This directory contains ns-2 patches and simulations scripts for validating performance of the Stateful TCP congestion control algorithms. These algorithms are explored in the following publications: * [JGMB:icnp01] Shudong Jin, Liang Guo, Ibrahim Matta and Azer Bestavros, TCP-friendly SIMD Congestion Control and Its Convergence Behavior. In Proceedings of ICNP'2001: The 9th IEEE International Conference on Newtork Protocols, Riverside, CA, November 2001. * [JGMB:TR01] Shudong Jin, Liang Guo, Ibrahim Matta, and Azer Bestavros. A Spectrum of TCP-friendly Window-based Congestion Control Algorithms . Technical Report BU-CS-2001-015, Boston University, Computer Science Department, Boston, MA 02215, May 2001. Submitted. You should find the following files under this directory: + README This file. + simd.ns.patch ns-2 patch for the spectrum of TCP congestion window update algorithms explored in the paper [JGMB:TR01], SIMD is also included. This patch should work for ns2.1b7&ns2.1b8a or later. + sims.html Instructions on how to run the scripts. + aimdscripts/* Scripts for studying long-term behavior of TCP, e.g., TCP compatibility and traffic smoothness. Detailed instructions on how to run these scripts can be found in the html file. + transient/* Scripts for studying TCP transient behavior, e.g., impulse response, convergence to fairness. You should find the instructions in the html file. + bwcnt2.c A script file modified from Sally's original code to fit in calculating bandwidth used by SIMD. You need to compile it before using the package. NOTE: Many of the simulation scripts (specifically, for TCP compatibility and smoothness experiments) are shameless copied from Sally Folyd's work . Thus, to obtain the figures in our papers, you have to download and install package (the tar file ) from the same website.