SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: scarystory Firewire 38200:NCSLGRv7:scarystory Number of utterances: 69 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 1040 End frame: 5880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 009 main gloss SUNSET 1440 3600 LIGHTING 3880 4560 RAIN++ 4720 5880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 4720 5080 slightly front 5120 5880 head pos: turn start 1040 1360 slightly right 1400 3880 end 3920 4440 start 4880 5120 right 5160 5880 head pos: tilt side start 4800 5000 slightly right 5040 5880 head pos: jut start 1640 1880 slightly back 2040 5880 body lean start 1400 1640 back 1680 5880 POS Noun 1440 3600 Noun 3880 4560 Noun 4720 5880 English translation There is a sunset. It start to rain and lighting. Notes - number of character bytes: 27 -CBD -lighting or THUNDER? Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 5920 End frame: 17960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 8280 9520 CL:5"walking by the tree" 11280 12000 CL:5"walking by the tree" 13120 13400 BCL:S"person walking" 14240 17960 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 6280 7760 CL:5"walking by the tree" 10040 10920 CL:5"walking by the tree" 12360 12600 CL:5"walking by the tree" 13600 14000 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 5920 14160 start 14200 14280 front 14320 17960 head pos: turn right 5920 13920 end 13960 14000 start 14280 16800 left 16840 17960 head pos: tilt side slightly right 5920 7720 end 7760 8400 start 14280 17000 slightly left 17040 17960 head pos: jut back 5920 12000 start 12040 12360 slightly back 12400 13960 end 14040 14240 body lean start 5920 7320 back 7360 7720 start 7760 8280 forward 8320 8840 start 8880 9400 slightly back 9440 9680 start 9720 10840 slightly back 10880 11040 start 11080 11320 slightly forward 11360 11520 start 11560 11680 slightly back 11720 11960 start 12000 12360 slightly forward 12400 12480 end 12520 12560 start 12600 12760 slightly back 12800 13400 end 13440 13960 eye brows start 14000 14240 slightly lowered 14280 17960 eye gaze left 12240 12480 eye aperture start 13400 13680 squint 13720 17960 POS Classifier 8280 9520 Classifier 11280 12000 Classifier 13120 13400 Classifier 14240 17960 Non-dominant POS Classifier 6280 7760 Classifier 10040 10920 Classifier 12360 12600 Classifier 13600 14000 English translation Walking through the forest. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 18600 End frame: 27920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BCL:"looking back" 22920 23560 non-dominant hand gloss BCL:5"looking for something" 18600 19800 BCL:5"looking for something" 21680 22360 BCL:5"looking for something" 24320 25160 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 18600 19760 start 19800 21680 front 21720 22360 start 22400 22920 back 22960 23560 start 23600 24200 front 24240 25160 end 25200 25440 head pos: turn left 18600 22400 start 22440 22840 right 22880 23600 start 23640 23880 left 23920 25440 head pos: tilt side left 18600 25120 end 25160 25440 head pos: jut start 18600 19240 forward 19280 19760 start 19800 21720 forward 21760 22560 end 22600 22840 start 23800 24000 forward 24040 25120 end 25160 25440 body lean forward/left 18600 22560 start 22600 23120 back/left 23160 23560 start 23600 24080 forward 24120 25200 end 25240 25440 eye brows slightly lowered 18600 22240 end 22280 22320 start 23640 23840 slightly lowered 23880 25440 eye gaze left 18600 22360 up/right 22640 23520 left 23720 23960 eye aperture squint 18600 22360 slightly squinted 23800 25440 role shift Person1 18600 22360 Person2 22920 23560 Person1 24240 25400 POS Classifier 22920 23560 Non-dominant POS Classifier 18600 19800 Classifier 21680 22360 Classifier 24320 25160 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 103 -what to name each role for role shift? I glossed as Man1 and Man2 just for now. -English Translation? Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 27920 End frame: 35120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 29120 29480 CL:5"walking by the tree" 30400 30840 CL:5"walking by the tree" 31320 31480 LIGHTING 31600 31960 RAIN++ 32280 32720 LIGHTING 32960 33600 (2h)CL:5"walking by the forest" 33760 34720 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 28280 28800 CL:5"walking by the tree" 29880 30240 CL:5"walking by the tree" 31080 31320 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 27920 35120 head pos: turn left 27920 28760 end 28800 29160 start 31560 31640 slightly right 31680 31960 start 32000 32680 right 32720 33040 start 33080 33160 left 33200 33440 start 33480 33680 right 33720 34240 start 34280 34360 left 34400 34560 end 34600 34640 start 34720 34920 left 34960 35120 head pos: tilt side start 31480 31640 slightly right 31680 32960 start 33000 33080 left 33120 33440 start 33480 33720 right 33760 34080 end 34120 34320 head pos: jut start 32720 32960 slightly back 33120 34320 end 34360 34520 start 34720 34880 forward 34920 35120 head mvmt: shake start 32680 32880 slow 32920 34680 end 34720 34880 body lean forward/left 27920 28200 start 28240 28720 forward/right 28760 29360 end 29400 29440 start 29480 29560 slightly forward 29600 30560 end 30600 30640 start 32040 32240 slightly forward 32280 32720 end 32760 32880 start 34920 35000 slightly forward 35040 35120 eye brows slightly lowered 27920 32600 start 32680 32720 lowered 32760 35120 eye gaze up 27920 28080 eye aperture squint 27920 31440 start 31480 31640 further squinted 31680 34720 start 34760 34920 squint 34960 35120 POS Classifier 29120 29480 Classifier 30400 30840 Classifier 31320 31480 Noun 31600 31960 Noun 32280 32720 Noun 32960 33600 Classifier 33760 34720 Non-dominant POS Classifier 28280 28800 Classifier 29880 30240 Classifier 31080 31320 English translation Start to raining and lighting while person was walking through the forest. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 35160 End frame: 40360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss BCL:"tapping someone's shoulder" 36160 36840 BCL:"tapping person's shoulder" 37960 38600 BCL:"looking back" 39160 40200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 35160 38640 end 38680 38840 start 40240 40280 front 40320 40360 head pos: turn left 35160 38680 start 38720 39000 right 39040 40240 end 40280 40360 head pos: tilt side start 37320 37920 left 37960 38600 end 38640 39160 head pos: jut forward 35160 38520 end 38560 38600 body lean start 37320 37960 forward/left 38000 40240 start 40280 40320 left 40360 40360 eye brows slightly lowered 35160 35280 end 35320 35960 start 40280 40320 slightly lowered 40360 40360 eye gaze up/left 37000 38480 up/right 38680 39800 right 39840 40160 left 40240 40360 eye aperture squint 35160 35400 end 35440 36040 role shift Person1 35160 37000 Person2 37960 40240 Person1 40360 40360 POS Classifier 36160 36840 Classifier 37960 38600 Classifier 39160 40200 English translation Person tapped other person's shoulder and person looked back. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 40400 End frame: 45880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss ICL:"grabbing someone's heart" 40880 41320 ICL:"pulling heart out of the body" 41840 42800 |> 45880 non-dominant hand gloss ICL:"picking up someone" 44200 45880 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 40400 45360 end 45400 45600 head pos: turn start 40400 40520 left 40560 41160 end 41200 41240 start 41480 41680 right 41720 42320 end 42360 42400 start 43680 43960 right 44000 45240 end 45280 45400 head pos: tilt side start 40600 40880 slightly right 40920 41240 end 41280 41320 start 41440 41680 further right 41720 42360 end 42400 42440 start 42800 43240 left 43280 43960 start 44000 44720 right 44760 45360 end 45400 45600 head pos: jut slightly back 40400 40520 end 40560 40920 start 42760 43200 slightly back 43240 45880 body lean start 40400 40760 forward 40800 41240 end 41280 41320 start 41600 41840 right 41880 42640 end 42680 42720 start 43240 43720 forward/left 43760 44160 start 44200 44760 back/right 44800 45720 start 45760 45800 back 45840 45880 eye brows slightly lowered 40400 40480 start 40520 40560 lowered 40600 40840 end 40880 40960 start 43680 43760 lowered 43800 44040 end 44080 44240 eye gaze left 40400 41000 eye aperture squint 40400 41040 end 41080 41160 start 43720 43800 squint 43840 44200 end 44240 44760 nose tensed 40400 41080 end 41120 41200 start 43720 43800 wrinkle 43840 44160 end 44200 44680 role shift Person1 40400 45880 POS Classifier 40880 41320 Classifier 41840 42800 Non-dominant POS Classifier 44200 45880 English translation A person grabbed other person's heart and then pick person up. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 45920 End frame: 50640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss ICL:"heart beating in the hand" 45920 48440 |> 50560 non-dominant hand gloss BCL:"carrying person" 45920 46720 |> 48880 BCL:"walking while carrying person" 48920 50640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 48880 48920 front 48960 50640 head pos: turn start 45920 46120 right 46160 48080 end 48120 48480 head pos: tilt side start 48880 48960 slightly left 49000 49440 end 49480 49600 head pos: jut slightly back 45920 46520 start 46560 46800 back 46840 50640 body lean start 46160 46440 slightly back 46480 47840 end 47880 48080 start 48880 48920 forward/right 48960 49280 start 49320 49720 forward/left 49760 49960 start 50000 50360 forward/right 50400 50560 end 50600 50640 eye brows start 46720 46840 slightly lowered 46880 50640 eye gaze down 45920 47040 eye aperture lowered lid 45920 46600 start 46640 46800 slightly squinted 46840 50440 start 50480 50600 squint 50640 50640 nose start 46760 46880 wrinkle 46920 50640 role shift Person1 45920 50640 POS Classifier 45920 48440 Non-dominant POS Classifier 45920 46720 Classifier 48920 50640 English translation A person was holding heart while carrying dead person. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 50680 End frame: 55840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 51800 52520 CL:5"walking by the tree" 53240 53600 LIGHTING 54160 54440 RAIN++ 54720 55240 CL:5"walking by the tree" 55440 55720 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 50800 51640 CL:5"walking by the tree" 52680 53080 CL:5"walking by the tree" 53600 53960 CL:5"walking by the tree" 55720 55840 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 50680 55840 head pos: turn start 51960 52040 right 52080 52440 end 52480 52520 start 53320 53480 right 53520 54360 start 54400 54520 left 54560 54720 start 54760 54880 right 54920 55160 start 55200 55320 left 55360 55760 end 55800 55840 head pos: tilt side start 54400 54520 slightly left 54560 54640 end 54680 54760 head pos: jut back 50680 52520 end 52560 52680 start 54440 54600 slightly forward 54640 55840 head mvmt: shake start 54080 54320 rapid 54360 55520 end 55560 55600 body lean start 50680 50960 forward/left 51000 51280 start 51320 51600 forward/right 51640 52320 end 52360 52440 start 52640 52720 forward/left 52760 53040 start 53080 53240 forward/right 53280 53360 end 53400 53480 start 53600 53760 forward/left 53800 53880 end 53920 53960 start 54080 54120 forward/right 54160 54400 start 54440 54520 forward/left 54560 54720 start 54760 54840 slightly forward 54880 55200 end 55240 55480 eye brows start 55560 55680 lowered 55720 55840 eye gaze eye aperture squint 50680 54800 start 54840 54880 blink 54920 55080 start 55120 55160 further squinted 55200 55840 nose start 55360 55480 tensed 55520 55600 start 55640 55680 wrinkle 55720 55840 POS Classifier 51800 52520 Classifier 53240 53600 Noun 54160 54440 Noun 54720 55240 Classifier 55440 55720 Non-dominant POS Classifier 50800 51640 Classifier 52680 53080 Classifier 53600 53960 Classifier 55720 55840 English translation Walking through the forest while raining and lighting. