 62040 ERICK 62200 62560 fs-ERICK 62680 63280 IX-3p:i 63320 63560 POSS-1p 63720 63800 PAST 63920 64040 #RA 64120 64480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 60600 64600 head pos: turn left 60600 60720 start 60760 60920 right 60960 63920 start 63960 64560 left 64600 64600 head pos: tilt side left 60600 60880 start 60920 61600 right 61640 64600 head pos: jut back 60600 64520 end 64560 64600 head mvmt: nod start 63160 63400 slight rapid head nod 63440 63840 end 63880 64560 body lean forward/left 60600 60920 start 60960 61240 forward 61280 64600 eye brows lowered 60600 64600 eye gaze to addressee 60600 64520 left 64560 64600 eye aperture start 60600 60760 squint 60800 61320 start 61360 61520 blink 61560 61760 start 61800 61800 further squinted 61840 63160 start 63200 63240 closed 63280 63960 start 64000 64120 squint 64160 64600 nose start 60600 60760 wrinkle 60800 64600 POS Proper Noun 60840 61520 Adjective 61640 61680 Pronoun 61760 61800 Noun 61880 62040 Proper Noun 62200 62560 Proper Noun 62680 63280 Determiner 63320 63560 Possessive 63720 63800 Tense Marker 63920 64040 Proper Noun 64120 64480 English translation My RA named is Erick. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 64600 End frame: 72880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 64960 65040 |> 66920 START 67440 67520 CL:S"pulling the object"++ 67840 69440 IX-1p 69560 69720 CL:S"pressing the object" 69920 70320 ANOTHER 70440 70560 PERSON 70800 70880 CL:S"pressing the object" 71080 71280 CL:S"pulling against each other"++ 71600 72880 non-dominant hand gloss CL:S"pressing the object"++ 64960 67200 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 64600 66400 start 66440 67640 front 67680 68200 start 68240 68880 back 68920 69240 start 69280 70520 front 70560 71800 end 71840 72440 head pos: turn left 64600 66440 start 66480 67520 left 67560 68640 start 68680 68920 right 68960 70320 start 70360 71120 left 71160 71800 start 71840 72120 right 72160 72280 start 72320 72440 left 72480 72760 end 72800 72880 head pos: tilt side slightly right 64600 65000 start 65040 67880 left 67920 68440 start 68480 68680 right 68720 70360 start 70400 71360 left 71400 71840 start 71880 72000 right 72040 72200 start 72240 72360 left 72400 72800 end 72840 72880 head pos: jut start 64600 65160 back 65200 68440 start 68480 70000 back 70040 72240 end 72280 72880 head mvmt: side to side start 64600 67920 single 67960 69280 start 69320 71600 rapid 71640 72840 end 72880 72880 body lean forward 64600 64640 start 64680 65320 right 65360 69240 start 69280 70040 right 70080 71400 start 71440 72160 right 72200 72520 end 72560 72880 eye brows slightly lowered 64600 64640 start 64680 65000 raised 65040 67520 start 67560 67680 slightly lowered 67720 69320 start 69360 71040 lowered 71080 72880 eye gaze left 64600 65280 to addressee 65320 68600 right 68640 72880 eye aperture squint 64600 64600 start 64640 64840 closed 64880 65560 start 65600 66200 blink 66240 66440 start 66480 67680 squint 67720 69400 start 69440 71160 squint 71200 72880 nose wrinkle 64600 64600 start 64640 64720 tensed 64760 66480 start 66520 67600 wrinkle 67640 69280 start 69320 71240 wrinkle 71280 72880 POS Pronoun 64960 65040 Verb 67440 67520 Classifier 67840 69440 Pronoun 69560 69720 Classifier 69920 70320 Adjective 70440 70560 Noun 70800 70880 Classifier 71080 71280 Classifier 71600 72880 Non-dominant POS Classifier 64960 67200 English translation I pressed the doorbell and he started to pulling the door. Then I pressed another doorbell, both were trying to open the door. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 72880 End frame: 76720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss BOTH 73040 73280 CAN-NOT 73560 73800 OUT 74480 75080 IX-1p 75240 75400 LAUGH 75600 76720 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 72880 73080 front 73120 75280 start 75320 75720 back 75760 76080 start 76120 76520 slightly front 76560 76640 end 76680 76720 head pos: turn start 72880 73080 slightly right 73120 73360 start 73400 73760 left 73800 74480 start 74520 75520 left 75560 76560 start 76600 76640 slightly left 76680 76720 head pos: tilt side start 72880 73840 left 73880 74440 start 74480 75520 left 75560 76640 end 76680 76720 head pos: jut start 72880 72960 slightly back 73000 73120 start 73160 73320 back 73360 74520 start 74560 76320 forward 76360 76520 end 76560 76720 head mvmt: shake start 73400 73760 rapid 73800 74520 end 74560 75160 body lean start 72880 74040 forward 74080 75240 start 75280 75880 back 75920 76160 start 76200 76520 forward 76560 76720 eye brows lowered 72880 72960 end 73000 73400 eye gaze to addressee 72880 76720 eye aperture squint 72880 73000 start 73040 75200 start 75240 75240 closed 75280 76200 start 76240 76320 squint 76360 76720 nose wrinkle 72880 72960 start 73000 75120 wrinkle 75160 75520 end 75560 75920 negative negation 73800 74520 POS Pronoun 73040 73280 Negation+Verb 73560 73800 Preposition 74480 75080 Pronoun 75240 75400 Verb 75600 76720 English translation Both could not get out and I was laughing hard. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 76720 End frame: 80600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p-arc 76800 77200 ROOMMATE 77400 77600 PAST 77760 78280 SEVEN 78480 78560 YEAR 78640 78920 IX-3p:i 79000 79160 LAUGH 79320 79640 GOOD 79800 79920 TIME 80040 80280 IX-1p 80360 80440 non-dominant hand gloss LAUGH 76720 76760 |> 77040 ROOMMATE 77400 77600 |> 78480 TIME 80040 80280 |> 80600 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 76720 77120 front 77160 78920 start 78960 79520 back 79560 80280 start 80320 80480 front 80520 80600 head pos: turn slightly left 76720 76760 start 76800 77000 right 77040 78040 start 78080 78560 left 78600 79200 start 79240 79960 slightly right 80000 80400 start 80440 80560 slightly left 80600 80600 head pos: tilt side start 76720 76960 right 77000 78040 start 78080 78520 left 78560 79000 start 79040 79520 right 79560 80400 start 80440 80560 slightly left 80600 80600 head pos: jut start 76720 77040 back 77080 78600 start 78640 79120 forward 79160 80280 start 80320 80520 slightly back 80560 80600 body lean slightly forward 76720 76800 start 76840 77320 back 77360 78400 start 78440 79120 slightly forward 79160 79320 start 79360 79840 slightly back 79880 80120 start 80160 80560 forward/left 80600 80600 eye brows start 76720 77200 lowered 77240 78920 start 78960 80400 lowered 80440 80600 eye gaze to addressee 76720 80600 eye aperture squint 76720 77480 start 77520 77680 closed 77720 78320 start 78360 78360 further squinted 78400 78720 start 78760 78960 closed 79000 80280 start 80320 80400 further squinted 80440 80600 nose start 76800 77200 wrinkle 77240 78920 start 78960 80400 wrinkle 80440 80600 POS Pronoun 76800 77200 Proper Noun 77400 77600 Tense Marker 77760 78280 Number 78480 78560 Noun 78640 78920 Determiner 79000 79160 Verb 79320 79640 Adjective 79800 79920 Noun 80040 80280 Pronoun 80360 80440 Non-dominant POS Verb 76720 76760 Proper Noun 77400 77600 Noun 80040 80280 English translation We, the roommates seven years ago, were laughing and had a good time. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 80600 End frame: 86800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss UNKNOWN 80720 81480 DECIDE 81760 81920 LEAVE 82160 82440 UNKNOWN 82480 82720 CL:1"going down" 82920 83720 FOR 84000 84040 FIFTEEN 84160 84280 MINUTE 84400 84840 #THEN 84920 85160 DECIDE 85320 85680 FEEL 85800 86040 BAD 86160 86600 non-dominant hand gloss DECIDE 85320 85680 |> 86160 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 80600 81040 start 81080 81640 front 81680 84560 start 84600 85120 back 85160 86160 end 86200 86800 head pos: turn left 80600 81240 start 81280 81600 right 81640 82320 start 82360 82480 left 82520 83600 start 83640 84240 right 84280 84800 start 84840 85480 slightly right 85520 86240 start 86280 86760 slightly left 86800 86800 head pos: tilt side left 80600 81200 start 81240 81520 right 81560 82320 start 82360 82480 left 82520 83640 start 83680 84240 slightly right 84280 84680 start 84720 85120 left 85160 85240 start 85280 85480 right 85520 86320 start 86360 86760 left 86800 86800 head pos: jut back 80600 84680 start 84720 85120 slightly forward 85160 85400 start 85440 86080 back 86120 86360 end 86400 86800 head mvmt: side to side start 80600 81080 rapid 81120 83720 end 83760 84240 body lean forward/left 80600 81040 start 81080 82320 forward/left 82360 82840 start 82880 83560 forward/right 83600 85160 start 85200 86080 back/right 86120 86560 end 86600 86800 eye brows lowered 80600 82240 start 82280 82360 slightly lowered 82400 84680 start 84720 84720 lowered 84760 85280 end 85320 85480 eye gaze to addressee 80600 83480 right 83520 84360 to addressee 84400 86800 eye aperture further squinted 80600 81880 start 81920 81920 squint 81960 84720 start 84760 84880 closed 84920 86800 nose wrinkle 80600 86760 end 86800 86800 POS Verb 81760 81920 Verb 82160 82440 Classifier 82920 83720 Preposition 84000 84040 Number 84160 84280 Noun 84400 84840 Adverb 84920 85160 Verb 85320 85680 Verb 85800 86040 Adjective 86160 86600 Non-dominant POS Verb 85320 85680 English translation We decided to leave it alone and went downstair for fifteen minutes. Then we felt bad. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 86800 End frame: 90360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss ON 88160 88240 THIRD 88320 88440 FLOOR 88560 89000 IX-1p 89240 89720 CL:S"pressing the object" 89960 90360 non-dominant hand gloss IX-1p 86920 87000 CL:1"going up" 87240 87960 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 88160 88680 front 88720 89040 end 89080 89720 head pos: turn left 86800 87520 start 87560 88000 slightly right 88040 89120 start 89160 89760 left 89800 90360 head pos: tilt side left 86800 87600 start 87640 88360 right 88400 89160 start 89200 89720 left 89760 90360 head pos: jut start 88720 89240 slightly forward 89280 90360 head mvmt: nod start 89760 89960 slight rapid head nod 90000 90320 end 90360 90360 head mvmt: side to side start 86800 86960 slow 87000 89920 end 89960 90320 body lean back/right 86800 86800 start 86840 87160 left 87200 87880 start 87920 89000 forward/right 89040 89400 start 89440 89800 left 89840 90240 start 90280 90320 forward/left 90360 90360 eye brows start 87920 88120 lowered 88160 89000 end 89040 89400 eye gaze to addressee 87240 89440 up 89480 90360 eye aperture closed 86800 86960 start 87000 87200 squint 87240 88920 start 88960 88960 blink 89000 89120 end 89160 89480 nose start 86800 87600 wrinkle 87640 88960 end 89000 89480 POS Preposition 88160 88240 Number 88320 88440 Noun 88560 89000 Pronoun 89240 89720 Classifier 89960 90360 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 86920 87000 Classifier 87240 87960 English translation I went up to third floor and pressed the doorbell. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 90360 End frame: 94800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 90480 90640 CL:S"fixing the object" 90920 91400 DISCONNECT 91600 92120 fs-ROPE 92200 92560 DISCONNECT 92760 93400 IX-1p 93520 93640 UNKNOWN 93920 94800 non-dominant hand gloss CL:S"pressing the object" 90360 90400 |> 91400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 90360 90720 front 90760 91240 start 91280 91600 slightly back 91640 91760 start 91800 91960 front 92000 93480 end 93520 93920 head pos: turn left 90360 90600 start 90640 91880 right 91920 93320 start 93360 93960 left 94000 94800 head pos: tilt side left 90360 91360 start 91400 92200 right 92240 93600 start 93640 94040 left 94080 94800 head pos: jut start 90360 90880 back 90920 93400 start 93440 94520 forward 94560 94800 head mvmt: nod start 91360 91680 slow 91720 93640 start 93680 94320 single 94360 94720 end 94760 94800 body lean forward/left 90360 90480 start 90520 90920 forward/right 90960 92240 start 92280 92920 forward 92960 94320 start 94360 94640 forward/right 94680 94800 eye gaze up 90360 90440 to addressee 90480 93400 up/left 93440 94040 up 94080 94640 to addressee 94680 94800 eye aperture start 93440 93960 squint 94000 94800 nose start 93640 94320 wrinkle 94360 94800 POS Pronoun 90480 90640 Classifier 90920 91400 Adjective 91600 92120 Noun 92200 92560 Adjective 92760 93400 Pronoun 93520 93640 Non-dominant POS Classifier 90360 90400 English translation I fixed the rope and got it deattached. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 94800 End frame: 96600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss KNOW 94960 95080 IX-1p 95200 95320 CL:5"teasing"+ 95440 96400 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 96400 96440 slightly front 96480 96600 head pos: turn left 94800 94960 start 95000 95440 slightly right 95480 96600 head pos: tilt side left 94800 94960 start 95000 95200 right 95240 96240 start 96280 96560 slightly left 96600 96600 head pos: jut forward 94800 96440 end 96480 96600 head mvmt: nod start 94800 95160 slight slow head nod 95200 96400 end 96440 96600 body lean forward/right 94800 95000 start 95040 95440 forward 95480 96600 eye gaze to addressee 94800 96600 eye aperture squint 94800 96200 end 96240 96480 nose wrinkle 94800 96240 end 96280 96600 POS Verb 94960 95080 Pronoun 95200 95320 Classifier 95440 96400 English translation I know that I was teasing. Notes - number of character bytes: 35 - correct way to gloss the cl part? Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 96600 End frame: 101320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 96680 96800 IX-3p:i 96920 97000 NS-ERICK 97120 97840 SAY 98080 98200 WORRY 98360 98960 SAY 99160 99320 part:indef 99480 99680 KNOW 99880 99960 IX-1p 100080 100200 HAVE 100360 100560 EMERGENCY 100800 101320 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 99480 99680 |> 100120 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 96600 98240 start 98280 99960 front 100000 100440 start 100480 101200 head pos: turn slightly right 96600 96760 start 96800 96960 right 97000 98000 start 98040 98600 slightly left 98640 98680 start 98720 99040 slightly right 99080 101040 end 101080 101320 head pos: tilt side slightly left 96600 96800 start 96840 98200 left 98240 98400 start 98440 98760 right 98800 99400 start 99440 99880 left 99920 101320 head pos: jut start 96600 96840 back 96880 98040 start 98080 99920 forward 99960 100360 start 100400 101280 head mvmt: shake start 98080 98360 slow 98400 99200 end 99240 99440 body lean forward 96600 96800 start 96840 98240 forward 98280 98640 start 98680 99120 back/right 99160 99320 start 99360 99600 forward 99640 100560 start 100600 101280 forward 101320 101320 eye brows start 96600 96800 raised 96840 97880 end 97920 98240 eye gaze to addressee 96600 98200 right 98240 99600 to addressee 99640 101320 eye aperture start 96600 96800 wide 96840 98760 start 98800 98800 blink 98840 99080 start 99120 99920 wide 99960 100760 end 100800 101320 POS Discourse Marker 96680 96800 Pronoun 96920 97000 Proper Noun 97120 97840 Verb 98080 98200 Verb 98360 98960 Verb 99160 99320 Particle 99480 99680 Verb 99880 99960 Pronoun 100080 100200 Verb 100360 100560 Noun 100800 101320 Non-dominant POS Particle 99480 99680 English translation Erick said I was worried, you know, I had an emergency. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 101320 End frame: 105760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss IX-1p 101480 101600 MUST 101680 101760 TO 101880 101920 GO 102160 102600 IX-1p 102960 103120 part:indef 103280 103680 REALLY 103840 103960 ANOTHER 104120 104280 BUILDING 104440 104640 MUST 104760 105000 IX-1p 105160 105440 part:indef 105600 105760 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 103280 103680 |> 104120 BUILDING 104440 104640 |> 105360 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 101320 101480 start 101520 101800 slightly back 101840 104240 end 104280 105000 head pos: turn start 101320 103400 slightly right 103440 104600 end 104640 105000 head pos: tilt side left 101320 101720 start 101760 102120 right 102160 102800 start 102840 103440 left 103480 104000 start 104040 105680 slightly left 105720 105760 head pos: jut start 101320 101920 forward 101960 102960 start 103000 103640 back 103680 103840 start 103880 104600 back 104640 105760 head mvmt: nod start 101320 102120 single 102160 102880 end 102920 103640 body lean forward 101320 101760 start 101800 102680 forward 102720 103040 start 103080 103520 left 103560 104080 start 104120 105280 forward 105320 105760 eye gaze to addressee 101320 105760 POS Pronoun 101480 101600 Verb 101680 101760 Preposition 101880 101920 Verb 102160 102600 Pronoun 102960 103120 Particle 103280 103680 Discourse Marker 103840 103960 Adjective 104120 104280 Noun 104440 104640 Verb 104760 105000 Pronoun 105160 105440 Particle 105600 105760 Non-dominant POS Particle 103280 103680 Noun 104440 104640 English translation I have to go to the another building. Notes - number of character bytes: 120 - GO, is it correct gloss for this sign? - not sure whats happening to his eyes for eye aperture?? did he wide his eyes? Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 105760 End frame: 109360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss part:indef 105760 105800 WHY 105840 105960 DO 106080 106240 THAT 106360 106760 IX-1p 107000 107360 part:indef++ 107480 108440 IX-1p 108560 108680 FEEL 108720 108960 BAD 109080 109360 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 105760 105800 |> 105960 part:indef++ 107480 108440 |> 109360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 106760 107040 slightly back 107080 108440 start 108480 108960 slightly front 109000 109360 head pos: turn start 108480 108680 slightly right 108720 109360 head pos: tilt side slightly left 105760 106360 start 106400 108480 slightly right 108520 108680 start 108720 109120 left 109160 109360 head pos: jut back 105760 109360 head mvmt: shake start 105760 105960 slight rapid head shake 106000 106960 end 107000 107480 body lean forward 105760 106960 start 107000 108440 back 108480 109080 end 109120 109360 eye brows start 109120 109280 lowered 109320 109360 eye gaze to addressee 105760 107320 left 107360 107600 up 107640 108040 to addressee 108080 109360 eye aperture start 107000 107240 blink 107280 107360 end 107400 108040 nose start 109120 109280 wrinkle 109320 109360 POS Particle 105760 105800 Wh-word 105840 105960 Verb 106080 106240 Pronoun 106360 106760 Pronoun 107000 107360 Particle 107480 108440 Pronoun 108560 108680 Verb 108720 108960 Adjective 109080 109360 Non-dominant POS Particle 105760 105800 Particle 107480 108440 English translation He asked, "Why did you do that?" I felt bad. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 109360 End frame: 112920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-3p:i 109440 109480 SAY 109600 109680 KNOW 109760 109920 IX-1p 110080 110120 CALL 110280 110560 COP 110720 111080 COME 111280 111760 NOW 111880 112360 |> 112920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 109360 110160 end 110200 110720 head pos: turn right 109360 111200 start 111240 111360 slightly right 111400 112640 end 112680 112920 head pos: tilt side left 109360 112560 end 112600 112920 head pos: jut back 109360 110000 start 110040 110360 forward 110400 112360 end 112400 112920 body lean start 109360 109800 forward 109840 110720 start 110760 111120 back/right 111160 111400 start 111440 111800 forward 111840 112360 end 112400 112920 eye brows lowered 109360 112680 end 112720 112920 eye gaze to addressee 109360 111920 right 111960 112920 eye aperture start 110200 110640 slightly squinted 110680 112000 end 112040 112680 nose wrinkle 109360 110680 end 110720 111160 POS Pronoun 109440 109480 Verb 109600 109680 Verb 109760 109920 Pronoun 110080 110120 Verb 110280 110560 Proper Noun 110720 111080 Verb 111280 111760 Adverb 111880 112360 English translation He said, "You know, I called cop to come now." Notes - number of character bytes: 61 - Call, is there any specific to gloss for that kind of sign? Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 112920 End frame: 116160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss NOW 112920 112960 |> 113040 IX-1p 113240 113480 LOOK 113640 114040 TRUE-BUSINESS 114160 114520 IX-2p 114600 114720 CALL 114800 114920 COP 115080 115320 ON 115400 115520 IX-3p-arc 115640 116160 non-dominant hand gloss NOW 112920 112960 |> 113440 TRUE-BUSINESS 114160 114520 |> 114680 head pos: turn start 114600 114840 left 114880 116160 head pos: jut start 114040 114160 forward 114200 115040 start 115080 115640 back 115680 116160 body lean start 114040 114600 forward 114640 114920 start 114960 115160 back/right 115200 116160 eye brows start 113640 113960 raised 114000 116160 eye gaze right 112920 113320 left 113360 113720 up 113760 113960 to addressee 114000 116160 eye aperture start 112920 113280 blink 113320 113480 start 113520 113960 wide 114000 116160 nose start 114200 114800 tensed 114840 115880 end 115920 116160 POS Adverb 112920 112960 Pronoun 113240 113480 Verb 113640 114040 Pronoun 114600 114720 Verb 114800 114920 Proper Noun 115080 115320 Preposition 115400 115520 Pronoun 115640 116160 Non-dominant POS Adverb 112920 112960 English translation I looked at him and asked if he did call a cop on us. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 116160 End frame: 121120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 116240 116280 SAY 116360 116480 part:indef 116600 116720 IX-1p 116800 116920 NOT-KNOW 117000 117320 IX-2p-arc 117440 117680 IX-1p 117800 117920 THINK 118040 118240 SOMEONE 118320 118960 ELSE 119120 119640 PLAY 119880 120000 TROUBLE 120200 120560 WITH 120680 120840 IX-1p 120920 121120 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 116600 116720 |> 119640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 116160 116560 slightly back 116600 118240 start 118280 120840 slightly back 120880 121120 head pos: turn left 116160 116280 start 116320 116600 right 116640 117880 start 117920 118520 left 118560 120360 start 120400 121000 right 121040 121120 head pos: tilt side slightly right 116160 116320 start 116360 116720 left 116760 118000 start 118040 119640 right 119680 119960 start 120000 120880 left 120920 121120 head pos: jut slightly back 116160 116280 start 116320 116680 forward 116720 118040 start 118080 119240 back 119280 119480 start 119520 120200 forward 120240 120840 end 120880 121120 body lean back/right 116160 116240 start 116280 116600 forward 116640 118160 start 118200 119040 back/right 119080 119240 start 119280 119960 forward/left 120000 120320 start 120360 120600 forward 120640 121120 eye brows raised 116160 120280 end 120320 120640 eye gaze to addressee 116160 118360 right 118400 120920 to addressee 120960 121120 eye aperture wide 116160 119680 end 119720 120280 nose start 116160 116400 tensed 116440 118280 end 118320 119040 POS Pronoun 116240 116280 Verb 116360 116480 Particle 116600 116720 Pronoun 116800 116920 Negation+Verb 117000 117320 Pronoun 117440 117680 Pronoun 117800 117920 Verb 118040 118240 Pronoun 118320 118960 Adjective 119120 119640 Verb 119880 120000 Adjective 120200 120560 Preposition 120680 120840 Pronoun 120920 121120 Non-dominant POS Particle 116600 116720 English translation I didnt know it was you guys, I thought it was someone else play trouble with me Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 121120 End frame: 124120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss NOT-KNOW 121240 121560 IX-1p 121640 121720 CAN-NOT 121800 121920 OUT 122000 122320 IX-1p 122400 122440 HAVE 122480 122520 EMERGENCY 122640 122880 ANOTHER 122960 123040 BUILDING 123120 123320 #SO 123360 123400 IX-1p 123520 123640 NONE 123720 123840 CHOICE 123920 124120 non-dominant hand gloss WITH 121120 121160 |> 121600 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 121120 121360 start 121400 121680 front 121720 122200 start 122240 123760 slightly front 123800 123920 end 123960 124120 head pos: turn right 121120 123120 start 123160 123480 left 123520 124120 head pos: tilt side slightly left 121120 121280 start 121320 122400 slightly left 122440 122680 start 122720 123560 slightly left 123600 124120 head pos: jut start 121120 121640 back 121680 122400 start 122440 123360 back 123400 124120 body lean forward 121120 121280 start 121320 121720 back/left 121760 122760 start 122800 124000 back 124040 124120 eye brows start 121120 121440 raised 121480 124120 eye gaze to addressee 121120 124120 eye aperture start 121120 121680 wide 121720 123360 start 123400 123480 slightly squinted 123520 124120 nose start 123120 123480 wrinkle 123520 124120 POS Negation+Verb 121240 121560 Pronoun 121640 121720 Negation+Verb 121800 121920 Preposition 122000 122320 Pronoun 122400 122440 Adverb 122480 122520 Noun 122640 122880 Adjective 122960 123040 Noun 123120 123320 Discourse Marker 123360 123400 Pronoun 123520 123640 Negation 123720 123840 Noun 123920 124120 Non-dominant POS Preposition 121120 121160 English translation I can't get out of here and I got emergency at another building, so I had no choice. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 124120 End frame: 127520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 124200 124320 CALL 124400 124560 COP 124720 124880 CUT 125680 126120 fs-ROPE 126240 126840 |> 127440 non-dominant hand gloss CHOICE 124120 124160 |> 124720 COME 125080 125520 CUT 125680 126120 |> 127520 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 124120 124840 front 124880 126800 end 126840 127520 head pos: turn left 124120 124200 start 124240 124680 right 124720 127520 head pos: tilt side slightly left 124120 124240 start 124280 124560 slightly right 124600 127520 head pos: jut back 124120 125640 end 125680 126200 body lean back 124120 124360 start 124400 124840 forward 124880 126720 end 126760 127520 eye brows raised 124120 127520 eye gaze to addressee 124120 127520 eye aperture slightly squinted 124120 127520 POS Pronoun 124200 124320 Verb 124400 124560 Proper Noun 124720 124880 Verb 125680 126120 Noun 126240 126840 Non-dominant POS Noun 124120 124160 Verb 125080 125520 Verb 125680 126120 English translation I called the cop to come and cut the rope. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 127520 End frame: 131680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 127920 128040 LOOK 128240 128600 TRUE-BUSINESS 128720 129200 SO 129240 129320 IX-3p-arc 129560 129760 MUST 129880 129960 WAIT 130080 130240 FOR 130360 130480 THAT 130560 130600 COP 130720 131000 ARRIVE 131200 131680 non-dominant hand gloss TRUE-BUSINESS 128720 129200 |> 129880 WAIT 130080 130240 |> 130680 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 127520 128600 front 128640 131560 end 131600 131680 head pos: turn right 127520 127680 start 127720 130000 left 130040 131680 head pos: tilt side slightly right 127520 127720 start 127760 128560 slightly left 128600 129560 start 129600 130000 slightly right 130040 130920 start 130960 131360 slightly left 131400 131560 end 131600 131680 head pos: jut start 127520 128840 forward 128880 129360 start 129400 129720 back 129760 131120 start 131160 131600 forward 131640 131680 body lean start 127520 129040 slightly forward 129080 129480 start 129520 130080 back/right 130120 130960 start 131000 131360 forward 131400 131680 eye brows raised 127520 131680 eye gaze to addressee 127520 127520 left 127560 129040 to addressee 129080 131680 eye aperture start 129720 129920 slightly squinted 129960 131680 nose start 129080 129520 wrinkle 129560 131680 POS Pronoun 127920 128040 Verb 128240 128600 Preposition 129240 129320 Pronoun 129560 129760 Modal 129880 129960 Verb 130080 130240 Preposition 130360 130480 Pronoun 130560 130600 Proper Noun 130720 131000 Verb 131200 131680 Non-dominant POS Verb 130080 130240 English translation I looked at him and asked if we have to wait for a cop to arrive? Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 131680 End frame: 136080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 131840 132240 NO 132360 132640 NS-ERICK 132840 133240 (2h)IX-3p:i 133400 133520 SAY 133680 133920 YES 134040 134440 MUST 134520 134600 WAIT 134720 134800 FOR 134920 135200 COP 135360 135480 ARRIVE 135640 136000 non-dominant hand gloss WAIT 134720 134800 |> 135040 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 131680 132160 slightly back 132200 132600 start 132640 132880 front 132920 133400 start 133440 133640 back 133680 134080 start 134120 135040 front 135080 135880 end 135920 136080 head pos: turn left 131680 131840 start 131880 132400 right 132440 133680 start 133720 134200 left 134240 135040 start 135080 135520 right 135560 136080 head pos: tilt side start 131680 131760 right 131800 133640 start 133680 134040 left 134080 134800 start 134840 135240 right 135280 136080 head pos: jut forward 131680 132320 start 132360 132720 back 132760 133360 start 133400 134120 forward 134160 134800 start 134840 135160 back 135200 136080 head mvmt: nod start 131680 132080 rapid 132120 133440 start 133480 134200 single 134240 134560 end 134600 134800 body lean slightly forward 131680 132000 start 132040 134520 forward 134560 134840 start 134880 135240 back/right 135280 136080 eye brows raised 131680 132680 start 132720 132920 lowered 132960 133680 start 133720 134120 lowered 134160 136080 eye gaze to addressee 131680 136080 eye aperture slightly squinted 131680 132400 start 132440 132640 closed 132680 133080 start 133120 133360 squint 133400 133640 start 133680 133680 closed 133720 134080 start 134120 134240 squint 134280 135880 end 135920 136080 nose start 131680 132760 wrinkle 132800 136080 POS Pronoun 131840 132240 Negation 132360 132640 Proper Noun 132840 133240 Pronoun 133400 133520 Verb 133680 133920 Discourse Marker 134040 134440 Modal 134520 134600 Verb 134720 134800 Preposition 134920 135200 Proper Noun 135360 135480 Verb 135640 136000 English translation Erick said yes, we will have to wait til cop arrives. Notes - number of character bytes: 142 - not sure if he "messed" up with his sentence in the beginning, that he said NO then said yes.. so, what english translation shld look like? Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 136080 End frame: 140840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-3p-arc 136240 136560 part:indef 137000 137160 UNKNOWN 137280 137760 FINE 138040 138280 WAIT++ 138400 139160 COP 139360 139440 ARRIVE 139840 140840 non-dominant hand gloss WAIT++ 138400 139160 |> 139360 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 136080 138280 slightly back 138320 139600 start 139640 140000 front 140040 140400 start 140440 140680 back 140720 140840 head pos: turn slightly right 136080 136200 start 136240 136840 left 136880 137560 start 137600 138240 slightly right 138280 139040 start 139080 139360 left 139400 140480 end 140520 140840 head pos: tilt side right 136080 136360 start 136400 136720 left 136760 137600 start 137640 137920 right 137960 139080 start 139120 139440 left 139480 140480 end 140520 140840 head pos: jut start 136080 136760 slightly back 136800 137160 start 137200 137480 slightly forward 137520 137880 start 137920 138520 slightly back 138560 139080 end 139120 140840 head mvmt: side to side start 136080 136480 slow 136520 140440 end 140480 140840 body lean back/right 136080 136200 start 136240 137800 slightly forward 137840 137960 start 138000 138760 slightly back 138800 139120 start 139160 140120 forward 140160 140760 end 140800 140840 eye brows slightly lowered 136080 136200 start 136240 139160 raised 139200 139680 end 139720 140520 eye gaze to addressee 136080 136120 right 136160 136360 to addressee 136400 136880 left 136920 137520 to addressee 137640 140840 eye aperture start 136080 136280 blink 136320 136480 start 136520 136720 blink 136760 137080 start 137120 137240 closed 137280 137880 start 137920 138120 blink 138160 138320 start 138360 139360 slightly squinted 139400 140040 end 140080 140560 nose wrinkle 136080 136280 end 136320 136880 POS Pronoun 136240 136560 Particle 137000 137160 Adjective 138040 138280 Verb 138400 139160 Proper Noun 139360 139440 Verb 139840 140840 Non-dominant POS Verb 138400 139160 English translation We said fine so we waited. Then cop arrived. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 140840 End frame: 146680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss COP 141320 141520 FIND 141680 141840 SITUATION 142000 142320 FUNNY 142480 142960 LUCKY 143120 143840 IX-3p-arc 144080 144320 LOOK 144480 145280 WHEW 145560 146600 |> 146680 non-dominant hand gloss SITUATION 142000 142320 |> 143440 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 140840 141520 start 141560 142120 front 142160 143040 start 143080 144880 back 144920 145440 end 145480 146680 head pos: turn start 140840 141160 right 141200 141920 start 141960 142360 left 142400 143000 start 143040 143360 right 143400 144360 start 144400 145680 slightly left 145720 146680 head pos: tilt side start 140840 141000 right 141040 141880 start 141920 142120 left 142160 143000 start 143040 143200 right 143240 144520 start 144560 145320 left 145360 146680 head pos: jut start 140840 141480 back 141520 141880 start 141920 143080 slightly forward 143120 143320 start 143360 144880 slightly back 144920 146680 body lean start 140840 142040 forward 142080 143120 start 143160 145320 back 145360 146680 eye brows start 140840 141720 raised 141760 144880 end 144920 145720 eye gaze to addressee 140840 144400 left 144440 146160 to addressee 146200 146680 eye aperture start 140840 141840 wide 141880 144200 start 144240 144320 blink 144360 144480 start 144520 145280 blink 145320 145520 end 145560 146160 POS Proper Noun 141320 141520 Verb 141680 141840 Noun 142000 142320 Adjective 142480 142960 Adjective 143120 143840 Pronoun 144080 144320 Verb 144480 145280 Adjective 145560 146600 Non-dominant POS Noun 142000 142320 English translation We were relieved when cop found that situation funny. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 146680 End frame: 152840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss COP 146800 146960 SAY 147120 147240 CL:1"pointing at us" 147360 147840 NOT 147920 147960 DO 148040 148600 #EVER 148720 148960 AGAIN 149200 149720 MAKE 150040 150160 IX-1p 150280 150360 DRIVE 150520 150920 FROM 151040 151160 #LA 151240 151600 CL:1"coming to here" 151720 151960 FOR 152040 152200 THAT 152320 152840 non-dominant hand gloss FROM 151040 151160 |> 152040 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 146680 147000 slightly front 147040 152840 head pos: turn slightly left 146680 146720 start 146760 147000 slightly right 147040 148720 start 148760 149040 left 149080 149800 start 149840 150360 right 150400 151240 start 151280 151800 slightly left 151840 152200 start 152240 152400 slightly right 152440 152840 head pos: tilt side left 146680 146760 start 146800 147000 right 147040 148720 start 148760 149040 left 149080 149840 start 149880 150360 right 150400 151280 start 151320 151840 left 151880 152240 end 152280 152840 head pos: jut back 146680 147160 start 147200 147600 slightly forward 147640 147800 start 147840 148360 back 148400 150920 start 150960 151120 slightly back 151160 152560 end 152600 152840 head mvmt: shake start 146680 147600 rapid 147640 148800 end 148840 149800 body lean slightly back 146680 146880 start 146920 147440 slightly forward 147480 148040 start 148080 149600 forward/left 149640 149840 start 149880 150920 forward 150960 152840 eye brows start 149080 150040 slightly raised 150080 150640 end 150680 151280 eye gaze to addressee 146680 147520 right 148680 152840 eye aperture start 146680 146720 blink 146760 146920 start 146960 147520 closed 147560 148640 start 148680 149880 slightly squinted 149920 152840 POS Proper Noun 146800 146960 Verb 147120 147240 Classifier 147360 147840 Negation 147920 147960 Verb 148040 148600 Adjective 148720 148960 Adverb 149200 149720 Verb 150040 150160 Pronoun 150280 150360 Verb 150520 150920 Preposition 151040 151160 Proper Noun 151240 151600 Classifier 151720 151960 Preposition 152040 152200 Pronoun 152320 152840 Non-dominant POS Preposition 151040 151160 English translation A cop pointed his finger to us and said, "Don't ever do that again because I drove here all the way from LA for that." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 152840 End frame: 158080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss THAT 152840 152880 |> 152920 IX-1p 153000 153440 LOOK 153640 154560 WHEW 154760 155520 GOOD 155680 155960 IX-1p 156080 156200 GET 156280 156400 REGULAR 156520 156800 OPEN 157040 157280 COP 157440 158080 non-dominant hand gloss OPEN 157040 157280 |> 158080 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 152840 152880 start 152920 154640 back 154680 156080 start 156120 156760 front 156800 158080 head pos: turn slightly right 152840 153160 start 153200 154600 left 154640 155520 start 155560 155920 right 155960 157680 start 157720 158040 slightly left 158080 158080 head pos: tilt side start 152840 152840 slightly right 152880 153200 start 153240 154560 left 154600 155560 start 155600 155880 right 155920 156800 start 156840 157960 slightly left 158000 158080 head pos: jut start 152840 154440 back 154480 158080 body lean forward 152840 152920 start 152960 155520 back 155560 155960 start 156000 157760 forward/left 157800 158080 eye brows start 154440 155560 lowered 155600 157720 start 157760 158040 raised 158080 158080 eye gaze to addressee 152840 154240 left 154280 154400 to addressee 154440 157920 right 157960 158080 eye aperture slightly squinted 152840 155760 start 155800 155960 squint 156000 157480 start 157520 158040 wide 158080 158080 nose start 155560 156000 wrinkle 156040 157920 end 157960 158080 POS Pronoun 152840 152880 Pronoun 153000 153440 Verb 153640 154560 Adjective 154760 155520 Adjective 155680 155960 Pronoun 156080 156200 Verb 156280 156400 Adjective 156520 156800 Adjective 157040 157280 Proper Noun 157440 158080 Non-dominant POS Adjective 157040 157280 English translation I was relief and it was good that we got regular and open-minded cop. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 158080 End frame: 161520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss COP 158080 158120 TRUE-BUSINESS 158240 158880 |> 159120 ns-ERICK 159320 159960 (2h)IX-3p:i 160000 160200 MUST 160280 160520 FINE 160640 161080 IX-3p-arc 161200 161520 non-dominant hand gloss OPEN 158080 158120 |> 158160 IX-3p:i 159120 159400 |> 160440 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 158080 158200 start 158240 159640 slightly front 159680 160640 start 160680 161120 slightly front 161160 161520 head pos: turn left 158080 159160 start 159200 159640 right 159680 160480 start 160520 161240 slightly right 161280 161520 head pos: tilt side left 158080 158880 start 158920 159440 right 159480 161520 head pos: jut slightly back 158080 158640 start 158680 159520 back 159560 161520 head mvmt: nod start 158080 158440 slight rapid head nod 158480 159120 end 159160 159560 body lean forward/left 158080 158320 start 158360 160760 forward/right 160800 161400 end 161440 161520 eye brows raised 158080 159680 start 159720 160000 lowered 160040 161520 eye gaze right 158080 159320 to addressee 159360 160200 right 160240 161520 eye aperture wide 158080 158600 start 158640 158840 blink 158880 159120 start 159160 159320 slightly squinted 159360 160080 start 160120 160200 squint 160240 161520 nose wrinkle 158080 158520 start 158560 160200 wrinkle 160240 160800 end 160840 161240 POS Proper Noun 158080 158120 Proper Noun 159320 159960 Determiner 160000 160200 Modal 160280 160520 Verb 160640 161080 Pronoun 161200 161520 Non-dominant POS Adjective 158080 158120 Pronoun 159120 159400 English translation Erick was supposed to fine us. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 161520 End frame: 166080 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss HAVE 161760 161920 PAST 162200 162320 HAVE 162440 162520 FINE 162640 163080 SYSTEM 163200 163480 AT 163520 163600 NS-CSUN 163720 164360 IF 164480 164720 TROUBLE 164840 165520 #SO 165720 165800 part:indef 165920 166080 non-dominant hand gloss TROUBLE 164840 165520 |> 165760 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 161520 162360 start 162400 163520 slightly front 163560 164360 start 164400 165600 slightly back 165640 166080 head pos: turn slightly right 161520 161680 start 161720 162040 left 162080 162440 start 162480 163120 right 163160 164600 start 164640 165320 slightly left 165360 165640 start 165680 165920 slightly right 165960 166080 head pos: tilt side right 161520 161720 start 161760 161960 left 162000 162440 start 162480 163040 right 163080 164720 start 164760 165240 slightly left 165280 165640 start 165680 165960 slightly right 166000 166080 head pos: jut back 161520 161600 start 161640 163000 slightly forward 163040 163640 start 163680 165320 forward 165360 165800 end 165840 166080 head mvmt: side to side start 161520 161720 slow 161760 162960 start 163000 165280 slow 165320 166040 end 166080 166080 body lean start 161520 163000 forward 163040 164560 start 164600 165200 forward 165240 165800 start 165840 166000 slightly forward 166040 166080 eye brows slightly lowered 161520 161760 start 161800 162040 lowered 162080 164400 end 164440 165280 eye gaze right 161520 161800 right 164960 165800 eye aperture slightly squinted 161520 161760 start 161800 162000 closed 162040 164440 start 164480 164600 further squinted 164640 166080 nose start 161520 162040 wrinkle 162080 166080 POS Adverb 161760 161920 Tense Marker 162200 162320 Adverb 162440 162520 Adjective 162640 163080 Noun 163200 163480 Preposition 163520 163600 Proper Noun 163720 164360 Conjunction 164480 164720 Adjective 164840 165520 Discourse Marker 165720 165800 Particle 165920 166080 Non-dominant POS Adjective 164840 165520 English translation Back then, there was a fine system at CSUN for if you caused troubles. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 166080 End frame: 168680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss part:indef 166080 166120 IX-3p:i 166320 166360 DECIDE 166520 166640 WAIVE 166760 167280 BECAUSE 167480 167720 THINK 167840 168000 FUNNY 168160 168680 non-dominant hand gloss WAIVE 166760 167280 |> 168680 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 166080 167000 start 167040 167480 front 167520 168560 end 168600 168680 head pos: turn right 166080 167320 start 167360 167560 left 167600 168440 start 168480 168640 slightly left 168680 168680 head pos: tilt side right 166080 167320 start 167360 167600 left 167640 168400 end 168440 168680 head pos: jut forward 166080 166560 start 166600 166800 back 166840 167320 start 167360 167960 slightly back 168000 168440 end 168480 168680 head mvmt: shake start 166080 166320 slight rapid head shake 166360 167320 end 167360 167600 body lean slightly forward 166080 166200 start 166240 167040 forward 167080 167840 end 167880 168400 eye brows lowered 166080 166600 start 166640 167760 lowered 167800 167920 end 167960 168400 eye gaze to addressee 166080 166080 to addressee 166840 167160 right 167200 168680 eye aperture further squinted 166080 166160 start 166200 166280 closed 166320 166760 start 166800 167760 slightly squinted 167800 168120 end 168160 168400 nose wrinkle 166080 166600 start 166640 167720 wrinkle 167760 168120 end 168160 168400 POS Particle 166080 166120 Pronoun 166320 166360 Verb 166520 166640 Verb 166760 167280 Conjunction 167480 167720 Verb 167840 168000 Adjective 168160 168680 Non-dominant POS Verb 166760 167280 English translation He decided to waive us because he thought it was funny. Notes - number of character bytes: 114 - the waive sign on second hand- did he do part:indef later at around "because" part or is it still under "waive"? Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 168680 End frame: 172680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss #SO 168880 169200 IX-3p:i 169560 169600 UNKNOWN 169840 169960 part:indef 170040 170080 REALLY+ 170280 170760 ONE 170920 171080 PUNISH 171320 171520 IX-1p 171720 171800 MUST 171920 171960 DO 172080 172600 |> 172680 non-dominant hand gloss WAIVE 168680 168720 |> 169480 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 168680 169160 back 169200 170040 start 170080 170520 back 170560 170880 start 170920 171160 front 171200 172680 head pos: turn slightly left 168680 168720 start 168760 169480 right 169520 169640 start 169680 170040 left 170080 170440 start 170480 171040 slightly right 171080 171120 start 171160 171400 left 171440 171800 start 171840 172320 right 172360 172680 head pos: tilt side start 168680 169000 right 169040 169720 start 169760 169960 left 170000 170480 start 170520 170800 right 170840 171160 start 171200 171440 left 171480 171800 start 171840 172280 right 172320 172680 head pos: jut start 168680 169040 back 169080 170440 start 170480 170800 back 170840 172000 start 172040 172560 forward 172600 172680 body lean start 168680 169520 back 169560 170440 start 170480 171400 back/right 171440 171960 start 172000 172520 forward 172560 172680 eye brows start 168680 169200 raised 169240 170040 start 170080 171920 slightly lowered 171960 172680 eye gaze right 168680 169120 to addressee 169160 171800 right 171840 172160 to addressee 172200 172680 eye aperture start 168680 169240 slightly squinted 169280 169640 start 169680 169840 squint 169880 170280 start 170320 171840 squint 171880 172480 end 172520 172680 POS Discourse Marker 168880 169200 Pronoun 169560 169600 Particle 170040 170080 Discourse Marker 170280 170760 Number 170920 171080 Verb 171320 171520 Pronoun 171720 171800 Modal 171920 171960 Verb 172080 172600 Non-dominant POS Verb 168680 168720 English translation Actually, there was one punish we have to do. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 172680 End frame: 177120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 172840 172920 MUST 173040 173080 #TO 173160 173240 GO 173400 173880 SEE 174040 174280 UNKNOWN 174440 175840 fs-HALL 175920 176400 COORDINATOR 176520 177120 non-dominant hand gloss DO 172680 172720 |> 174120 UNKNOWN 174440 175840 |> 176280 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 172680 172800 start 172840 173240 slightly front 173280 174000 start 174040 174440 front 174480 175200 start 175240 175840 slightly back 175880 176520 start 176560 176960 slightly front 177000 177000 end 177120 177120 head pos: turn right 172680 173040 start 173080 173520 left 173560 173760 start 173800 174120 right 174160 177120 head pos: tilt side right 172680 173000 start 173040 173360 left 173400 173720 start 173760 174440 right 174480 175200 start 175240 176920 slightly right 176960 177120 head pos: jut forward 172680 172840 start 172880 173320 slightly back 173360 173560 start 173600 174480 back 174520 175200 start 175240 175840 forward 175880 175920 start 175960 176280 back 176320 177120 body lean forward 172680 173000 start 173040 173760 forward 173800 174480 start 174520 175840 slightly forward 175880 176440 start 176480 176760 left 176800 177120 eye brows start 172680 173280 lowered 173320 177000 end 177040 177120 eye gaze to addressee 172680 177120 eye aperture start 172680 173120 squint 173160 177080 end 177120 177120 nose start 173080 173560 wrinkle 173600 177000 end 177040 177120 POS Pronoun 172840 172920 Verb 173040 173080 Preposition 173160 173240 Verb 173400 173880 Verb 174040 174280 Adjective 175920 176400 Proper Noun 176520 177120 Non-dominant POS Verb 172680 172760 English translation I have go to see a hall coordinator. Notes - number of character bytes: 42 -UNKNOWN, not sure what to gloss that one? Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 177120 End frame: 182840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss IX-1p 177280 177400 GO 177560 177760 EXPLAIN 177880 178120 ABOUT 178280 178360 THAT 178480 178640 SITUATION 178760 179160 REALLY 179360 179400 fs-HALL 179840 180320 COORDINATOR 180520 180880 NOT 181000 181120 FRIENDLY 181320 182040 part:indef 182680 182800 non-dominant hand gloss COORDINATOR 177120 177160 |> 177680 ABOUT 178280 178360 |> 178600 THAT 179600 179760 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 177120 177320 back 177360 177920 start 177960 178320 front 178360 179080 start 179120 180600 slightly front 180640 180840 start 180880 181560 slightly front 181600 182040 end 182080 182840 head pos: turn right 177120 178800 start 178840 179680 left 179720 180920 start 180960 181240 right 181280 181600 start 181640 181840 left 181880 182040 start 182080 182400 right 182440 182840 head pos: tilt side right 177120 179240 start 179280 179800 left 179840 180640 start 180680 181040 right 181080 181520 start 181560 182200 right 182240 182840 head pos: jut back 177120 177160 start 177200 179840 back 179880 180760 start 180800 182480 slightly back 182520 182840 head mvmt: shake start 180640 181000 slow 181040 182440 end 182480 182840 body lean left 177120 177200 start 177240 177680 slightly back 177720 177960 start 178000 178600 forward 178640 179240 start 179280 181280 forward 181320 182080 end 182120 182840 eye brows slightly lowered 177120 177160 start 177200 178520 lowered 178560 182840 eye gaze to addressee 177120 181760 eye aperture slightly squinted 177120 178000 start 178040 179120 squint 179160 181760 start 181800 182080 closed 182120 182840 nose start 178360 178960 wrinkle 179000 182840 negative negation 181040 182440 POS Pronoun 177280 177400 Verb 177560 177760 Verb 177880 178120 Adverb 178280 178360 Pronoun 178480 178640 Noun 178760 179160 Discourse Marker 179360 179400 Adjective 179840 180320 Proper Noun 180520 180880 Negation 181000 181120 Adjective 181320 182040 Particle 182680 182800 Non-dominant POS Proper Noun 177120 177160 Adverb 178280 178360 Pronoun 179600 179760 English translation I went and explained about the situation. The hall coordinator was not friendly. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 182840 End frame: 187480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss #SO 182960 183160 part:indef 183320 183760 REALLY 183920 184080 IX-3p:i 184160 184240 part:indef 184320 184480 IX-3p:i 184560 184760 PUNISH 185040 185320 IX-3p:i 186360 186440 PUNISH 186680 186960 IX-3p-arc 187200 187360 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 183320 183760 |> 184280 part:indef 184320 184480 |> 184720 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 182840 183800 slightly front 183840 184880 start 184920 186800 front 186840 187320 end 187360 187480 head pos: turn right 182840 183120 start 183160 183520 left 183560 183920 start 183960 184400 right 184440 185560 start 185600 185680 left 185720 185880 start 185920 187160 right 187200 187480 head pos: tilt side right 182840 183160 start 183200 183440 left 183480 184120 start 184160 184400 right 184440 185280 start 185320 185680 left 185720 185920 end 185960 187200 head pos: jut slightly back 182840 183200 start 183240 184080 back 184120 184880 start 184920 185720 slightly back 185760 186400 start 186440 186840 back 186880 187040 start 187080 187360 slightly forward 187400 187480 head mvmt: nod start 184920 185640 rapid 185680 186200 start 186240 187160 single 187200 187440 end 187480 187480 body lean start 182840 184160 back 184200 184760 start 184800 185320 forward 185360 185760 start 185800 187320 forward 187360 187480 eye brows lowered 182840 184920 start 184960 185760 lowered 185800 187480 eye gaze to addressee 184640 184840 right 184880 185640 to addressee 185680 187480 eye aperture squint 182840 184200 start 184240 184240 closed 184280 184560 start 184600 184640 squint 184680 184840 start 184880 185560 blink 185600 185680 start 185720 186440 squint 186480 187480 nose wrinkle 182840 184880 start 184920 186400 wrinkle 186440 187480 POS Discourse Marker 182960 183160 Particle 183320 183760 Discourse Marker 183920 184080 Pronoun 184160 184240 Particle 184320 184480 Pronoun 184560 184760 Verb 185040 185320 Pronoun 186360 186440 Verb 186680 186960 Pronoun 187200 187360 Non-dominant POS Particle 183320 183760 Particle 184320 184480 English translation So, she punished us. Notes - number of character bytes: 110 -not sure if i m supposed to cut those frames where not belong to this sentence, (happened after first PUNISH) Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 187480 End frame: 195640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss #SO 187560 187760 IX-1p 187920 188040 CL:2"sitting down" 188280 188600 IX-1p 188680 188800 EXPLAIN 188920 189600 #HALL 189800 189960 COORDINATOR 190120 190560 IX-1p 190680 190800 HOPE 190960 191120 IX-3p:i 191240 191280 CAN 191480 191520 FIND 191720 191840 SOME 191960 192280 FUNNY 192520 192600 fs-HUMOR 192840 193440 IN 193600 193680 THAT 193960 194120 SITUATION 194320 194920 |> 195640 non-dominant hand gloss CL:2"sitting down" 188280 188600 |> 188720 HOPE 190960 191120 |> 191280 CAN 191480 191520 |> 191800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 187480 188320 front 188360 190560 start 190600 191000 front 191040 191160 start 191200 192360 slightly front 192400 194880 end 194920 195640 head pos: turn right 187480 191760 start 191800 192400 left 192440 195640 head pos: tilt side start 187480 188120 left 188160 189960 start 190000 192160 left 192200 193200 start 193240 193880 right 193920 194200 start 194240 194880 left 195000 195640 head pos: jut forward 187480 187640 start 187680 188160 back 188200 191160 end 191200 191760 head mvmt: nod start 187480 188160 single 188200 188720 start 188760 189640 rapid 189680 190720 end 190760 191160 body lean slightly forward 187480 187720 start 187760 188560 slightly forward 188600 191400 end 191440 192400 eye brows lowered 187480 191400 start 191440 192160 raised 192200 193280 end 193320 194880 eye gaze to addressee 187480 194720 left 194760 195640 eye aperture squint 187480 188000 start 188040 188040 blink 188080 188240 start 188280 188280 squint 188320 195640 nose wrinkle 187480 192200 end 192240 193280 POS Discourse Marker 187560 187760 Pronoun 187920 188040 Classifier 188280 188600 Pronoun 188680 188800 Verb 188920 189600 Adjective 189800 189960 Proper Noun 190120 190560 Pronoun 190680 190800 Verb 190960 191120 Pronoun 191240 191280 Modal 191480 191520 Verb 191720 191840 Adjective 191960 192280 Adjective 192520 192600 Adjective 192840 193440 Preposition 193600 193680 Pronoun 193960 194120 Noun 194320 194920 Non-dominant POS Classifier 188280 188600 Verb 190960 191120 Modal 191480 191520 English translation We sitted down and I explained to the hall coordinator. I was hoping she would find some funny about the situation. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 47 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 195640 End frame: 203400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss HOPE 196640 197000 part:indef 197200 197560 #SO 197680 198080 IX-3p:i 198200 198320 REALLY 198440 198480 fs-HALL 198520 198880 COORDINATOR 198960 199360 REALLY 199560 199680 BIG 199800 200520 fs-B 200680 200960 WORD 201080 201280 IX-1p 201400 201480 NOT-WANT 201520 201560 SAY 201680 201720 #IT 201880 202120 HERE 202280 202480 KNOW 202760 203000 UNKNOWN 203120 203200 non-dominant hand gloss 1:"focus" 200720 201000 HERE 202280 202480 |> 202880 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 195640 196680 front 196720 197720 start 197760 198840 front 198880 201280 start 201320 202040 front 202080 203200 end 203240 203400 head pos: turn left 195640 195760 start 195800 196640 right 196680 197560 start 197600 198000 slightly left 198040 198160 start 198200 198520 right 198560 198920 start 198960 199160 left 199200 199560 start 199600 199960 right 200000 200640 start 200680 200960 left 201000 201440 start 201480 201880 right 201920 202400 start 202440 202640 left 202680 203160 end 203200 203400 head pos: tilt side slightly left 195640 197360 start 197400 198000 left 198040 198160 start 198200 198360 right 198400 198920 start 198960 199240 left 199280 199640 start 199680 200160 right 200200 200600 start 200640 200800 left 200840 201440 start 201480 201720 right 201760 202480 start 202520 202800 left 202840 203160 end 203200 203400 head pos: jut start 195640 195840 slightly back 195880 196680 start 196720 197120 back 197160 199280 start 199320 200000 slightly back 200040 200600 start 200640 201880 back 201920 202520 end 202560 203160 head mvmt: nod start 195640 195760 single 195800 196480 end 196520 197160 head mvmt: side to side start 198600 199320 slow 199360 202520 end 202560 203160 body lean start 195640 197320 back 197360 197720 start 197760 202000 forward 202040 202680 end 202720 203400 eye brows start 195640 195800 lowered 195840 203400 eye gaze left 195640 195760 to addressee 195800 197520 left 197560 197880 to addressee 197920 203400 eye aperture start 195640 195760 squint 195800 197080 start 197120 197160 blink 197200 197320 start 197360 197400 blink 197440 197520 start 197560 198200 squint 198240 201200 start 201240 201320 closed 201360 201720 start 201760 202000 squint 202040 203400 nose start 195640 195960 wrinkle 196000 203400 POS Verb 196640 197000 Particle 197200 197560 Discourse Marker 197680 198080 Pronoun 198200 198320 Discourse Marker 198440 198480 Adjective 198520 198880 Proper Noun 198960 199360 Discourse Marker 199560 199680 Adjective 199800 200520 Noun 201080 201280 Pronoun 201400 201480 Negation+Verb 201520 201560 Verb 201680 201720 Pronoun 201880 202120 Pronoun 202280 202480 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 202280 202480 English translation I hoped but really, the hall coordinator is big "B" word that I don't want to say it here. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 48 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 203400 End frame: 207560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss #SO 203520 203880 IX-3p-arc 204000 204280 SIT 204480 204760 part:indef 204920 205240 IX-3p:i 205360 205520 TELL 205680 205920 GIFT 206120 206280 IX-1p 206320 206440 DISCIPLINE 206600 207000 ACT 207080 207480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 203400 204320 slightly back 204360 204400 start 204440 204480 slightly front 204520 204640 start 204680 205000 front 205040 205120 start 205160 206200 front 206240 207560 head pos: turn slightly left 203400 203400 start 203440 203960 right 204000 204520 start 204560 205000 left 205040 205160 start 205200 205680 right 205720 205920 start 205960 206440 left 206480 207200 end 207240 207560 head pos: tilt side start 203400 203880 right 203920 204800 start 204840 205040 left 205080 205200 start 205240 205480 right 205520 205920 start 205960 206240 left 206280 207280 start 207320 207520 slightly right 207560 207560 head pos: jut start 203400 204040 slightly back 204080 205480 start 205520 205720 back 205760 207200 start 207240 207520 slightly forward 207560 207560 head mvmt: nod start 204080 204760 slow 204800 205320 start 205360 207000 single 207040 207520 end 207560 207560 body lean start 205160 206160 slightly back 206200 206800 start 206840 207480 forward 207520 207560 eye brows lowered 203400 205640 end 205680 206800 eye gaze to addressee 203400 204240 left 204680 205040 to addressee 205080 207560 eye aperture squint 203400 204160 start 204200 204280 closed 204320 204600 start 204640 205480 slightly squinted 205520 206360 end 206400 207480 nose wrinkle 203400 205680 end 205720 206360 POS Discourse Marker 203520 203880 Pronoun 204000 204280 Verb 204480 204760 Particle 204920 205240 Pronoun 205360 205520 Verb 205680 205920 Noun 206120 206280 Pronoun 206320 206440 Noun 206600 207000 Noun 207080 207480 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 107 - Last word: ACT, is that what he said, or was it "DO"?? - Not sure how to do the english translation part. Utterance ID: 49 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 207560 End frame: 210640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 207720 207800 MUST 207880 208120 |> 208480 CLEAN++ 208640 209560 GRASS 209680 210480 non-dominant hand gloss ACT 207560 207600 |> 208040 OUT 208280 208560 CLEAN++ 208640 209560 |> 210080 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 207560 207720 start 207760 208400 front 208440 209160 end 209200 209640 head pos: turn slightly right 207560 207680 start 207720 207840 right 207880 210640 head pos: tilt side start 207560 207600 right 207640 209640 start 209680 210520 right 210560 210640 head pos: jut start 207560 208040 back 208080 209600 start 209640 210520 slightly back 210560 210640 head mvmt: nod start 208080 208920 slight rapid head nod 208960 209560 end 209600 210520 body lean forward 207560 207760 start 207800 208440 slightly back 208480 208840 start 208880 209000 slightly forward 209040 210280 end 210320 210640 eye brows start 209560 210240 lowered 210280 210640 eye gaze to addressee 207560 210280 eye aperture start 209560 210240 further squinted 210280 210640 nose start 209560 210280 wrinkle 210320 210640 POS Pronoun 207720 207800 Verb 207880 208120 Verb 208640 209560 Noun 209680 210480 Non-dominant POS Noun 207560 207600 Preposition 208280 208560 English translation I must go outside and clean around on the grass. Notes - number of character bytes: 63 -read previous note.. ACT OR DO for first word on second hand. Utterance ID: 50 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 210640 End frame: 215240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-3p:i 210760 210880 HAVE 210960 211120 BIG 211200 211480 GRASS 211560 211840 CL:5"location" 211960 212640 A-LOT 212800 212920 CIGARETTE 213120 213480 #BUTTS 213560 214240 CL:1"throwing the objects" 214320 215240 non-dominant hand gloss BIG 211200 211480 |> 212600 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 210640 211040 slightly front 211080 211960 end 212000 212800 head pos: turn right 210640 211040 start 211080 211440 slightly left 211480 211920 start 211960 212600 right 212640 215000 start 215040 215200 slightly left 215240 215240 head pos: tilt side right 210640 211040 start 211080 211480 left 211520 211920 start 211960 212600 slightly right 212640 215000 start 215040 215200 left 215240 215240 head pos: jut slightly back 210640 210640 start 210680 210800 back 210840 211480 start 211520 214120 slightly back 214160 215000 end 215040 215240 body lean start 210640 210880 slightly back 210920 211560 start 211600 212320 forward 212360 212760 end 212800 214120 eye brows lowered 210640 212320 start 212360 215120 lowered 215160 215240 eye gaze to addressee 211480 215240 eye aperture further squinted 210640 211920 start 211960 212840 squint 212880 215240 nose wrinkle 210640 212360 start 212400 215160 wrinkle 215200 215240 POS Pronoun 210760 210880 Verb 210960 211120 Adjective 211200 211480 Noun 211560 211840 Classifier 211960 212640 Adjective 212800 212920 Noun 213120 213480 Noun 213560 214240 Classifier 214320 215240 Non-dominant POS Adjective 211200 211480 English translation They have huge grass area where a lot of cigarette butts that people threw on the grass. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 51 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 215240 End frame: 220320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss REALLY 215360 215480 MAYBE 215560 215640 FROM 215720 215920 IX-1p-arc 216080 216280 ANYWAY 216360 216600 #SO 216720 216800 IX-3p:i 216920 217200 GO 217400 217680 CLEAN 217800 218120 PICK 218200 218600 THROW 218720 219760 IN 219800 219960 non-dominant hand gloss BAG 220080 220320 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 215240 215360 slightly back 215400 215480 start 215520 216160 slightly front 216200 216880 start 216920 217400 front 217440 218760 end 218800 220320 head pos: turn slightly left 215240 215280 start 215320 215400 left 215440 215680 start 215720 216120 right 216160 216840 start 216880 217240 left 217280 218280 start 218320 218800 right 218840 220320 head pos: tilt side left 215240 215760 start 215800 216160 right 216200 216960 start 217000 217200 left 217240 218400 start 218440 218760 right 218800 220320 head pos: jut start 215240 215440 forward 215480 215600 start 215640 216120 back 216160 216840 start 216880 217720 slightly back 217760 219800 start 219840 220120 back 220160 220320 head mvmt: side to side start 215240 215760 rapid 215800 218000 end 218040 218800 body lean start 215240 216200 slightly back 216240 216840 start 216880 217760 forward 217800 218720 end 218760 220320 eye brows lowered 215240 215360 end 215400 215600 eye gaze to addressee 215240 220320 eye aperture squint 215240 215360 start 215400 215520 slightly squinted 215560 220320 nose wrinkle 215240 215360 start 215400 218120 tensed 218160 218720 start 218760 219920 tensed 219960 220240 end 220280 220320 POS Discourse Marker 215360 215480 Adverb 215560 215640 Preposition 215720 215920 Pronoun 216080 216280 Adverb 216360 216600 Discourse Marker 216720 216800 Pronoun 216920 217200 Verb 217400 217680 Verb 217800 218120 Verb 218200 218600 Verb 218720 219760 Preposition 219800 219960 Non-dominant POS Noun 220080 220320 English translation It was probably from us anyway so we went and clean. We threw them in the bag. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 52 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 220320 End frame: 223200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss GIFT 221520 221680 TO 221760 221840 #HALL 221880 222440 COORDINATOR 222560 223120 |> 223200 non-dominant hand gloss CL:S"giving the object to person" 220600 221400 GIFT 221520 221680 |> 222400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 220320 220960 front 221000 222400 end 222440 222520 head pos: turn right 220320 220840 start 220880 221360 left 221400 221880 start 221920 222400 right 222440 223200 head pos: tilt side right 220320 220840 start 220880 221360 left 221400 222000 start 222040 222720 right 222760 223200 head pos: jut back 220320 220880 start 220920 222720 back 222760 223120 end 223160 223200 head mvmt: nod start 220320 221680 rapid 221720 223160 end 223200 223200 body lean start 220920 221360 forward 221400 222160 end 222200 222720 eye brows start 220320 220600 raised 220640 221400 start 221440 221720 lowered 221760 223200 eye gaze to addressee 220320 223200 eye aperture slightly squinted 220320 220720 start 220760 221800 squint 221840 223200 nose start 221360 221760 wrinkle 221800 223200 POS Noun 221520 221680 Preposition 221760 221840 Adjective 221880 222440 Proper Noun 222560 223120 Non-dominant POS Classifier 220600 221400 Noun 221520 221680 English translation Gave the bag to the hall Coordinator. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 53 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 223200 End frame: 227000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 223280 223440 |> 223880 IX-2p 224040 224080 HAPPY 224240 224600 NOW 224760 224880 IX-3p:i 224960 225000 SAY 225080 225200 "no" 225320 225680 NOT 225800 225840 DO 225880 226040 AGAIN 226160 226560 "no" 226680 226920 non-dominant hand gloss CL:S"giving to person" 223480 224040 NOW 224760 224880 |> 225160 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 223200 223760 front 223800 224880 start 224920 225280 front 225320 225760 start 225800 226200 front 226240 226640 end 226680 227000 head pos: turn right 223200 223360 start 223400 223640 left 223680 225240 start 225280 225720 slightly right 225760 225840 start 225880 226200 slightly left 226240 226640 end 226680 227000 head pos: tilt side slightly right 223200 223320 start 223360 223560 left 223600 224080 start 224120 224320 further left 224360 224880 start 224920 225680 right 225720 225880 start 225920 226160 left 226200 226680 start 226720 226960 slightly right 227000 227000 head pos: jut start 223200 223800 slightly forward 223840 224040 start 224080 224480 slightly back 224520 224920 start 224960 225480 forward 225520 225840 start 225880 226200 back 226240 226440 start 226480 226640 forward 226680 226920 end 226960 227000 head mvmt: nod start 223200 223680 single 223720 224040 start 224080 225200 single 225240 225800 start 225840 226280 single 226320 226960 end 227000 227000 body lean start 223200 223840 forward 223880 224480 start 224520 224760 left 224800 225160 start 225200 225720 forward 225760 225880 start 225920 226520 forward 226560 226920 end 226960 227000 eye brows slightly lowered 223200 223520 start 223560 223720 raised 223760 224960 end 225000 225480 eye gaze to addressee 223200 223400 to addressee 223800 224800 left 224840 225120 up/left 225160 225720 to addressee 225760 227000 eye aperture squint 223200 223360 start 223400 223400 closed 223440 223720 start 223760 223760 squint 223800 224000 start 224040 224160 wide 224200 225000 end 225040 225680 nose wrinkle 223200 223760 end 223800 224040 POS Pronoun 223280 223440 Pronoun 224040 224080 Adjective 224240 224600 Adverb 224760 224880 Pronoun 224960 225000 Verb 225080 225200 Negation 225800 225840 Verb 225880 226040 Adverb 226160 226560 Non-dominant POS Classifier 223480 224040 Adverb 224760 224880 English translation I gave and asked if she is happy now. She said, "Don't do it again" Notes - number of character bytes: 47 -There are two gestures for "no" is it correct? Utterance ID: 54 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm copy Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm Video NCSLGRv5:movies:dorm prank:dorm_prank_1053_small_3. mov Video Audio Start frame: 227000 End frame: 232720 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Mike Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss #SO 227040 227240 FROM-NOW-ON 227400 227960 IX-1p-arc 228120 228360 UNKNOWN 228480 228720 GOOD 228840 229200 STAY 229600 229800 OUT 229920 230200 TROUBLE 230280 230680 FROM-NOW-ON 230840 231200 ON 231360 231440 #CSUN 231560 232040 UNKNOWN 232120 232320 non-dominant hand gloss FROM-NOW-ON 227400 227960 |> 228320 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 227000 227760 front 227800 229640 start 229680 230240 front 230280 231880 end 231920 232720 head pos: turn start 227000 227280 right 227320 227960 start 228000 228320 left 228360 229240 start 229280 229640 right 229680 230040 start 230080 230560 left 230600 231720 start 231760 232240 slightly right 232280 232720 head pos: tilt side right 227000 228000 start 228040 228360 left 228400 229280 start 229320 229600 right 229640 230040 start 230080 230400 left 230440 231640 start 231680 232080 right 232120 232720 head pos: jut start 227000 227160 back 227200 227920 start 227960 228720 slightly back 228760 229160 start 229200 229680 back 229720 230040 start 230080 230920 slightly forward 230960 231320 end 231360 232120 head mvmt: nod start 227000 228000 slight rapid head nod 228040 228560 start 228600 229600 slight rapid head nod 229640 230280 start 230320 232240 slight rapid head nod 232280 232400 end 232440 232720 body lean forward 227000 227040 start 227080 227800 forward/right 227840 228040 start 228080 229200 forward 229240 229600 start 229640 230560 forward 230600 231720 end 231760 232400 eye brows start 229280 230040 lowered 230080 232040 start 232080 232280 slightly lowered 232320 232720 eye gaze to addressee 227000 227920 to addressee 228920 232720 eye aperture start 227000 227880 start 227920 228000 closed 228040 228760 start 228800 230200 squint 230240 232720 nose start 229680 230760 wrinkle 230800 232720 POS Discourse Marker 227040 227240 Pronoun 228120 228360 Adjective 228840 229200 Verb 229600 229800 Preposition 229920 230200 Noun 230280 230680 Preposition 231360 231440 Proper Noun 231560 232040 Non-dominant POS English translation From now on, we will be good and stay out of trouble at CSUN. Notes - number of character bytes: 58 -FROM-NOW-ON, is it correct gloss? and whats POS for that?