Selma Yilmaz- Research

Dml Files and Common Code for SSFNet Simulation

We have used the 2.0.0 release of Java SSFNet. For more information on SSFNet, including tutorials, please visit the SSF Research Network home page at

Modified code for constant data flow and statistics IP class is updated to collect statistics. The implementation of droptail queue has been changed to keep TCP packets, which carry routing information, while dropping UDP packets, which carry data. In other words, routing packets are given higher priority when buffer is full. Constant data flow is implemented using UDP. However, the implementation has been changed to include the time when a packet has been sent. udpSession class is updated to set packet send time. udpStreamServer class is updated to ignore the limit on the amount of data sent so as to provide constant data flow. udpStreamSession class is updated to ignore the limit on the amount of data received to as to provide constant data flow.

Dml files
dml file used for simulation set I for topology
dml file used for simulation set II for topology

Last Update: November 8, 2005