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 55880 End frame: 65480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss ICL:"heart beating in the hand" 55960 58800 CL:"eating heart" 59480 60800 ICL:"throwing heart away" 61440 62000 non-dominant hand gloss BCL:"carrying person" 55880 55920 |> 62000 BCL:"walking while carrying person" 62720 65280 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 55880 58800 start 58840 59560 back 59600 60760 start 60800 61160 front 61200 61680 end 61720 61800 start 62480 64200 slightly front 64240 65480 head pos: turn start 55920 56120 right 56160 59240 end 59280 59600 start 60760 61080 right 61120 62000 start 62040 63040 slightly left 63080 63520 start 63560 65160 slightly right 65200 65240 end 65280 65480 head pos: tilt side slightly right 55880 56200 start 56240 57760 left 57800 59000 end 59040 59120 start 59640 60080 slightly right 60120 61160 end 61200 61640 start 63040 63360 slightly left 63400 63560 end 63600 64200 head pos: jut back 55880 59120 start 59160 60760 forward 60800 61080 start 61120 61680 slightly back 61720 65480 body lean forward/left 55880 55920 start 55960 56360 slightly back 56400 59480 end 59520 59560 start 60760 60800 slightly forward 60840 61200 end 61240 61440 start 63080 63360 forward/right 63400 63600 start 63640 64000 forward/left 64040 64240 start 64320 64680 forward/right 64720 64960 start 65000 65240 forward/left 65280 65480 eye brows lowered 55880 65480 eye aperture further squinted 55880 59160 start 59200 59320 closed 59360 61520 start 61560 61800 further squinted 61840 65480 nose wrinkle 55880 61680 end 61720 61840 role shift Person1 55880 65480 POS Classifier 55960 58800 Classifier 59480 60800 Classifier 61440 62000 Non-dominant POS Classifier 55880 55920 Classifier 62720 65280 English translation While carry person, person eating the heart and then threw it away. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 65520 End frame: 73440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 66480 67040 CL:5"walking by the tree" 67480 67640 CL:5"walking by the tree" 67800 68160 PATH 68760 70360 (2h)CL:5"walking into a house" 70960 73440 non-dominant hand gloss CL:5"walking by the tree" 65680 66320 CL:5"walking by the tree" 67120 67400 CL:5"walking by the tree" 67640 67800 CL:5"walking by the tree" 68160 68480 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 65520 73440 head pos: turn start 66280 66320 right 66360 67200 start 67240 67440 left 67480 67600 start 67640 67800 right 67840 68160 end 68200 68240 start 68440 68480 right 68520 68920 end 68960 70480 head pos: tilt side start 66040 66280 slightly right 66320 67000 end 67040 67280 head pos: jut slightly back 65520 66360 end 66400 66640 start 70480 73240 slightly back 73280 73440 body lean start 65520 65680 slightly forward 65720 66040 start 66080 66160 back/left 66200 66520 end 66560 66800 start 68520 68920 forward 69000 70840 start 70880 73360 slightly back 73400 73440 eye brows slightly lowered 65520 70360 end 70400 70840 eye aperture further squinted 65520 67400 start 67440 67520 closed 67560 68520 start 68560 68600 further squinted 68640 69800 end 69840 70400 POS Classifier 66480 67040 Classifier 67480 67640 Classifier 67800 68160 Noun 68760 70360 Classifier 70960 73440 Non-dominant POS Classifier 65680 66320 Classifier 67120 67400 Classifier 67640 67800 Classifier 68160 68480 English translation A person walking through the forest, and there is a path to house. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 73480 End frame: 78760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss "whew" 78040 78760 non-dominant hand gloss BCL:"carrying a person" 73840 74480 BCL:"putting person down" 75040 76840 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 74520 74920 front 74960 77640 end 77680 77920 head pos: turn start 74800 74960 right 75000 77120 end 77160 77440 head pos: tilt side start 74520 74840 right 74880 76440 end 76480 76920 head pos: jut slightly back 73480 77560 start 77600 77760 back 77800 78760 body lean start 75560 76040 forward 76080 77280 end 77320 77720 eye aperture start 74480 74680 lowered lid 74720 76840 start 76880 77600 blink 77640 77720 end 77760 77880 role shift Person1 73480 78760 Non-dominant POS Classifier 73840 74480 Classifier 75040 76840 English translation A person who carried person, put person down and said, "Whew." Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 78800 End frame: 85400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss ICL"opening the knob" 79080 79840 BPCL:"kicking" 80440 80920 BCL:"picking person up" 83560 85400 non-dominant hand gloss SCL:5"door opening" 81600 82440 |> 82920 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 80920 81480 front 81520 83840 end 83880 84320 head pos: turn start 80920 81320 left 81360 82960 start 83000 83480 slightly right 83520 85400 head pos: tilt side start 80440 80560 left 80600 83000 start 83040 83600 right 83640 85400 head pos: jut back 78800 81280 end 81320 81480 start 84040 84240 slightly back 84280 85400 body lean start 79840 80400 back 80440 81120 start 81160 81680 forward/left 81720 82120 start 82160 82200 forward 82240 82920 start 82960 83480 forward/left 83520 84000 start 84040 84360 back/right 84400 85400 role shift Person1 78800 85400 POS Classifier 79080 79840 Classifier 80440 80920 Classifier 83560 85400 Non-dominant POS Classifier 81600 82440 English translation A person was kicking the door to open it and pick dead person up. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 85440 End frame: 93800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss WOOD 88760 89560 DCL:"shape of the wood" 89800 91360 fs:"COFFIN" 91680 93520 |> 93760 non-dominant hand gloss BCL:"carrying person" 85440 85480 |> 85880 BCL:"putting person down" 86280 88360 G:"focus" 91720 92640 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 85480 85920 front 85960 92600 end 92640 93560 head pos: turn slightly right 85440 85960 start 86000 86600 right 86640 88720 start 88760 89000 slightly right 89040 90920 end 90960 91000 start 93560 93760 left 93800 93800 head pos: tilt side right 85440 88240 end 88280 88320 head pos: jut back 85440 88280 start 88320 88760 back 88800 92640 start 92720 93520 slightly back 93560 93640 end 93680 93800 body lean back/right 85440 85720 start 85760 87280 forward 87320 88360 start 88400 88840 back/left 88880 93800 eye brows start 89040 90120 raised 90160 91240 start 91280 91440 slightly lowered 91480 91960 end 92000 92640 eye gaze up 89600 90160 up/left 93560 93800 role shift Person1 85440 88360 POS Noun 88760 89560 Classifier 89800 91360 Noun 91680 93520 Non-dominant POS Classifier 85440 85480 Classifier 86280 88360 English translation Put person down and there is a wood coffin. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 93840 End frame: 104400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss ICL:"getting object" 94360 94920 ICL:"removing the nail" 96160 97000 ICL:"removing the nail" 98720 99440 ICL:"removing the nail" 101120 101760 ICL:"removing the nail" 103080 104000 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 94680 94800 slightly front 94840 95040 start 95080 95960 front 96000 104400 head pos: turn left 93840 94720 end 94760 94800 start 97160 98720 right 98760 99440 start 99480 100000 left 100040 101280 end 101320 101360 start 101760 102280 right 102320 103840 end 103880 103920 start 104000 104240 left 104280 104400 head pos: tilt side start 103960 104160 slightly left 104200 104400 head pos: jut start 99440 100000 back 100040 104000 end 104040 104240 body lean back/left 93840 94040 start 94080 94400 left 94440 94920 start 94960 96080 forward/left 96120 97120 start 97160 98840 forward/right 98880 99480 start 99520 101200 back/left 101240 101760 start 101800 103400 back/right 103440 103960 end 104000 104400 eye gaze up/left 93840 94400 down/right 94680 95080 down 96040 103720 down/left 103880 104400 role shift Person1 93840 104400 POS Classifier 94360 94920 Classifier 96160 97000 Classifier 98720 99440 Classifier 101120 101760 Classifier 103080 104000 English translation A person get hammer to remove each nail at four corners. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 104440 End frame: 110760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss BCL:"picking person up" 105280 108080 BCL:"putting person in the coffin" 108600 109960 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 104440 104760 start 104800 105080 further front 105120 105600 start 105640 107400 back 107480 108200 start 108240 108720 front 108760 108920 start 108960 109240 further front 109280 110760 head pos: turn left 104440 105920 start 105960 106880 right 106920 109840 end 109880 109960 head pos: tilt side left 104440 105880 start 105920 106640 right 106680 108800 end 108840 108960 start 110360 110640 slightly left 110680 110760 head pos: jut start 106120 106400 back 106440 110760 body lean start 104440 104960 forward/left 105000 106400 start 106440 107680 back/right 107720 108400 start 108440 109240 forward 109280 110440 start 110480 110680 slightly forward 110720 110760 eye brows start 104440 104800 slightly lowered 104840 105680 start 105720 105920 raised 105960 109360 end 109400 109800 eye gaze down/left 104440 104960 down 105880 110760 eye aperture start 104440 105000 squint 105040 105680 start 105720 105920 slightly lowered 105960 110760 role shift Person1 104440 110760 POS Classifier 105280 108080 Classifier 108600 109960 English translation Picked person up and put in the coffin. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 16 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 110800 End frame: 122400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss BCL:"putting the cover on" 111480 112840 ICL:"nailing" 114000 114560 ICL:"nailing" 115880 116360 ICL:"nailing" 117880 118280 ICL:"nailing" 119640 120080 "whew" 121400 122400 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 110800 113680 start 113720 114120 further front 114160 116520 start 116560 117640 front 117680 122400 head pos: turn start 110920 111800 slightly left 111840 112360 start 112400 113720 slightly left 113760 114480 start 114520 115440 right 115480 116520 start 116560 117120 left 117160 118160 start 118200 118680 right 118720 120040 start 120080 120920 slightly left 120960 122400 head pos: tilt side start 110800 111080 slightly right 111120 111320 start 111360 112640 slightly left 112680 114560 start 114600 115920 slightly right 115960 116560 start 116640 117640 left 117680 118720 end 118760 120040 head pos: jut back 110800 112840 start 112880 114120 forward 114160 114560 start 114600 115440 slightly back 115480 115920 start 115960 117120 back 117160 122400 body lean slightly forward 110800 111040 start 111080 111720 forward/right 111760 112120 start 112160 113840 forward/left 113880 114560 start 114600 115920 forward/right 115960 116520 start 116560 117720 back/left 117760 118320 start 118360 119560 forward/right 119600 120040 start 120080 120960 slightly back 121000 122400 eye gaze down/right 110800 111400 down 111440 114200 down/right 115480 116280 down/left 116720 118200 down 118240 122400 eye aperture slightly lowered 110800 122400 role shift Person1 110800 122400 POS Classifier 111480 112840 Classifier 114000 114560 Classifier 115880 116360 Classifier 117880 118280 Classifier 119640 120080 English translation Put the cover back on and nailing each corner. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 17 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 122440 End frame: 130280 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss "yawn" 123160 125360 SCL:1"person walking upstair" 126160 128000 BCL:"covering the blanket" 128840 130280 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 122440 125880 end 125920 126000 start 127200 127280 back 127320 127800 start 127840 128680 further back 128720 130280 head pos: turn slightly left 122440 126440 start 126480 126720 left 126760 127200 end 127240 127360 start 127720 127800 left 127840 128160 end 128200 128360 start 128800 128880 slightly right 128920 130280 head pos: tilt side start 126520 126880 left 126920 127520 end 127560 127640 start 127920 128120 right 128160 130280 head pos: jut back 122440 125920 end 125960 126000 start 127000 127200 forward 127240 127680 start 127720 128720 back 128760 130280 head mvmt: side to side start 125880 126040 slow 126080 130280 body lean slightly back 122440 125600 start 125640 126240 forward 126280 126880 start 126920 127240 forward/left 127280 128000 start 128040 129360 back 129400 130280 eye gaze left 126680 127080 up/right 127240 127640 up/left 127720 128280 eye aperture start 122440 122680 closed 122720 125000 end 125040 125280 start 128200 128320 closed 128360 130280 role shift Person1 122440 125600 Person1 128760 130280 POS Classifier 126160 128000 Classifier 128840 130280 English translation A person was yawning and went upstair. A person covering the blanket and sleep. Notes - number of character bytes: 12 - SCL RIGHT? Utterance ID: 18 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 130320 End frame: 135640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss SUNSET 130680 131960 SUNRISE 132360 133720 SCL:"house shaking" 133880 134280 LOUD+ 134480 135640 non-dominant hand gloss BCL:"covering the blanket" 130320 130360 |> 130400 head pos: tilt fr/bk back 130320 133960 start 134000 134040 further back 134080 134200 start 134240 134440 front 134480 135320 end 135360 135560 head pos: turn start 130800 131800 right 131840 133960 start 134000 134040 left 134080 134200 start 134240 134480 left 134520 134720 start 134760 134800 right 134840 135000 start 135040 135160 left 135200 135280 start 135320 135400 right 135440 135560 end 135600 135640 head pos: tilt side right 130320 133920 start 133960 134040 left 134080 134160 start 134200 134240 right 134280 134400 start 134440 134520 further left 134560 134680 start 134720 134800 right 134840 135000 start 135040 135120 left 135160 135280 start 135320 135400 slightly right 135440 135600 end 135640 135640 head pos: jut back 130320 134360 start 134400 134520 slightly forward 134560 134720 end 134760 134840 head mvmt: shake start 133600 133840 rapid 133880 135560 end 135600 135640 body lean back 130320 133680 start 133720 133880 right 133920 134040 start 134080 134160 back/left 134200 134400 start 134440 134560 forward/left 134600 134720 start 134760 135000 back/right 135040 135120 start 135160 135320 forward 135360 135520 end 135560 135640 eye brows start 133720 133880 raised 133920 135640 eye gaze left 134000 134280 right 134640 135000 up/right 135360 135520 up/left 135600 135640 eye aperture closed 130320 133840 start 133880 133920 blink 133960 134040 start 134080 134160 lowered lid 134200 134520 start 134560 134600 blink 134640 134680 start 134720 134760 lowered lid 134800 135120 start 135160 135240 blink 135280 135320 start 135360 135400 lowered lid 135440 135640 role shift Person1 130320 130360 POS Noun 130680 131960 Noun 132360 133720 Classifier 133880 134280 Verb 134480 135640 Non-dominant POS Classifier 130320 130360 English translation Sunset and then sunrise. The house start to shaking very loud. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 19 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 135680 End frame: 142920 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss part:indef 136200 137160 BCL:"uncovering the blanket" 137640 137960 SCL:1"person walking downstair" 138320 139480 part:indef 139880 140360 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 136000 136160 front 136200 136560 end 136600 136720 start 137120 137160 front 137200 137480 end 137520 137640 start 137960 138120 front 138160 142920 head pos: turn left 135680 136080 start 136120 136200 right 136240 136480 start 136520 136560 left 136600 137000 start 137040 137280 left 137320 137520 start 137560 137640 right 137680 137880 start 137920 138000 left 138040 138280 start 138320 138760 right 138800 138960 start 139000 139200 left 139240 139800 start 139840 140120 right 140160 140280 start 140320 140560 left 140640 142920 head pos: tilt side start 135680 135880 left 135920 136000 start 136040 136120 right 136160 136400 start 136440 136600 left 136640 136920 start 136960 137080 slightly right 137120 137160 start 137200 137280 left 137320 137520 start 137560 137640 right 137680 137880 start 137920 138040 left 138080 138960 start 139000 139240 slightly right 139280 139400 start 139440 139800 left 139840 140040 end 140080 140160 head pos: jut start 136200 136440 forward 136480 136720 end 136760 136920 start 137920 137960 back 138000 138320 end 138360 138640 start 140280 140360 back 140400 142920 head mvmt: shake rapid 135680 138320 end 138360 138640 start 139920 140080 slow 140120 140640 end 140760 142920 body lean back/right 135680 136040 start 136080 136240 right 136280 136600 start 136640 136880 back/left 136920 137040 start 137080 137160 forward 137200 137560 start 137600 137880 back 137920 138040 start 138080 138320 forward/left 138360 139000 end 139040 139200 start 139520 139840 left 139880 140080 start 140120 140520 slightly back 140560 142920 eye brows slightly raised 135680 136000 end 136040 136120 start 139480 139760 lowered 139800 142200 eye gaze left 135680 136000 right 136120 136440 left 136560 137240 down/right 137640 137840 right 138560 138960 down/left 139000 139520 down 139800 142920 eye aperture start 135680 136040 lowered lid 136080 137360 start 137400 137520 blink 137560 137680 start 137720 137760 blink 137800 137880 start 137920 137960 blink 138000 138120 start 138160 138240 lowered lid 138280 139520 start 139560 139760 squint 139800 142920 nose start 139680 139800 wrinkle 139840 140600 end 140640 141480 POS Particle 136200 137160 Classifier 137640 137960 Classifier 138320 139480 Particle 139880 140360 English translation A person uncover the blanket and ran downstair to find out what is going on. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 20 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 142960 End frame: 146320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss LOUD++ 143080 144080 SCL:5"house shaking" 144200 145280 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 142960 143440 start 143480 143840 back 143880 144000 start 144040 144160 slightly front 144200 144320 start 144360 144640 front 144680 146320 head pos: turn slightly left 142960 142960 start 143000 143000 right 143040 143080 start 143120 143160 left 143200 143360 start 143400 143440 right 143480 143560 start 143600 143640 left 143680 143840 start 143880 143960 slightly right 144000 144040 start 144080 144200 slightly left 144240 144280 start 144320 144400 right 144440 144480 end 144520 144560 start 145600 145640 slightly left 145680 145880 start 145920 146040 left 146080 146320 head pos: tilt side start 142960 143000 right 143040 143160 start 143200 143360 right 143400 143560 start 143600 143640 slightly left 143680 143800 start 143840 143880 right 143920 144040 start 144080 144160 slightly left 144200 144280 start 144320 144360 right 144400 144480 end 144520 144560 start 144880 145160 slightly right 145200 145560 end 145600 145640 start 146080 146200 left 146240 146320 head pos: jut back 142960 145440 end 145480 145560 start 146120 146200 slightly forward 146240 146320 head mvmt: shake rapid 142960 145280 end 145320 145520 body lean back/right 142960 144040 start 144080 144440 back/right 144480 144680 start 144720 145160 back/right 145200 145600 end 145640 145680 start 146120 146200 forward/left 146240 146320 eye brows start 142960 143000 raised 143040 144520 end 144560 144640 start 145400 145440 lowered 145480 146320 eye gaze down 143080 143360 down/left 145400 145680 down 145720 146160 down/left 146240 146320 eye aperture closed 142960 143080 start 143120 143160 lowered lid 143200 143320 start 143360 143360 blink 143400 143680 start 143720 143760 lowered lid 143800 143840 start 143880 143880 blink 143920 144000 start 144040 144080 lowered lid 144120 144720 start 144760 144840 blink 144880 145200 start 145240 145280 lowered lid 145320 145440 start 145480 145520 squint 145560 146320 nose start 145280 145400 wrinkle 145440 146320 POS Adjective 143080 144080 Classifier 144200 145280 English translation It's loud when the house was shaking. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 21 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 146360 End frame: 155800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss ICL:"getting object" 146840 147240 ICL:"removing the nail" 149280 150160 ICL:"removing the nail" 151920 152640 ICL:"removing the nail" 153720 154320 ICL:"removing the nail" 155160 155560 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 146360 155800 head pos: turn left 146360 147360 start 147400 149280 left 149320 150280 start 150320 151200 right 151240 152520 start 152560 153240 left 153280 154320 start 154360 154640 right 154680 155800 head pos: tilt side left 146360 150280 start 150320 151240 right 151280 152600 start 152640 153240 left 153280 154480 start 154520 155200 right 155240 155800 head pos: jut start 153280 153760 back 153800 155800 head mvmt: shake start 147240 147280 slight rapid headshake 147320 148680 end 148720 149280 body lean start 146360 146880 left 146920 147320 start 147360 149280 forward/left 149320 150280 start 150320 151720 forward/right 151760 152600 start 152640 153400 back/left 153440 154320 start 154360 155200 back/right 155240 155520 end 155560 155800 eye brows lowered 146360 150200 end 150240 150840 eye gaze left 146360 146760 down 147000 155800 eye aperture squint 146360 147280 start 147320 147360 blink 147400 148040 start 148080 148360 squint 148400 152600 start 152640 153400 lowered lid 153440 155800 role shift Person1 146360 155800 POS Classifier 146840 147240 Classifier 149280 150160 Classifier 151920 152640 Classifier 153720 154320 Classifier 155160 155560 English translation A person get hammer to remove each nail from four corners. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 22 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 155840 End frame: 160600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss ICL:"removing the cover" 156360 159080 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 155840 157000 end 157040 157200 start 158360 158440 front 158480 160600 head pos: turn slightly right 155840 156400 start 156440 156560 right 156600 158440 end 158480 158600 start 159120 159160 slightly left 159200 159800 start 159840 160000 left 160040 160600 head pos: tilt side right 155840 159400 start 159440 160160 left 160200 160600 head pos: jut start 156720 156880 back 156920 160600 body lean right 155840 155960 start 156000 156320 forward 156360 156880 end 156920 157000 start 158280 158360 right 158400 159320 end 159360 159640 eye brows start 156400 156600 lowered 156640 156720 start 156760 156840 raised 156880 157880 start 157920 158320 lowered 158360 160600 eye gaze down 155840 156840 down/right 157760 158280 down 158360 160600 eye aperture start 156440 156600 squint 156640 156960 end 157000 157040 start 158760 158840 squint 158880 160600 nose start 156400 156560 wrinkle 156600 157000 end 157040 157160 role shift Person1 155840 160600 POS Classifier 156360 159080 English translation A person got cover off the coffin. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 23 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 160640 End frame: 167600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss BCL:"looking at dead person" 160640 160960 BCL:"dead person" 161320 162600 BCL:"looking at dead person" 163080 164120 BCL:"dead person" 164600 165240 BCL:"looking at dead person" 165760 167600 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 160640 160920 start 160960 161200 further back 161240 162680 start 162720 163000 front 163040 164080 start 164120 164520 further back 164560 165280 start 165320 165680 front 165720 167600 head pos: turn left 160640 165560 end 165600 165840 head pos: tilt side left 160640 165400 end 165440 165600 head pos: jut back 160640 165840 start 165880 166120 slightly back 166160 167600 body lean start 161000 161400 back/left 161440 162800 start 162840 163360 slightly forward 163400 164280 start 164320 164520 back/left 164560 165320 start 165360 165800 forward 165840 167600 eye brows slightly lowered 160640 160920 end 160960 161080 start 162800 163000 lowered 163040 164080 end 164120 164280 start 165520 165680 slightly lowered 165720 167600 eye gaze down 160640 160960 down 163040 164080 down 165560 167600 eye aperture lowered lid 160640 160720 start 160760 160920 closed 160960 162880 start 162920 163040 lowered lid 163080 164080 start 164120 164160 closed 164200 165320 start 165360 165440 lowered lid 165480 167600 role shift Person1 160640 160960 Person2 161320 162680 Person1 163120 164160 Person2 164480 165360 Person1 165840 167600 POS Classifier 160640 160960 Classifier 161320 162600 Classifier 163080 164120 Classifier 164600 165240 Classifier 165760 167600 English translation A person looking at dead person. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 24 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 167640 End frame: 176320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss ICL:"putting cover on the coffin" 168960 170280 ICL:"nailing" 171240 171640 ICL:"nailing" 173040 173400 ICL:"nailing" 174440 174840 ICL:"nailing" 175640 176120 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 167640 176320 head pos: turn start 167640 167920 right 167960 169120 start 169160 169400 slightly left 169440 171560 end 171600 171640 start 172040 172320 right 172360 173320 start 173360 173680 left 173720 174840 start 174880 175320 right 175360 175960 start 176000 176280 left 176320 176320 head pos: tilt side slightly right 167640 169040 start 169080 170120 left 170160 171640 start 171680 172720 slightly right 172760 173240 start 173280 174160 left 174200 174880 start 174920 175600 right 175640 175840 start 175880 176240 slightly left 176280 176320 head pos: jut start 174160 174440 back 174480 176160 end 176200 176280 body lean forward 167640 167800 start 167840 168960 forward/right 169000 169440 end 169480 170000 start 170280 171120 forward/left 171160 171640 start 171680 172920 forward/right 172960 173400 start 173440 174360 back/left 174400 174840 start 174880 175520 back/right 175560 176000 end 176040 176160 eye brows slightly lowered 167640 173440 end 173480 174000 eye gaze right 167800 168360 down 170160 171280 down/right 171800 172160 down/right 172760 173280 down 173360 174640 down/right 175240 175720 eye aperture closed 167640 167640 start 167680 167800 lowered lid 167840 176320 role shift Person1 167640 176320 POS Classifier 168960 170280 Classifier 171240 171640 Classifier 173040 173400 Classifier 174440 174840 Classifier 175640 176120 English translation Put the cover back on and nailing each corner again. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 25 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 176360 End frame: 182593 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss part:indef 178480 178640 NAH 179680 179800 IX-1p 180040 180120 FINE 180240 180480 NAH 180640 180840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 176360 177200 end 177240 177400 start 179520 179680 front 179720 181280 end 181320 181480 head pos: turn left 176360 177440 start 177480 178360 right 178400 179480 start 179520 179680 left 179720 181320 start 181360 181840 right 181880 182593 head pos: tilt side left 176360 177760 start 177800 178520 right 178560 179440 start 179480 179760 left 179800 181200 start 181240 181840 right 181880 182440 end 182480 182593 head pos: jut slightly back 176360 176400 start 176440 177440 back 177480 182240 end 182280 182593 head mvmt: nod start 177880 178120 slight rapid head nod 178160 179440 end 179480 179640 body lean start 176400 176720 forward/left 176760 177200 end 177240 177400 start 180160 180280 left 180320 181000 start 181040 181560 back/right 181600 182040 end 182080 182400 eye brows start 179160 179440 lowered 179480 181280 end 181320 181480 eye gaze down 176360 176520 right 177200 177800 down 177880 178480 down/left 179480 179520 down/left 180120 180960 eye aperture start 177520 177800 blink 177840 178400 start 178440 178480 closed 178520 179080 start 179120 179280 blink 179320 179480 start 179520 179600 squint 179640 179760 start 179800 179880 blink 179920 180120 start 180160 180240 squint 180280 182320 start 182360 182440 closed 182480 182593 nose start 179280 179480 wrinkle 179520 182040 end 182080 182320 role shift Person1 176360 182593 POS Particle 178480 178640 Discourse Marker 179680 179800 Pronoun 180040 180120 Discourse Marker 180240 180480 Discourse Marker 180640 180840 English translation "Nah, I am fine," a person said. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 26 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 182600 End frame: 187560 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 016 main gloss SUNRISE 182600 184600 WHAT 185440 185760 THAT 185960 186320 SCL:5"house shaking" 186600 187560 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 182880 183160 back 183200 184600 start 184640 185240 front 185280 186760 end 186800 186880 start 187320 187440 slightly front 187480 187560 head pos: turn right 182600 182600 start 182640 183040 left 183080 184760 start 184800 185000 right 185040 185760 start 185800 186120 left 186160 186880 start 186920 187280 right 187320 187560 head pos: tilt side start 182600 182760 left 182800 184960 start 185000 185280 slightly right 185320 185760 start 185800 186080 slightly left 186120 186720 end 186760 186880 head pos: jut start 184520 184600 back 184640 185040 end 185080 185200 head mvmt: shake start 183920 184040 slow 184080 187480 end 187520 187560 body lean start 183000 183200 left 183240 184920 start 184960 185440 slightly forward 185480 186440 start 186480 187000 slightly back 187040 187280 end 187320 187440 eye brows start 184360 184520 lowered 184560 187560 eye gaze left 182640 183360 up 183520 184280 left 184400 184520 eye aperture closed 182600 182600 start 182640 182800 blink 182840 183040 start 183080 184520 closed 184560 184640 start 184680 184760 further squinted 184800 187560 nose start 184600 184720 wrinkle 184760 187560 wh question wh 184560 187560 role shift Person1 185200 187560 POS Noun 182600 184600 Wh-word 185440 185760 Pronoun 185960 186320 Classifier 186600 187560 English translation When Sunrise comes, "what was that when house shaked?" a person wondering. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 27 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 187600 End frame: 189880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss WHAT 187640 187840 THAT 188080 188320 IX-1p 188480 188640 NOT-KNOW 188760 189280 part:indef 189480 189880 non-dominant hand gloss SCL:5"house shaking" 187600 187640 |> 188440 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 187600 187640 start 187680 187880 front 187920 188760 end 188800 189120 start 189720 189760 front 189800 189880 head pos: turn right 187600 188520 start 188560 188760 left 188800 189880 head pos: tilt side start 189280 189320 left 189360 189880 body lean start 187920 187960 forward 188000 188600 end 188640 188680 start 189440 189480 left 189520 189880 eye brows lowered 187600 189880 eye aperture further squinted 187600 189880 nose wrinkle 187600 189880 wh question wh 187600 189880 role shift Person1 187600 189880 POS Wh-word 187640 187840 Pronoun 188080 188320 Pronoun 188480 188640 Neg+Verb 188760 189280 Particle 189480 189880 Non-dominant POS Classifier 187600 187640 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 28 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 189920 End frame: 192960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 190080 190160 DREAM 190520 190920 IMAGINE 191080 191560 THING 191680 191960 NOT-KNOW 192120 192480 NAH 192600 192960 non-dominant hand gloss part:indef 189920 189960 |> 190880 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 189920 190600 start 190640 190920 front 190960 191520 start 191560 192160 slightly front 192200 192960 head pos: turn left 189920 189960 start 190000 190320 right 190360 190760 start 190800 191080 left 191120 192160 start 192200 192600 right 192640 192960 head pos: tilt side left 189920 190120 start 190160 190480 slightly right 190520 190960 start 191000 191440 left 191480 192200 start 192240 192560 slightly right 192600 192960 head pos: jut start 190760 190920 forward 190960 192040 end 192080 192200 head mvmt: shake start 189920 189960 slow 190000 192920 end 192960 192960 body lean left 189920 190640 end 190680 190760 start 191560 191640 left 191680 192720 end 192760 192960 eye brows lowered 189920 192960 eye aperture further squinted 189920 192960 nose wrinkle 189920 192960 role shift Person1 189920 192960 POS Pronoun 190080 190160 Noun 190520 190920 Verb 191080 191560 Noun 191680 191960 Neg+Verb 192120 192480 Discourse Marker 192600 192960 Non-dominant POS Particle 189920 189960 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 29 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 193000 End frame: 194120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX-1p 193080 193240 FINE 193360 193600 NAH 193720 194040 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: turn right 193000 193320 start 193360 193640 left 193680 194120 head pos: tilt side start 193600 193640 left 193680 194120 head pos: jut start 193720 194040 slightly back 194080 194120 head mvmt: nod start 193240 193280 slight rapid head nod 193320 193720 end 193760 194040 body lean slightly forward 193000 193360 end 193400 193600 start 194000 194040 left 194080 194120 eye brows lowered 193000 194120 eye aperture further squinted 193000 194120 nose wrinkle 193000 194120 role shift Person1 193000 194120 POS Pronoun 193080 193240 Discourse Marker 193360 193600 Discourse Marker 193720 194040 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 30 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 194160 End frame: 198040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss COFFEE 194320 194920 |> 196640 ALL-DAY 197000 198040 non-dominant hand gloss DRINK++ 195240 196600 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 194160 194920 end 194960 195200 start 197080 197280 front 197320 198040 head pos: turn left 194160 194480 start 194520 195200 right 195240 196360 start 196400 196640 left 196680 198040 head pos: tilt side left 194160 194800 start 194840 195160 right 195200 196480 start 196520 196800 left 196840 198040 head pos: jut back 194160 194800 start 194840 195480 slightly forward 195520 198040 body lean left 194160 195200 end 195240 195440 start 196160 196360 right 196400 196800 start 196840 197360 left 197400 198040 eye brows lowered 194160 196040 start 196080 196240 slightly lowered 196280 198040 eye gaze right 195280 196040 left 197280 198040 eye aperture further squinted 194160 195960 start 196000 196080 closed 196120 196720 start 196760 196800 squint 196840 198040 nose wrinkle 194160 198040 POS Noun 194320 194920 Noun 197000 198040 Non-dominant POS Verb 195240 196600 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 31 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 198080 End frame: 199640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss COFFEE 198200 198600 STILL 198680 198800 KEEP-GOING 198880 199240 STILL 199320 199640 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 198080 198200 end 198240 198400 start 198800 198840 front 198880 199640 head pos: turn left 198080 198400 start 198440 198640 right 198680 199440 end 199480 199640 head pos: tilt side left 198080 198320 start 198360 198640 right 198680 199360 end 199400 199480 head pos: jut start 198920 199000 forward 199040 199640 head mvmt: shake start 198080 198160 single 198200 199440 end 199480 199560 body lean left 198080 198640 end 198680 198840 start 199000 199240 forward 199280 199640 eye brows slightly lowered 198080 199360 end 199400 199520 eye aperture squint 198080 199640 POS Noun 198200 198600 Adverb 198680 198800 Verb 198880 199240 Adverb 199320 199640 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 25 - keep going or CONTINUE? Utterance ID: 32 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 199680 End frame: 203760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SUNSET 201280 202840 part:indef 202960 203200 non-dominant hand gloss DRINK++ 199840 200760 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 199680 199720 start 199760 200800 back 200840 202120 end 202160 202840 head pos: turn left 199680 200360 start 200400 200920 right 200960 202160 start 202200 202840 left 202880 203760 head pos: tilt side start 199680 199920 left 199960 200400 start 200440 200800 right 200840 202360 start 202400 202840 left 202880 203760 head pos: jut forward 199680 200400 end 200440 200800 start 202840 203040 forward 203080 203760 head mvmt: nod start 202560 202720 single 202760 203000 start 203040 203200 slight rapid