PreDA stands for Predicate Routing over DTN over MANET Architectures.
Predicative routing allows Delay Tolerant Network users to declaratively express high-level policy constraints on the routing of
content, e.g. direct all images captured by camera X attached to a MANET-only node S to DTN node B for pre- processing and
authorization before sending them to the user at DTN node C. In order to evaluate efficiency of the mapping between high-level
constraints of DTN nodes to low-level routing predicates within the MANET nodes for different use cases, we implemented a testbed.
This testbed uses a Linux system architecture with a User-Mode-Linux (UML) to emulate every node with the AODV routing protocol at
MANET level and with or without a DTN Reference Implementation code.
The network simulator ns-2 (ns- emulation version) is used to simulate the mobility of both DTN and MANET nodes.
User Manual
- User Manual on how to install the UML Testbed.
- [pdf] "PreDA: Predicate Routing for DTN Architectures over MANET." IEEE Global Communication Conference,
Honolulu, USA 30 Nov - 4 Dec 2009.
- [pdf] "PreDA: Predicate Routing for DTN Architectures over MANET." Technical Report BUCS-TR-2009-012. March 31, 2009.
- CHANTS-2008 at Mobicom (3 pages paper for testbed DEMO).
- Master Thesis (in Italian) of Gabriele Ferrari Aggradi.
Advisors from Boston University: Flavio Esposito and Ibrahim Matta
Advisors from Universita’ di Firenze: Tommaso Pecorella and
Romano Fantacci
Presentation (in italian).
Predicate Routing Code
- The version of the testbed showed at Mobicom '08 is here.People
Flavio Esposito
Gabriele Ferrari Aggradi
Ibrahim Matta