SIGNSTREAM EXPORT DATA FILE Export data format version: 5 Database: DSP Intro to a Story SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Intro to a Story Number of utterances: 15 Utterance ID: 1 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 360 End frame: 2460 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 013 main gloss NOW 380 420 (2h)LOOK-AT 560 660 GROUP 820 900 fs-DRAMA 1040 1580 THAT 1660 1740 DIFFERENT 1920 2040 |> 2420 non-dominant hand gloss 1:"focus" 1040 1740 topic/focus sentence-initial adverb 360 480 focus/top1 740 920 eye brows raised 360 460 slightly raised 480 660 start 680 720 raised 740 920 end 940 980 start 1500 1560 raised 1580 2460 eye aperture wide 360 920 eye gaze right 480 640 head pos: turn start 440 500 right 520 640 end 660 800 start 920 1080 right 1100 1580 start 1600 1740 further right 1760 2380 start 2400 2460 head pos: tilt side slightly right 360 440 end 460 620 start 700 740 slightly right 760 1600 start 1620 1840 slightly left 1860 2400 end 2420 2460 nose start 1620 1620 tensed 1640 2360 end 2380 2460 mouth start 1560 1620 raised upper lip 1640 2040 end 2060 2200 shoulders start 480 620 right 640 2160 end 2180 2460 POS Discourse Marker 380 420 Verb 560 660 Noun 820 900 Noun 1040 1580 Pronoun 1660 1740 Adjective 1920 2040 English translation Now, let's watch some dramas that are somewhat different. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 2 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 2460 End frame: 3640 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 009 main gloss INVOLVE 2520 2660 MANY+ 2820 3020 CHARACTER+ 3180 3620 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows raised 2460 2680 end 2700 2780 start 3600 3640 eye aperture wide 2520 2680 wide 3620 3640 head pos: turn start 2460 2500 right 2520 3580 end 3600 3640 head pos: tilt side end 2460 2520 body lean start 3340 3360 left 3380 3640 POS Verb 2520 2660 Quantifier 2820 3020 Noun 3180 3620 English translation They involve many characters, ... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 3 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 3640 End frame: 4540 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 011 main gloss PEOPLE 3720 3820 ACTION 3960 4540 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 3720 3820 eye brows start 3640 3660 further raised 3680 3780 start 3800 3960 slightly lowered 3980 4480 start 4500 4540 eye aperture wide 3640 3660 wider 3680 3840 end 3860 3960 start 4520 4520 lowered lid 4540 4540 head pos: turn end 3640 3760 head pos: jut start 3940 3980 slightly forward 4000 4540 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 4020 4500 body lean left 3640 3660 end 3680 3760 start 3900 4000 forward 4020 4540 POS Noun 3720 3820 Noun 3960 4540 English translation ... people, and action. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 4 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 4540 End frame: 6200 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 016 main gloss THAT 4620 4700 DEAF 4840 4980 PEOPLE 5040 5100 IX-3p-arc 5120 5300 HAVE 5380 5520 DIFFERENT++ 5680 6080 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 4540 4740 top2 4800 5120 eye brows start 4540 4580 raised 4600 4640 end 4660 4680 start 4740 4780 slightly raised 4800 5200 start 5220 5300 further lowered 5320 5980 start 6000 6080 raised 6100 6180 start 6200 6200 eye aperture lowered lid 4540 4580 start 4600 4600 wide 4620 5160 start 5180 5260 squint 5280 6000 start 6020 6020 blink 6040 6040 start 6060 6060 lowered lid 6080 6200 eye gaze left 6120 6200 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 4540 4620 slightly back 4640 4660 slightly back 4760 5220 end 5240 5260 start 5600 5700 slightly back 5720 6100 start 6120 6200 head pos: turn start 4600 4780 left 4800 5460 start 5480 5740 slightly right 5760 5860 start 5880 6180 left 6200 6200 head pos: jut slightly forward 4540 4580 head mvmt: nod single 4640 4740 single 5240 5620 mouth blow 5660 6020 open & corners down 6080 6200 cheeks start 5700 5740 puffed 5760 6000 end 6020 6040 shoulders start 5660 5700 slightly right 5720 5880 start 5900 6200 body lean forward 4540 4640 start 4660 4960 slightly back 4980 5240 start 5260 5460 forward 5480 5560 start 5580 5680 slightly back 5700 6120 start 6140 6200 POS Pronoun 4620 4700 Adjective 4840 4980 Noun 5040 5100 Pronoun 5120 5300 Verb 5380 5520 Adjective 5680 6080 English translation The deaf community has a wide variety of performance genres, ... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 5 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 6200 End frame: 8240 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 015 main gloss SHORT 6240 6300 fs-SKITS 6400 6920 WHICH 7020 7140 REAL 7280 7360 FULL 7460 7560 DRAMA 7660 8120 non-dominant hand gloss H:"focus" 6500 6920 eye brows start 6200 6200 slightly raised 6220 6300 end 6320 6360 start 6440 6480 slightly lowered 6500 6940 start 6960 7020 slightly raised 7040 7680 end 7700 7800 start 8120 8240 eye aperture lowered lid 6200 6400 start 6420 6420 slightly squinted 6440 6940 start 6960 6960 blink 6980 6980 end 7000 7020 wide 8180 8240 eye gaze left 6200 6960 right 7160 7520 mouth open & corners down 6200 6400 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 6200 6280 slightly front 6300 6980 end 7000 7140 head pos: turn left 6200 6940 start 6960 7320 right 7340 7520 start 7540 7760 slightly left 7780 8180 start 8200 8240 head pos: tilt side left 6200 6980 end 7000 7300 start 7700 7780 slightly right 7800 8180 end 8200 8240 head mvmt: nod single 7640 8200 head pos: jut start 6220 6300 slightly forward 6320 6940 end 6960 7100 shoulders start 6200 6280 slightly left 6300 7020 start 7040 7340 right 7360 8160 end 8180 8240 body lean start 6200 6400 left 6420 7060 end 7080 7260 start 7640 7780 forward/right 7800 8160 end 8180 8240 POS Adjective 6240 6300 Noun 6400 6920 Conjunction 7020 7140 Adjective 7280 7360 Adjective 7460 7560 Noun 7660 8120 English translation ...everything from short skits to full length plays. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 6 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 8240 End frame: 10400 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 012 main gloss ONE 8320 8460 TITLE 8640 8780 fs-SEEING-PLACE 8980 10220 |> 10380 non-dominant hand gloss 1:"focus" 8980 10400 topic/focus focus/top1 8260 8480 eye brows further raised 8240 8440 end 8460 8540 start 9620 9680 slightly raised 9700 10380 start 10400 10400 eye aperture wide 8240 8460 end 8480 8540 start 8860 8920 squint 8940 9600 end 9620 9700 start 10400 10400 eye gaze watch hands 8860 9540 head pos: turn start 8240 8300 slightly right 8320 8460 end 8480 8640 start 8840 8900 slightly right 8920 9040 end 9060 9220 start 9560 9740 left 9760 10400 head mvmt: nod single 10220 10400 shoulders end 8240 8380 body lean end 8240 8380 start 8940 9060 left 9080 10060 start 10100 10260 slightly forward 10280 10400 POS Number 8320 8460 Noun 8640 8780 Proper Noun 8980 10220 English translation One of these pieces, called "Seeing Place", ... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 7 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 10400 End frame: 12480 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 012 main gloss WHO 10520 10580 WRITE+ 10640 10900 fs-RICO-PETERSON 11000 12460 non-dominant hand gloss 1:"focus" 10400 10480 B-L:"focus" 11120 12480 rhetorical question wh rhq 10440 10900 eye brows start 10400 10420 raised 10440 10840 end 10860 11000 start 12180 12300 slightly raised 12320 12400 start 12420 12480 eye aperture start 10400 10420 wide 10440 10840 end 10860 10920 start 12440 12480 eye gaze watch hands 11460 11800 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 10940 11000 slightly front 11020 11200 end 11220 11280 start 12120 12300 slightly back 12320 12480 head pos: turn left 10400 10420 end 10440 10520 start 10580 10660 left 10680 11440 end 11460 11560 start 11820 11960 slightly left 11980 12480 head mvmt: nod single 10400 10480 body lean slightly forward 10400 10960 start 10980 11080 left 11100 12480 POS Wh-word 10520 10580 Verb 10640 10900 Proper Noun 11000 12460 English translation ...written by Rico Peterson,... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 8 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 12480 End frame: 15120 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 013 main gloss THAT 12560 12620 DRAMA 12700 12860 INVOLVE 12940 13200 BOTH 13300 13480 DEAF 13640 13800 HEARING 13860 14060 CHARACTER+ 14160 14660 |> 15060 non-dominant hand gloss B:"focus" 12480 12620 topic/focus focus/top1 12500 12860 eye brows start 12480 12480 further raised 12500 12860 raised 12880 13200 end 13220 13380 start 15060 15100 raised 15120 15120 eye aperture start 12480 12480 wide 12500 12840 end 12860 12960 start 15080 15100 wide 15120 15120 eye gaze left 15080 15120 head pos: tilt fr/bk slightly back 12480 12800 end 12820 12900 start 14180 14240 front 14260 15060 end 15080 15120 head pos: turn slightly left 12480 12480 end 12500 12560 start 12760 13020 further right 13040 13760 start 13780 13880 slightly right 13900 14080 start 14100 14140 right 14160 15040 start 15060 15120 head pos: jut start 12920 13060 forward 13080 13800 end 13820 13880 shoulders start 13000 13020 slightly right 13040 13740 end 13760 14040 body lean left 12480 12660 end 12680 12860 start 13040 13220 slightly forward 13240 15120 POS Determiner 12560 12620 Noun 12700 12860 Verb 12940 13200 Quantifier 13300 13480 Adjective 13640 13800 Adjective 13860 14060 Noun 14160 14660 English translation ...involves both Deaf and hearing characters. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 9 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 15120 End frame: 16880 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 013 main gloss IX+-3p:i 15260 15400 fs-FREDA 15540 15880 |> 15960 fs-NORMAN 16060 16660 |> 16840 non-dominant hand gloss topic/focus focus/top1 15260 16880 eye brows raised 15120 15700 slightly raised 15720 16880 eye aperture wide 15120 15640 eye gaze left 15120 15320 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 15460 15520 slightly back 15540 15880 end 15900 15920 head pos: turn start 15120 15220 left 15240 15320 start 15340 15520 right 15540 16880 head mvmt: nod single 15880 16100 shoulders start 15520 15660 slightly right 15680 16880 body lean slightly forward 15120 15160 end 15180 15320 start 15580 15680 slightly back 15700 16880 POS Pronoun 15260 15400 Proper Noun 15540 15880 Proper Noun 16060 16660 English translation Freda Norman, ... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 10 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 16880 End frame: 19160 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 012 main gloss SELF+-3p:i 16940 17120 ACTOR 17220 17540 UP-TO-NOW 17600 18000 INVOLVE+ 18060 18380 MANY+ 18500 18660 DRAMA 18740 18940 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows slightly raised 16880 16880 end 16900 17060 start 17580 17620 lowered 17640 19040 start 19060 19140 raised 19160 19160 eye aperture start 17600 17640 squint 17660 19040 start 19060 19100 wide 19120 19160 eye gaze watch hands 18060 18380 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 16900 16980 front 17000 17600 end 17620 17680 start 19080 19160 head pos: turn right 16880 17600 end 17620 17880 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 17660 18020 shoulders slightly right 16880 17020 end 17040 17160 start 18080 18080 slightly right 18100 18220 start 18240 18480 slightly left 18500 18700 end 18720 18960 body lean slightly back 16880 17160 end 17180 17440 POS Pronoun 16940 17120 Noun 17220 17540 Adverb 17600 18000 Verb 18060 18380 Quantifier 18500 18660 Noun 18740 18940 English translation ... a long-time actress, has been in numerous dramatic works. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 11 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 19120 End frame: 21000 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 014 main gloss ALSO 19200 19400 THAT 19500 19560 DRAMA++ 19660 20080 IX-3p:i 20120 20200 FUTURE 20340 20360 EXTRACT-FROM"up-right-to-center" 20560 20920 non-dominant hand gloss EXTRACT-FROM"up-right-to-center" 20560 20920 |> 21000 eye brows raised 19120 19200 end 19220 19440 start 20160 20160 slightly lowered 20180 20220 end 20240 20280 start 20500 20500 slightly lowered 20520 20700 end 20720 20860 eye aperture wide 19120 19360 end 19380 19500 eye gaze right 19360 19480 right 20360 20680 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 19120 19160 slightly back 19180 19320 start 19340 19500 front 19520 19640 head pos: turn start 19140 19260 slightly left 19280 20180 start 20200 20440 right 20460 20600 end 20620 20820 head pos: tilt side start 19140 19240 slightly right 19260 20220 end 20240 20360 head pos: jut start 19440 19500 forward 19520 20160 end 20180 20300 start 20500 20560 slightly back 20580 20920 end 20940 21000 mouth start 20500 20560 lips spread 20580 20880 end 20900 20920 shoulders start 20360 20540 right 20560 20720 end 20740 21000 body lean start 19540 19600 forward 19620 20140 end 20160 20340 back/left 20560 20740 POS Conjunction 19200 19400 Determiner 19500 19560 Noun 19660 20080 Pronoun 20120 20200 Tense 20340 20360 Verb 20560 20920 English translation So, she will perform an excerpt from that (Rico's) play. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 12 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 21000 End frame: 21540 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 008 main gloss ONE 21040 21140 PART 21280 21400 non-dominant hand gloss EXTRACT-FROM"up-right-to-center" 21000 21000 |> 21080 H:"focus" 21100 21160 PART 21280 21400 |> 21540 eye aperture start 21080 21080 squint 21100 21540 eye gaze right 21500 21540 head pos: turn start 21140 21180 left 21200 21460 start 21480 21540 body lean start 21340 21400 forward 21420 21540 POS Quantifier 21040 21140 Noun 21280 21400 English translation She'll select one section... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 13 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 21540 End frame: 23140 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 011 main gloss REAL 21600 21700 BPCL:2"stand on stage" 21980 22220 LECTURE 22480 22600 TO 22720 22780 AUDIENCE 22920 23120 non-dominant hand gloss PART 21540 21540 |> 21720 LCL:B-L"platform" 21980 22220 |> 22560 eye brows start 22760 22780 slightly raised 22800 23080 end 23100 23120 eye aperture squint 21540 22600 end 22620 22640 start 22840 22840 wide 22860 23100 start 23120 23120 squint 23140 23140 eye gaze right 21540 22080 right 22320 22680 head pos: turn start 21540 21620 right 21640 22060 end 22080 22200 start 22260 22360 right 22380 22660 end 22680 22840 mouth lips spread & crnrs down 21960 22600 shoulders start 21580 21640 slightly right 21660 23140 body lean forward 21540 21540 start 21560 21820 left 21840 22880 end 22900 23120 POS Adjective 21600 21700 Classifier 21980 22220 Verb 22480 22600 Preposition 22720 22780 Noun 22920 23120 English translation ...that's actually a stage presentation which is... Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 14 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 23140 End frame: 25040 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 014 main gloss THAT 23260 23480 fs-MONOLOGUE 23720 24740 |> 24960 non-dominant hand gloss 1:"focus" 23340 23480 1:"focus" 23800 24960 topic/focus focus 23260 23480 eye brows start 23180 23200 further lowered 23220 23460 start 23480 23560 raised 23580 23600 end 23620 23720 start 24460 24500 slightly lowered 24520 24920 start 24960 25040 eye aperture squint 23140 23160 start 23180 23180 further squinted 23200 23480 start 23500 23500 blink 23520 23540 end 23560 23580 head pos: tilt fr/bk start 23540 23600 back 23620 24480 start 24500 24740 front 24760 24980 end 25000 25040 head pos: turn start 23620 23700 right 23720 25040 head mvmt: nod single 23220 23560 single 24540 24940 nose start 23160 23180 wrinkle 23200 23440 end 23460 23480 mouth intense 23220 23440 shoulders slightly right 23140 23220 end 23240 23420 body lean start 23260 23340 slightly forward 23360 23580 start 23600 23740 slightly back 23760 24660 start 24680 24780 slightly forward 24800 25040 POS Determiner 23260 23480 Noun 23720 24740 English translation ...a monologue. Notes - number of character bytes: 0 Utterance ID: 15 Media: Number of video file slots: 4 Number of audio file slots: 1 Video SignStream Databases v.2:DSP Video Video Video Audio Start frame: 25040 End frame: 26186 Number of participant panes: 1 Participant: Sam Supalla Number of fields: 013 main gloss GO-AHEAD 25140 25340 (2h)(B-L)IX-loc"Freda" 25680 25860 |> 26186 non-dominant hand gloss eye brows start 25040 25040 raised 25060 25300 end 25320 25440 eye aperture start 25040 25080 wide 25100 25360 start 25380 25440 further squinted 25460 25600 end 25620 25660 eye gaze left 25600 26186 head pos: tilt fr/bk end 25040 25060 start 25120 25200 front 25220 25560 end 25580 25740 head pos: turn right 25040 25360 end 25380 25540 head mvmt: nod single 25080 25340 shoulders start 25440 25680 left 25700 26186 body lean slightly forward 25040 25460 start 25480 25860 back/right 25880 26186 POS Verb 25140 25340 Adverb 25680 25860 literal translation Let's go on. English translation Now, here she is! Notes - number of character bytes: 0