head nod 203240 203760 body lean forward 199680 200000 start 200040 200400 back/left 200440 201080 start 201120 201440 back 201480 202000 end 202040 202280 start 203400 203600 left 203640 203760 eye brows slightly lowered 199680 203760 eye gaze left 199680 200240 right 200680 201920 eye aperture squint 199680 203080 start 203120 203240 closed 203280 203760 POS Noun 201280 202840 Particle 202960 203200 Non-dominant POS Verb 199840 200760 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 33 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 203800 End frame: 208200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 204520 204600 SLEEP 204880 205080 part:indef 205280 205520 BCL:"covering the blanket" 206360 208120 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 203800 204280 start 204320 204960 front 205000 205760 start 205800 206560 back 206600 208200 head pos: turn left 203800 204440 start 204480 204760 right 204800 208200 head pos: tilt side left 203800 204440 start 204480 204800 right 204840 208200 head pos: jut back 203800 208200 head mvmt: shake start 204160 204360 single 204400 208160 end 208200 208200 body lean start 204280 204400 slightly back 204440 204880 end 204920 205040 start 206640 207080 back 207120 208200 eye brows start 204160 204480 lowered 204520 207680 start 207720 208160 raised 208200 208200 eye gaze left 203800 204200 eye aperture slightly squinted 203800 204360 start 204400 204480 further squinted 204520 205000 start 205040 205080 closed 205120 208160 end 208200 208200 nose start 204240 204440 wrinkle 204480 205920 end 205960 206520 POS Pronoun 204520 204600 Verb 204880 205080 Particle 205280 205520 Classifier 206360 208120 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 34 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 208240 End frame: 211320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SCL:5"house shaking" 208320 209080 LOUD 209280 209720 WORSE 209800 210200 part:indef 210280 210480 SCL:1"person walking downstair" 210680 211200 part:indef 211280 211320 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk back 208240 208280 start 208320 208520 slightly back 208560 208680 start 208720 209160 front 209200 209680 start 209720 210480 further front 210520 211320 head pos: turn right 208240 208320 start 208360 208400 left 208440 208480 start 208520 208600 slightly right 208640 208680 start 208720 208880 right 208920 209000 start 209040 209080 left 209120 209600 start 209640 209800 right 209840 210160 start 210200 210320 left 210360 211000 start 211040 211120 right 211160 211280 end 211320 211320 head pos: tilt side right 208240 208280 start 208320 208400 left 208440 208480 start 208520 208560 right 208600 208680 start 208720 208840 right 208880 209000 start 209040 209120 left 209160 209680 start 209720 209920 right 209960 210240 start 210280 210560 left 210600 210960 start 211000 211080 slightly right 211120 211280 end 211320 211320 head pos: jut back 208240 208280 start 208320 208360 forward 208400 208480 start 208520 208760 back 208800 209040 start 209080 209200 forward 209240 209600 start 209640 209920 back 209960 210560 start 210600 211200 back 211240 211320 head mvmt: side to side start 208240 208360 rapid 208400 211160 end 211200 211280 body lean back 208240 208280 start 208320 208400 slightly forward 208440 208600 start 208640 208880 back 208920 209040 start 209080 209280 forward 209320 209840 start 209880 210240 back/right 210280 210400 start 210440 210560 forward 210600 211040 end 211080 211160 eye brows raised 208240 210480 end 210520 210680 eye gaze left 210320 210720 right 211000 211280 left 211320 211320 eye aperture lowered lid 208240 210280 end 210320 210440 nose start 208240 208440 tensed 208480 210560 end 210600 210960 POS Classifier 208320 209080 Verb 209280 209720 Adjective 209800 210200 Particle 210280 210480 Classifier 210680 211200 Particle 211280 211320 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 35 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 211320 End frame: 214120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss ICL:"removing the nail" 211480 212000 ICL:"removing the nail" 212320 212720 ICL:"removing the nail" 213080 213400 ICL:"removing the nail" 213720 214080 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 211320 214120 head pos: turn right 211320 211320 start 211360 211480 left 211520 211680 start 211720 211920 right 211960 212560 start 212600 212800 left 212840 213320 start 213360 213760 slightly right 213800 214120 head pos: tilt side start 211320 211480 left 211520 211880 start 211920 212240 right 212280 212680 start 212720 213000 left 213040 213400 start 213440 213840 slightly right 213880 214120 head pos: jut back 211320 211400 start 211440 211680 slightly forward 211720 211920 end 211960 212000 start 212920 213080 back 213120 214120 body lean start 211320 211560 forward/left 211600 212000 start 212040 212400 forward/right 212440 212720 start 212760 213120 back/left 213160 213400 start 213440 213800 back/right 213840 214120 eye gaze down/left 211320 211640 down/right 211680 212480 down 212640 214120 eye aperture start 212360 212440 lowered lid 212480 214120 role shift Person1 211320 214120 POS Classifier 211480 212000 Classifier 212320 212720 Classifier 213080 213400 Classifier 213720 214080 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 36 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 214160 End frame: 217400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss ICL:"removing the cover" 214520 216200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 214160 217400 head pos: turn start 216440 216480 left 216520 217400 head pos: tilt side start 215040 215200 right 215240 216200 start 216240 216680 left 216720 217400 head pos: jut back 214160 217400 body lean forward/right 214160 214320 start 214360 214560 forward 214600 215000 start 215040 215680 right 215720 216240 end 216280 216440 start 216800 216920 left 216960 217400 eye brows start 215960 216120 slightly lowered 216160 216400 end 216440 216560 eye gaze down 214160 215160 down 215600 217400 role shift Person1 214160 217400 POS Classifier 214520 216200 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 37 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 217440 End frame: 221880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 217440 217560 start 217600 217760 back 217800 218240 start 218280 218520 front 218560 219000 start 219040 219240 back 219280 219640 start 219680 219920 front 219960 221880 head pos: turn left 217440 219840 start 219880 219960 slightly left 220000 220320 end 220360 220520 start 221200 221280 right 221320 221880 head pos: tilt side left 217440 219920 end 219960 220080 start 221040 221240 right 221280 221880 head pos: jut back 217440 221880 body lean left 217440 217600 start 217640 217800 back/left 217840 218280 start 218320 218640 forward 218680 219080 start 219120 219320 back/left 219360 219760 start 219800 220240 forward 220280 221440 end 221480 221880 eye gaze down 217440 217480 down 218520 218920 down 219800 220960 right 221200 221880 eye aperture lowered lid 217440 217480 start 217520 217520 closed 217560 218320 start 218360 218520 lowered lid 218560 218920 start 218960 219000 closed 219040 219760 start 219800 219840 lowered lid 219880 220920 start 220960 221000 closed 221040 221120 end 221160 221240 role shift Person1 217440 217560 Person2 217800 218320 Person1 218560 219000 Person2 219280 219800 Person1 220040 221880 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 38 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 221880 End frame: 223440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss ICL:"putting the cover back on" 222280 223360 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 221880 223440 head pos: turn right 221880 222240 end 222280 222440 head pos: tilt side right 221880 222440 start 222480 223360 slightly left 223400 223440 head pos: jut back 221880 222240 end 222280 222360 body lean start 222120 222240 forward/right 222280 223000 eye gaze right 221880 222000 down 222280 223440 role shift Person1 221880 223440 POS Classifier 222280 223360 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 39 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 223480 End frame: 227600 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss ICL:"nailing" 223600 223840 ICL:"nailing" 224440 224680 ICL:"nailing" 225240 225560 ICL:"nailing" 226040 226400 part:indef 226840 227080 "whew" 227280 227600 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 223480 226400 end 226440 226640 start 227160 227320 slightly front 227360 227600 head pos: turn start 223480 224200 right 224240 224360 start 224400 224880 left 224920 225320 start 225360 225800 right 225840 226240 start 226280 226400 left 226440 227200 start 227240 227520 slightly right 227560 227600 head pos: tilt side left 223480 223800 end 223840 224200 start 225680 225880 right 225920 226320 start 226360 226880 left 226920 227440 end 227480 227560 head pos: jut start 224760 225160 back 225200 227600 body lean forward/left 223480 223920 start 223960 224320 forward/right 224360 224760 start 224800 225280 back/left 225320 225800 start 225840 226240 back/right 226280 226440 end 226480 226920 eye gaze down 223480 224240 down 224800 225400 down/right 225440 226200 left 226360 227080 right 227120 227440 eye aperture start 224800 225200 lowered lid 225240 226080 start 226120 226240 blink 226280 226360 start 226400 226440 lowered lid 226480 227600 role shift Person1 223480 227600 POS Classifier 223600 223840 Classifier 224440 224680 Classifier 225240 225560 Classifier 226040 226400 Particle 226840 227080 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 40 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 227600 End frame: 229160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss part:indef 227760 227880 IX-1p 228040 228360 part:indef 228480 228800 part:indef 228920 229160 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 227600 227760 start 227800 227880 front 227920 229160 head pos: turn right 227600 228240 start 228280 228400 left 228440 229040 end 229080 229160 head pos: tilt side start 227800 227880 right 227920 228280 start 228320 228440 left 228480 229160 head pos: jut back 227600 229160 head mvmt: shake start 228600 228640 slight rapid headshake 228680 228880 end 228920 228960 body lean left 227600 227640 end 227680 227720 eye brows start 228120 228200 lowered 228240 228440 start 228480 228520 slightly lowered 228560 229160 eye gaze left 228440 229000 eye aperture lowered lid 227600 228120 start 228160 228240 blink 228280 228440 start 228480 228520 squint 228560 228840 start 228880 229000 blink 229040 229080 start 229120 229120 squint 229160 229160 POS Particle 227760 227880 Pronoun 228040 228360 Particle 228480 228800 Particle 228920 229160 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 41 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 229200 End frame: 232200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 229240 229320 TRIPI 229480 230000 part:indef 230080 230360 part:indef 231600 231920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 229200 232200 head pos: turn slightly right 229200 229240 start 229280 229320 right 229360 229680 start 229720 229960 left 230000 230600 start 230640 230800 right 230840 231560 start 231600 231760 left 231800 232200 head pos: tilt side slightly left 229200 229240 start 229280 229400 right 229440 229680 start 229720 230000 left 230040 230720 end 230760 230920 start 231320 231360 slightly right 231400 231560 start 231600 231800 left 231840 232200 head pos: jut start 230040 230120 back 230160 231560 end 231600 231720 head mvmt: shake start 230120 230240 slight rapid headshake 230280 231440 end 231480 231600 body lean start 229520 229680 forward 229720 230080 start 230120 230600 left 230640 231000 end 231040 231120 start 231640 231720 slightly forward 231760 232200 eye brows lowered 229200 231480 end 231520 231680 eye gaze left 229960 230280 right 230800 231600 left 231800 232160 eye aperture squint 229200 231520 start 231560 231640 blink 231680 231800 start 231840 231920 slightly squinted 231960 232200 role shift Person1 229200 232200 POS Pronoun 229240 