Bench: the Sensor Network WorkBench


    We anticipate the emergence of a new generation of Sensor Networks (SNs) that are embedded into both public and private, managed physical spaces. These SNs will consist of a collection of heterogeneous computers, sensors and actuators that must be pooled into a single, dynamically tasked composite resource. This resource must be accessible to any "novice" user who may wish to dynamically submit new sensing tasks for immediate execution, and these new tasks may have conflicting goals with respect to those tasks already in execution. The SN infrastructure must insulate the user from all scheduling, deployment and management concerns, in effect presenting each user with his or her own "private" abstract, Virtual SN. To achieve this goal we offer the snBench (SN Workbench), an accessible, flexible, and extensible programming platform and run-time infrastructure for the development of distributed sensing applications that run on the VSNs it creates.

Chapters in Books
Technical Reports
snBench in the Classroom

The snBench project has been used as a teaching platform and the basis for the final group project for a graduate course in Software Engineering (CS511). The websites for this collaboration (which include detailed documentation, examples and a snapshot of the snBench source code) and a Technical Report about this effort are linked below.

Live Demonstration

Clients within the BU network may connect to live development hosts to see the components of the snBench in action. However, as is the case with any development environment, these resources may be taken down periodically for updates and maintenance. A demo for external clients is coming soon.

The snBench initiative is supported partially by a number of National Science Foundation grants, including CISE/CSR Award #0720604, ENG/EFRI Award #0735974, CISE/CNS Award #0524477, CNS/NeTS Award #0520166, CNS/ITR Award #0205294, and CISE/EIA RI Award #0202067.

Related Work at BU

This work is part of the larger iBench initiative,
and the Sensorium infrastructure initiative at BU.

WING Research Group
Computer Science Department
Boston University
Michael Ocean
Created: 3/28/06
Updated: 12/23/09

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in materials available from this site are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Boston University or of the National Science Foundation.