Selma Yilmaz- Research

Implementation of SPVP in SSF Network Simulator

We have used the 2.0.0 release of Java SSFNet. For more information on SSFNet, including tutorials, please visit the SSF Research Network home page at

Modified Files BGPSession class of SSF network simulator is overwritten to be able to implement SPVP. Decision processes are changed to dynamically create and update the new path attribute called history, and to suppress the routes whose corresponding histories contain cycles. Two new classes called History and PathChangeEvent are added to SSF simulator and used for this purpose. For SPVP, history is a dynamically computed sequence of path change events. A path change event is a pair e=(s,P), where s is either + or - and indicates the sign of the event and P is the path that is just seleted by the decision process. PathChangeEvent class is a new class added to SSF simulator. Route class of SSF network simulator has been updated to include history attribute, and a boolean variable called epsilon indicating whether or not this route is suppressed. SPVP suggests adding a new path attribute, called history, to update messages. history is a dynamically computed sequence of PathChangeEvents and checked for cycles to detect policy conflicts. Since divergence implies a cycle in the history, the paths whose history contains cycles are suppressed automatically. History class is a new addition to SSFNet simulator. LocRIB class of SSF network simulator has been updated to be able to handle epsilon routes. Attribute class of SSF network simulator has been updated to include the new attribute called history. Predicate class of SSF network simulator has been updated to be able to handle epsilon routes.

Last Update: November 8, 2005