229320 Adjective 229480 230000 Particle 230080 230360 Particle 231600 231920 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 42 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 232240 End frame: 233960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss SCL:1"person walking upstair" 232440 232840 UNKNOWN 232960 233520 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 232240 233960 head pos: turn left 232240 232360 start 232400 232640 right 232680 233240 start 233280 233520 left 233560 233960 head pos: tilt side left 232240 232400 end 232440 232520 start 232680 232760 right 232800 233240 start 233280 233560 left 233600 233960 head pos: jut back 232240 232280 end 232320 232400 head mvmt: shake start 232240 232400 single 232440 233800 end 233840 233920 body lean left 232240 232560 end 232600 232680 eye gaze right 232720 233240 left 233520 233960 eye aperture start 233200 233240 blink 233280 233400 end 233440 233520 POS Classifier 232440 232840 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 43 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 234000 End frame: 234960 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 234120 234200 REFUSE 234240 234400 SLEEP 234480 234720 UNKNOWN 234800 234960 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 234000 234960 head pos: turn left 234000 234160 start 234200 234400 right 234440 234960 head pos: tilt side left 234000 234400 end 234440 234480 head pos: jut start 234200 234240 back 234280 234960 head mvmt: shake start 234400 234440 slight rapid headshake 234480 234920 end 234960 234960 body lean slightly forward 234000 234160 end 234200 234240 eye brows start 234080 234120 lowered 234160 234960 eye gaze left 234000 234120 eye aperture start 234040 234120 squint 234160 234960 nose start 234120 234200 wrinkle 234240 234960 role shift Person1 234000 234960 POS Pronoun 234120 234200 Negation 234240 234400 Verb 234480 234720 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 44 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 235000 End frame: 236520 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss FROM-NOW-ON 235120 235400 REFUSE 235520 235680 SLEEP 235800 236000 UNKNOWN 236080 236480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 235000 236520 head pos: turn start 235000 235080 left 235120 235480 start 235520 235680 right 235720 235840 start 235880 236000 left 236040 236200 start 236240 236400 right 236440 236520 head pos: tilt side start 235280 235400 slightly left 235440 235840 end 235880 236040 head pos: jut back 235000 236520 head mvmt: shake start 235000 235080 slow 235120 236440 end 236480 236520 body lean start 235320 235400 slightly forward 235440 236160 end 236200 236320 eye brows lowered 235000 236520 eye gaze left 235000 235400 eye aperture squint 235000 236520 role shift Person1 235000 236520 POS Preposition 235120 235400 Negation 235520 235680 Verb 235800 236000 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 45 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 236560 End frame: 238000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss DRINK 236720 236920 COFFEE 237080 237320 KEEP-GOING 237440 238000 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 236560 238000 head pos: turn right 236560 236720 start 236760 237000 left 237040 238000 head pos: tilt side start 237040 237080 left 237120 238000 head pos: jut slightly back 236560 237040 start 237080 237360 slightly forward 237400 238000 head mvmt: shake start 236560 236640 single 236680 237440 end 237480 237560 body lean start 237040 237320 forward 237360 238000 eye brows lowered 236560 238000 eye aperture squint 236560 238000 nose wrinkle 236560 238000 role shift Person1 236560 238000 POS Verb 236720 236920 Noun 237080 237320 Verb 237440 238000 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 46 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 238040 End frame: 242480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss SUNSET 238160 238640 SUNRISE 238840 240040 SUNSET 240560 241080 SUNRISE 241240 241880 DRINK+ 242120 242480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 238040 238640 start 238680 239120 back 239160 240280 start 240320 240720 front 240760 241200 start 241240 241520 slightly back 241560 241760 end 241800 241880 start 242240 242360 slightly front 242400 242480 head pos: turn left 238040 239680 start 239720 239840 slightly left 239880 240200 start 240240 240560 right 240600 241240 start 241280 241680 left 241720 242480 head pos: tilt side slightly left 238040 238120 start 238160 238560 right 238600 238840 start 238880 239200 left 239240 240160 start 240200 240600 right 240640 241240 start 241280 241600 left 241640 241960 start 242000 242440 slightly right 242480 242480 head pos: jut start 238400 238640 forward 238680 242480 head mvmt: nod start 238040 238400 slow 238440 241760 end 241800 241960 body lean forward 238040 238440 start 238480 238640 forward/right 238680 238920 start 238960 239480 back/left 239520 240360 start 240400 240880 forward/right 240920 241360 start 241400 241680 left 241720 242480 eye brows lowered 238040 238560 start 238600 238880 raised 238920 241520 end 241560 241680 eye gaze left 241840 242080 up 242120 242360 right 242400 242480 eye aperture further squinted 238040 238480 start 238520 238560 closed 238600 241560 end 241600 241840 nose wrinkle 238040 238720 end 238760 238840 role shift Person1 242120 242480 POS Noun 238160 238640 Noun 238840 240040 Noun 240560 241080 Noun 241240 241880 Verb 242120 242480 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 47 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 242600 End frame: 248400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 011 main gloss AWAKE 242840 245320 |> 246360 FALL-ASLEEP 246760 247120 |> 248200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 242600 243240 end 243280 243360 start 245960 246160 front 246200 247680 end 247720 248080 head pos: turn start 242600 242880 right 242920 243280 start 243320 244000 left 244040 246440 start 246480 246800 right 246840 247120 start 247160 247440 right 247480 247600 start 247640 248040 slightly right 248080 248400 head pos: tilt side slightly right 242600 242840 start 242880 242920 right 242960 243640 start 243680 244040 left 244080 246360 start 246400 246640 right 246680 248400 head pos: jut start 246680 246800 forward 246840 247560 end 247600 247680 head mvmt: shake start 246760 247000 rapid 247040 247800 end 247840 248120 body lean left 242600 242840 start 242880 243120 right 243160 243400 start 243440 244480 left 244520 246400 start 246440 246680 forward 246720 248240 end 248280 248400 eye brows raised 242600 244480 end 244520 246160 eye aperture squint 242600 243360 start 243400 243640 closed 243680 246920 start 246960 247040 squint 247080 247480 start 247520 247640 closed 247680 248400 POS Verb 242840 245320 Verb 246760 247120 Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 48 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 248440 End frame: 254760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BCL:"covering the blanket" 248800 250120 |> 252160 SCL:5"house shaking" 252280 252520 LOUD++ 252760 253800 SCL:5"house shaking" 253920 254760 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 248440 248840 back 248880 252160 start 252200 252680 back 252720 252960 start 253000 253120 front 253160 253320 start 253360 253480 back 253520 253560 start 253600 253680 front 253720 253920 start 253960 254080 back 254120 254160 start 254200 254280 front 254320 254520 start 254560 254720 slightly back 254760 254760 head pos: turn start 248440 252120 slightly right 252160 252240 start 252280 252360 left 252400 252520 start 252560 252720 left 252760 252800 start 252840 252880 right 252920 252960 start 253000 253040 left 253080 253360 start 253400 253440 right 253480 253600 start 253640 253680 left 253720 253960 start 254000 254040 right 254080 254200 start 254240 254280 left 254320 254560 start 254600 254640 right 254680 254760 head pos: tilt side right 248440 252040 start 252080 252280 left 252320 252480 start 252520 252800 right 252840 252960 start 253000 253040 left 253080 253360 start 253400 253480 right 253520 253560 start 253600 253680 left 253720 253920 start 253960 254040 right 254080 254200 start 254240 254280 left 254320 254520 start 254560 254640 right 254680 254760 head pos: jut start 248440 250040 back 250080 252240 start 252280 252360 forward 252400 252560 start 252600 252760 back 252800 253000 start 253040 253200 forward 253240 253320 start 253360 253800 forward 253840 253880 start 253920 254080 back 254120 254360 end 254400 254600 head mvmt: side to side start 252200 252280 rapid 252320 254680 end 254720 254760 body lean slightly forward 248440 248600 start 248640 249520 back 249560 252160 start 252200 252320 forward/left 252360 252520 start 252560 252760 back/right 252800 253000 start 253040 253200 forward/left 253240 253360 start 253400 253480 back/right 253520 253600 start 253640 253880 left 253920 253960 start 254000 254400 left 254440 254560 start 254600 254720 back/right 254760 254760 eye brows start 252040 252160 raised 252200 254760 eye gaze left 252120 252280 right 254560 254760 eye aperture closed 248440 251480 start 251520 252720 blink 252760 252880 start 252920 253280 blink 253320 253480 start 253520 253560 blink 253600 253720 start 253760 254000 lowered lid 254040 254760 role shift Person1 248440 252040 POS Classifier 248800 250120 Classifier 252280 252520 Adjective 252760 253800 Classifier 253920 254760 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 49 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 254800 End frame: 257240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss THUNDER 254840 255280 RAIN++ 255480 256080 THUNDER 256160 256760 CL:5"storm" 256840 257240 non-dominant hand gloss THUNDER 255320 255400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 254800 254920 front 254960 257240 head pos: turn right 254800 254880 start 254920 254960 left 255000 255680 start 255720 255840 right 255880 256240 start 256280 256400 left 256440 256880 start 256920 257000 right 257040 257240 head pos: tilt side right 254800 254840 start 254880 254960 left 255000 255600 start 255640 255720 right 255760 256120 start 256160 256280 left 256320 256800 start 256840 256920 right 256960 257240 head pos: jut back 254800 255520 start 255560 256760 slightly forward 256800 257240 head mvmt: side to side start 254800 254840 rapid 254880 257160 end 257200 257240 body lean right 254800 254840 start 254880 255360 forward/left 255400 255800 start 255840 256120 right 256160 256320 start 256360 256520 forward/left 256560 256880 start 256920 257000 forward 257040 257240 eye brows raised 254800 255240 start 255280 255320 slightly lowered 255360 256240 start 256280 256360 lowered 256400 257240 eye aperture start 254960 255080 squint 255120 257240 nose start 254840 254880 wrinkle 254920 257240 POS Noun 254840 255280 Noun 255480 256080 Noun 256160 256760 Classifier 256840 257240 Non-dominant POS Noun 255320 255400 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 50 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 257280 End frame: 262360 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss ICL:"removing the nail" 257520 258160 ICL:"removing the nail" 258920 259320 ICL:"removing the nail" 260160 260520 ICL:"removing the nail" 261320 261880 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk further front 257280 258080 start 258120 258160 front 258200 262360 head pos: turn right 257280 257440 start 257480 257560 left 257600 258120 start 258160 258360 right 258400 259000 start 259040 259200 left 259240 260560 start 260600 260840 right 260880 261320 start 261360 261360 slightly right 261400 261560 start 261600 261760 left 261800 262360 head pos: tilt side start 257280 257440 left 257480 258080 start 258120 258240 right 258280 258960 start 259000 259240 left 259280 260480 start 260520 260840 right 260880 261600 start 261640 261880 left 261920 262360 head pos: jut forward 257280 262360 head mvmt: side to side start 257280 257360 rapid 257400 261920 end 261960 262360 body lean right 257280 257440 start 257480 257680 forward/left 257720 258120 start 258160 258720 forward/right 258760 259200 start 259240 259960 back/left 260000 260320 start 260360 260440 forward/left 260480 260680 start 260720 261120 back/right 261160 261440 start 261480 261600 forward/right 261640 262360 eye brows lowered 257280 262360 eye gaze eye aperture squint 257280 257400 start 257440 257520 further squinted 257560 262360 nose wrinkle 257280 262360 role shift Person1 257280 262360 POS Classifier 257520 258160 Classifier 258920 259320 Classifier 260160 260520 Classifier 261320 261880 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 51 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 262400 End frame: 265291 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss BCL:"removing the cover" 262560 264000 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 262400 265291 head pos: turn left 262400 262440 start 262480 262800 right 262840 263440 start 263480 263840 left 263880 265291 head pos: tilt side left 262400 262440 start 262480 262600 right 262640 263720 start 263760 264160 left 264200 265291 head pos: jut forward 262400 262680 start 262720 262840 back 262880 263200 start 263240 263880 slightly back 263920 265291 head mvmt: side to side start 262400 262520 single 262560 265080 end 265120 265291 body lean forward/left 262400 262520 start 262560 263480 right 263520 264120 start 264160 264720 left 264760 265291 eye brows lowered 262400 265291 eye gaze down 263680 265291 eye aperture squint 262400 265291 nose wrinkle 262400 265291 role shift Person1 262400 265291 POS Classifier 262560 264000 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 52 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 265320 End frame: 270320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss EMPTY 267920 268760 |> 270320 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 265320 270320 head pos: turn left 265320 267720 start 267760 268440 slightly right 268520 269800 start 269840 270280 slightly left 270320 270320 head pos: tilt side left 265320 270320 head pos: jut back 265320 267680 end 267720 268080 body lean left 265320 270320 eye brows slightly lowered 265320 269920 end 269960 270200 eye gaze down 265320 267600 up/left 267640 267920 left 269240 269440 down/left 270000 270320 eye aperture slightly squinted 265320 268200 end 268240 268760 nose wrinkle 265320 268440 end 268480 268800 role shift Person1 265320 270320 POS Adjective 267920 268760 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 53 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 270360 End frame: 275480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss WHERE 273400 273680 GO 273840 274240 WHERE 274400 274760 GO 274960 275480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 270360 275480 head pos: turn slightly left 270360 270760 start 270800 271800 right 271840 274480 start 274520 274840 left 274880 275480 head pos: tilt side left 270360 275480 head pos: jut start 274240 274280 forward 274320 275480 head mvmt: shake start 274280 274400 single 274440 275400 end 275440 275480 body lean left 270360 273440 start 273480 274160 forward 274200 275480 eye brows slightly lowered 270360 270840 end 270880 271080 eye gaze down/left 270360 270400 down 270480 271320 up/right 271560 272680 up/right 273440 274080 left 274840 275480 wh question wh 270360 270840 role shift Person1 270360 275480 POS Wh-word 273400 273680 Verb 273840 274240 Wh-word 274400 274760 Verb 274960 275480 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 54 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 275520 End frame: 278120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss REALLY 276600 276760 part:indef 276880 277120 |> 278120 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 275520 275800 end 275840 275960 head pos: turn left 275520 275920 end 275960 276120 start 276480 276520 right 276560 276680 start 276720 276920 left 276960 277920 end 277960 278120 head pos: tilt side slightly left 275520 276120 end 276160 276240 head pos: jut forward 275520 275920 end 275960 276080 start 277920 278000 forward 278040 278120 head mvmt: shake start 275520 275640 slow 275680 278080 end 278120 278120 body lean forward/left 275520 275880 end 275920 276000 start 277760 277840 left 277880 278120 eye gaze left 275520 275720 right 275920 276680 left 276840 277560 right 277880 278120 eye aperture start 275640 275720 blink 275760 275880 end 275920 276000 start 276600 276640 blink 276680 276840 end 276880 276960 role shift Person1 275520 278120 POS Discourse Marker 276600 276760 Particle 276880 277120 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 55 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 278160 End frame: 279800 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss REALLY 278320 278440 MAN 278640 279000 HERE 279080 279640 |> 279800 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 278440 278480 front 278520 279800 head pos: turn start 278160 278240 right 278280 279280 start 279320 279600 left 279640 279800 head pos: tilt side start 279320 279400 slightly left 279440 279800 head pos: jut forward 278160 279800 head mvmt: shake start 278160 278280 single 278320 279720 end 279760 279800 body lean start 278680 278760 slightly forward 278800 279800 eye brows start 278240 278360 raised 278400 279800 eye gaze right 278160 278640 left 279280 279800 eye aperture start 278280 278400 wide 278440 279800 role shift Person1 278160 279800 POS Discourse Marker 278320 278440 Noun 278640 279000 Pronoun 279080 279640 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 56 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 279840 End frame: 281240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 279960 280120 KILL 280320 280720 IX-3p:i 280840 281120 |> 281240 non-dominant hand gloss HERE 279840 279880 |> 280160 KILL 280320 280720 |> 281240 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 279840 280880 end 280920 281120 head pos: turn left 279840 281240 head pos: tilt side slightly left 279840 280000 end 280040 280160 head pos: jut start 280560 280720 forward 280760 281240 body lean slightly forward 279840 280000 end 280040 280160 start 280600 280720 forward/left 280760 281240 eye brows raised 279840 281240 eye gaze left 279840 279920 right 280760 281080 up/right 281120 281240 eye aperture wide 279840 281240 role shift Person1 279840 281240 POS Pronoun 279960 280120 Verb 280320 280720 Pronoun 280840 281120 Non-dominant POS Pronoun 279840 279880 Verb 280320 280720 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 57 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 281280 End frame: 283240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 281400 281520 EAT 281640 282040 IX-2p 282160 282200 HEART 282320 283160 non-dominant hand gloss KILL 281280 281320 |> 283240 head pos: tilt fr/bk front 281280 281480 end 281520 281600 start 282520 282600 front 282640 283240 head pos: turn left 281280 281440 start 281480 281720 right 281760 283240 head pos: tilt side start 282960 283160 slightly left 283200 283240 head pos: jut forward 281280 281520 end 281560 281640 body lean forward/left 281280 281440 end 281480 281560 start 283160 283200 slightly forward 283240 283240 eye brows raised 281280 283240 eye gaze right 281280 281760 eye aperture wide 281280 283240 role shift Person1 281280 283240 POS Pronoun 281400 281520 Verb 281640 282040 Pronoun 282160 282200 Noun 282320 283160 Non-dominant POS Verb 281280 281320 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 58 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 283280 End frame: 287680 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss THAT 283360 283640 IX-2p 283800 284000 SOME 284360 284520 WHERE 284600 284880 HERE 285000 285120 IN 285200 285280 HOUSE 285400 285920 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk further front 283280 284680 start 284720 285040 slightly front 285080 287680 head pos: turn right 283280 284120 start 284160 284400 left 284440 285160 start 285200 285680 right 285720 286240 start 286280 286560 left 286600 286960 start 287000 287520 right 287560 287680 head pos: tilt side slightly left 283280 284200 end 284240 284440 start 286520 286720 left 286760 287680 head pos: jut start 283720 283920 forward 283960 284760 start 284800 285440 slightly back 285480 287680 head mvmt: shake start 283960 284160 slow 284200 287520 end 287560 287680 body lean slightly forward 283280 283400 start 283440 283720 forward 283760 284760 start 284800 285680 back/left 285720 286160 end 286200 286720 eye brows raised 283280 285800 end 285840 286160 eye gaze left 284120 284800 right 285560 286120 left 286240 287120 right 287560 287680 eye aperture start 285840 286040 blink 286080 286280 end 286320 286480 start 287320 287400 blink 287440 287640 end 287680 287680 role shift Person1 283280 287680 POS Pronoun 283360 283640 Pronoun 283800 284000 Adjective 284360 284520 Wh-word 284600 284880 Pronoun 285000 285120 Preposition 285200 285280 Noun 285400 285920 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 59 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 287720 End frame: 291320 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss part:indef 287960 288120 part:indef 289240 289480 BCL:"putting the cover back" 290320 291320 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 287720 288080 slightly front 288120 289360 start 289400 289680 front 289720 291320 head pos: turn right 287720 288200 start 288240 288520 left 288560 290240 start 290280 290400 slightly left 290440 290720 start 290760 290840 left 290880 291320 head pos: tilt side slightly left 287720 287960 end 288000 288080 start 288720 288840 slightly left 288880 291320 head pos: jut start 287720 287840 slightly back 287880 291320 head mvmt: shake start 287720 288080 single 288120 290000 end 290040 290240 body lean back/left 287720 287960 end 288000 288080 start 290040 290240 forward/right 290280 291000 start 291040 291160 forward 291200 291320 eye gaze right 287720 288000 left 288240 289680 down 289960 291320 eye aperture start 287720 287960 blink 288000 288200 end 288240 288360 start 290360 290440 blink 290480 290600 start 290640 291000 blink 291040 291120 end 291160 291240 role shift Person1 287720 291320 POS Particle 287960 288120 Particle 289240 289480 Classifier 290320 291320 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 60 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 291360 End frame: 297000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 012 main gloss ICL:"nailing" 291680 291920 ICL:"nailing" 292720 293040 ICL:"nailing" 294000 294160 ICL:"nailing" 294800 295120 BCL:"pushing the coffin" 295400 296280 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 291360 297000 head pos: turn left 291360 291920 start 291960 292720 right 292760 293000 start 293080 293560 left 293600 294080 start 294120 294720 slightly right 294760 295080 start 295120 296040 left 296080 297000 head pos: tilt side left 291360 291920 start 291960 292640 right 292680 293200 start 293240 293680 left 293720 294320 start 294360 295080 right 295120 295640 end 295680 296120 head pos: jut slightly back 291360 293600 start 293640 294080 back 294120 297000 body lean forward/left 291360 291960 start 292000 292680 forward/right 292720 293280 start 293320 294000 back/left 294040 294560 start 294600 295000 back/right 295040 295200 start 295240 295680 forward 295720 296280 end 296320 297000 eye gaze down 291360 291920 down/right 292000 293040 down 293080 294200 down/right 294280 294680 down 294720 295720 left 296120 296320 up/left 296400 297000 eye aperture start 291400 291840 blink 291880 292000 start 292040 292920 blink 292960 293040 end 293080 293280 role shift Person1 291360 297000 POS Classifier 291680 291920 Classifier 292720 293040 Classifier 294000 294160 Classifier 294800 295120 Classifier 295400 296280 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 61 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 297040 End frame: 300480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss IX-1p 298360 298480 BETTER 298680 298880 GO 299040 299840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 298760 298920 front 298960 300480 head pos: turn left 297040 297320 end 297360 297520 start 298600 298760 left 298800 300480 head pos: tilt side start 298560 298720 left 298760 300480 head pos: jut back 297040 300160 end 300200 300360 head mvmt: nod start 297160 297360 rapid 297400 298280 end 298320 298440 body lean slightly back 297040 297640 end 297680 297800 start 298520 298680 right 298720 298960 start 299000 299880 left 299920 300320 end 300360 300480 eye brows start 297840 297920 slightly lowered 297960 298120 start 298160 298480 slightly lowered 298520 298760 end 298800 298920 eye gaze up 297040 297480 up/right 297520 297880 up/left 298000 300360 left 300400 300480 nose start 297760 297880 wrinkle 297920 298040 start 298080 298480 wrinkle 298520 298840 end 298880 299000 role shift Person1 297040 300480 POS Pronoun 298360 298480 Adjective 298680 298880 Verb 299040 299840 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 62 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 300520 End frame: 303840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 302400 302560 IMAGINE 302720 303160 THING 303240 303520 NAH 303600 303840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 300520 302400 end 302440 302600 start 303160 303200 front 303240 303840 head pos: turn left 300520 301520 end 301560 301720 start 302280 302400 right 302440 303840 head pos: tilt side slightly left 300520 301680 end 301720 301840 start 302440 302560 right 302600 303840 head pos: jut start 300520 300760 slightly back 300800 303840 head mvmt: shake start 303240 303520 slight rapid headshake 303560 303840 body lean left 300520 300760 end 300800 300880 start 303520 303600 slightly back 303640 303840 eye brows start 302320 302400 lowered 302440 303840 eye gaze left 300520 300680 left 302000 302160 eye aperture start 300520 300680 blink 300720 301080 end 301120 301240 start 302040 302160 closed 302200 303840 negative neg 303560 303840 role shift Person1 300520 303840 POS Pronoun 302400 302560 Verb 302720 303160 Noun 303240 303520 Negation 303600 303840 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 63 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 303880 End frame: 304840 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 304000 304040 IMAGINE 304120 304360 THING 304440 304640 NAH 304720 304840 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 303880 304840 head pos: turn right 303880 304000 start 304040 304200 slightly left 304240 304720 start 304760 304800 slightly right 304840 304840 head pos: tilt side right 303880 304120 end 304160 304200 start 304480 304640 left 304680 304800 end 304840 304840 head pos: jut back 303880 303960 start 304000 304160 slightly back 304200 304840 head mvmt: shake start 304120 304160 slight rapid headshake 304200 304800 end 304840 304840 body lean slightly back 303880 304080 end 304120 304200 eye brows lowered 303880 304840 eye aperture closed 303880 304840 nose start 304400 304440 wrinkle 304480 304840 negative neg 304200 304800 role shift Person1 303880 304840 POS Pronoun 304000 304040 Verb 304120 304360 Noun 304440 304640 Negation 304720 304840 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 64 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 304880 End frame: 306880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss IX-1p 304920 305000 #BACK 305120 305360 BED 305480 305800 NAH 305960 306320 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 304880 305400 start 305440 305640 front 305680 306880 head pos: turn right 304880 305160 start 305200 305400 left 305440 305960 start 306000 306360 right 306400 306880 head pos: tilt side start 304880 305000 right 305040 305160 start 305200 305400 left 305440 306160 end 306200 306320 start 306520 306560 right 306600 306880 head pos: jut back 304880 305360 end 305400 305480 start 306400 306480 slightly back 306520 306880 head mvmt: shake start 306280 306320 slight rapid headshake 306360 306760 end 306800 306880 body lean slightly back 304880 305360 start 305400 305680 forward 305720 306600 end 306640 306800 eye brows lowered 304880 306880 eye aperture closed 304880 306880 nose wrinkle 304880 306880 negative neg 306360 306760 role shift Person1 304880 306880 POS Pronoun 304920 305000 Adjective 305120 305360 Noun 305480 305800 Negation 305960 306320 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 65 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 306920 End frame: 309440 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss SCL:"person walking upstair" 307040 308480 SLEEP 308880 309440 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly front 306920 306960 start 307000 307200 front 307240 308960 end 309000 309120 head pos: turn right 306920 307920 start 307960 308440 left 308480 309160 end 309200 309360 head pos: tilt side slightly right 306920 306960 start 307000 307040 right 307080 307800 start 307840 308240 left 308280 309440 head pos: jut back 306920 307840 start 307880 308280 forward 308320 308960 start 309000 309240 slightly back 309280 309440 head mvmt: side to side start 307040 307240 single 307280 309200 end 309240 309360 body lean start 306920 307240 back/right 307280 307680 start 307720 308080 forward/right 308120 308400 start 308440 309080 left 309120 309440 eye brows lowered 306920 307880 end 307920 308080 eye aperture closed 306920 307880 start 307920 308040 further squinted 308080 308680 start 308720 308760 closed 308800 309440 nose wrinkle 306920 307840 end 307880 308040 POS Classifier 307040 308480 Verb 308880 309440 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 66 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 309480 End frame: 316480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss SUNSET 309920 310400 SUNRISE 311800 313240 AGAIN 313400 313680 LOUD 313800 314120 SCL:5"house shaking" 314200 315440 LOUD 315720 316480 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk start 309480 309680 back 309720 310960 start 311000 313240 back 313280 313320 start 313360 313480 front 313520 313640 start 313680 313880 slightly back 313920 313960 start 314000 314080 front 314120 316480 head pos: turn start 309480 309720 right 309760 311480 start 311520 312720 left 312760 313600 start 313640 313760 right 313800 313960 start 314000 314040 left 314080 314440 start 314480 314560 right 314600 314720 start 314760 314800 left 314840 315040 start 315080 315120 right 315160 315280 start 315320 315400 left 315440 315960 start 316000 316120 slightly right 316160 316160 head pos: tilt side start 309480 309680 right 309720 311240 start 311280 312000 left 312040 313640 start 313680 313720 right 313760 313960 start 314000 314160 left 314200 314480 start 314520 314560 right 314600 314680 start 314720 314760 left 314800 315000 start 315040 315120 slightly right 315160 315280 start 315320 315360 left 315400 315960 start 316000 316040 right 316080 316160 end 316480 316480 head pos: jut back 309480 310680 start 310720 311280 forward 311320 313360 start 313400 314120 slightly back 314160 316480 head mvmt: side to side start 313400 313640 rapid 313680 316160 end 316480 316480 body lean left 309480 309720 start 309760 310320 right 310360 311240 start 311280 311960 forward/left 312000 313680 start 313720 313920 back/right 313960 314320 start 314360 314440 left 314480 314520 start 314560 314920 forward/left 314960 315080 start 315120 315760 forward 315800 316160 end 316480 316480 eye brows start 311280 311800 raised 311840 316480 eye gaze left 312000 312280 up 312400 313280 eye aperture closed 309480 311640 start 311680 313680 blink 313720 314040 end 314080 314160 start 315360 315520 squint 315560 316480 nose start 313440 313680 tensed 313720 315040 end 315080 315200 POS Noun 309920 310400 Noun 311800 313240 Adverb 313400 313680 Adjective 313800 314120 Classifier 314200 315440 Adjective 315720 316480 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 67 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 316520 End frame: 318760 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 013 main gloss WOOD 316600 316880 DCL:"shape of the wood" 317080 317720 SCL:5"coffin shaking" 317880 318760 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 316520 318760 head pos: turn left 316520 316600 start 316640 316920 right 316960 317920 start 317960 318000 left 318040 318240 start 318280 318480 left 318520 318760 head pos: tilt side slightly left 316520 316560 end 316600 316680 start 317760 317800 slightly right 317840 317880 start 317920 317960 left 318000 318200 start 318240 318320 slightly right 318360 318400 start 318440 318480 left 318520 318760 head pos: jut back 316520 318760 head mvmt: side to side start 317800 317840 rapid 317880 318720 end 318760 318760 body lean slightly back 316520 316960 start 317000 317240 back/left 317280 317840 start 317880 318120 slightly back 318160 318680 end 318720 318760 eye brows raised 316520 318760 eye gaze down/left 318480 318760 eye aperture start 317080 317160 wide 317200 318320 end 318360 318400 POS Noun 316600 316880 Classifier 317080 317720 Classifier 317880 318760 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 68 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 318800 End frame: 321200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 015 main gloss SCL:1"person walking downstair" 318840 319320 ICL:"removing the nail" 319600 319880 ICL:"removing the nail" 320120 320440 ICL:"removing the nail" 320640 320840 ICL:"removing the nail" 321080 321200 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 318800 321200 head pos: turn left 318800 318920 start 318960 319160 right 319200 319360 start 319400 319520 left 319560 319840 start 319880 319920 right 319960 320520 start 320560 320680 left 320720 320760 start 320800 320920 right 320960 321200 head pos: tilt side slightly left 318800 318920 start 318960 319040 slightly right 319080 319360 start 319400 319520 left 319560 319840 start 319880 319960 right 320000 320480 start 320520 320680 slightly left 320720 320840 start 320880 321160 slightly right 321200 321200 head pos: jut back 318800 318840 start 318880 319120 forward 319160 319280 start 319320 319400 back 319440 319760 end 319800 319840 start 320440 320640 back 320680 321200 head mvmt: side to side start 318800 318920 rapid 318960 321160 end 321200 321200 body lean start 318800 319000 forward 319040 319400 start 319440 319560 forward/left 319600 319920 start 319960 320120 forward/right 320160 320480 start 320520 320800 left 320840 321040 start 321080 321160 forward 321200 321200 eye brows raised 318800 320440 start 320480 320640 lowered 320680 321200 eye gaze down 318800 319440 eye aperture start 319320 319400 closed 319440 321200 nose start 318960 319280 wrinkle 319320 321200 role shift Person1 319600 321200 POS Classifier 318840 319320 Classifier 319600 319880 Classifier 320120 320440 Classifier 320640 320840 Classifier 321080 321200 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 69 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video scary Video scary Video scary Video Audio Start frame: 321240 End frame: 326480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Michael Schlang Number of fields: 014 main gloss BCL:"removing the cover" 321280 321800 ICL:"choking person" 322080 324680 non-dominant hand gloss head pos: tilt fr/bk front 321240 321760 start 321800 322240 further back 322280 323280 start 323320 324800 front 324840 326480 head pos: turn right 321240 321600 start 321640 321760 left 321800 321840 start 321880 323400 right 323440 325560 start 325600 326200 slightly left 326240 326480 head pos: tilt side right 321240 321600 start 321640 321760 slightly left 321800 321920 start 321960 323160 slightly right 323200 323400 start 323440 324600 right 324640 325600 end 325640 326080 head pos: jut back 321240 324760 end 324800 325160 body lean forward 321240 321760 start 321800 322320 back 322360 323200 end 323240 323360 start 325960 326120 left 326160 326480 eye brows lowered 321240 321440 end 321480 321680 eye gaze left 321600 321760 eye aperture further squinted 321240 321600 start 321640 321760 blink 321800 321880 start 321920 322240 lowered lid 322280 325360 end 325400 325600 nose wrinkle 321240 321640 end 321680 321760 role shift Person1 321240 322800 POS Classifier 321280 321800 Classifier 322080 324680 English translation Notes - number of character bytes: 0